Salvatore Legacy || Legacies

Oleh megandilaurentisx

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'Peace is a immortals best friend. I wish I could find it.' Britney Salvatore, the long lost sister of Damon... Lebih Banyak

~ Cast + Character Profiles ~
Her Name Is Britney.
The Vampire Comedy With An Edge.
Always And Forever.
The Black Widow Game.
Dream Within A Nightmare.
A Jolly Vamp's Outing.
The Class Of 1864.
EndGame Delight. (Season 1 Finale)
~ Season 2 Teaser ~
Two Can Keep A Secret...
Murder On The Dancefloor.
Secrets Are A Girls Best Friend.
Saving Grace!
The Secret Stallions.
(Tell Me) Am I A Sinner?
~ Season 3 Teaser ~
It's Immortailty, My Darlings.
Love Is A Dangerous Game.
My Trick Show.
Dead Girl Walking.
Me Against The Music.
State Of Grace... Or Not? (Season 3 Finale)
~ Season 4 Teaser ~
Music To Be Murdered By.
HIStory: Past, Present and Future.
Troubled Paradise.
Rated B.
Kamikaze. (Season 4 Finale)
~ Season 5 Teaser ~
Miss Belladonna.

Original Sin. (Season 2 Finale)

74 3 14
Oleh megandilaurentisx

- The Stealthy's POV -

The pretty little originals have figured out my real identity and now I'm extremely desperate to make a move. A move that would shake the table. Well, I am in the school. Stalking down the hallways in my favourite black hoodie. I reach their room and excitement builds up in my system as I bring out the needle filled with Vervain. I walk into the room and see her writing a poem while listening to music in her airpods.

Ugh, she is always writing them crap poems. Why can't I ever catch her in the act of her sins? I mean, I kinda did and made her hate Louisa. Which was so funny and liberating to see the school be scared of Britney Salvatore. I thought that would've been it for Britney and she would've stopped trying to track me. But nothing stops the youngest Salvatore sibling...

But this might! Hehe.

She takes her AirPods out then she gets up from her chair and looks round the room with a confused look on her face because she sensed me. Oh no. Good job I have cloaked myself so she can't see me. "Jack is that you?" She asks me.

This makes me chuckle inside. Of course it's me! I mean who else would it be? Your dead brother?

"You better expose yourself or I will rip your heart out!" She threatens me. I reveal myself and she shows her vamp face as she vamp speeds towards me but before she can snap my neck, I inject her with Vervain. Britney passes out and collapses on the floor. A smile creeps up on my face when I see her laid on the floor. Helpless. There goes her perfect plan and them defeating me. I walk over to her body and pick it up bridal style. This is going to be fun.

After I am out of the school. I put her body in the trunk of my car. Then, I grab my burner phone and take a picture of her passed out body. When I have done that I send the picture to her family and friends. To show them that making plans to bring me down just makes me pissed off and this is what happens I'm afraid, not.

I look at the time and see it's 3:30 in the morning. It's devils hour. Perfect. My favourite hour.


- Damon's POV -

That is definitely not the text I wanted to wake up too. My little sister being kidnapped by Jack. Ever since I got that text this morning my anxiety has been reaching unbelievable heights and I feel so uncomfortable with the fact that my sister could be going through hell right now.

It's 11:33 in the morning right now and all of us, except Caroline and Josie, are in the main hall. We are trying to come up with a plan to get Britney back and take down Jack Whitmore. Him taking my little sister against her will as angered me beyond relief and now I want payback. I felt this way when father took Britney when she was 14. She came back so traumatised. The thought makes me slam my hand against the table I'm leaning on.

The group look at me and then I say with tears in my eyes "We need to find her." I gulp then I continue "She's helped us through so much and we can't lose her." I point at myself "I can't lose her!" I shout in fear. I've already lost one sibling and I can't lose another. It'll break me. I have already lost her once and I'm not gonna make that mistake again.

