Picture perfect (Complete)

By buransh

5.8K 433 68

Mew and Fluke are online sensations, the most popular bl couple on YouTube, everyone admires their relationsh... More

Third wheel


439 39 1
By buransh





He sat beside his mother, she spread various nail polish in front of him, "Which one??"

"Mumm" he whined...

"I asked which one??"

He picked some random shade, putting it in her hand, she wiggled her fingers, he sighed took a seat beside her, opened the cap holding her hand.

"If it is bad, it is bad, don't blame me later"

She nods, judging his face, the every weekend visits over Mild place, kinda suspicious. She has her ways...

"Did you see Mild's girl"

"Not yet, she was busy"

"Hmmm, hmmm", "where did Mild take you??"

"Here and there nothing special" Gulf remained concentrated on her nails,

"Nothing special??"

"Ummm hmmmm"

"She is pretty" she stated...

Gulf's eyebrows knot "who??"

"Your colleague Prink, met her in the market few days back", "she admires you", "talks a lot about you"... "whatever, I won't complain, if my son's ship sails" here she goes, dropped the shell, now wore the imaginary detective glasses, looking minutely for change. But none. So she is not the one, Ummm, something else then.

Gulf chuckles, "there is no ship, so no need to sail anything" he looked up, "don't tell me you ask her some weird shit"

"I am your mother sweety, not a matchmaker" she was frustrated, if not her then what, Mild, she can't believe that kid had sealed his lips, couldn't spill out anything...

"Leave that aside", "You know what", "I met that guy again"

"Which one??"

"Mew and his boyfriend Fluke", "you remember, at the beach"

she was surprised to see the spark in her son's eyes, talking about this Mew guy, saving some waiter, or what else...

The nails were done, but Gulf continued to talk, now she know, what is going on.. He might be hiding it, but believe a mother, they might don't have a sixth sense, but if a seventh sense exists, it is blessed in mothers only...They can sniff these kinds of things...


The sun settles down, his heart is still singing that buzzing song, lyrics are not clear yet, but definitely some happy song...goes through the contact list again, should he message, can he message, of course, he can, friends can text and call each other, he always call and text phi Mild...

"Are you asleep"...nehhhh it looks too weird, and formal

"I have been home", feels like talking to mom,

"How was the meeting", nosy...

Damn, he rolled on the bed, erasing all of the above...

"Bus tire punctured"

"Took an extra half-hour",

"Superman should be there 😣"

Finally, satisfied with what he had written, press the sent bottom, one minute, two, three, five, a half-hour, he threw phone on the bed, what to expect, feeling grumpy all of sudden, had his dinner, have a basic conversation with the family...

When he get back, there were a few messages, Smile erupts on his lips...

"Radar not working properly, next time I will be there,"

"Your replies are late for a superhero"

"Superman is busy in filming",

"got a role in a series, you can watch me on Tv.. soon wink wink"


"😍congrats happy for you"

Gulf shoots up borrowing a pillow to hug closer to his chest...

"What kind of series???"

"A psycho lover"

"Manga-based Live action, Fluke and I are chosen as leads"

"Leads??, that's amazing"

"Can I ask for a treat"

"Sure, tell me when??"

"This weekend"

"Ohhhh, by the way, I am Gulf, for you, it is Phi Gulf"


"Need to go, part of shooting left",

"break over"

"how many hours you guys shoot???"

"It is midnight"

"I don't know, maybe two more hours, then we are good to go"

"Have some rest, Good night Mew,"

"Good night Phi Gulf"

Gulf smiled happily, this is what he wants, just talk to Mew, nothing much... he is content, he didn't understand why it is like this, but he wants it...


The smile Mew had on his face didn't go unnoticed,

Fluke was on door..."Any good news",

"Nothing, why???"

"you were smiling at the phone, thought got some good news"

"Having a little chat,", "how much time??",

"Arranged everything", "you know your part??" He touched up his makeup..

"Are they gonna film entering into a building or just room"

"It's night", "Entering in the room will be ok,"

Mew straightens up and leaves the room, they have to shoot a surprise video, to pretend that Mew didn't know, get the role in the series, Fluke gonna surprise him..., they will celebrate for a while,

This is all a marketing strategy to promote them as a couple, as well as let their fans know, about their future plans for better engagement..

Their whole week was busy, they have to shoot more because now they have to post videos on YouTube as well as they have to attend the workshops... Mew still finds time to text Gulf here and there, their messages get exchanged on regular basis...

"Free this weekend, would you??"

"ummmm....schedule is quite packed",

"Can't promise",

"has to ask",


"What did he say??"

