Death Note: The Daughter of t...

By BloodyAppleNote

525K 12.7K 5.5K

Karin a shinigami that looks like a human girl. The only non-normal thing is her eyes which are pure red and... More

Resurrection of L
The Meeting at the Orphanage
The Gamer boy
The Cake Shop
The Human Shinigami
There's three Boys that make the World Go Round
How things change, just like that
High School is like Hell
The Case of Half breeds
L + K = World's Love
Kira the Shinigami
Candy Tears and Strawberry Kisses
Surprise Strawberries
Don't judge
Missing and Now back
Mikami, who used to be Dead
Betrayal from Boredom
Legends and Revenge
Try to outsmart L if you can
X, the girl with the ability
Rain's Death
It's not her
Horrible Past and Promises in the Present
Dinner at the Chapel
Memories of Kira
How would I know?
Fake smiles and people we don't want to meet
The meanings behind words
Extra: Halloween Party (Note: with some useres on here) PART 1
Extra: Halloween Party PART 2
Misa's Final Wish
Final battle, welcome my heartless self
The step of a life of the letter detective
Memory Chains
L, You're Back
King and Queen for the better future
Preview of Death Note 2: Daughter of the Shinigami King and Queen

White Roses and a Black Rose

10.4K 246 195
By BloodyAppleNote

*Kenta’s POV*

I watch as Mello helps Matt and Near dress up in suits. Near was wearing all white and Matt was wearing white dress up shirt, a black tie, red coat and dress up pants, and black buckled boots. Me on the other hand, I was wearing the same as Matt but black coat and dress up pants.

I tightened Matt’s loose tie. “Why are we doing this again?” He asked.

Mello glares at him. “Because today is the day Karin gets married!”

“But, didn’t L ask her today?” I asked.

“L wants us to get the wedding ready today.” Near says as he throws the light blue on the ground that Mello just put on. “Blue’s not my color.”

Mello looked pissed, but cooled down and gave Near a white tie. “How about this tie?”

“Yes, that’s better.” Near said and picks up his robot.

I chuckled. I didn’t know Mello was so into clothes. I notice that Mello wasn’t wearing a dress up suit.

“Hey, Mello.” I said.

“Yeah?” Mello asked with safety pins in his mouth

“Why aren’t you wearing a suit?” I asked.

“Because, I have to get Karin’s dress ready.” Mello said with a smile.

*Karin’s POV*

I hug L and snuggle my head into his chest. I smiled. “I’m so happy.”

L cradles my head. “Me to.”

“Okay, can you guys stop now?”

We turn around and see Matt, Kenta, and Near all dressed up. Well Mello wasn’t. He was holding a black paper bag in his hand and the other white. I gave them a confused look. “Why are you guys dressed up for?”

“It’s for your wedding today of course!” Kenta said with a smile and pats my head. “You’re like my sister.”

I smile up at him. “I know.”

“Can you tell Kenta to take off his eye patch, Karin?” asked Mello. “It doesn’t go with his outfit.”

I stuck out my tongue at him and hooked my arm around L’s arm. “Kenta gets to choose if he wants to keep it or not.”

“Okay, whatever! I have to get you ready!” Mello said and grabs my arm leading me to a door that I didn’t notice till now.

*Mello’s POV*

This is stupid. I can’t believe I got the size of the dress wrong!

“Hey Mello. Did you do this right?” Karin asks as she tries to balance standing on the stool with her arms out.

“Shut up, I’m trying to put the last part on!” I yelled holding on part of her dress.

“Why am I wearing a blind fold?” She asked and then moves her hand to the blindfold on her eyes.

I slapped her hand. “Don’t you freaking dare touch the blindfold, understood?!”

Karin nods her head. I fix the last part of her dress. “It’s been about three months since I came here.” Karin said. I look up at her. “But, there might be a day when I disappear.”

“Today is your wedding day. Every girls dream day.” I said taking off her blindfold.

Karin’s blue eyes looked sad. “Every human girls dream.”

We went silent. I sighed.