Hope is playing with her Mikaelson necklace with a worried look on her face. She looks up at us all and says "Remember when the Black Widow took her and she was at the crypt? What if she's there?"

"I'll go and have a look." Sebastian volunteers. I can tell by the look on his face that he is not taking this very well. A tear falls down his cheek and he quickly wipes it off. He shakes his head and says "I can't believe this." which makes Lizzie stroke his back to reassure him.

Lizzie looks over at Louisa then she says "I'm gonna go with Sebastian. Can you help Hope with a locator spell?"

"I'd love too." Louisa says and continues "Even though we started off on the wrong foot I am not going to let a innocent girl die."

"Perfect." Lizzie says then she grabs a hold of Sebastian's right hand and Sebastian vamp speeds away with Lizzie. I hope that she's not being held captive at the crypt again. It took her quite a bit to get over what Katherine as Black Widow did to her in there.

Long story short, I just want her found. I won't feel peace until she is.

My sister's girlfriend says "I'm going to get my map." and vamp speeds away.

Derek walks over to me and gives me a pat on the shoulder. He looks at me sympathetically and says "I hate this as much as you do. This is reminding me of the fear I had when she got taken last time. I hate it."

I just look at him. Speechless. It's like I don't have the words to say right now. All I know is when we can finally give Jack a taste of his own medicine that's when I'm gonna feel my happiest. He's messed with someone I deeply care about and like Britney that's something I don't take likely. I just feel like ripping Jacks heart out.

The entire thought of Britney going through any sort of pain is killing me. Like a pain is stabbing through my chest. Derek hugs my side and gets his phone out. He dials Caroline's number and puts the phone on loud speaker. She answers the phone and says "Hi Derek, any updates?"

"Hope has just gone to find her map and then the two girls are going to do a locator spell. Sebastian and Lizzie have gone to the Salvatore crypt to see if she's there. Any updates in the town?" He questions.

I look at my phone and see it's now 11:37 which makes me more anxious. I know that's not a lot of time but anything could've happened to her in them 4 minutes and that makes me even more uncomfortable. Tears prick up in my eyes again and I'm close to breaking down. I'm just trying to keep everything together. For Britney. And Stefan.

Hope comes back with the map and Britney's journal because it belongs to her. Then she places the journal in the middle off the map. Louisa looks over to me "Damon can we have your blood so we can start the spell?"

I nod and say "Anything for my little sister!" then I grab the knife and slice it against my hand. I wince as it slides against my skin then I drop the blood on the map. "Thank you Damon." Hope says to me with a weak smile and then the two girls start chanting the spell.

"Phasmatos Tribum, Nas Ex Veras, Sequitas Sanguinem." The two girls chant while holding each other's hands. I look over to see the blood is not moving anywhere which makes my heart drop. We are never going to find her and that makes me feel so much pain. I don't think I can take this. The girls stop and Hope says "The spells not working."

"I think he's cloaked her." Louisa looks over to me "I'm sorry.." I cut her off.

I raise my voice and say "No try again! We can't lose her!"

Derek looks over at me with a sad face and then says to Caroline on the phone "The locator spell hasn't worked. Please say you've found something."

- No One's POV -

Caroline and Josie are walking around the town. "No there's been nothing." Caroline says as she is walking towards the grille. The Forbes vampire has been worried sick since she saw the text on her phone. She's only known Britney for a little while but she's her sister- in-law and she doesn't want to lose her. Caroline knows for a fact that Stefan would want Britney to be found safe and sound. Caroline and her daughter stop at the grille. "Derek, we are going into the grille. See if anyone here has seen Jack or spoken to him." Caroline then says down the phone.

"Okay, keep me on the line on loud speaker." Derek says down the phone.

The two girls reach the doors and then walk into the grille. Caroline says "Okay." and puts her phone on loud speaker then she puts the phone in her leather jackets pocket so no one gets suspicious.