"Wait, Jeezzze, I was going to"

"How would I know, it is been like an hour and you didn't reply"

"Check it again",

"It has been only five minutes"

"Don't waste time on arguing"

"Hurry up"

Mew sighed this guy has zero patience.... Damn the schedule is hell jammed, if took the gap between salon and photoshoot, that's the only time is free...if he can skip the rest time, he can use it...

"See you on Sunday, can't stay for longer",

"Send you the location, soon"

"Don't be late, you would miss this celebrity face"

Gulf scoffed in response but was excited too

The ride to the city this time was amazingly shortened, the melody keeps on buzzing, it has to be a happy song...




Instead of going to Mild place, he headed towards their meet-up place...informing Mild he is meeting Mew but will join him for dinner...

Waiting is not his cup of tea, but he still waited, Mew is running fifteen minutes late, tapping his feet, anxious, was he stood out.

The happy melody was getting replaced...should he call, text, should he, his fingers keep locking and unlocking the phone...

"Am I late??"

Gulf heaved a sigh, at least he is here, "You came, be ready for the penalty"

Mew slumped to the side, instead of sitting in front, his face was covered in a mask, black sunglasses, and a cap... what a disguise, anyone can recognize him like this, they changed sits so mew was sitting in the shadow of Gulf...

"Sorry busy"

"You could have told me, we can meet some other day"

Mew faked a tremble, "Shaman wrath",

And that was enough for Gulf to get that happy melody resumed...

They chatted for a while more likely flirting by countering whatever the other one say, once they get enough of testing. Gulf showed him the score of this game he was playing, elaborating on the details, and strategies.

something heavy plopped on his shoulder, Mew's head was the weight that lulled on side...

He tilted Mew's head, in a more comfortable position, took the dropping phone from his hand, placing it on the table...

Resuming his game..somehow it feels natural to him, nothing special, nothing awkward.


Mew's phone rang...the guy didn't budge in sleep, must be pretty tired, Gulf craned his neck to see the caller Id. Fluke's name flashed on the screen, he can pick up that call, without disturbing his sleep....

"Mew, I am at the mall, outside the saloon where are you"

"ummm, Hello phi Fluke??"


"It's Gulf P", "Sorry for picking up his phone, but it was you", "so I picked it up", "we are a café, there are still twenty minutes in schedule right", "join us here, we can chat some more"

Fluke arrived at the café, searching for them, he couldn't, was about to call again, saw a guy in the corner waving his hand, ahhh Gulf, he steps towards them, closer he gets more he registered, Mew was sleeping on Gulf's shoulder.

His fist curled up, Mew didn't do these things with him, unless there is a camera, his so-called famous perfect boyfriend prefer someone else shoulder, rubbing salt on his wounds,...

Took a seat with a lip sealed smile, he is a pro at smiling like that,

Mew was still in dreamland unaware of his presence, Gulf complimented on how good Fluke looks.. To which Fluke just smiled..

"You have time right??", "have something, the choco-chip smoothie was amazing, I had his and mine both, too much sugar for the day"

Fluke refused the offer, calling mew to wake, his voice was melodic and nice, Gulf was surprised how polite he is...but the politeness didn't reach the sleepyhead...

So Gulf took the responsibility to woke him up, "Oyeeee wake up," he pinched Mew's cheeks, Mew groans snuggling closer, Fluke's fist clenched at sight... the two guys in front remains unaware of the discomfort they were creating for Fluke.

"Wake up", "gonna charge you, stealing my precious shoulder for the whole freaking day"

Mew chuckled "lier, has been five minutes, always exaggerating" he yawned, rubbing his eyes...

Flick, "aaooh," Mew held his head, rubbing the area Gulf has just flicked, "did you just??"

"Don't rub them",


Gulf massaged the sides of his eyes in slow motion, "better"

Mew smiled...

Fluke was again just watching the two with a gaped mouth, what they think, they are doing and who they think they are, can't they see him in front of them, or can't they see they are at the public place..

"I traveled this far to become your pillow", nagged, bobbed Mew's head a little. Mew rubbed on Gulf's arms, holding on the wrist, pouting, eyes still closed enjoying the little pampering over his face... "A very qualified pillow"...

Fluke feels like an outsider, seeing different Mew, when did all this happen, when did they become this close..."ummmmm" he cleared his throat...

Mew dazed out from his lovely bubble, "Hey there, when did you arrive", hands still holding on Gulf's wrist... "let's go"..

With the promise to meet some other day, perfect couple let Gulf...

He was again in good mood he went back to the apartment, Mild asked him about his day, which Gulf gladly delivered since their meet-up, to Mew's sleeping to their departure...




Mew invited him to their little get-together, a kind of celebration for getting the role, in three days the shoot will start...

