His Therapist

By fatbitchesinamansion

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Kentrell had a difficult past, he considers himself damaged. He needs help but doesn't want it when he has th... More

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Book 2 is out!!


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By fatbitchesinamansion

Omniscient POV

"All you gotta do is say yes." Kentrell said looking at her.

"No it's serious." She said getting off his lap and sitting beside him,holding his hand.

"What you need to tell me?" He said softly

"Kentrell before I say this,I want you to understand that during this time I wasn't in the right state of mind. I didn't do it in any intention to hurt anybody." I said,Kentrell gave her a look.

"What the fuck you talking about mane' , whatchu do" He said to her.

Jalanee grew nervous. She knew telling him was the right things to do even if he does react bad.

"Um around the time I had just moved into my
new apartment,I was pregnant." She said,Kentrell face softened as his grasp on her loosened.

"With our baby." She said lowly.

"I got an abortion." She said looking at him. Jalanee didn't know what to expect,but she knew If her and Kentrell wanted to move on and start something together. She couldn't live any longer knowing she had taken something from him,something he really wanted.

"What you talking about?" Kentrell said removing his hands from hers, standing up.

"Kentrell remember the week before I left,we had fucked that whole week. I don't know what happened but I ended up pregnant. I'm sorry." She cracked out.

Kentrell clenched his fist as his eyes started to twitch.

"Kentrell?" Jalanee said standing still.

"You killed my baby?" He said. Jalanee stood there in silence.

"You killed my baby?!" He said raising his voice. Jalanee body froze,as she started to sweat.

"Kentrell it wasn't like tha-" She started walking up to him.

"Mane' you better stand back before I punch your ass." He said loudly. Jalanee froze and looked at Kentrell,who's hands were shaking and veins started to pop out of his head.

"Why you ain't tell me! You just think you can make every decision by yourself? You joking with me or sum?" He said yelling at her.

"N-no" She said,trying to keep her tears in.

"So you outchea' killing my babies?" He said as he flared his nose.

"K-kentrell Can you let me explain please?" She said as a tear dropped from her eyes. Kentrell looked at her in disgust,making her scared to speak.

"You can't explain this shit Jalanee! You killed my fucking baby! For what? " He yelled making her flinch

"Because you were already having two kids on the way. Me and you weren't speaking I knew it wasn't going to get any better so I aborted my baby." She said backing up,not knowing what Kentrell would do.

"Ya' baby? Jalanee I'm finna slap the fuck outta you." He said walking up to her,getting in her face.

"You selfish as fuck. Out of all the bitches I fucked you,You? You gonna kill my baby? You a fucking killa' ,You speaking like you ain't have a choice." He yelled in her face. At this point,everyone was listening from the other side of the door.

"Kentrell I couldn't talk to you about it" She said running her hands through her arms.

Jalanee hated hearing the words "You're a killer", come out his mouth,to her Kentrell didn't understand it wasn't an easy decision to get rid of her own child. Kentrell saw it as she killed the baby for no reason.

"I got rid of the baby because I know I'd regret it. I didn't want to have a baby with under those circumstances. Me and you weren't seeing eye to eye" She said.

"You grown as fuck. You talk that shit out and fix it. All that shit not worth killing my baby. You ain't fucking tell me either. You ain't nothing but selfish Jalanee." He said getting louder.

"How the fuck am I selfish? You literally having 2 other babies. I didn't want to have a baby with you knowing I'd regret it. It wouldn't be fair to you,me,or the child. and you know that Stop coming at me like I killed my own baby because I was trying to run away from my problems. It wasn't easy at all I cried about it for weeks. You happened to come by at my apartment two days after I did it. I was in pain for weeks. I wouldn't sign myself up for that If I didn't really have to." She said yelling back at him.

"You dead wrong. You know that shit. I got all the money to support a baby. Fuck you mean you ain't wanna regret it." He said

"It's not about fucking money. I don't give a fuck about that shit we both have enough to take care of baby. I don't want to have a baby with you while you embarrassing me on the internet with bitches being pregnant every other month by you. You fucking bitches after you seeing me like I don't know. Yeah I know about that,Ben told me." She said,making Kentrell get angrier.

"I ain't fucking cheat on fuck you tryna say?" He said grabbing her by her shirt.

"Get off of me." She said pushing him back while crying.

"I ain't never cheat on you. I fucked Nisha after the baby shower We wasn't ever fucking together . Shut the fuck up with that crying shit." He said to her.

"I ain't say you did." She said wiping her eyes.

"So what? You kill my baby and you hear talking about me fucking Nisha." He said to her.

"Ain't no bitch ever crossed me the way you just did." Kentrell said with his voice cracking,he tried to leave but Jalanee pulled him back.

