Azur Lane x World of Warships...

By Puycho_Puychev

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A 16 year old girl gets transported to the world of Azur Lane while she is playing World of Warships. Now she... More

Chapter 0: MC Bio
Chapter 1: What's This?
Chapter 2: Mutsuki Sucks!
Chapter 3: Nearly Dead...
Chapter 4: Of Course!
Chapter 5: Before The First Mission
Chapter 6: Again?
Chapter 7: Laffey!
Chapter 8: Akashi, help!
Chapter 9: Achievements!
Chapter 10: We Have a Problem!
Chapter 11: Laffey nearly died because of you!
Chapter 12: This is the Valkyrie?
Chapter 13: Exploration Time!
Chapter 14: Operation: Rescue Mutsuki's Team
Chapter 15: I Told Them Not To!
Chapter 16: This Car Needs Repairs!
Chapter 17: Car Repair Time!
Chapter 18: Another Mission Already?!
Chapter 19: Who wants to go?
Chapter 20: There It Is!
To Make Things Clear!
Chapter 21: Blow it up!
Kill me....
Chapter 22: Loot the base!
): ...... :(
Chapter 23: Time to Return
The Question!
IDK What to Call This...
Discord Server
Chapter 24: Lucky Shot
Chapter 25: Shigure's Fault!
Chapter 26: The Sirens' Doom
Talk Show: Questions and Answers

Chapter 27: Siren Technology

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By Puycho_Puychev

The next morning, our team was told that we needed to go to the island where the Siren base was located before I blew it up.

We asked why and they said that they have detected enemy units on the shore of the island. We need to go and clear them out.

* * * 12:48 * * *

We were done with breakfast and exited the hotel.

Hammann: What took you so long?

Hammann, Lena, Crescent and Mutsuki's team were here, apperently waiting for us.

Mutsuki: Have you seen Uzuki? She was last seen yesterday, battling the Sirens and we're really worried about her.

Valkyrie: You still don't know....?

Mutsuki: Don't know... what?

Valkyrie: ......

Hammann: What... do you mean?!

Valkyrie: She kinda died... by 6 HE direct hits...

Everyone: !!!!

Tears started forming in Mutsuki's eyes and she took a few steps away from me.

Kisaragi: You can't be serious....

Valkyrie: Why would I lie about something like that?

Minazuki: To make us sad...

Lena: When did she die?

Valkyrie: Before I got annihilated...

Hammann: And... when did that happen?

Valkyrie: Really? No one saw me blow up?

Yukikaze: So, you weren't lying when you said she died...?

Valkyrie: Yeah...

Hammann: I think we need to go now...

We made our way to the dock, but on the way...


Valkyrie: "Oh no..."

Akagi: How dare you destroy my ship?!

Valkyrie: How dare you destroy my ship with your stupid dive bombers??

Hammann: ....?!

Akagi: You deserved it!

Valkyrie: I don't know if you knew, but my ship can get summoned multiple times...

Akagi: What?! *Looks over at the docks to see the ship Valkyrie docked in the water* How can this be?!

Hammann: Valkyrie......... did you unload the ship...?

Valkyrie: What? No, it was never docked in the batt-.... oh...

Hammann: ......

Valkyrie: *Continues walking towards the docks*

Akagi: Was there something inside the ship when I blew it up?

Hammann: The stuff we retrieved from the Sirens...

Akagi: ....

Yukikaze: Oh... right...

Shigure: I totally forgot about that...

All the girls started running towards Valkyrie's ship.

When I got there, I stopped infront of the ramp and waited for it to lower itself.

*Opening noise*

The ramp lowered itself and inside was Hammann's car and the rest of the technologies.

Valkyrie: Everything is still here?

Hammann: *Peeks through the ramp space* My car!

She got inside the ship and tried to hug her car, but it was too big so she only hugged the hood...

Valkyrie: We need to unload the ship before going on our mission...

* * * 30 minutes later * * *

The ship accelerated, I steered it towards the location and activated the engine boost.

Ship: Engine boost activated!

The ship quickly accelerated to 110 kts and everyone fell on the floor.

* * * 6 mins later * * *

Hammann: Your ship is so fast...

Valkyrie: A top speed of 50 kts without the boost and 110 kts with it.

Lena: How fast is that?

Valkyrie: One knot is 1,852 km long. 50 * 1,852 = 92,6 km/h. 110 * 1,852 = 203,7 km/h.

Everyone: ???

Hammann: How did you calculate that so fast?

Valkyrie: I don't know...

Mutsuki: I don't even think ships can move this fast...

Valkyrie: They can if you're seeing it right now...

The island started coming into view. We were moving at a solid 50 kts.

Minazuki: Aren't you gonna slow down?

Valkyrie: Why should I?

Yuudachi: Are you trying to kill us?

Valkyrie: You of all should know about my breaks...

The island was coming closer at a speed of 25 meters per second and it was 500 meters away.

When it got 300 meters away, I pulled the lever to Full Reverse. Everyone got thrown forwards and the ship slowed down to 0 kts in 8 seconds, and the island was still 130 meters away.

Valkyrie: ... Even I underestimated my own breaks...

