The Boyz Imagines / 더보이즈

By hansteaa

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Sorry I dont take request anymore √ ( ˘ ³˘)♥ Dedicated to 12 boyz ;) & the most cringe-iest imagines ever... More

How to Request
3️⃣3️⃣Sunwoo PT 2
3️⃣7️⃣Sunwoo PT 3
4️⃣1️⃣New PT 1
4️⃣2️⃣New PT 2
4️⃣4️⃣Hyunjae PT 1
4️⃣5️⃣Hyunjae PT 2
4️⃣8️⃣Younghoon PT 1
5️⃣0️⃣Q PT 1
5️⃣3️⃣Q PT 2
5️⃣4️⃣New PT 1 feat Q
5️⃣5️⃣ New PT 2 feat Q
5️⃣7️⃣Sunwoo X Hwall Ft New
ᴿᴱᵟᵁᴱˢᵀ ᴬᴿᴱ ᴼᴾᴱᴺ!❤️
6️⃣0️⃣Q PT 3
7️⃣8️⃣Sunwoo PT 1

7️⃣9️⃣Sunwoo PT 2

910 33 2
By hansteaa

[Due to many of you are requested for me to continue this, Ill make a part 2 for those who wanted a happy ending ]

"Y/n this may be a sudden but I like since the day we knew each other. You are just different my heart beats for you whenever youre around me. Please give me a chance I wont let you down" Kim Seungmin, one of my college friend confessed. I knew where this is going , he's to obvious with his feelings towards me.

"I---"A straight line formed around my lips.

"Im sorry Seungmin, youre a really great guy but I dont have any feelings for you. You know I dont date--" I was cut off by Seungmin.

"--its okay Y/n I get it you still love your ex. I know you still love him I just want you to know about my feelings towards you so you can reject me and I can move on from you."

"But do remember that if you need help Im still here for you okay?"Seungmin said before walking away from me. Just like how the rest of the boys who confessed at me did.

Yes, when people knew about my breakup with Sunwoo I cant deny that boys kept on confessing at me and the amount of rejection I did is not only painfully at them but also to me. Getting rejected by someone can be hurtful but rejecting someone and knowing that you'll make someone's day worst is very painful too.

I dont want to date anyone who is not Kim Sunwoo. I still hold on onto his promise but I will never ever find someone else other than him. Even if it means that I wont start a family or die lonely in the end I will meet him and we can be together unless he have someone new... he wont right? Im sure he wont.

Anyone in the city ,town, states knew who Sunwoo is now. He's a worldwide producer who top the charts along his artist and he also won an award for the new top rising producer. He even collaborated with many western artists in such a short amount period of time.

Sometimes we text each other just to ask how each other are, but it never get into personal. And we texted once in a blue moon only. It is always awkward but I love how awkward it is. I remember that one time he called me when he was drunk.


"Oh god I cant feel my back and neck why the fuck did I not do my assignment early"I whined and pinched myself on my thighs.

7 assignments to do, and all of them are due to tomorrow. 5 down ,2 more to go. I dont think Im going to sleep at all tonight, its already 3 am and class start at 8.

The silence was tore apart when the table vibrate aggressively and when I looked over it was my phone. Someone had called me , I almost dropped my pen when I saw who it was.


But then why is he calling me at this time? Isnt he supposed to sleep or do other things such as composing songs.

I took a deep breath before answering the call. It took a lot of courage to do so since we dont call each other anymore.

"Y-Y/n? Hello Y/n my babyyyyyyy hhhoooowwwww arrreeee yyuouuu??hehehe"The sound of Sunwoo raspy voice can be heard mixing with the sound of loud edm music in the background.

"Hello? Sunwoo? Are you drunk?" I was shocked but I dont really care. All I care was how heart warming it is for him to call me when he was drunk. I may have sound crazy but I just love how he always call me when he's drunk it just shows who he think first during that state.

"Yeeesss I am drunkkkk ieee drunkkkk, Im at Eric's parrrttyyyy Hasseeeulll adn Yooriii are hereeee but you are not here? Whyyyyyy wwwwhhhyy areee you not here babyy?? I-I miss you so muchhhh. All these girls tried to touch meeee but I onlyy want youu ahahaHhagsgzHdgdh wHy,"He cried loudly on the phone.

"I had assignments that I need to submit due to tomorrow. Sunwoo please take care of yourself. Where is Eric? Why are you still up so late? Please just sleep there at Eric's house you are still drunk"

"But I dont wanna be here with them I want to be with you... why cant we be together? I miss you. I miss your laugh your smile your jokes everything about you is just mesmerizing Ill marry you one day when your parents let me too I love you that Im wiling to jump over the moon for you."