I lift my hand and slapped her.

Karin touches her red cheek and looks at me in shock.

“This is a very special day to remember. Both you and L will treasure this day forever, even when your back to being a shinigami. So make this a wedding day to remember!” I yelled quickly.

Then I pointed at her reflection in a mirror behind me. “This is you, you better be happy! Because I worked my butt off for this for L!”

Karin looks at her reflection and then smiles. “You’re right.”

“Of course I-” Karin cuts me off by her hug with her arms around my neck.

“Thank you.” I heard her whisper.

This time it was for me to be shocked. Karin moves away and places her hands on my shoulders. She smirked. “Now time to dress you up.”

*Karin’s POV*

“There, perfect!” I said with a smile. I look up and down at Mello’s black suit. Instead of a black tie it was gold.

Mello frowns at his look in the mirror. “Are you sure a gold tie looks good?”

I bonked his head. “Of coarse it looks good!”

He rubs his head and glares at me. “Don’t bonk my head.”

I stuck out my tongue. “Whatever.”

I help Mello tighten his tie. “What day is it today in numbers?”

“Today is, October 6. So 106, why you ask?” Mello said with a confused look.

I smiled. “Because, it’ll be my favorite number.”

Then I looked at myself again in the mirror. I have a black frilly headband on my head with a black rose on it. The black frilly wedding dress looked beautiful, along with the long black socks and black high heals, even though they hurt like crazy!

Mello taps on my shoulder. I turn around to find him holding white roses in his hand. “Here.”

I hold the white roses and lift it up to my nose to smell its sweet honey dew. I moved it away. “It smells so nice, did you pick it?”

“L did.” Mello said and opens a door that we didn’t walk in. I walk and fond Kenta waiting outside.

Kenta looked surprised at me and then smiles. “You look beautiful sis.”

“Thanks Kenta.” I said and hook my arm around his.

“Call me brother.” Kenta said with a smirk.

I pinched his side. “I know you’re my brother, but I’ll always call you by your name. So do the same for me, okay?” I said with a smile.

“Sure.” Kenta leads me to the double doors.

*Matt’s POV*

I set down the last bench in the ball room. I wipe my forehead. “Man, why do I have to do all the work?”

“You only put up two benches.” L says sitting down on the floor and typing on his laptop.

I put my hands in my pockets. “Why are you working on your wedding day?”

“I know how long it takes for Karin to get ready.” L looks back at his laptop. “Another criminal died.”

I walk over to him and look at his laptop screen.

“A man around 40 wanted to kill his daughter’s husband for no reason. Before the newlyweds were about to leave to their honeymoon, the father who was driving them to the airport killed the husband with a gun.” L said while chewing his thumb. “Then the 40 year old man died in a heart attack after that.”

“Did you get information on the husband?” I asked.

“Yes, he wanted to sell his wife in black market.” L opens a web page of black market and it shows a women’s picture. “This is the girl.”

“So, what do you think this has to do with Light?” I asked.

“I’ll tell you later.” L stands up and gives the laptop to Mr. Hugui.

I turn around and see the double doors open. I straightened my red coat and looked up. It wasn’t Karin but a guy that had a girly face. I pointed at him.

“Who’s this girly face guy?” I asked.

“Hey!” the girly face guy exclaimed.

“That’s Matsuda.” L said and fixes his tie. “He can be stupid at some times.”

Matsuda frowns. “At least I showed up at your wedding.”

“Where are the others?” L asked.

“They didn’t believe that you were getting married.” Matsuda then scratches his head and grins. “Believe me, I didn’t buy it at all. But, I wanted to see if it was true or not so, here I am.”

“Let’s get ready.” L said and walks up to a chapel table where the priest stands, but its Mr. Hugui instead. To keep L’s identity.

Matsuda sits in one of the benches and I stand next to L. Somehow I became his best man for this wedding.

The double doors opened and I was so surprised at Karin’s dress. The black frilly wedding dress and her black headband with a black rose on it made this day great. I looked down at her high heels and laughed a little. She can barely walk in those shoes!

