
By jasmineelizabeth19

32.2K 413 286

*Explicit sexual content* 'When Hermione cut into her wrists later that night, she realised her blood wasn't... More



1.7K 19 13
By jasmineelizabeth19

The following night, Hermione was slouched in the cosy common room chewing her nails and repeating thoughts about only one thing.

She didn't dare retreat to the library tonight after last night, she couldn't risk his eyes on her again, let alone his lips on hers. Hermione had all day to ponder on it and she'd decided how getting involved with Malfoy really was a terrible idea.

So now she sat, alone and snuggled up and in her favourite red jumper that he would never get the luxury to see, because he certainly didn't deserve that. She thought about the skin tight red dress Ginny had forced her to buy earlier that year and wanted to smile, she could picture his expression as he looked at her. Perhaps she could watch him crumble.

The uncomfortable crackle of the fire and lack of books were extremely underwhelming compared to her usual surroundings. She missed the library and hated how she had to miss out, wondering if Draco had found any new information.

Strumming her fingers loosely on the side of the sofa, she decided that she'd return tomorrow night.
A short break from him was all she needed to clear her mind and focus on the task ahead. Less death eaters would equal an easier win for them.

The tea she held was scolding hot, but she didn't mind if it burned her palm. In fact it was easier that way, a good chance to forget about how cold his hands were in contrast, trailing across her thighs.

She shook her head and reached for Fred's alcohol cupboard in the corner of the common room, anything that would stop her from itching at her wrists and thinking about him.


The students had all been called to the great hall the next morning, and she'd tried to ignore Malfoy's sleek platinum hair and bored expression sat across on the slytherin table as Snape addressed the school.

Warned them of what was coming, warned them to stay out of it. How could they stay out of a war when it was their school to protect?

Hermione's lack of interest from the order meetings didn't come as a surprise to many. She'd avoided Ginny's updates and just smiled awkwardly at her friends she knew that they were devastatingly disappointed in her. Neville couldn't hide his shame in her and she knew exactly what he was thinking. She'd fought alongside Harry and Ron all these years at Hogwarts and now she'd given up hope?

But yes, he was right. She had.

Trying to ignore the newspaper articles that fluttered around the schools corridors. Another attack somewhere. Another reason to be scared. To feel guilty for spending her time with two death eaters when her friends needed her.
She wondered if Malfoy or Nott had even missed her presence last night. Doubtful. But it wouldn't stop her from returning tonight.

It was all she could think about, all day. She couldn't focus in lessons and certainly wasn't hungry for lunch. She felt sick, avoiding people around the corridors left right and centre.

After being dragged to dinner with an emotional Ginny Weasley, Hermione placed her bottom down beside the silent black lake. A minute to herself.

The sun was beginning to set, an orangey hue painting the sky, littered with grey clouds that reminded her of darkness to come. She hugged her knees tightly, fingers a beaming white from the cold chill in just her school uniform. Eyes gazing loosely across the still dark water to give herself a minute to breathe before she was once again a prisoner to the constricting walls of the library, with a certain slytherin playing on her mind.

She felt her eyelids get heavy, the detrimental lack of sleep becoming apparent. The chill of the waters edge against her skin was beginning to num her hands but she thoroughly ignored it just like everything else, letting her eyelids drop, resting on her knees as she drifted off.


"GRANGER?! The fuck are you doing?!"

She'd been asleep for a while it had seemed as her eyes cracked a little open, the night sky around her deathly and constricting. Hermione had no energy, she could hear someone shouting at her, a hand on hers, and yet she was far too sleepy to open her eyes, let alone sit up. Her head was heavy, her skin tingling and numb.


She couldn't move, like she was trapped in her own cocoon of ice. Someone was shaking her.

"GRANGER?! wake the fuck up!"

Enough power fizzled through her to push open her eyes again, immediately locking with a set of grey piercing ones. He was frowning, shaking her frantically as her eyes rolled back to her head.


"Granger?! What the hell are you doing out here?"
His grip on her shoulders was firm, trying to shake her back to reality with no success.

"M—Malfoy? Leave me here, it's— f-f fine."

His hands had slipped down to her waist, cradling her body as her blue skin shook.

"If I leave you here you are going to fucking freeze to death you insufferable idiot."

As she felt herself drift off again his grip got tighter and soon he was picking her up as he stood. Hermione was cradled against his muscular chest as he tucked her blue hands against her school shirt, for an attempt of giving warmth. Her eyes were closed again but his body warmth was bringing her a little more back to reality. Her mind not so clouded.

He was practically running her back to the castle in his strong arms, her limp body still noticing the way he felt, the scent of his jumper and the feel of the soft but scratchy knit against her skin. Knit— he never wore knit. She drifted off again until the sharp click of his shoes were snapping against the floor. They were in the castle corridors.

She snuggled deeper into him, the scent of cologne so pleasant it almost outweighed her limbs that were now pulsating with a searing pain that she desperately tried to ignore. Mind you, it wasn't hard to focus on him instead of the pain with her head against his chest.

Her mind snapped back to reality.

"W-Won't p-p people see us?"
She stammered loosely whilst attempting to move her hands unsuccessfully.

"It's dark Granger." He snapped breathlessly, "After curfew so no ones about. Stop complaining or I'll leave you here by yourself."

Her eyes shut again and she tried not to focus on the pain, wishing she'd been left to freeze to death out there so that she didn't have to feel his heavy heartbeat against her ear. That was perhaps more painful.

