Silly Me

By Artist_530

868 31 6


Silly Me
Christmas 2012- I wanna talk about Egg Nog :)
Pee Pee Time!! :D -.- ... :D
It scares me when.. Part 1
It Scares Me When... Part 2
I Wanna Talk About Thanksgiving Dinner Although Its Over!!.
Today I'm Gonna Talk About Chin Hairs
OMG The World's Ending! OR NOT!
How I Fell Into The Tub/ 99 % Complete
How I Fell Into The Tub/ 99 % Complete
It scares me when.. Part 1
It Scares Me When... Part 2
OMG The World's Ending! OR NOT!
Successful Writer(S)
Today I'm Gonna Talk About Chin Hairs
I Wanna Talk About Thanksgiving Dinner Although Its Over!!.
Christmas 2012- I wanna talk about Egg Nog :)
Pee Pee Time!! :D -.- ... :D
Silly Me

Successful Writer(S)

23 4 1
By Artist_530

I want to be a successful writer

Have thousands read my book; Even millions

I want to be a successful writer 

It seems like no one wants to read my books, but that's ok. 

I'll just keep on writing

Keep on hoping

Keep on trying

I want to be a successful writer

I know I can do it

I've got so many great ideas

All I need is for people so give them a chance.

I want to be a successful writer


This song was playing when I was writing I love it !! Lol 

This is something I just wrote. It does not apply to me

I'm happy with my 9 loyal readers.. and stuff.. lol but yeah 


XX Victoria XX

I promise the next post will be funny !! :)

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