The adventures in Willowdale

By AJ-mcgarry

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a story about two best friends Alyssa green and Asher baker and a mysterious vampire and how it changes there... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4 (Asher)
Chapter 5 (Alyssa)
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 10

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By AJ-mcgarry

If you told me a month ago that I would have a witch mother and that I, myself, am a witch and that a vampire that my mom used to date wants to kill my family I would not have believed you; but guess what, here I am making a plan with my witch mother while my best friend and dad are getting stakes and silver knives to kill a vampire. If that's not enough, a werewolf is on the way to help, which also happens to be my dad's best friend. WOW! My life has changed so much!

Anyway, Tara and I came up with a plan. She said that a full vampire cannot cross salt, something about that salt represents purity, so we put a line in front of all the doors and windows so Parker cannot get into the house, so now we just wait.

BANG! "What is with people and knocking down that door I just fixed that" I said, a bit annoyed. . Parker finally found his way to the house 'after an hour of waiting' he tried to walk in but he hit an invisible wall.

"What the hell" he Sounded and looked angry and frustrated.

"Salt, Parker, Salt" Tara said with a bit of a smirk.

"Salt, right, you are smart Tara but.." he bent down and blew on the salt to make it break. "I can just do that" he said as he stood back up and walked in. I wonder if I looked as shocked as I felt. What's the point of the salt if it's that easy!

"What do you want Parker? " Tara confronted Parker, she stood in front of me as I stood by the table. Asher entered the kitchen holding a wooden stake and my dad came behind him holding a silver knife.

"What do I want?" He said with a little chuckle. "You know what I want,I want to kill you for taking my kid. I WANT MY DAUGHTER!!" His voice grew louder as he spoke and he gestured toward me but his eyes glared at Tara. "WHAT?!" I yell, confused and looking from Parker, to Tara, to my dad.

"Oh, you didn't know yeah daddy over here is not your father, I am" He said in a very sarcastic voice.

"Wait I'm his daughter, dad?" I looked over to my dad 'or not my dad' he was looking down like he was ashamed.

"I'm sorry honey it was to protect you from Parker" he said in a low pleading voice.

"Hey, I'm not that bad," Parker said, pointing to himself.

"You kidnapped me" Asher spoke up,

"Ash right I didn't even see you" Parker said glancing at Asher. he was giving him the death stare.

We all looked back at Parker because we heard someone get stabbed and Parker fell over, behind him was a man with a crossbow. "Jimmy, you really need to be more careful." The man said with a smile, lowering the crossbow and examining Parker.

"Is he dead?" is the only thing that I could say, is he dead,is it over,am I saved,was it true that I am his daughter. The man's voice broke my train of thought.

"No, he's not dead, dead man's blood on the end of an arrow" he held up an arrow dipped in blood. " He just passed out and should wake up in about an hour."

"Ty I thought you wouldn't be here until Wednesday?" dad asked as he walked over to the man that just single-handedly took down Parker.

"Me too, I guess I underestimated how long it takes to get to Willowdale. I haven't been here in awhile." he sad looking around the room

"OK, well let's get this guy in a salt circle before he wakes up." Tara said clapping to get everyone's attention as she looked from Ty to my dad.

We went down to the basement which is very dark,damp,covered in spider webs and both the floors and walls are concrete. Asher made a salt circle big enough for Parker to fit in. It only took us 15 minutes to complete the circle and get the handcuffs on him 'which apparently wont hold him' and get him into the circle. While we waited for him to wake up we made a plan on what we will do next.

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