*Karin’s POV*

Man these shoes are killing me! I bit my lip a little. Kenta looks over at me.

 “Are you okay?” He asks.

I try to smile. “Never better!” I whispered back.

I look forward again and see Matt trying to hold his laugh. I. Hate. You, Matt!

When we reached where L is, Kenta unhooks my arm from his and sits down next to this guy with a girls face. I think he has hearts in his eyes as he watches me and L getting married.

Mr. Hugui clears his throat. “We are gathered here to-“

“Hold on Mr. Hugui.” L looks at me. “Lift you leg up a little.”

I lift my left leg a little and L takes my black high heel shoe off. Then I did it again with my right leg.

L throws the black high heels aside and looks back at Mr. Hugui. “You may continue.”

Mr. Hugui then continues. I look over at L and whispered. “How’d you know my feet hurt?”

“It was obvious to not notice it. Even your brother knew to.”  L whispers back.

“Karin?” asked Mr. Hugui and shows a piece of paper at me. “Do you need to read your vows on this piece of paper?”

“No, I got it memorized from Mello.” I said and looked at L.

*L’s POV*

“I, Karin, take you, L, to be my partner, loving what I know of you, and trusting what I do not yet know. I eagerly anticipate the chance to grow together, getting to know the man you will become, and falling in love a little more every day. I promise to love and cherish you through whatever life may bring us.” Karin said with little tears in her eyes.

“I L, take you Karin to be my wife, my partner in life and my one true love. I will cherish our union and love you more each day than I did the day before. I will trust you and respect you, laugh with you and cry with you, loving you faithfully through good times and bad, regardless of the obstacles we may face together. I give you my hand, my heart, and my love, from this day forward for as long as we both shall live.” I said.

“The rings?” Mr. Hugui said.

Near stands up from his seat next to Mello and gives me Karin’s ring. Near then gives my ring to Karin.

Karin slides my ring on my left hand ring finger. I slide her ring on her left hand ring finger and then hold her hands.

“You may kiss the bride.” Mr. Hugui said happily.

I lift Karin’s chin up and kiss her lips passionately. Her lips tasted like strawberries and raspberries mixed together.

When our lips moved away, Matsuda threw white roses at our faces.

He looks blankly at us and then freaks out when he see that Karin has white rose petals in her hair.

“I’m so sorry!” Matsuda says. “I was too excited when you guys kissed!”

“Matsuda you idiot.” I said and take the white rose petals out of Karin’s hair.

She laughs. “What?” I asked.

“You have some in your hair to!” Karin said with a smile.

When we were done taking out white rose petals from each other’s hair, I looked at Matsuda. “Karin, this Matsuda. He used to help me with the Kira case.”

“Nice to meet you!” Karin puts out her hand.

Matsuda shakes her hand excitedly. “It’s so nice to meet you! I heard all about you from Matt.”

*Karin’s POV*

“Oh really?” I asked.

“Yep! I can’t believe I’m looking at a shinigami! You look so human!” Matsuda smiled.

“That’s what my father says all the time when he sees me.” I laughed.

“Where is your father anyways?” Matsuda asked.

“Um.” I said. L holds my hand. “Sorry, Matsuda but we have to catch our flight.”

“Wait! Can’t I have at least a picture of the newly weds?!” Matsuda yelled as we run to the elevator.

“You can get the pictures form Mello.” L says before he closes the elevator.

The elevator goes up and up until it reached the highest floor. The elevator opened and we were on the roof of the restaurant. I feel the wind blowing hard on me. In the middle was a helicopter and Mr. Hugui sitting there. L grabs my hand again and we run to the helicopter.

I put my seatbelt on and the look at L. “Where are we going?”

“It’s a secret.” L said with a little smile. “Just sleep, love and we’ll be there.”

I smiled back at him. “Okay.”

I lean my head on the glass window and closed my eyes. I’m so happy that L and I are married. It doesn’t matter where I go in this human world, as long as I’m with L. My lover.

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