Mahabharat: What if

De MK_Williams

73.4K 2.6K 246

What if Duryodhan never helped Karn but instead insulted him? After Kunti abandoned Karn, Karn was taken by a... Mais

Getting ready
Maharthi Karn
About the Chakravyuh
Mata's secret
Mata's story
The welcoming feast
Pitamaha's story
Gurudev's gurudakshina
Mata's advise
Duryodhan's decision
Drupad's defeat
Yudhisthir's vow
Subhadra's prank on me
Rukmini's letter
Abducting Rukmini
Bhrata Yudhisthir's letter
The palace of mirrors
Discovering the truth of the lakshagraha
Escaping from the lakshagraha
Life as Brahmins
The birth of Dhrishtadyumn and Draupadi
Entering the illusory forest
Exiled from Kampilya!
Sacrificing myself
Nirjara AKA Hidimba
The return to Kampilya
Bhrata Bheem to be raja of the rakshaso
Bhrata Bheem's vivah
Birth of Ghatotkach
Bholenath ka varadan (Lord Shiva's boon)
Arjun's identity revealed to Draupadi
Draupadi's Swayamvar
Mata's impossible order
Narad Muni's advise
Govind's promise
Kaunteys in Hastinapur
Draupadi proves her innocence
Weapon raised in the court
Pitamaha's decision
We will take Khandavprasth and Ang.
Jyesht's truth revealed to Aryaverth. And the rajyabhishek.
Leaving to Khandavprasth and Ang.
Agni dev's gift and Indraprasth
Vrushali's return and her welcoming feast
Jyesht and My exile
Birth of Jagmohini and Janamejay
Jyesht and I arrive at Dwarka
Subhadra and Vrushali's wish
Subhadra and Vrushali marry Karn and Arjun
Panchali's objection and forgiveness
Happy Holi and good news
Madhav's suggestion
A challenge to Jarasandh
The decision of the Rajsuyyajna

Attack of the serpents and duel with pitashree Indr

684 34 6
De MK_Williams

After reaching 

Arjun's P.O.V.

We had exchanged positions this morning Jyesht was sitting in our rath, bhrata Yudhisthir and bhrata Bheem sat in another, Nakul and Sahadev in another and Yuyutsu and I were on horses we stoped while Panchali was in a palaki

"This is Khandavprastha. Our new rajya!" said Jyesht we looked around

Vrishbhan's P.O.V.

"This is Khandavprasth. Our new rajya!" said Maharaj

"This is Khandavprasth? How can people settle down here?" asked a citizen

"I've heard that the land of this place was burnt down by serpents' poison." said and another citizen

"No, mitra. It is a result of devraj Indra's fury. Devraj Indra has granted the snake Takshak a boon according to which, he won't cause rainfall on this land. The rains would be limited till the woods over there." I said

"Did we make a mistake by coming here? There's no way that we can return to Hastinapur now.

"You all have come here believing the ability of Kaunteys, right? Why are you upset then?" I said and took the leather bag and 

"If devraj Indra is on Takshak's side then we have the godson of devraj Indra, Arjun, on our side." I said 

"Tatpary?" asked the citizen

"Everyone knows that each putra of Maharani Kunti is part of one or the other devta. Maharani Kunti was granted her putro as boons by devtao. So that the land of the Kurus can be saved. Kunti putra, Arjun himself is devraj Indra's blessing. Hence, you all need not worry. This land would certainly turn out to be fruitful for Kunti putro.

Arjun's P.O.V.

"Is this the state? There are more trees even underneath the seawater." said bhrata Bheem

"Those who love land, are loved back by it. I firmly believe that this land will bring about our glory and prosperity." said Jyesht

"But we need to work a little hard for it." said bhrata Yudhisthir

Draupadi's P.O.V.