"S-Sunwoo please dont do this. Im trying my best to not think about this anymore what if I told you I dont love you anymore? What if I moved on already there's so many what if.." I lied, I will never move on from him.

"Lies. The Hwang Y/n I know will never do that. If she moved on she'll date one the tons boys who confessed at her. She even still wore our matching bracelet. Y/n pleasee just tell me you still love me.. I cant with this heart. My heart is too broken.." He cried more, the background music was still playing as voices from people partying can be heard.

"Kim Sunwoo... I .... still.. love you-- oh god Im so sorry please dont do this again" quickly I ended the call and cried myself while doing my assignment. It was tough but I needed to do it.

End of flashback

Job? Talking about that Im waiting for my interview next week. I always wanted to be a kindergarten teacher since I love kids. They might be annoying most of the times but some of the time watching them play with each other warms my heart.

"Yoh Y/n is that you? Your hair grew long bub"

I looked up and saw Yoori , one of her hand held her favorite drink from starbucks. Just a typical Yoori with her starbucks addiction.

"You have gotten prettier Yoori. I meant what I said. Say... how are you ?"

Minutes turned into hours. Yoori and I have been talking about life for the past two hours at the park on the bench. The sun even set down already. Turns out Yoori is going to be a surrogate mother since her sister cant get pregnant and always wanted to have children so she volunteered to do so. The procedure will be done next week according to the plan.

"I forgot to tell you that on Monday, Haseul invited us to come to her's and Eric's party."

"Party? Again? I swear those two are a party animal they cant live a normal life without having a party every 2 weeks"

"Oh please have you you seen those two dancing around each other? They almost eat each other alive. Plus I think it'll be a good idea to come and greet some old friends from high school. Dont worry I get what youre thinking. I dont think Sunwoo will come, I heard he had a full schedule on that day"

"What's with those two? They arent even dating each other yet they acted as if they belong to each other. They have been acting like this since high school god Yoori they are so complicated" I kicked the rock that is near with my feet.

"I dont know bro , atleast Haseul is happy thats what matter the most" Yoori laughed out loud.

"You'll come right? On Monday? "She continued.

I hesitated to answer the question because there was so many 'what if-s' going on in my mind. What if I meet Sunwoo there? What if it was just a lie to make me and Sunwoo see each other again. What if Sunwoo was never busy that day and he is coming to the party. What if Sunwoo is seeing another girl or even worst bringing her over I hated to see him with other women especially when it is not me.

But taking a risk is exciting

"Ill come"

Monday come faster than I could imagine. There is no theme for this party but I decided to wear something nice for a day and be kind to myself.

I decided to wear this dress that is not too revealing and it is in my comfort zone. I did my makeup as simple as I could. My face is very sensitive so I only applied lip balm, mascara and some loose powder.

It was already 7 pm and I was late like always , I asked my brother Heechul to drive me to Eric's house and he agreed instantly since he's going to a date with his girlfriend after that.

"Noona I am not going to pick you up later so its either you'll stay here for the night or ask one of your friends to send you back home."Heechul said when he dropped me off at Eric's house.

I elegantly went out of the car's door and knock on the car's door's window. "Yeesh fine Ill just ask Yoori to send me home since youre going to be with your girlfriend "

"Oh and noona?"

"What do you want now"

"Do find yourself a love life " with that my so sweet little brother speed off from Eric's house to the other direction and to my dismay I just let go an opportunity to hit him.

I took a deep breath and asked myself wether I wanted to do this or not. I never like meeting with my old friends as some of them always hopped into my life and asked personal questions. It annoyed me the most merely when they asked about why Sunwoo and I never lasted especially some of the girls who hated me since I took 'their' Sunwoo away from them. Bullcrap.

It was awfully silence from the outside for a highschool reunion party. Maybe it still havent started yet. I tried to think as positive as I could and knocked on the door.

Haseul's faint voice can be heard from the inside "COME IN!"

The door opened revealed a stylish Yoori her hair up in a bun, she look so hot like the fuck. I bet all the boys want to hook up with her after this.

Without wasting any second Yoori jumped into my figure and hugged me tightly soon followed by Haseul who tackled both of us into a group hug by the door.

"I KNEW YOU'll COME Y/N COME IN I MISS YOUUUU WE MISS YOUU" Haseul said while pulling me inside the room.

I expected this party to be a party as in how a party normally are but turns out we'll be starting off with a calm atmosphere with talking with each other first and how we have been one by one.