Josie spots a person having a drink all on his own so she walks over to him. This has not been easy on Josie and her fear of losing her friends. It's not been easy for her since she saw that picture of Britney's passed out body. It made her feel sick. The quicker Brit is found, the better Josie thinks in her head as she sits next to the man. She looks over at the man and spots the Whitmore logo on his jacket. She raises her eyebrows at him then she asks "How's Whitmore? I feel like going there when I graduate."

The Whitmore student sighs as he puts down his drink and says "It's good I'll tell you that."

"Know anyone?" Josie questions.

The student chuckles and asks "What's with the million questions? What do you want?"

The Saltzman siphon was about to speak when her mother vamp speeds towards the bar and lands next to the boy. The student groans and looks over at Caroline "You two are seriously getting on my nerves."

"Well you are getting on ours." Caroline looks at him face-to-face then she starts to compel him so he goes into a trance then she says "Do you know anyone? Answer honestly." This makes Josie feel like now they are going to get real answers and she is glad.

"I have friend there and he's called Jack Whitmore." He says.

"Interesting..." Caroline trails off.

Josie looks over at her mom and says "He sounds familiar doesn't he mom?"

"He sure does sweetheart." Caroline looks over at the compelled student again and asks "Have you seen him this morning?"

He nods and says "I saw him this morning. He says he was going to this place."

"What place? Please tell us!" Josie exclaims to the student. This is getting Josie's hopes up that they are going to find Britney but she is still scared that this boy has been told to mess with us. Jack is capable of anything and it wouldn't surprise her if he was pretending to be compelled. He isn't is he? Josie questions in her mind. This is how Jack has triggered paranoia within the group. It's harder to trust people now.

He coughs and gulps. I shouldn't be saying this. He's my friend the student thinks in his head as he is about to say this. But he can't control what he is saying right now and that confuses him. Jack never told the ins and outs of anything so this is confusing him why he is ratting out his good friend. He is usually loyal. Guess, that is what compulsion does to you. "It's some shed near Maple Hallows." He says. Why did I just say that? He thinks in his head.

Caroline and Josie look at each other with the same amount of worry between them. The Forbes vampire coughs and looks into the boys eyes then she says "Thank you very much. Now leave and forget you ever saw us." then on cue the boy gets up off his chair and runs out of the grille. Caroline looks at the student rushing out of the grille and feels awful. But she would do anything for somebody she cares about. Even if it's bad like mind controlling someone. She puts the phone off loud speaker and puts her phone to her ear then she asks "Did you hear that?"

"Heard everything. Let's go and save Brit then we are going to kill that asshole." Derek exclaims with a hint of anger in his voice. He's been kidnapped by Jack and knows what Britney could be going through which angers him. The monster he's trying to keep in control is trying to pounce out of it's cage.

"Roger that." Caroline says then she ends the call. Like, Derek she is ready to end him once and for all...

However long it takes.

- Lizzie's POV -

Me and Sebastian have arrived at the crypt and are looking for something that could lead us to Britney. I have been worried sick all day and my anxiety has taken a huge rise. It's making me have heart palpitations and that is making me feel uncomfortable. I've been playing with my ring all morning just to try and collect my thoughts but it's been hard. I decide to tell Sebastian "I'm so anxious Sebastian."

"Me too, Elizabeth." I see tears form in his eyes "I can't lose her. She's been a huge help for me." Him saying that has made me feel so bad for him. It's like he's losing his right arm and that must be killing him. I feel the same about her, she's always there when I need her and the thought of her going through hell is making me feel horrible.

I take a hold of his hand and he looks at me with a sad face so I say "We will find her. She's a survivor. Remember that."

He weakly smiles at me and says "True." then we both stop walking when we spot a picture of Britney tied up on her brothers grave. Disrespectful much. Sebastian runs over and rips it off the grave. His face vamps out he starts to clench his left fist as he looks at the photo. I go over and look at the photo. My heart breaks and I start to cry when I see how tortured Britney is. It looks like he's burnt her with the scars on her arms. "She looks so scared." I weakly say because I'm on the verge of breaking down.

"He's a dead man and I mean that!" Sebastian threats "No one hurts my sister and lives. No one!"