"But we need to work a little hard for it." said Arya putra Yudhisthir

"Only the das dasiya are going to work hard." I heard Supriya, I turned around

"What did you just say?" I asked Supriya, she looked scared

"Maharani, please forgive me. I didn't say anything, Maharani." said Supriya

"Stop the palaki sarathi" I ordered, the sarathi pulled over the palaki 

"Why are you afraid, Supriya? I already told you, you need not be scared. Come closer." I said she stepped closer still scared and put her hand on one of the cushions in the palaki

"I'm not going to punish you." I said putting my hand on her hand

"What's the matter? Why do you look so worried and sad?" I asked

"Maharani, I... I didn't want to come here but since pitashree insisted..." said Supriya

"Why didn't want to come here?" I asked, she looked down

"Don't be scared, Supriya. No matter what your concerns consider me as your saki and tell me.

"Actually... Maharani... Hastinapur is very dear to me, Maharani. My sakiya, my home and the amenities I desire. Everything is over there. Forsaking all that, in this desolate place why indeed have I come to struggle for a living? How would it benefit me?" said Supriya

"You are here to contribute to the making of a great empire, Supriya. I know how it is to leave your family, sakiya and even my siblings and my pita. It will be Duryodhan's reign in Hastinapur and here, it will be the Kunti putra Karn's." I said

"That empire will be yours. Fame is found only by the rulers. The common folk have mere struggles in their fate, Maharani." said Supriya

"That won't be the story here. I assure you of that. My patiyo will always be dharm path. The empire won't be our property, rather it will be ruled as if it were our heirloom." I said

"All the rulers speak of dharm but their dharm is only towards their families. Speak of common folk or ordinary people and their sense of dharm becomes very stiff. Be it the Gandri putra or Kunti putra, their is no difference in them, Maharani. My pita says that adharm doesn't resid in a man but in his crown." said Supriya, she looked at me

"Forgive me, Maharani." she apologized

"Why would I sentence you to death, saki? Not only will we be fair towards our subjects but we'll also honour the right of the serpents living here. Just like different flavours in food have their own place all our subjects will have their own rights and place. Speaking of you... you've taught me the definition of an ideal empire." I said I cupped my hand on her cheek

"You will never face any harm or pain." I said I looked at the forest and glowing yellow pair of eyes

"What is it, Maharani?" asked Supriya turning around the eye disappeared

"Nothing, it's just my eyes playing tricks with me."

Arjun's P.O.V.

Yuyutsu and I dismounted the horses the rest of them got of the raths looked at the land

"Is this the reward for being kind?" asked Nakul we looked at him

"If we had opposed the partition then they would be compelled to coronate Jyesht bhrata as the raja of Hastinapur." said Nakul, I heard Panchali get of her palki

"After a war, Kul." I said they looked at me

"War is not a better choice than partition." I said

"Are you scared of battles, bhrata Jun?" asked Yuyutsu teasingly I smiled they all laughed

"A great warrior is always scared of war, anuj Yutsu. He doesn't fear his death but the loss of other's lives." said Panchali, we nodded, bhrata Bheem walked to me he put his hands on my shoulders 

"If you're so concerned for the lives of others then make arrangements for my meals." he said I smiled and shook my head my head

"I'm dying out of hunger." he said we laughed

"Let me first do the bhumi pujan, Arya. Then I'll arrange for the meal." said Panchali I nodded

"Yeah okay, but remember what Mata said I get angry when my stomach is too empty." said bhrata Bheem, he looked at us

"I might even eat one of my anuj out of anger." he said Nakul, Sahadev and Yuyutsu exchanged looks and ran and hid behind me and pushed me 

"Bhrata Jun first." they said in unison

Ten minutes later

We six bhai and Yuyutsu changed Supriya handed a pot to Panchli, she took it we all joined our hands

"Vakra Tunndda Maha Kaaya Suurya Kotti Samaprabha Nirvighnam Kuru Me Deva Sarva Kaaryessu Sarvadaa" Panchali chanted