I walked down the hall with my girls beside me and many faces that I recognized were already there sitting on the living room chit chatting with each other. My eyes instantly roam around the room looking for someone that I wanted to be here but maybe I was too delusional to think that I can see him for the last time.

"Y/n how are you sister?" A male's voice can be heard I turned around to see Hyunjin a boy from my class whom I used to be good friends with greeted me.

"OMG HYUNJIN HOW ARE YOU?" My high pitch voice can be heard across the living room as people laughed at me.

They always knew my habit that everytime Im excited my voice will turn high pitch.

Kim Sunwoo's POV

"Bro I think you should come inside and see who's here" Eric said before lighting a fire on the wood at his backyard.

The plan for today is for Eric to propose to Haseul. His first love since high school. I was about not to come but when he said he wanted to propose to Haseul I immediately dropped all my schedule just to support him during this time.

I asked the boys if Y/n is going to come today and they said that Yoori already informed her but the chance of her coming is low. I cant deny that when I came here I was roaming around the room trying to find her but she was not here. Maybe she's not coming.

"Who's here?" I asked and threw more woods on the fire to lighten it up more.

"She's here Sunwoo" with that I wasted no time and walked inside from the back door.

Should I even see her right now? Its been a while since it happened. What if she does not want to see me here? After all I still love her like crazy and it ache my heart to know she's not mine anymore. But Ill do anything to see her with my own two eyes even if it's seeing her happy with someone else.

I took a deep breath before walking inside the living room, from a far I could heard Y/n's loud voice talking with her friends who I assumed Yoori and Haseul since I can recognize their voice.

I took the well-made raspberry cake beside me and walked inside the living room where most of the people were at that time.

I cleared my throat and said out loudly hoping to grabbed her attention "Here's some raspberry cake for you dont be shy and take it we still have more of it in the kitchen"

I turned over and saw Y/n's face looking at me with glisten eyes. Her beautiful lips instantly turn downwards and she looks as if she's about to cry. Ugh why. Why must she look at me with that look. My heart ache even more looking at her like that. Its as if we were the only person in that room at that moment. I even stopped in the middle of the of living room just to take a look at her.

Must I say how pretty she look at the moment? She has gotten much more prettier. With her wearing that dress she made my knees so weak. I smiled weakly at her before walking passed her . All I need was to only take a glimpse look at her . Her the love of my life. Oh if only her parents approved me to be with her then maybe Im already engage to her right now. But they dont, her father was okay with me he adores me but her mother did not even wanted to give me a second chance.

It still hurts my pride everyday not only because I let myself down but I let Y/n down even her mother. Why did she even choose me to be with her even though she knew her mother dislike me. I did heard and received text messages from her mom apologizing at me but I just accepted her apology and let things be and let it go. It has been done it cant be undone. She doesnt want me to be with Y/n so I will follow her order.

Y/n's POV

"Why is he here?" I said quietly to myself. Is not that I dont want him here in this moment in-fact I love the ideas of him being here in the same house with me. But I know I just cant resist him if Im with him for too long. I will probably even fall in love with him even more.

Its so funny how two people who's still in love with each other were putted in the same house, room yet still say nothing about their feelings towards each other. Maybe it was our ego or maybe the other one already moved on or maybe we were scared to find out about the truth so we decided to silence ourself.

I looked at both Yoori and Haseul and smiled at them. Both of them released their breath before smiling back at me.

"So you planned this huh?" I jokingly asked them as they both laugh it off.

"Well we thought the both of you should see each other one more time. After what had happened Im sure the both of you still love each other." Yoori said

"You should talk to him Y/n he misses you like crazy. Every party he attended he'll cry at Eric's arm in the middle in the night when he's drunk only to say how much he misses you" Haseul said softly.

Maybe I should talk to him , its been a while I wanted to talk how he's been up too. But I dont want to talk about it when there's people around us so I got up and walked into Eric's kitchen since that's where I last saw Sunwoo at.

The kitchen door was opened and I saw two broad figure inside cutting a cake. Sunwoo and Eric. I was about to greet them not until Eric beat me to it.

"Hi Y/n how are you? Havent see you for almost 5 months. It felt like years you know HAHA"Eric joked and I can see Sunwoo's eyes staring into mine but I didnt even bother to have an eye contact with him right now.

"Im good Eric how ar--"

"Looks like Haseul is calling me talk to you two later " Eric rushly before rushing out of the kitchen leaving the both of us.

Sunwoo continued to cut the cake symmetrically and its my favorite cake. Chocolate moist cake. It was pure silence between us. I wanted to start a conversation with him but I couldnt I was too shy and embarrassed too. Instead of doing so, I just stared at him cutting the cakes and I think he saw me staring at his hands.