His face goes back to normal and he looks over at me. He says "Ring the others and tell them we've got an update. It looks like he has her in some shed."

"Okay babe." I wipe my tears then I ring Hope.

"Hey, Liz. We've gotten an update and we now know where she is. We are just getting the mini bus ready to go save her." Hope says on the phone.

"It looks like she's in some shed." I say back to Hope.

Hope goes "Wait?" and then says "How do you know?"

"Me and Sebastian got a picture of Britney. It wasn't pretty by the way. He's ermm" I feel uncomfortable saying this "really tortured her."

"Oh my god. No! My poor girl!" Hope says sadly down the phone. She then goes "Well, she's somewhere near Maple Hallows so we better get going. My girl has been through enough."

I nod and say "I agree. See you in a minute."

"See you later Liz. Love you." Hope says then hangs up the phone.

"Elizabeth, grab a hold of my hand." Sebastian hold out his left hand towards me so I grab a hold of it. He then vamp speeds out of the crypt and we land outside the school. The others walk out and Derek gets in the driving seat of the mini-bus. We all get in it and set off towards Maple Hallows. Let's hope we are not too late. It would kill me if we were.

- Britney's POV -

"No please stop!" I scream at the top of my lungs as he shines the sun on my back again through the hatch at the top of the shed. I'm struggling to breath as the pain is getting unbearable. Tears streaming down my face. Flashbacks of my fathers torture going through my head at maximum speed. I break down in tears as the memories are getting unbearable. He laughs at me and kneels in front of me again. I look up at him with my face vamped out and threaten "I am going to enjoy killing you."

He slaps me which has angered me. Bad idea. He then says to me "Is this the ripper speaking or what? I love it. The original sin is speaking."

I rank on the chains he has used to tie me up but because the chains are soaked in vervain. It's burning my skin. "You weak thing." He says so I look up at him with a face full of inner pain. Jack walks round the chair and then he goes over to the cabinet and I hear a flick of a match. My heart starts to race and my face becomes full of panic when I start to smell the candle wax. No, this can't be happening again! I panic in my head. "I need to get out of here!" I whisper shout. My fear of being near candles because of the memories rushing back.

Jack jumps in front of me and slams the candle in front of me with a evil smile on his face. I look at the candle in fear but I'm not going to be beaten down by this. I need to find answers. I still need to fight for my family and friends. So I ask "Why did you become The Stealthy?"

He laughs at me again and says "To get rid of sinners like" he points at me "you."

My heart races but I can't let him beat me. I need to stay strong. I ask "But why?" then I say "It just makes you as bad as us." His face then drops and he looks pissed at me but who cares. He needs to be told "Plus, hiding in the shadows kinda defeats the purpose. It makes you look pathetic."

"Like you?" Ouch. That kinda hurt.

He burns the candle on my arm which makes me scream. "See," he puts it on my skin again. The fire burning my skin and nearly setting it on fire. I feel like I'm back in the shed with my father and I hate that feeling so much. But I need to keep fighting. "Keep fighting Britney." I hear Stefan say to me in my head. Thank you, Brother. "Your mother left your ass because you are so pathetic!" He shouts and he burns my skin with the candle which makes tears prickle in my eyes.

"Don't you dare bring my mother in this! She didn't leave. She died of an illness. You disrespectful son of a bitch!" I shout back at him. He chuckles and moves away from the chair. I'm now a little scared that he's going to burn me with the sun but he doesn't. Which is a little sense of relief. How dare he mention my mother like that? I hate that so much.

"She faked her death and found a new family." He walks over to me again and says "Guess you are too much of a burden to bear."

So I didn't kill my mother I think as tears fall down my face. My father put me through hell for nothing then. I am so angry at my mother right now. How could she? I need to talk to Damon about this when I get out. He's not the one I'm mad at if he knew. It's my mother more than anything. She didn't just abandon me but she abandoned my two brothers as well. It wasn't Damon's or Stefan's fault she left. It's my fathers and hers. My father obviously pushed her to do it.