"Mata Prithvi accept the prayer of the ones who wish to dwell in your propinquity. Bless us so that we perform the veneration with all our heart and our hard work. And we don't want anything beyond our necessities. We will always respect the other living beings who dwell in your shelter. Bless our prja with peace and prosperity." she said and offered Mata Ganga's water to the land suddenly a thunderstorm started it turned dark the wind blew vigorously we exchanged looked

"Run!" our prja yelled and started running 

"What's going on, Arya putro." asked Panchali serpents came flying from the forest

"It's Takshak and his army. Jyesht we'll have to make use of our weapons. We'll have to protect everyone." said 

"Yudhisthir, Bheem, Yuyutsu, you three protect the prjajno. Nakul, Sahdev stay and protect Panchali, Arjun you come with me." ordered Jyesht we nodded

"Where are going?" I asked

"We're going to find Takshak." said Jyesht

"I want to help too, Arya." said Panchali we looked at her

"No Panchali, it's too dangerous!" I yelled a serpent was going attack Panchali I caught it before it could reach her the serpents started attacking the prjajno Jyesht and I stretched our hands and our bows appeared in our hand

Draupadi's P.O.V.

I looked at Supriya a serpent had coiled around her neck choking her I ran to my palki and drew my sword 

"Supriya!" I yelled cutting the serpent

"Get in my palki." I ordered her

"No Maharani, I will help you." she said picking up a sword I nodded I helped Arya putro

Arjun's P.O.V.

I ran and saw a huge seven-headed serpent Takshak. I thought he was going to bite me

"Wait, Takshak !" yelled Jyesht

"There's no need for you to attack. We're not here to wage a war on you. We all are the Santan of one bhumi. All of us can live here together peacefully." he said

"No...!" hissed Takshak

"Then you leave us no choice." said Jyesht, he looked at me and gave one nod we raised our bow, pulled the strings, arrows appeared we shot the arrows and as soon as they touched Takshak they blasted and Takshak turned into Nag (Nag is a human and an animal mixed) and vanished the weather went back to normal we looked around all the prjajno were dead we six bhai, Panchali and Yuyutsu were the only ones alive Panchali had tears flowing down her cheeks

"Why? Why did all this happen, Arya putro? So many innocent people died. They have been punished for having chosen the path of dharm. Why have they been punished for having faith in your competence, Arya putro?! What enmity does that Takshaka have with us?!" she said Yuyutsu walked to her and 

"Calm down, Bhabhishree." he said 

"How can I calm down, Yutsu? Supriya was correct that it's always the subjects who have to sacrifice for the welfare of their raja. But, I had told her, then that no, that won't happen here. But, look she's been proven right. How can a kingdom nurtured by so many deceased bodies bring us welfare?" said Panchali

"PITASHREE!" we heard a female scream we ran where the sound was coming from we saw Supriya crying over her pitashree's dead body

"It's okay, Supriya. They aren't dead yet." said Jyesht we looked at him

"If the poison of the serpents is removed at the earliest then they all can be saved." he said

"So... go then remove the poison, Maharaj. What are we waiting for?" said Supriya

"They are illusionary serpents, Supriya. Only those serpents who have bitten them can remove this poison. We will have to find those serpents before they succumb to it." said Jyesht

"Where will we find those serpents? That evil Takshak and his army vanished long ago. To go and find each one... We don't have that much time." said 

"Don't call them evil, Bheem. This land was theirs. Those serpents tried to survive with the humans. But they were not benefitted at all. They had to lose their land and move to the forests. That is the reason behind Takshak's enmity with humans. When the rights of the Santan of Mata Prithvi are snatched from them that's when rebellions like Takshak take birth." said Jyesht

"You mean, Takshak who murdered so many humans is not a sinner?" asked Yuyutsu

"No. Takshaka is not a sinner. He has just lost his path. He is increasing the discord between humans and serpents which is benefitting no one. And the entire serpent clan that is following him are victims and not criminals. If we have decided to establish a kingdom here then along with the human's welfare of the serpents too is our responsibility. And if we do that then the entire clan of serpents will love and respect us." said Jyesht

