Forever? Forever.

بواسطة fantasybangtan

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"Don't cry Ettie, Jiminie will kiss it better!" My best friend cooed, crouching down to peck the graze on my... المزيد

Author Notes
1. Forever? Forever.
2. Valentine
4. Romance
5. You Like Me
6. The Party Atmosphere
7. Truth or Dare
8. Hidden Troubles
9. What's Your Story?
10. Planning to Seduce
11. It's Showtime
12. Asking For It
13. Revelations
14. Moonlit Burrow
15. Jessica
16. Insane
17. Screw It
18. All For You
19. I'm Tired Of
20. Why I Like You
21. All Along
22. I Choose You

3. Projection Room

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بواسطة fantasybangtan


I opened my locker, putting away my books and mentally psyching myself up to ask Taehyung when he wanted to start practicing. I was totally freaking out, like the can't breath, wanting to throw myself in a hole type of freaking out. How do you even speak to someone that good looking, it's impossible. I've tried a thousand times.

I stuck my head into my locker, willing myself to disappear and cursing Mrs Jeong for putting us together, until I was suddenly interrupted by an amused voice making me jump and bang my head into the door.

"Is little Ettie going to impress Tae Tae with her outfit now?" Jimin teased, leaning against the lockers with a cocky smile.

"Piss off, will you?" I scowled, rubbing my forehead. "I don't think I can be paired with him, you've gotta switch."

Jimin sighed, brushing my fringe down so it was back in place. "Mrs Jeong specifically said she was excited pairing you two together. You can't hide from him forever, Ettie,"

"I don't think you realise how nervous he makes me," I whined, pulling at his arm like a little child.

"I've been a witness to this crush for four years now, I think I know how insane he makes you. I've never seen you simp for anybody, I didn't even think it was in your DNA until Tae came along."

"I hate him."

"No you don't."

"Yes I do."

"No you don't"

"Your right, I don't," I pouted, resting my head against the locker in frustration. "But you know who I do hate?"

"Who?" Jimin asked, furrowing his eyebrows at me.

"You, you bastard. Please swap with me! I really can't-"

I couldn't even finish my sentence before I heard a loud screech from the end of the hallway, and the sound of heels clinking along the vinyl.

"JIMIN!" Marianna called out, running towards him with large smile, her hair flowing behind her in a annoyingly cinematic manner.

"This is my queue to leave..." I panicked turning back to my locker in disgust.

"No, stay!" Jimin begged under his breath, before turning around to meet her with a fake smile.

"Hey Jiminie!" She greeted in a sweetened tone, her voice comparing to that of a temptress cornering her pray.

I internally gagged at the sound of her using my nickname for him.

"What's up Marianna?" Jimin let out in between his teeth.

"Well, I was just wondering when you wanted to practice for the showcase? I know you're an amazing singer and dancer so I thought we could play a bit on that!" She rambled on, twirling her blonde hair around her finger, not taking her eyes off of him for a second.

"I'll have to have a look at my schedule-"

"I'm free right now! Perfect! I know the auditorium is free." She clapped her freshly manicured hands before grabbing hold of him and pulling him down the corridor. "Bye Georgiekins!" She let out sarcastically, as she passed me hiding behind my locker door.

"Fucking bitch," I growled under my breath, closing my locker with a slam.

"Who's a bitch?" A deep baritone asked, making me jump again as they appeared out of no where.

"OH MY GOD! You scared me!" I screamed, raising my hand to my heart in attempt to bring my heart rate back down.

I began to break out in a sweat as my eyes adjusted to the bronzed, chocolatey eyed man towering over my body, crossing his arms impatiently as I stood there gawking.

"Hello? Excuse me?" Taehyung began to nudge me.

Don't touch me, it will only make it worse.

"I'm okay!" I squeaked, resisting the urge to hightail it out of the school building.

"Okay... Well, I think we're paired together for this showcase thing. I was just coming to ask if you wanted to go somewhere and practice?"

I want to do more than practice. I want to have your babies.

I couldn't help but just stare at him as he spoke. His jawline tensed every time he finished a a sentence and it was so hot. Everything about him was illegal.

"Hello? Are you even listening to me?" He asked again, screwing his face up at my apparent gormless expression.

I forced out a sorry before wrapping my arms around my body as he inadvertently glanced down to take in my form. "I'm free now?"

"Now?" He pondered, looking slightly taken aback by my suggestion. "Erm, I guess I have like half an hour before basketball practice."

"That's cool!" I laughed awkwardly, internally cringing at myself. My social skills were usually good, you can't be best friends with someone like Jimin for years and be a quiet nobody, it's literally impossible.

"Are you coming?" He tsked, already walking away from me.

"Yes! Sorry!" I called out, running down the hallway after him like a pathetic little puppy.

"Why do you apologise so much? It's kind of annoying."

"Oh... I don't know... Sorry."

"You just did it again..." he complained, looking down at me in annoyance. "So you're Jimin's neighbour right?" He asked, approaching the auditorium doors.