Jack gets his phone out and shows me a picture of my mother dated over 10 years ago I think. My heart drops and I break down in tears. She's with Damon and he looks heartbroken too which I completely understand. This breaks my heart too because she left me with a monster. A literal monster. My voice breaks as I say "Why are you showing me this? To make me feel unwanted again?"

He nods and says "Exactly right! I mean Damon ruined my family and killed all of them."

"But he's still my brother and if you lay one finger on him. I will ruin you, do you understand me?" I threaten him. Yes, Damon may have kept the fact my mother faked her death from me and it hurts me that she left like that. I mean, she left me with somebody who put me through hell and in the end stopped me from hanging out with my brothers in public because I was an embarrassment apparently. I still would've liked for Damon to tell me and not hide this from me. But I can see why he did it. I always felt unwanted and I've always felt the need to be wanted all of my life. He probably didn't want to hurt me with that information. Jack thinks this is going to turn me against Damon but it's not worked. I just see it as Damon protecting me from heartbreak. Like him and Stefan always did.

The person I am mad at is my mother. Just another person that didn't want me. Which does hurt a lot but I'm not gonna get distracted by this and let him use it against me. He looks at me again and says "You can't ruin me when you're dead." he then laughs.

I look up and show a cocky smirk. "I guess you can't ruin me when I rip your head off." I say to him. I chuckle and say "Is that the ripper speaking? I don't know. You tell me." I smile at him. He kneels in front of the chair and looks straight at me with a pissed off look on his face. I laugh in his face and say "Are you not going to tell me? I thought you knew everything about my ripper side?"

Jack screams in frustration as he goes over to the door. He grabs his black hoodie and says "I'm going out." He looks over and points at me "You stay here! I'm not done with you!"

"You stay here! I'm not done with you!" My father says as he leaves me. Beaten alone in the shed. He locks the door and my heart breaks as it smashes on the floor. Why does he treat me like I'm nothing? It's probably because I am. He's told me enough.

The door slams shut which jumps me out of the daydream I was just having. A horrible daydream.

- 8:30pm -

- No One's POV -

The gang have pulled up on the road leading to Maple Hallows and have thought of a plan that could bring down Jack Whitmore. Now all they have to do is wait for his car to get past and the plan can start. Britney was the one who came up with the plan. She came up with the plan the night after the trip to Whitmore. Which was last night.

Damon and Caroline have gone looking for the shed while Josie is with her gun. She's got it just in case Jack tries anything and she can use it for self defence. She's kinda missing her magic but she's scared of it at the same time. The events of Dark Josie still haunt her to this day and that makes me fearful of having any power at all. So she's keeping it safe in her piggybank. Josie Saltzman feels calmer knowing it's there and not inside her. It makes her more at ease.

Josie says "I can hear an exhaust in the distance." She looks over at the girls "Girls get ready to get behind the car." She then looks over at Derek and Sebastian "Get ready to do your part of the plan."

"Okay, Josie. I'm ready!" Sebastian says with adrenaline pumping through his veins. The adrenaline is making him feel amped up and ready to start the plan. The thing he is most excited for is getting his sister back and that he is going to take her white rose picking. Then take her to the grille to play some darts with her. He loves how she loves to play Darts. She has a different technique too.

Derek takes an intake of breath and says "I'm ready to take that bitch down."


Damon and Caroline are walking through the woods outside of Maple Hallows. The pair are using flashlights as it is now dark out. Damon looks over at Caroline and says "I've been worried sick Care."

"Me too, Damon. It's been horrible and seeing that photo made me so mad." Caroline says.

Damon sighs and says "Brit has re-lived a traumatic experience today and it hurts me. Hurts me to my core it does."

Caroline shakes her head and says "It does me. Britney is such a beautiful girl and she's grown so much from what you've told me. She showed me her poems and she has a way with words."

"She's so talented!" Damon smiles and says "It was Stefan who taught her how to creative write. Britney reminds me a lot of Stefan."