"Don't fucking touch me mane." He said pushing her off.

"I'm sorry I really am." She said crying,Kentrell looked at her and walked out bumping into everyone.

Kayla rushed into the room,to check on her sister. Jalanee was on the bed with her knees to her chest,trying to process what happened.

"It's true?" Kayla said sitting next to her. Jalanee nodded her head slowly.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Kayla said sighing,picking Jalanee's hair out of her face.

"It just wasn't something I wanted to tell anyone. I didn't know what to do Kayla,but I knew i didn't want the baby. Am i a bad person for that?" Jalanee said quivering her lips.

Jalanee knew it was going to bad when Kentrell found out it was going to be bad,but he thought he'd try to hear her out. She thought this would've been Kentrell's last straw trying with her.

"No,you did what was best for you. I'm sorry you felt like you couldn't tell anybody." She said wiping her sister's tears off her face. Jalanee held onto Kayla as she cried.

"It's going to be okay." Kayla said under her breath.

"Should i go talk to him again?" She asked innocently.

"No...give him some space,that was his child too. Jalanee he should've known and helped out on this choice too. You know that." Kayla said sighing.

"I know.Trust me,I do. I'm wrong." She said.

"Why did you tell him on his birthday?" Kayla asked,curious.

"I wasn't going to. He had showed me some property he bought for us,he wanted us to build a house together..I didn't feel right doing all of that without him knowing. I feel so dirty. He was yelling at me like I was his opp or something." Jalanee said.

"I didn't mean to hurt him" Jalanee spoke again.

"Baby just give him some time. He deserves to feel how he feel and take some time to himself and so do you." Kayla said.

There then was noises coming from outside the room of an commotion,they heard banging and yelling.

"That's him?" Jalanee asked.

"I'm pretty sure. Just ignore him." Kayla said

"I did bad Kayla. What if I don't get him back? It's usually him,but what I did is a sin." Jalanee said as hot tears streamed down her face.

"I don't think that will happen. You both love each other deeply,I never seen you so in love with someone. You two might always have issues but the love is there and nobody can deny that. As long as you got love,it could always be fixed." She said.

Jalanee was on edge,she was scared on what Kentrell's next step were her were going to be. She hated that he seen her as a killer,when she just simply wasn't ready,and part of the reason on why she wasn't ready was because of him.


"Bubba what's the matter?" Grandma said calling out to Kentrell who stormed out of the room.

Kentrell didn't want to talk to anyone right now,but if he had too he was glad it was her. No woman could beat his grandmother,but Jalanee's grandma always seen the good in him. She even taught him lessons,his mother couldn't,being on drugs as Kentrell was a kid. He was grateful enough to find someone who cared as much as his Grandma again. She quickly became apart of Kentrell,and a second mother to him.

Kentrell walked into the room and started punching walls,knocking down the dressers. Everyone was too shocked to bother trying to help him out,he never got a lot this before. However, Jalanee's grandma walked in the room,shoo'ing everyone away from the door,and closed it behind her. He kicked into the mirror,leaving glass all over the floor.

"Kentrell." Grandma yelled out to him,in her accent. Kentrell dropped the pieces of glass,and looked at her. His hand had split open,with blood leaking out of it. He couldn't feel any pain since he was so angry.

"You need to sit down." Nana said to him. Kentrell body felt heated. He sat down and slouched down on the chair. Nana fetched an alcohol pad from the first aid kid that was in the room,and sat down in front of Kentrell. His hands were shaking as he watched her movements.

"Relax your hand." She said,carefully taking Kentrell's hand and rubbing the alcohol over his knuckles,cleaning up the blood.

"Does it hurt?" She asked him.

"I can't feel it." He said with a dry mouth. She patted the alcohol pad on his fist,and wrapped it up before anymore blood seeped through.

"She kill our baby Grandma." Kentrell said. Kentrell never thought he'd feel this type of pain again. He lost Boozilla and Dump,both who were close to him. Boozilla was like his older brother,after his death Kentrell changed. He felt this pain,that he himself still isn't able to describe,and it didn't go away until he had met Jalanee.

"Did she tell you why?" She asked,already knowing the answer.

"I don't understand why" He confessed.

"She talking about she ain't wanna have a baby with me because I had kids on the way and she wasn't in the right state of mind." He said sucking his teeth.

"That's bullshit. She killed my baby." He said again.

"Bubba,when a women is pregnant,it is more then a baby growing inside of their bodies. You're going into motherhood. Some people like Jalanee do not want to go into motherhood being a baby mama and only a babymama. Before you speak listen to me." She said,putting her finger up at Kentrell who was about to cut her off.

