Elementals: The Great War

By DrHallwayThe69th

362 9 1

The time has come for a new king to be crowned in Terra, but is Steve truly ready to hold the mantle? With al... More

Self Confidence
Quality Time
What Do You Think
Staying the Night
Morning Issues
Smile for the Camera
Moments To Last Longer
Today's the Day
When Daggers Fly
Bottled Up Anger
Loss Is Gain
Addressing the Matter
Sound the Alarm
Speaking a Forbidden Name
Breaking Through
Once Brothers, Always Brothers
The Push of a Button
Rest In Pieces
Without A Scratch
A New Chosen One
Long Live the King
*Author's Note*


13 0 0
By DrHallwayThe69th

Knowing exactly who Ava's referring to, Steve quickly became defensive and mildly insulted at the very thought.

Steve: Are you kidding me? No! There's no way that Neos was the person who did that!

Ava: Steve, I know it's a really dumb thing to believe, but that's the only person that it sounds like...

Steve: Neos is dead... He has been for well over a year, and even if he was alive, he wouldn't do something like that... It honestly hurts that you'd have the audacity to even suggest such an idea to me...

Ava becomes hurt by Steve's comments but won't let that stop her from proving a point to him. She makes her way past Steve and walks over to Grimmus.

Ava: Hey, Grimmus, I have a question.

Grimmus: What might that be, Ms. Ava?

Ava: Just how powerful is Orichalcum?

Grimmus: Oh, well that's a really open ended question. Orichalcum can do things that would be unbelievable to many.

Ava: Is there any chance that it could bring someone back to life?

Steve: Ava, st-

Grimmus: Well... While such an idea has never been officially attempted, it's definitely seen as possible.

Steve froze at the response that Grimmus had given to Ava with him becoming immediately anxious. Unable to cope with the very thought that his brother could ever be brought back to life, he barged out of the room without saying a word to anyone.

Sub: What was that about?

Ava: It's my fault...

Sub: What do you mean?

Ava: I mean it's because of me that he's acting that way... I should've just kept my mouth shut and not said anything...

Sub: Wait a minute, I'm confused. What could you of all people have said to him that would make him act like that?

Ava: I told him that I thought Neos was the one that did it...

Sub: Wait, is that why you asked Grimmus that question? Was it because you wanted to see if there was a chance that Orichalcum could've brought him back to life?

Ava: Yeah... I know it was wrong, but I just can't think of anyone else that it could be...

Grimmus: I agree, Ava...

Ava and Sub both looked at Grimmus with complete shock covering their faces.

Ava: Wait... You actually believe me?

Grimmus: Honestly... I do...

Sub: Grimmus, I don't like to question you a lot, but may I ask why you believe her?

Grimmus: Heh... You really wish to know?

Sub and Ava both nodded their heads almost at the same time giving Grimmus the approval he needed to speak up.

Grimmus: Alright... Essentially, when Steve's brother and mother both passed, Jack came to me pleading for me to try to save his oldest son... I told him that all I could do was try, but I couldn't promise anything...

Sub: Wait, Jack knew about your universe?!

Grimmus: That, he did. How he did is what I am unsure of. Anyways, we planted Neos in a containment chamber in an attempt to maintain his body and bring life back to it. Surprisingly enough, it ended up working, but like all new projects, there was a kink to it. The kink in this particular project being that while his body was alive, it was unable to be awoken.

Sub: What do you mean by "his body was unable to be awoken?"

Grimmus: What I mean is that his body was alive but was practically keeping itself dormant almost as if it was unable to acknowledge the fact that it was alive. Long story short, Jack made me swear to never bring it up, and after being unable to get it to work fully, we kept his containment chamber safe in hopes that we would one day be able to bring him back to life entirely.

Sub: Ok, but if you have the chamber that's holding him, how could it be Neos?

Grimmus: That's the problem... After the fight with Jack, we quickly came to the realization that his chamber was missing. We weren't sure whether or not it would be best to inform you all about it because we weren't sure how you would take it...

Sub: Wait, you lost his containment chamber?! How do you lose something like that?!

Grimmus: With all the commotion that was happening, we weren't able to keep track of anything... I'm sorry, I truly am... With that being said though, should anyone have found a way to successfully bring Neos back, we can't afford for Steve to be informed until it's proven as fact or fiction...

Sub: Heh... You're right... We won't tell him...

Grimmus: Thank you so much... It means more than you'll ever know.

Ava: Wait, I'm confused. If Jack tried to get you to bring Neos back, why didn't he try to get you to bring back Molly?

Grimmus: Sadly, she had just lost too much blood for her body to be preserved in any fashion... It was to the point that it had already begun to rot... There was nothing that me or anyone could've done at that point... That's why he asked me to take Neos... He did it because he wanted to try to save what he could...

Sub: Ok, back to the factor at hand. This conversation does not exit this room. It's like Grimmus said, we can't afford for Steve to hear about any of this until we know for a fact that it's true or false. Are we all in agreement?

Ava and Grimmus both nodded immediately giving Sub the signal of confirmation that they agreed with what he was saying.

Sub: Alright then, it's decided... For now, let's just be here for Steve... He's turning eighteen soon, and he's gonna be king. We can't be the reason that he gets distracted from any of that. Ok, let's all go get some rest. Hey, Ava, if you want, you can stay at the castle tonight. I'm sure Steve could use you being around for a bit. Also, I think it'd a good little early surprise for his birthday.

Ava: Alright! I just gotta go get my things from my house!

Sub: Alright then, just go get your stuff, and come back up, alright?

Ava: Alright, I will!

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