My heart dropped into my chest as I realised that's how invisible I was to him. He didn't even know who I was.

Looking down to the floor and hugging my bag tightly against my chest, I corrected him politely. "He's more than just my neighbour, he's my best friend. We've known each other for thirteen-"

"There are people in here already man!" Taehyung interrupted, turning to me with an annoyed expression.

Why was he being so rude?

"Yeah, Jimin and Marianna already-"

"You could have said something?" He cut me off again.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realise this is where you wanted to practice."

"There you go with the apologising again! Do you not know what a backbone is?"

Do not cry, Georgie. I pleaded with myself, taking a deep breath before giving him another suggestion. Why was he being so mean to me? I've never spoken more than five words to him and he's treating me like shit. I'd expect it from Marianna and her skank patrol but not one of my best friend's mates.

"What about the projection room above the auditorium?" I suggested, biting my lip nervously.

"Fine," he said, before pushing open the doubled doors and waltzing in. "Jimin-ah! HAHA WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Taehyung cackled, as the two figures came into view.

"What the fuck?" I cursed in an inaudible whisper, watching Marianna straddle Jimin, who looked completely dazed and confused in what was going on.

"We're practicing our dance routine!" Marianna grinned happily, lifting herself off of Jimin's lap and brushing the creases in her tennis skirt.

"Yeah, right!" Taehyung winked, still laughing at Jimin sitting still with his mouth wide open.

If it wasn't so clear that it was all her idea, I would have been pissed at him for letting someone like her that close to him.

"We'll be in the projection room, don't do anything I wouldn't do!"

Taehyung spun around on his heels, walking up the slope to the box room looking out over the stage. It was dusty in there but workable with two stools sitting in the middle of the space and a table against the far wall.

"Right, go on then... Georgina is it?"

"It's Georgette, but everyone calls me Georgie..." I corrected slowly, not sure if he was being serious or not. He must be messing with me now, I've been class president for the past two years.

"Right... Georgette. What ideas have you got?"

"Well... We can do anything that showcases our talent, right? So why don't we incorporate our violins into the mix?" I suggested, knowing we were both just as dedicated as each other when it came to violin practice. If done correctly, we could perform something incredible together.

"Oh yeah, mad, I keep forgetting you're in the schools orchestra," he shrugged, snickering to himself.

Ignoring his stupidity, I focused on explaining my idea fully. "So I hear you're a pretty good singer, maybe you could sing at the same time?"

His face turned sour again as soon as I mentioned singing and I automatically cowered in preparation for his wrath.

"Who told you I could sing?" He questioned, lowering his voice to sound even more intimidating.

"Jimin he-"

"Well he's chatting out his ass, I can't sing. Come up with a better idea."

I was flabbergasted to say the least. My entire image of Taehyung was ruined in the space of ten minutes. The boy I had fallen in love with was not the person I thought he was. Around school he always seemed so kind and polite, holding doors open for teachers and focusing well on his studies... Something wasn't right.

"Why don't you come up with an idea if it's so easy then?" I snapped, crossing my arms and sitting up straight.

I was anything but a pushover, and I did have a backbone much to Taehyung's surprise. I understand that it's important to be polite and respectful to your peers, that's why I didn't stand up to him before. I thought he was some fairytale Prince but he just turned out to be another frickin' Han from Frozen.

I watched with a scowl as his eyebrows raised in response to my icy tone. "What was that?" He questioned, holding his hand up to his ear for me to repeat.

"I said, how about you come up with an idea instead of sitting on your ass and making me do all the work. How in God's name do you think it's okay to speak to me like I'm a piece of shit? God..." I finished my rant with a scoff and angrily crossed my arms

He was speechless and it was fucking amazing.

"I have loads of fucking ideas. I'm just being polite and letting the least intelligent one have a outstanding chance before I take control." His words fired something up inside of me - I was literally about to explode.

"That was you being polite?" I mocked under my breath. "You wouldn't know what being polite was even if it bit you on the ass."

"And you wouldn't know what having talent was even if it bit you on the fucking ass," he mimicked, cocking his head to the side with a sarcastic smile.

I was done. There was no way I was putting up with this any longer.

Without a second thought, I flung myself out of my chair and towards the door, throwing my bag angrily over my shoulder in the process. I was just about to reach for the handle when I felt his large hand close around my wrist and pull my body around so that I was facing him.

"Where the fuck are you going? We have work to do!" He raised his voice, tightening his grip.

"Get off me!" I shouted back, trying to pull my hand away.

"Aish, I hate girls like you, you all think you're so innocent dressing like fucking princesses when you're nothing more than a pathetic waste of space," he spoke in such a low menacing tone, tracing my body with his eyes in disgust. "Can't even handle a bit of banter." He tsked under his breath.

I was just about to slap him around the face when the door flung open and Jimin stood there with a concerned look on his face as he stared down at Taehyung's grasp on me.

"What's going on?" He asked breathlessly like he'd ran all the way up here.

"I was just leaving," I said flatly, staring in disbelief at Taehyung.