The Forbes vampires heart hurts when Stefan gets mentioned because of what happened on their wedding day. Not a day goes by when she doesn't miss him. She always missed him and because of that she keeps her wedding rings on her neck to always keep him near. Caroline smiles and says "She is a lot like him. I miss him so much."

Damon's face drops and he says "Me too, CareBear."

The pair then walk a little in front when they see a shed so Damon and Caroline run over to it. The Forbes vampire uses her vamp strength to open the door and then they both walk in to a sight. Britney tied up in chains on a chair. Caroline has to clear her throat because of the level of vervain in the air. Damon slowly walks over to his sister.

"Britney?" He questions.

She looks up at him and says "Hello, brother!" with a smirk on her face. Even after being tortured she is still the same Britney. Damon and Caroline admire her strength. It still hurts them to see her like this though and Britney may need some time to mentally heal from this.

Damon smiles and says "You are stealing my lines again!" as Caroline vamp speed the chains off Britney even though the vervain was burning her skin. Caroline smiles at the siblings. The Salvatore vampire gets up of the chair. She stumbles a little bit but Caroline catches her. She looks over and says "Thank you, sister." which makes Caroline smile. Caroline is loving having a little sister.

Britney looks over at Damon and says "I am and what are you going to do about it, old man!"

"Call my lawyer and sue you." Damon jokes back.

Britney answers back "I'll just compel the judge to drop the case."

"That's when I feed him vervain and..." Damon gets cut off.

"Guys! You can have this argument later. We have a person to take down." Caroline says to both of them. Looks like the plan can finally go as planed and Britney can't wait now because Jack has pissed her off so much that a certain side of hers has been awakened again. Which just makes her that more powerful. "Ooh, I can't wait to take him down!" Britney says with a hint of excitement in her voice. Damon gives Britney back her daylight ring which was on the floor and she puts it on. The trio then walk out off the shed.


Jack's car drives past the three girls so Hope, Louisa and Lizzie walk behind the car. Lizzie is stood in the middle as she holds onto the girls hands to siphon magic out of them to help them. Her hands turn red so the three girls start chanting a slowing down spell which makes Jack's car slow down tremendously. Excitement spreading between them as the spell kicks into gear. The three girls smile at each other as they continue the spell. The girls then look over back at the car too see it slowing down at a fast rate.

He looks over at his speed monitor and goes "What the heck is going on?" then he looks up and panics when he sees a man laid in the middle of the road. He stops and gets out of the car to see Sebastian Keltz laid on the road.

Sebastian senses him and springs up from his position. He looks over at Jack with a smirk and says "It's just a trick I learnt." then he gets up from the floor and nods over at Derek. Then, Derek vamp speeds towards Jack and slams him against his car. Jack looks at Derek with an nervous expression because now he knows that he has screwed up taking Britney and it just made his defeat quicker to happen.

Derek then says "He learnt it from me mate! Now here's another trick."

The three girls start chanting a spell that makes his head hurt so Derek let's him go as he collapses on the floor in so much pain. "You don't like it do you? Having your mind messed with?" Josie questions him. Jack, in pain, looks at Josie and just shakes his head. He has nothing to say. The gang have truly backed him in a corner. A bit like he has with them for quite a bit.

Louisa goes over and drags him up off the floor. She then pins him against the car. The Martin witch looks at him and says "It's not nice is it?" with hidden pain in her voice. He really messed with her head and used her tragic past against her. That's something she now has trust issues for. It's made it more difficult for her to make friends. So now when she looks at him, he is a walking reminder of a bad time in her life. He needs to go.

"Well I wouldn't think so." Britney's voice is heard so the group all look at her and feel so much relief. She then struts towards Jack while he is pinned against the car. She looks over at Louisa and says "I'm proud you're sticking up for yourself." Which makes Louisa smile, Then she asks "Can I talk to him?"