"Cheers" they all clinked their glasses, the food was spread over the table... there were six people at the table, Mew, Fluke, their two managers, Mild and then Gulf, sitting in the circular table in the same order, Mew sitting between Fluke and Gulf, he had actually dragged Gulf to sit beside him...

They keep on getting engaged in their little quarrels, forgetting the eyes following them, "you have to eat"

"No you eat", passing the vegies on each other plates...

The nights move, the liquor surfaced down, Mew's face was red, drunk, sleepy...

His manager filled another shot, Mew held it to chug it down, Gulf stopped him holding his hand, "enough"

"I can"

"I said enough" took the drink gulping it down,

The manager filled the glass again, "let nong have some", "it's his celebration"

Gulf stopped the manager as well, "khun, He. Had. Enough" it was not cheeky, whinny, silly arguing voice as before... Pushed Mew back, settling the head on back, then getting back to being a tease, such a flipper, like he had not just threatened, glaring the hell out of the manager...

There is one question in everyone's head, what is going on between these two...

Mew moved forwards, resting his head on Gulf's shoulder, " I want more"

"You had enough"

"I want it"

"Then open your mouth," Mew opens saying ahhhhhh Gulf took a spoon full of veggies putting them in Mew's mouth, "there you have it" "now sleep" push mew back again... Mew didn't struggle much, Fluke was already sleeping his head rested back...

There two main hosts were sleeping, kinda weird to talk with strangers but bless Gulf's mouth, he can hold a conversion, if he really wants...here it is mandatory if he wants to seat longer with Mew...




The next weekend was hell busy, Mew's text replies were delayed by a whole day, reason of Gulf's mood swings...

So to compensate, he offered the sleepover..... Gulf was back on singing the same out of lyrics happy melody...

Unaware of the fact Mew had an argument with Fluke for his stay..

"Mew, he is nice but, why do you behave like this"

"like what??"

"You behave differently with him"

"Don't know, what you are talking about", "he is a friend, whose company I cherish," it is frustrating, can't they have a little chat with friends..

Cherish, rather feels like worshiping, getting engaged in silly talks, laughing at whatever nonsense he spurted out, can't make him agree in anything, and still look at him, like he is some enchanted being, calling a 185 cm guy cute, finding his furrowed face adorable, his foul language amusing, the death glares warm and lovely...

None of these thoughts voiced out, he greeted his teeth, "When you had already decided, then why ask me"

"I didn't ask you, I am telling you" Mew was angry, why anyone can have issues with Gulf, he is such a nice guy, has his own way of thinking, have a different point of view, and never ashamed or hesitant to point them out...that leads to an argument, but they get on point, respecting each others perspective..

"you hate me that much Mew??" Fluke muffles, he is in stress would be understatement, first this show, being in front of so many people, and then he has to deliver lines, which he keeps on forgetting, then Mew who is living in his own happy bubbles, and Fluke has no place in that...

"Fluke", he held him from his elbow, "No....", "why would",

"You love me??"

Mew was baffled, why out of nowhere, he was hesitant to voice out, but "No, I don't",

Fluke knows all of this but still not expecting to hear, mew didn't even sugar coat it, just simply no...

"Why??" his lips boggled...

"Fluke", hold the shoulders, this is the time to talk he guess, took a deep breath, "we had seen each other for so long", "have I ever made you feel worth less or any less"

He got shooks in response",

"We had seen each other's worst, and best", "but it is also true", "if it was not contract, there would be no us"

Fluke fisted on Mew's shirt, pulling him close, "But i"

"It is not me, it is the idea of us",

He looked up with teary eyes, Mew wiped the tears, constraining his own from falling, this is the long waited talk, which they pushed back, and now it is happening, it really is happening...

"I lived in that idea too", "us the best couple", "always thinking how to make people believe, we are so in love", "so passionate about each other", " always thinking this surprise, or that", "do this do that", "you know, what can blow other's mind",

Fluke sniffles,

"But think about it", "is it about the people or us", "If we were so in love, so passionate", "we should be doing things for us, me for you, you for me", "but no.. we are feeding people's fantasy", "not ours"

Fluke sobbs quietly... Mew hands were still tracing the corner of his eyes, "I care for you", "i really do"

He gulped the lump, searching in Mew's eyes, "But it is not the same, as you do for Gulf," the answers were known, it is just they are giving voice to them.

Mew rested his head on Fluke's shoulder, Gulf just mentioning that guy name, and he feels giddy...

"I...Don't know", bites on his inners cheeks, "I feel comfortable with him, I can rely on him, he brings this warm feeling in my chest", "even though we argue most of the time", "but it felt more like teasing rather than argument', "i don't know"

Droplets started to shed from Flukes' eyes... Mew held his hands, kneading on them, "sorry"

"where am I lacking" He sniffles...