Draco was whispering a password she didn't catch, and then pushing through a door and placing her down on the sofa. She opened her eyes again, only this time she was in the slytherin common room.

She'd never been in before, but it was much darker than griffindors. A green fire place and portraits littered around the walls. Black velvet sofas and a charmed chess set in the corner. The ambience was regal and beautiful really.
Hermione was attempting to look around fully but her neck was too stiff so she just continued to look up at Malfoy who was now knelt beside her.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Pansy, then Blaise, then Theo edging closer, arms crossed and raised eyebrows like they'd been expecting her.

"H—how did you find me?" She croaked loosely, her throat sore and crackly.

"Pansy spotted you, you're fucking lucky Granger."
Draco said, looking back to Pansy with an attempt of thanks. Her sharp expression didn't change as she looked down at Hermione.

"Hold still. Warming charm."

Draco waved his wand across her body with a slick movement and she felt the warmth creep back inside each muscle. It was exceptionally painful and she winced and shuffled around in the sofa to get comfortable as she regained her feeling.

She could hear Zabini and Nott discussing something although she couldn't hear them — but she assumed they didn't want her too.

After a dodgy few uncomfortable minutes, her body temperature calmed itself down. Draco still knelt beside her, completely unknowing that he still had a hand resting steadily on her stomach. She looked down at his hand and he immediately snatched it away, giving her a chance to analyse the oversized knit he wore, black of course.

"Why the fuck were you by the lake asleep Granger?"

She tucked a single curl behind her ear. "I fell asleep by accident. I don't sleep much at the moment and—

Theo stepped forward. "You're welcome to sleep with me if you like, I'm truly remarkable at spooning."
He winked steadily and Hermione felt her mouth curve into the ghost of a smile.

Draco turned to him. "Shut the fuck up Nott."

"Coffee Granger, perhaps tea?" Zabini requested whilst sauntering over to some cupboards and selecting a mug with his wand. Her hands were still shaking and so a cup of tea seemed ideal.

"Tea, please." She concluded.

"Oh— we only have chamomile, it's all Draco bloody drinks..." Blaise's voice trailed off and he matched eyes with Draco who scowled a little, now standing up and leaning with crossed arms against another sofa.

Hermione realised by what he'd said before. Her muggle chamomile shower scrub. She never realised he actually drunk the flavour in his tea. She gulped a little and smiled up at Blaise none the wiser, "Chamomile's fine."

Although she found the flavour overly bitter being completely honest, but anything hot down her throat is to be welcomed with open arms.

She was entirely surprised at how welcoming they seemed to be. Despite Pansy's piercing eyes but she couldn't expect much less from her. The Slytherins could for sure be bullies but when it mattered it seemed they really did care. Perhaps only because she was helping them but either way, she would've never expected this.

Blaise took her tea over and placed it in her palm. "Thankyou." She whispered, and Blaise raised his eyebrows before taking himself back to the sofa to sit beside Pansy who appeared bored and began painting her nails a pale green.

Sipping, it gave her a few quick minutes to evaluate the soft green ambiance that surrounded her.

Theo reached for her hand, "So Granger, with you here, guess that means you'll be sleeping in Malfoys bed?"

He smirked and chuckled to Blaise, flicking his soft brown waves across his forehead. Hermione immediately looked to Draco who was sending Theo threatening stares. Malfoy looked to Hermione and shook his head, "I'll take you back soon."

She nodded slowly, taking another sip. Sort of wishing he'd have persisted she could stay here. Away from the prying eyes of Gryffindors that didn't understand why she wasn't showing up to order meetings.
Pansy said nothing, although she was evaluating Hermione with a sharp glare through each slick paint of a new nail.

Hermione twisted her head to Theo, who's glistening sparkle in his eye captivated her into a smile.

"Feel well enough for me to walk you back sweetheart?"
Theo lent over the back of the sofa and grinned, linking eyes with Draco who appeared with a twisted smile as he edged closer. Grabbing her nearly finished cup of tea and placing it down on the side.

"Don't look at him Granger," Draco twisted her head toward him sharply, "Look at me."

She nodded carefully and melted into his eyes as he grabbed her soft hand and pulled her up to stand. Malfoy gulped heavily and scowled at the group around him.

She was his mess to sort.

"Let's go." He concluded, "You don't belong here."

He was right, she didn't.

A generous wave from Theo and Blaise and a once over from Pansy — and before she knew it Draco was leading her through the dark corridors with swift steps toward the Gryffindors dormitory's.
He couldn't wait to get rid of her, she was sure.

On approach to the door, she slowed down, the sudden movement creating a dizzy spiral in her head. She lent against the stone wall and he stopped beside her, her opposite hand resting on his torso.

"You're cold." She muttered, because he was, and she noticed how he always felt so cold.

He met her eyes because yes, he was cold. And she was warm. So so warm.

Her fingers dragged down his chest until they were back down beside her hip.

"I thought I told you to not wear red." He whispered softly.

"I'm a Gryffindor. Red is my house colour."
She whispered back as if it was something he didn't already know.

Draco smiled and looked down, the sudden warmth of it a deadly spit of danger in her chest. The air between them filled with silence, and she longed to close the space.

But instead — "Goodnight then." She shrugged, turning away. Head dizzy and mouth dry, "Thanks for, well you know. I'll be back at the library tomorrow."

"Goodnight Granger."

The door shut and he let out a breath of relief, waiting for the longing to run his fingers through and pull firmly at her bouncing curls to subside.

But she was gone for now and that was probably for the best.

He'd attempt to resist her again tomorrow.

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