"Even for a mom who wants the baby and will be keeping it, the emotions are overwhelming. Your life is about to change. I am not choosing or picking any sides here. I am trying to get you to understand her decision. She did not want to have that baby knowing she did not want the baby. You were playing my baby and not telling her things she needed to know. All the secrets and extra things that were going on between you two,is another reason why you both were not ready for a baby together. You have other kids but are you and their mothers really a family? You are not asking for a baby with Jalanee,you're asking for a family. For a family you need stability. Would you want to start a family with Jalanee if she was pregnant with another mans baby?" She said.

"If she would've told me that I wouldn't have forced her to have the baby. I ain't even like that. I love her,and I wouldn't force her to do sum' she not comfortable with but she did that behind my back being sneaky. She knows how bad I wanted a family with her." Kentrell said,feeling his eyes stinging.

"So you knew she killed my baby?" Kentrell asked.

"I had just found out a few hours before you did. She came to me this morning and told me and asked what should she do." She said. Kentrell felt betrayed,Jalanee was such an angel in his eyes he couldn't imagine her killing an innocent human being. She couldn't do no wrong in his eyes,but now it all changed for him.

"You wanted a family with her but you realize you couldn't at the time? You can't even now. You two are both good kids. I see the way you look at her,that's the way my husband use to look at me before he passed. I completely agree that she is wrong for not telling you,that choice was for both of you too make,but You love her too much to let this change everything." She said to him.

Kentrell didn't know if he wanted to be with her anymore. She preached about being honest and telling each other shit,but did shit like this to him,he thought.

"I don't know if I wanna be with her anymore." He said truthfully,all the love he had in the world for Jalanee would be enough for him to forgive her.

"Don't say that. It's just your broken heart talking." She said placing her hand on his arm.

"That's the problem. My heart back broken. I thought she fixed my heart,just to break it again. I have other kids,but a kid with her,would've completely changed my life around. I can't believe she really did this fuck shit to me." He said putting his head into his hands.

"Do you speak to her mother frequently?" She said. Kentrell lifted his head back up and shook his head,confused.

"Jalanee doesn't know this and it'll stay between me and you." She said,eyeing Kentrell.

"I gotchu." He replied back.

"Jalanee's mother was also planning to Abort her. Her dad convinced her not too. While she was pregnant with her,she was drinking and always out late. It hurt her parents marriage badly. Her father decided to take full control over and keep track of everything she put into her body for the sake of Jalanee. Once she was born,she went straight back to alcohol. Addiction is a serious thing. Everytime they'll get into arguments about taking care of her,She'll always say she never wanted her and she only kept her because he forced her. Kayla at the time was too young to remember any of this,or so I hope. Her dad wanted a divorce and full custody of Kayla and Jalanee. When she was about four thier mother sent them to me,in Jamaica for atleast a year. She never called,never sent money,never did a thing. My husband and I took care of them and always tried to call her and she'd ignore the calls. One night,she called and yelled at us telling us to stop calling if it's about either of her children. I still think it was the alcohol talking. When she came back to America,she was still living with her father for a few months,while their mother was in rehab. She's in a way better place now as you can tell but I just wanted you to keep in mind that Jalanee was unwanted by her mother for a while,she wished night and day she could've aborted her. Take this easy on her. Abortion isn't a easy topic for her." She said looking at Kentrell.

Kentrell was surprised,he always though Jalanee had the picture perfect family. There was a lot to her he obviously didn't know,but she walked around always smiling and making sure he was good.

"Aborting a child isn't something she choose to do easily. Think about how guilty she feels." She stated again.

Kentrell sighed and looked at her. He didn't want to speak or look at Jalanee,everytime he thought or spoke on her he couldn't stop thinking about how she betrayed him.

"I know it ain't easy,but I could've made it easier and helped her if she would've told me. She still wrong here." He said.

"What her mama did to her was fucked up." He said,thinking back to what Granny just told him,

"When the time is near you'll understand why Jalanee did what she did, even though you should've been included in it son. But for now wait for your unborn children to arrive,and stay away from her until it's safe for you to express your feelings without punching a wall." She said looking at his hands. Kentrell nodded and allowed some of the anger he had to release.

"I want you to go get your hand checked out at the doctors Bubba. Don't be around here punching walls like that again,you'll hurt yourself." She said making Kentrell smile a little bit.

"I will. Thank you grandma. I love you." He said.

"I love you too Bubba. Please stay safe and stay away from each other until you are ready okay?" She said.

"Okay. You need anything?" He said looking at her,as he pulled out some money.

"Put your money away,I don't need anything." She said rolling her eyes at him.

Kentrell nodded his head and kissed her forehead,leaving money by her ,before walking out.

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