"What did you say to her?" Jimin asked as I stormed out of the auditorium.

I hadn't been this mad since my mum sold all of Avery's belongings after he moved out. It was ridiculous how mental Taehyung was, he was being an unnecessary dickhead and I couldn't understand why.

I had only just about reached the school gates before I heard Jimin calling out for me as he jogged to catch up.


"Just leave it, Jimin, I want to be alone. Go to practice, it's okay," I assured him before walking away.

That's the thing I loved about Jimin, he never forced it and he always listened.


Unlocking my front door, I walked in and threw my bag to the floor in a fit of rage.

"You better pick up that bag straight away young lady." My mums hoarse voice came from the sofa, a few bottles of wine scattered along the floor and a cigarette in between her fingers.

"I'll pick up the bag when you pick up the fucking fag butts and recycle the line of vodka bottles in the kitchen!" I snapped, storming up the stairs.

"YOU FUCKING GET DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW, YOU LITTLE BITCH," I heard her scream after me, the shouts followed by the smashing of bottles.

I slammed my door shut and went straight to my pillow to scream into it.

I didn't think life could get any worse, but now my longest crush has turned out to be the definition of a fucktard. I should have seen it coming, it's not like I've ever had a chance to have good taste in men.

I'm glad I stuck up for myself though, even if I ended up crying for two hours into my pillow because the whole situation was too overwhelming. He was shocked that I shouted back, which was a good thing, but it doesn't even matter now because first thing tomorrow I'm going to Mrs Jeong to get a new partner.

Once I calmed myself down, I sat at my desk on my laptop, and wrote a piece for my blog. I've kinda made a name for myself online as I currently have fifty thousand followers waiting on my every post - which is a great feeling as an aspiring writer. It started as a diary entry type thing but it developed into something bigger as more and more people started enjoying the relatable subjects I wrote about. Like how to handle a drunkard mother that has slept with half the town.

I called myself the Magic Shop.

The only way I was going to feel slightly better about today was if I wrote about it.... And as soon as I started typing the title, that was it... everything flowed out after that.

What to do when your childhood crush is Satan's Spawn:

Know that you're better than them........ They've probably got a small dick anyway.............. If they treat you like shit then revenge is free, go for it. You don't be sad forever.... It's their loss.....

So until next time, I'll catch you later girlies.
Magic Shop

After I posted, I watched my readers share their experiences and it made me feel much better. Maybe it was time to move on from Taehyung. Four years I pined after him... What a waste.

"Oh for fuck sake, really Georgie?" I snapped at myself as I felt the tears well up in my eyes again.

"Are you talking to yourself?" A voice called out by my window, making me slap my laptop closed.

"EVERYONE KEEPS MAKING ME JUMP! STOP IT" I yelled, spinning around on my chair to face my best friend sitting on my window seat.

"I did message but I'm guessing you were too busy watching porn to notice," Jimin smirked, glancing at my laptop.

"I don't watch porn."



"I've seen your internet history."

"No you haven't!"

"So why did I read 'Tiny submissive blonde gets roughly fucked by huge cock' on your phone that time?"

"I don't know what you're talking about..."

"Yes, you do."

"Alright for the love of God, please shutup!" I begged as Jimin danced over to my bed and climbed under the covers.

"Are you going to talk to me about Tae now? Come on Ettie, what happened?" Jimin asked softly, patting the space in the bed next to him.

With a heavy sigh, I looked out of the window.

"Hey?" Jimin called out again, his voice gentle and concerned. "I heard a lot of shouting from the projection room..."

Stopping my lip from trembling, I headed to the bed and crawled into the covers beside him.

"Taehyung's just not who I thought he was, that's all."

"He's a tricky guy, Ettie, I've always told you that. It takes a long time for him to warm up to people but once he does he's the most amazing guy."

"I've never done anything to him, though, and he started on me for no reason. He was being all controlling and lazy and when I finally pulled him up on it he freaked out and started calling me all these names."

"He doesn't do well with confrontation, it makes him all angry and defensive," Jimin explained, pulling me into a hug. "If you want I'll tell him to get a grip and have some respect."

"I can handle myself, Jiminie," I whispered, nuzzling into his chest.

"Don't lie to me, Georgette. You're hurt and you feel let down. You're allowed to ask for help."

"Don't make me cry, I've cried enough," I begged, squeezing him tighter.

"Okay okay, but if he hurts you again, I'll come for him," he said in a strict teacherly voice.

"Okay, you do that," I let out in a yawn, my eyes feeling heavy as I tried to keep them open.

I smiled appreciatively as I felt him leave a light kiss on the top of my head as he twisted my hair with his fingers. "It's you and me forever, right?" I asked for the millionth time in our friendship, just needing to hear that somebody was going to be permanent in my life.

"Forever." He confirmed,

He stayed with me until I drifted off to sleep, happily knowing he was always going to be there to kiss my wounds better.



I love their friendship.

What do you think is up with Tae? Why's he so mean :(
He must have no liked her outfit lmao

Happy Reading!

Angry Tae Tae

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