"All the snakes are hiding in that forest, Jyesht. But the forest too is illusionary." said Sahadev

"You're right, Sahdev. A danav by the name of Maya lives there who has mitrata with Takshak. He has made that forest illusion." said Jyesht

"In front of your and Arjun's weapons all illusions fail, Jyesht." said bhrata Bheem

"For that, we have to fight a battle, Bheem." said Jyesht he looked at me and walked to me

"With devraj Indr Himself." he said I looked down

Takshaka's P.O.V. 

I ran into the forest

"Devraj Indr!" I called 

"Devraj Indr! Come and fulfil your promise! You had promised that on this land other than serpents no one else shall dwell! Today... today... on this land of serpents the humans have come to claim their rights! Devraj Indr! Appear. Appear before me." I yelled bright lighting struck the ground revelling devraj Indr

"You forgot your promise devraj Indr?" I asked

"I haven't forgotten, Takshak. I have kept this land void of water for such a long period so that no one other than you can reside here. But the humans who have come here now are divine. The two people who rained arrows on you have taken birth through Surya dev and my blessings. We consider them our putro, Takshaka. The essence of six devtao have given birth to these six Kaunteys. Remember, no matter what the circumstances be you can not defeat them." said devraj Indr

"But you can, devraj. Or is it that after seeing your putra you have become blind in love.?" I said 

"Don't be foolish, Takshaka. Realise the truth. When water falls at a certain place it makes the place wet. Similarly, when there's competence it finds a place of its own." said devraj Indr

"I bind you with your promise, devraj. Even if you have to kill your own putra you can't break this promise. You will have to stop them." I said

"Very well, Takshak. I cannot break my promise. But remember, there are powers in this world that can defeat me. I have been defeated many times. Raja Nahush was a human. He had defeated me. Kunti putra, Parshuram shishy, Karn has defeated me, he can very much do it again. If I am defeated by the Kaunteys then you can be in a much worse state." I devraj Indr

"You cannot be defeated, devraj. I am an illusionary serpent and Mayasur has made this forest illusionary" I said pointing at Mayasur devraj Indr looked at Mayasur

"You just help us by being the secret force. We will shatter all their dreams." I said 

Arjun's P.O.V.

"With devraj Indr Himself." said Jyesht, I looked down

"What?!" asked Yuyutsu in shock

"Yes, the serpents are blessed with devraj Indr's protection. And you're devraj Indr's Godson an incarnation and were born out of his traces. Lord Indra is like your pita." said Jyesht, he loooked at me

Will you be able to... duel with him?" he asked

"The ved say that the might of devraj Indra can be matched by only one God. Agni Dev. Agni Dev is termed as the face of the devtao." I said Jyesht smiled and nodded

"I will invoke Agni Dev and will have the love of my pita. And if I am unable to have his love then I would rather die!" I said

"But such an enormous forest cannot be destroyed." said Panchali

"To chop down one tree is far more grave a sin than killing sau humans." she said

"Do not worry, Panchali. We shall pray to Agni Dev to prey on only the illusions of Mayasur. we will ask him not to harm the trees." said Jyesht

"We?!" I asked

"I will help you, anuj." said Jyesht, I smiled

"But," he said I stopped smiling

"you will have to duel with devraj yourself." he said I smiled again and nodded

"The illusion of Mayasur is very powerful, Arjun. Can it be destroyed?" asked bhrata Bheem

"Bhrata Bheem Agni Dev is also called the devourer. Agni Dev can devour anything. Even the illusion of Mayasur will be devoured by him." I said

"But we must ensure that he does not devour the serpents, Arjun." said Jyesht we looked at him

"In order to save the humans if we kill the serpents then it would be an adharm." he said I nodded. Jyesht and I walked closer to the forest kneeled down we raised our bow above our heads, said the mantra, pulled the strings the arrows appeared we shot the arrows at the sky they bursted on top of the forest and fireballs fell on the forest like rain

Mayasur's P.O.V. 