He put one big slice of the cake into another plate and gesture it for me to take it. Its now or never Y/n...

"Hey Sunwoo how are you?" I asked trembling but I didnt heard a response from him so I guessed he does not want me to be here.

"Sorry that I disturb you.. I'll just leave" I sighed and took the plate almost walking away.

"Stop. Dont go. Stay here in the kitchen with me. Just dont go" Sunwoo said firmly still continue to cut the cakes . The slicing sound can be heard.

I turned around only to see him putting the knife away and stared into my eyes. He put both of his habd on the table and lean forward staring into my soul. Since when did he turned out to be more attractive than he could be. His black shirt tucked in into his tight ripped jeans made the butterflies in mu stomach flew randomly.

"Youre asking how I am... I am not good.." "How about you ?"

"Im okay.... not so good either , its tough... but I'll get use to it slowly" he clearly knew what I meant.

It was awkward. I stand there with a plate in my hand and with his eyes staring at me, at my figure it made me feel so small. Then Sunwoo walked towards me and engulfed me in a tight hug.

I wanted to push him away, I wanted to told him to stop but I cant resist him. I just missed him so much , only god knows how much I missed and prayed to him for him to come back to me. Maybe my prayers were answered or maybe it was just a coincidence.

"Y-Y/n I miss you so so much " my neck felt wet, and no its not him kissing my neck but it was his tears that fell on my neck. He whimpered trying to hold his cries.

I put my plate on top of the counter next to us and slowly hugged him back . He had gotten a lot skinnier than before when I hugged him. I early can smell his fragrance and he wore the one that I like the most that made go crazy for him.

"I-I miss you too Sunwoo" I said and hugged him more tightly. I wanted to kiss him there but I dont know what if he does not want to be kiss by me? I knew I needed to let my voice speak about my opinion and mostly about us.

"Sunwoo.... do you want to go back and restart new?"

"I-I wanted to but your mother she does not like me its hard Y/n--"

"Its okay baby she just realized how much you love and take a good care of me. She just realized it too late and even tried to find you . She's okay now"

"Are you sure about what you said? She likes me now?"

"Yes Sunwoo..."

"Lets start a new, Im still in love with you Im crazily in love with you Y/n I cant even sleep properly these days knowing that one day you will start a new relationship with someone else"

"Oh please Sunwoo its worser for me knowing that you can just simply date other talented women in the music entertainment yet you still wait for me Im so in love with you this is crazy"

We broke the hug and he caressed my cheeks softly. Slowly, our lips met each other and moved into motion . I deepened the kiss and draped my arms around his neck for support. The kiss felt unstoppable and sooner I was put on top of the counter and our make out session turned into a hot make out session. I almost pull his shirt away but Yoori came to stop up from having a baby then and there.


Sunwoo and I laughed it off and gave each other a last peck before walking out to the backyard hands holding together not wanting to leave each other side.

And right on time Eric was already on the ground with one knee and Haseul's mouth was covered with her pretty hands.

"Its been years since we knew each other and we never even made it official we never had a dating phrase but I wanted to make it official with you right now.. so Yoon Haseul will you marry me and love me forever?" Eric asked without wasting a second Haseul jumped onto him and kiss his lips harhsly.

"I WILL!!"She screamed before hugging him onto the ground. We laughed loudly at their childish behavior.

Sunwoo smiled watching me laughing my ass off and went closer to my ear .

"One day I will go on one knee for you and asked you the same question. Dont worry you'll experience it soon baby" Sunwoo said and kiss my left ear making me flinch since its very ticklish.

"Oh really? Then I'll expect it to be sooner since I want this men name Kim Sunwoo to be my husband as soon as possible if thats even possible " I said teasing him there, we were at the back so nobody really pay attention to us since most of their attention were at Haseul's and Eric's.

"I love Y/n so much.."

"I love you too Sunwoo so fucking much"

With that we kissed under the moonlight behind everybody. Nobody notice us, yet it feels like the star shone bright above us the next thing I knew we went inside one of Eric's room which I assumed its Sunwoo's room for the night.

And no, we did not continue our make out session we watched netflix and basically cuddle each other with me wearing his oversized hoodie just like how I used to be.

"Since when did you get prettier Y/n?"

"Well since when did you get so handsome Sunwoo?"

We laugh at our cheesy compliments as he intertwined our fingers together pulling me closer towards him until there was no space available around us.

"I will never stop loving you. Ill love you for eternity, until my last breath thank you baby for everything "

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