He shakes his head..."You are not lacking, you are perfect", "just we are not the perfect pieces together" he let the tears slide... "you are gonna find your perfect piece" squeezing him so he can convey there is nothing wrong with him..

"I can't make you like me in four years and he did it in a few months..."

"Don't compare him with you", "you are an angel, he is a brat", chuckles "I can be dumb falling for a brat"... chuckles, "It is funny how people call us the definition of picture-perfect"

Fluke chuckles, "the picture is shattered though",

"Or it may never exist" Mew countered

"Ya it could be"

"Can't I live in that reel?" Fluked pulled Mew again...

"You were living in that reel for four years Fluke, were you happy?"

Fluked shakes his head for no, "Then let's step out of that reel, to find happiness"

"In these years have you ever loved me once"

"you want to know the truth"

"Is it too harsh, then don't tell" the tears were dried out till now, the little dampness was still lingering around the corner...

"To be honest", "I won't say love, but infatuated", "yes", "You were cute, you are still cute", "but that is that, I found you cute, I tried to like you", "what about you"

Fluke laughed thinly, "you are grumpy, and little scary, sometimes it is hard for me to approach you, if it were not to inform you about work, i would avoid you"

"And you thought you love me"

Fluke shakes, "i like, when you being nice, the little gestures, maybe they were for the camera, I don't know, it's hard to differentiate"

Mew sighed understanding the dilemma, "it was the same for me"


"I still get confused, but I can't be in this virtual fu*cked up perfect relation"

They looked each other in eyes "we are idiots", "if we had talked all this in past years we would be less miserable"

"Agree", he wiped his face, smiling at Mew, "So this Gulf, huhhh??

Ahh Mew wish he would know what Gulf is, could answer that with one word, but "Don't know", "have zero idea, what he thinks, do, he is unpredictable",

"He likes you"

"You think so??" his heart leaped with just proximity..

Fluke nod his head in assurance, "he got feisty if you don't pay attention on him"

Mew chuckles, "he is always feisty"

Fluke shakes his head in disagreement, "He got worked up, if you don't look at him".. "He likes you", "what about you"

Mew smiled hoping that it is true, that maybe Gulf could see him, more than a friend, sigh, "he is a pinch of salt in my bland life"

Flukes patted on Mew's arm.... It felt lighter, voicing out thoughts, their heart was craving to be heard out for years...




This is the first time he was going in Mew's apartment, Mew's and Fluke's apartment, brought some gifts, cookies, and few fruits...

When he arrived they were still going live, their manager opened the door, and he remain silent, watching the duo live the first time, being a couple. He had never witnessed it in their encounters till now..

Mew's arm remains rested on Fluke's neck, they chatted about food, their past experience, which Gulf has no idea about, and then it happened, they kissed, something shrunk in his heart...

He blinks few times, turning his gaze, they laughed, they teased, they kissed, all in front of him, and four other people...

Something is burning, there is this undescribed discomfort, and pain in his heart...

Even thought he avoid looking at them, he can hear them, took out his ear pods, stuffing his ears blasting music on full volume, he shouldn't feel this discomfort.  Moreover angry..

A few minutes later, Mew tapped on his head,  "sorry, work"

Gulf wants to argue, but chooses not to, he has no reason to, they are couple, couples does such things...and he wanted just talk from start, isn't he...

Mew snapped his finger, "you are lost again", "tired??"

Gulf pouts, "Hungry, feed me"

Mew chuckles, pulling him into the kitchen "it is not my department", "Fluke handle it"

He was going through the refrigerator do they have anything, the pizza slice... can heat it up...

Gulf sat with a pizza slice in front, "not gonna eat"


"Not a bite??"


"What had you eaten today??"

"On diet supplements"

"Just that??"

Mew chuckles, "it is for the show", "once it is over", "i am good to go"

Gulf felt it is unfair, but didn't say anything, Fluke was sitting on Mew's side, his hand rested on Mew's thighs, it irks him, it irks him so much, that he don't know what to do, so he sulked at Mew, that why did he call him, if not gonna talk to him, blinked with a pout at Fluke as well...

Fluke gave a knowing teasing smile to Mew, see I told you...

Mew rolled his eyes, it can't be true, they get engaged in playing some game...

Fluke came with Gulf's phone in hand, "you have a call"

"Pick it for me", "i am busy", "mew you have to go on right" he shouts at him...

Fluke picked up the call a little hesitant, Mild was a little surprised to see him in front of the camera, Fluke told him that they are playing and faced the camera towards Mew and Gulf who drowned in-game...

Mild cut the call with the message to visit him before he leaves.... He needs a serious talk with Gulf



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