Louisa let's him go and says "Go ahead." then walks away from her former mind bully. Britney turns round to look at Jack. She is now thinking of everything he has done to the people she cares about and it makes her so mad inside. Her protective nature has kicked in big time. Now it's time to use her dark side for the good, again. She is slowly starting to accept this side of her. Britney still doesn't approve of it but if it needs to come out to protect the people she cares about then so be it.

"You have hurt every single person that's here right now and my niece. Coming after people I care about? Bad move! Yes, that includes Louisa." She exclaims.

"Yeah, and?" Jack questions her. Which is what she wanted.

"And you tried to break me down today. Make my head messed up just like my father did." She points at her head and says "But my mind is crystal clear so sucks to be you! Haha."

Jack just sighs and goes "Britney, what are you trying to prove with this really?"

Britney looks over at her pack and smiles at them. This is going to make them so proud and she can't wait to make them proud. Make Stefan proud. She looks back at Jack. Gaining the courage to use her dark side for the good again. She always feels a little nervous using it because of the cravings for blood that could come afterwards but she is willing to take that risk to protect her friends and family from more The Stealthy torment. Jack would only resume the game if she doesn't. So she has decided in her mind to kill him the way she said she was going to.

"That the ripper is now speaking." Britney says then she smiles as she shows her teeth and vamped out face. Then, she looks at his neck and rushes towards it. Britney then digs her teeth into his neck and savages though it. Blood rushing through her veins which gives her so much excitement through her body. His screams giving her a rush of adrenaline. Making her want his blood even more. His screams stop when his headless body drops onto the floor and Britney, with her vamped out face, looks at it while hugging Jack's head. She then throws his head on the floor and her face goes back to normal.

"That must've been so hard for you BritBear!" Damon says then she runs over to the pack and they all have a emotional group hug.

The nightmare is finally over... for now.


- Britney's POV -

I am outside doing some white rose picking. After the ordeal I went through I needed to come out here just to look at my favourite flower. The flower that represents peace. Which is a immortals best friend. It's been a little harder for me to walk around Mystic Falls as my blood lust got triggered a little bit last night but I did it for a good reason so I'm not bothered. I look up and see Damon walking towards me. Time to talk about my mother I suppose.

"Greetings, brother." I say to him. Dreading the conversation to come.

He smiles at me and says "How are you Brit?"

"I've been better but I'll be fine." I say then I ask "Can I talk to you about something?"

"Of course." Here it goes.

I pick a white rose and say "Jack told me about mother faking her death. Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't tell you to protect you from that heartache. When she came back I was devastated. I didn't want you going through the same thing." He says to me. I knew he wanted to protect me. That's why I'm not really mad at him per say. It's just the more I think about him keeping this from me, the more I don't like it. Even though I know it's not his fault and it's mother's and father's fault. But I'm glad he's told me why he kept it from me even though I thought that anyway.

I smile at him and say "I understand. Also, am I a burden? He also told me that too."

Damon shakes his head and says "You are not a burden Britney. If anything, you are a strong and an amazingly brave young girl that has been through so much at a young age. You are growing into an amazing woman and I'm so proud of you. Stefan is proud of you."

"I love you so much big brother." I say as I give him a white rose to thank him. Just like old times before everything. He smiles at the rose and kisses me on the top of the head. Then, we both walk back into the school. Derek has let me have some time off to re-focus after what happened to me yesterday.

But what Damon said to me has made think...

Maybe I am being the best captain of my life after all.

Hey guys, here it is! The season 2 finale. The season 3 teaser should be coming out soon and then season 3 starts. Unlike this big bad, you know who the big bad is from the start. She is a lot like Katherine in a way and I can't wait for you to meet her. You learn more about Sebastian in this season aswell.

Here are some questions:
1. Are you excited for next season?
2. Did you like how even though Britney was being tortured she still fought back and stood up for what she believed in?
3. What did you think of Louisa joining the pack?
4. Did you enjoy the pack working together to save their leader?
5. What did you think of Britney Salvatore now you've gotten to know her through two seasons?

- Megan :D

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