Why did it have to be you?

By punk_effection

725 9 6

Arti Kalum is 17; Arti's mother left her when she was 10 years old, and she had to stay with her Man-Whore d... More

You are selfish; you ripped this family
A new date...?
Just another day in 'paradise'
if you like me, then say you like me
perfectly imperfect
Preparing for who knows what
our hearts tied up like two ships
Me or Rep?
Can't promise that things won't be broken
But I swear that I will never leave
Gig and a Date Of Birth.
Tatoo Drummer Guy and his friends..
love and lust
You know..... youre mine
I knew you were trouble.
Scars and Tears
Back to Back
Here we go
If I die you die too.
Let me live with out this emptiness

All we really need is love

22 1 0
By punk_effection

Noah's P.O.V

I pulled into the parking lot of the vacant building. Nobody ever went in there, so I had Nate and Zeke set me up a special scenery. "Noah, this is a rundown market that is completely empty." Arti whispered to me. I took her hand and mine, striking my thumb back and forth on her ivory skin. "Just wait." I said, smiling. Her face lit up a little. Gosh, she's beautiful. I released her hand and stepped out of the car, ran to the other said, pulling he door ajar for her. She smiled and I pulled her small body close to me.

Nate and Zeke stood at the front entrance, all dressed up in button downs and slacks. "Noah, I'm not dressed for something fancy." She stated. I smiled, wrapping an arm around her waist. "Casual. They are just weirdos." I said, pulling her up the steps. "Greeting Ms.Kalum, and...Noah." Zeke smirked. I squinted my eyes "take us in Mr. Waiter guy!" I snapped with a smile.

Arti's P.O.V

"Your table" Zeke smiled. I nodded and began to sit, Noah began to pull out the seat. The scenery was great; faded brick walls, a wooden table, China plates, white lights, lanterns, wine glasses and fancy silver wear.

"Noah, you didn't have to do all this." I said, giving him a passionate smile. "Well I did. I told the boys what to do, and they did it." He smiled, pulling his hand over mine. I looked down and blushed. "Tell Nate to prepare the meal, and will you grabe the bubbley?" Noah commanded to Zeke.

A few moments later, Zeke came back with a bottle of Champagne. "So, champagne in wine glasses?" I giggled. "Yes. It's better that way!" He said with gratatude for himself. I rolled my eyes with smile, "is that so?" Noah smiled, and together him and I fell into a deep gaze. Noah Ashe, I wasn't sure at first, but now I want him in my future.

"I hope you like Sushi!" Nate called out, pulling me from my mind. "Oh, thank god! I was afraid you were gonna serve Spaghetti!" I smiled, as Nate put the plates in front of us. "That was at first, but we had our mom do some research. How do you not like spaghetti?" He asked in disbelief. "I went full on Vegetarian in sixth grade. Remember? I always ate an orange for lunch." I said, in an awkward low tone. His eyes dropped "oh. Yeah." He knew why I went vegetarian; he knew it was his fault. His facial expression dropped and.the color faded out a little. His eyes; they weren't that radiant blue, the had an iced over blue. Cold, sad blue. He was hurt about what he caused. "So, this looks delightful!" I said, admiring the late of Sushi. "Yeah. It from Sushi House, don't be afraid of that 'gas station sushi' effect. We had them cater" he winked at me and took a bite of the held spicy looking roll. I sipped generously at my champagne before taking a bite. "Mmm. I love Sushi!" Noah admired, his hand over his heart. I nodded in agreement.

We talked for most of the evening about sports and concerts and told embarrassing stories. I had a lot of fun with him, and I enjoyed getting to know him better. He told me about his parents divorce and how he felt terrible for being a total jerk to me for the past nine or so years. "Boys. " Noah called for Zeke and Nate. "Here is your first part" he said, handing them each two 20 dollar bills. " I will pay you the rest when I get my paycheck next week." Nate and Zeke both smiled and daudbtheir thanks. "Wait." I called out. I dug my wallet out of my purse and pulled out two ten dollar bills. Its all I have for now, but this is for making this night a good one." I smiled and Noah and I got up. "Mom will pick you up soon, okay?" Noah said, then together we left hand in hand.

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