I accelerated the ship and started circling the island to see if we could spot the enemies.

Once we almost went 130 degrees around the island, we spotted something like a cave which was used as a hangar. Inside it, were siren ships.

Hammann: Enemy ships in the hangar!

Valkyrie: Oh, shit!

I pulled the reverse and aimed my guns towards the enemies.


The guns didn't fire... I had forgotten that I didn't have ammo again...

Valkyrie: Shit! Why aren't the secondaries firing?

But the enemies were just sitting there...

The ship stopped moving backwards. The enemy ships were still there and not moving.

Kisaragi: Maybe... no one's inside?

I pushed the lever to Full Ahead and parked the ship next to the docks.

We got off the ship and entered the hangar which had 10 siren ships.

There was no one there other than us. We then came closer to one of the ship which looked like a destroyer and the door opened.

Lena: Why would the door open for enemies?

We entered the ship and there was nothing inside other than flat walls everywhere... no buttons, no levers, no screens, no windows even.

Valkyrie: How the fuck do they operate this thing?

Hammann: Maybe our base can do something about it?

Valkyrie: How are we supposed to get these things to our base? Do we need to pull them all the way to the base?

Hammann: Probably... what else can we do?

Valkyrie: Fine... I'll try the pulling with my ship. You, find a way to couple that destroyer to my ship!

Hammann: Understood...

I entered my ship again.

Hammann: Is she trying to be a leader? That's my job...

Javelin: No idea... she's always saying that she can't do it, but I think she'd make a better leader than me at least... in this squad... and better than you in the base.

I got to the bridge and accelerated forwards. I then steered to the right and reversed into the hangar.

I had no idea what the girls were doing, but somehow I could here something metal-like touching the back of my ship.

Yukikaze: IT'S COUPLED!!!

I pushed the lever to Full and the ship didn't move...

Valkyrie: "I knew this could happen..." Activate engine boost.

Ship: Engine boost activated!

The knot speedometer started increasing by 0,2 kts every second...

Valkyrie: This isn't good...

*TRVUNG!!! (A sound of breaking metal)*

Valkyrie: What was that??

The speed quickly started increasing...

Valkyrie: "Maybe that was an anchor?"

I then stopped the ship and I jumped down. I ran over to the back and saw that the ship was attached and was freely floating behind my ship.

Valkyrie: What happened?

Shigure: You broke the anchor...

Valkyrie: Nice... We need help with the pulling...

Javelin: Maybe we can call Akashi?

* * * 2 hours later * * *

We called Akashi to pick up the ships. When she came and saw the ships, she couldn't believe what we had found... 3 destroyers, 5 battleships and 2 special units with shields.

When we pulled the ships all the way back to the base, Hammann called the US military about what we had found.

*At the Azur Lane base*

The ships were now docked in an empty hangar and the commander of the US military said that they would look into how the siren ships worked, so that maybe we could also get this type of ships in the future.

* * *

Javelin: So, who wants to celebrate with a party?

Valkyrie: Celebrate for what?

Yukikaze: Our victory, of course!

Shigure: It was a great success after all...

Valkyrie: A great success with 22 ships lost in total... 5 of which I killed...

Shigure: Yeah, but..... uh...

Akashi suddenly showed up.

Akashi: Valkyrie! With some of the resourses you girls brought from the enemy base, I managed to upgrade the repair machine to the point where it can now repair sunken ships.

Hammann: You serious?

Yukikaze: That's great!

Valkyrie: You're kidding... You just needed a few upgrades?

Akashi: Yes and now we can repair everyone who-

Valkyrie: What if the girls have sunk to the bottom of the ocean...?

Akashi: ... We can send submarines to go get them...

Valkyrie: *Remembers Ayanami* What if the girls have been incinerated by my mortars?

Akashi: ... Not sure about that..., but I'll try...

Valkyrie: Great....

Akashi: Do you remember where Unicorn died?

Valkyrie: How am I supposed to know that? But I think that my ship has a history of all the places I've traveled to with my ship, so it has probably remembered where we resqued Mutsuki's team...

Akashi: Go check... I'll send I-168 and U-522 to come with you.

"Really? We just came back from the mission and we need to go to some random location?"

* * * 1 hour, 36 minutes later * * *

Akashi took the heavily damaged Unicorn in and I left the base.

Hammann: There you are! The US military just told me that China has taken on the responsibility for resupplying your ship with the shell type you need, but they want to know what caliber your main batteries use.

Valkyrie: 203 mm main batteries and 105 mm secondary battery mortars.

Hammann: 203??? So much?!

Valkyrie: Yeah...

Hammann: Holy shit... Alright... I'll let them know...

And with that, she entered the base.

Valkyrie: "Maybe we will be able to have a party..."

To Be Continued...


I know that the end of this chapter was a bit of a rush, but I was getting tired of this story and wanted it to end quickly. I'm sorry if you don't like it...

Put your questions for the Talk Show in the comments. The Talk Show is in the next chapter.

Join my discord server to see my future plans for books.... the server's kinda dead btw...

Tell me if you spot any spelling errors and if you liked/disliked anything about this chapter.

Have a nice day.

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