"Sarpraj, there is still time. Go and seek the refuge of the Kaunteys." I said Sarpraj Takshak looked at me in anger

"Mayasur, if you hadn't transformed this forest, then I would have bitten you this instant." he said and hissed

"And the one I bite can not be helped by anyone." he said and hissed again

Arjun's P.O.V.

The forest was lit on fire it turned dark we looked up the clouds had blocked out the sun the clouds formed a figure it glowed and pitashree Indr he looked extremely angry I smiled and joined my hands

"Good luck, anuj." said Jyesht, I looked at him and nodded, he walked back to the others

"Pandu putra, Arjun! Do not cross your limits! This forest is under my protection!" yelled pitashree Indr

"Devraj Indr, the entire world is under your protection! Yet, according to their needs, competent warriors make use of the earth. Then why can we not, pitashree Indr?" I said

"Because I protect the serpents of this forest!" yelled pitashree Indr

"These serpents have committed the crime of biting innocent people! And protecting the culprits does not suit devtao, pitashree Indr!" I said

"Arjun! Do not lecture me about dharm. When compared to me you are only a child." said pitashree Indr, I smirked and chuckled

"I am your child, pitashree Indr. And the child sitting on his pita's shoulders sees farther than his pita!" I yelled

"Arjun! Go away from here otherwise, you shall meet your end!" yelled pitashree Indr

"My life is a gift from you, pitashree Indr. I would be blessed if you gift me my end as well! But by laying down my weapons I cannot tarnish your reputation." I said raising my bow

"Arjun!" yelled pitashree Indr, he held out his hand lightning zapped his hand revealing the bijaliastr he threw it toward's me it turned to a dark cloud over the forest it rained, I raised my bow over my head and chanted the mantra Jyesht and I used to invoke Agni dev I pulled the string the arrow appeared I shot the arrow at the top of the forest before a single raindrop fell on the forest I made a firewall the rain of fire raised and the bijaliastr's rain into water vapor I saw serpents coming out of the forest

"Devraj Indr use your Vajra! You must keep the promise you made!" I heard yell from inside the forest pitashree Indr held out his hand lightning zapped his hand revealing the pashanastr he threw it toward's I pulled the string the arrow appeared I shot the arrow at the pashanastr the arrow shtaered the pashanastr into boulders they fell over me

"Aray" I heard Panchali exclaim

"Bhrata!" I heard Nakul, Sahadev and Yuyutsu exclaim I pushed the boulders of me I grabbed my bow and stood up I limped forwered since I sprained my leg I turned my head around saw my bhai and Panchali smiling and wiped their tears

"Pitashree Indr! I am your putra and a devotee of dev Kartikey who is the husband of your putri Devsena! I will not get defeated so easily. I will not be defeated, pitashree Indr." I said, pitashree Indr fisted his hands and held out his hand lightning zapped his hand again revealing the Vajra I widened my eyes shocked 

"Pitashree Indr... it's not a contest to test your and Arya's competence. Arya is merely asking you to spare our prjajno's lives. He is not trying to insult you. Please do not show the Vajra but clemency, pitashree." said Panchali, I kneeled down 

"Oh divine weapon Vajra. Please accept my respects. Please show respect to my divine weapon and calm down." I said, pitashree Indr was going to through the Vajra at me I raised my bow over my head and chanted the mantra to invoke the Dadhichiastr I raised my bow against the Vajra I pulled the string the Dadhichiastr appeared I shot it and stood up Madhav's Sudarshan chakra appeared from nowhere and stopped the Vajra and the Dadhichiastr from clashing each other, the Sudarshan chakra went back in the direction it came from I saw Madhav on his rath I smiled he had his index finger raised the Sudarshan chakra sat on his finger and faded he lowered his hand and got down his rath and walked to me

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