Rare | Magi

By _avocadhoe

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"How rare it is to find a human with no magi relations so beloved by the Rukh, it's quite rare indeed." +++ A... More



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By _avocadhoe

Omake: What if all my OCs met? [3 Bonus future OCs added.]

A loud buzz went off in the room waking the 9 of the 10-sleeping people in the room. Groans filled the space as the aftereffects of the drug still lingered in their veins, they are muscles sore from laying on the hard wooden floor.

"Shit," The boy with orange hair cursed as he looked around, "Don't tell me I've been kidnapped again."

"Again? As in this isn't your first time?" A cat eyed boy asked, looking at the other with concern.

The orange haired teen just shrugged him off, eyes looking across the faces of the other people in the room. 9 males and a female, unless the two blonds are girls as well. "Where the fuck am I?" Oop, nope that's a male. Unless...

"I don't know where we are either," A brown skinned male spoke up, hands raised the scratch through his silvery-white hair, "I was heading to the chairman's office when I suddenly felt a pinch in my neck knocking me out. Now here I am. Trapped in a room with strangers."

"You guys are not really strangers, but I guess to you it seems that way." All of the figures in the room looked around in confusion of where the voice had come from. "Oh! You guys can't see me, I'm speaking via intercom. Anyways, you lot are probably wondering why I brung you here-"

"Holy shit, God is that you?"

"No that's just the author, probably creating another shitty special chapter to procrastinate from actual writing."


"Alright Nori, that's enough with the fourth wall breaks. And to answer your question Haru, no I'm not God, I do determine your fates though but that's off topic. I bought you guys here as Nori said, to create a special chapter to celebrate a total of-"

"Booo, nobody cares! Just hurry it up already." Nori yelled out, his pinky finger digging in his ear from boredom.

Feeling pissed off, the author hissed through the mic, "Listen here you little shit, you technically don't exist in the word yet. Keep it up and I'll delete your draft." Rolling his eyes, Nori made mocking gestures with his hand earning a snort from the only female in the room. "Whatever, just socialize and whatnot, I'll release you guys sometime later. Also, someone wake up Kioshi. He probably didn't hear the buzzer."

"Wait, when? Excuse me that last sentence was worrying, please give an exact time. Hello!" Kyra's words were ignored as the intercom turned off with a slight static sound. The room was silent after that, Natsuru who was close to the sleeping boy nudged his side to wake him up. After the raven-haired boy was awake and caught up to date, he too was silent.

No one knew what to say so they choice to stay silent.

A loud sigh cut through the silence as a short cat eyed boy decided to speak up, "Well, no point in just sitting here looking all awkward. Why not do introductions," Clearing his throat, he stood up with a smile on his face, "I'll go first! My name is Ryoya Echizen, I'm a first-year middle school student and my favorite food is Strawberry Sandos. I also love to play tennis."

A few of the people in the room looked at the boy in confusion, not understanding some of the words he just said yet didn't speak up since another person had stood up to introduce themself, "Ah, were the same age then. My name is Haruka Kim, also first year middle school student. Um, I like to read?" He shrugged, not really knowing what else to say.

After the two went, slowly others began to introduce themselves.

"My name is Kyra, I'm a magic knight in the Black Bulls Squad." Greeted one of the blonds, showing them his uniform as if it was proof.

"Kaname Natori, second year High school student at Karasuno High." Kaname bowed at the group.

"Natsu, 3rd year of middle school."

"My names Karmi, and I am male." The loud orange haired male spoke, stating his gender out of habit.

Introductions pauses and a few confused "Me too" s filled the air as everyone confirmed their gender.

"So, I'm the only female? I thought for sure the two blondes and orangey was girls too, I mean hell, they're prettier than me! It's not fair." The blue-eyed girl groaned, smacking her forehead against her palm before brushing her hair back into its messy ponytail. "Damn, anyways," Standing up straight, she placed her closed right fist over her heart before placing the other behind her back, "My name is Eden Arlert from Shigarshina!"

Kioshi found himself flinching away from the girl as she yelled her introduction, yet the girl paid him no mind as she helps her face straight and eyes ahead. Eden stood there for a few moments before a goofy smile took over her face before small giggles began to slip though followed by belly grabbing laugher. "I tried to stay serious, I really did but they're always so tense." She wheezed out through laughs.

The boys in the room watched and waited for the girl to get herself together before they could continue, "Wait a second, Arlert? Shigarshina? As in your from [REDIRECTED]." Haru tried to ask only to grow confused when his words came out slurred. Frowning, he tried again only for the same outcome to happen, next he tried to say the name of his own anime verse only for it to come out slur free. 'So, if they're not aware then I can't tell them.' Haru concluded.

"Am I from where?" Edan asked, waiting for the boy to continue. Shaking his head, Haru cleaned up his mess by telling her it was a mistake. Edan took the bait along with the others as introductions continued.

"Hello, my name is Mikala Park. I attend Totsuki Academy as a first year."

"Name's Nori, I'm a first year in Yuuei's hero course." The teen introduced, letting out a yawn as he stayed in his position laying on the floor.

Looking around the room, the last male let out a sigh, "I guess that just leaves me," Standing up, the boy awkwardly waved at the group, "Hi, my name's Kioshi. I would tell you my middle school and such, but It seems I'm the only person with enough sense to NOT tell strangers where they can find me.

"Oh crap, I didn't even think of that." Ryoya muttered, holding back a groan at the thought of what his brother would say if he found out he gave his information out to a group of strangers.

"Yeah, no wonder we were kidnapped so easily." Said Mikala, "All we had to do was give our names, but we gave our schools too."

The room once more went silent as the realization struck them. "Wait," Kaname's voice bought attention to him as he continued, "It should be fine. Some of us didn't give a location and those who did should still be pretty safe. I doubt we all are creeps, and I don't even recognize some of the placed you guys said. Like Edan, were even Shigarshina?"

"Oh! It's a town on the south edge of wall Maria. It's crawling with titans now though." Edan described sadly.

"Titans?" Kyra asked confused.

"Yeah, you know those giant things that eat humans." Edan was confused now, how didn't they know what Titans was. Everyone knew what they were.

Hearing this, Natsu widened his eyes as he looked over at her, "Wait, you're from [REDIRECTED]."

Seeing the boy's confusion, Haru walked over and pat him on the back, "I tried that, whenever you try to speak it doesn't come out." It wasn't just those two who recognized the plotline, most the others recognized the popular storyline save for Kyra and Karmi who were still left in the dark.

"Dude that sounds terrifying." Karmi winced. The others nodding along in sympathy for the girl who they just met.

"As lovely as this is, shouldn't we be trying to find a way out of this room?" Kaname asked after a few minutes of sympathetic silence. "I mean, there no guarantee that the voice will let us out. There are no doors or windows, but the walls must have some hollow spot or hidden door that we entered from."

To back up his words, Nori went over to the wall and knocked on it, listening for the faint echo that followed. "Yeah, it sounds like dry wall or something similar. Since it's so thin I can burst through using my quir-" Nori's sentence came to a sudden halt as a slight panicked look covered his features. Stepping away from the wall, he held out his arm, flexing the muscles for a while before switching to his other arm.

"What is it?" Ryoya asked.

The others also watched in confusion as the Blond panicked and continued to flex his muscles before turning to punch the wall, "Fuck! Why isn't it working?" Nori yelled, dropping to the ground holding his stinging hand. The drywall was harder than he originally thought, strange since it sounded so hollow. "My fucking quirk is gone!"


"What's that?"

"I don't know but it must be important."

Mutters filled the room as everyone continued to watch the boy punch at the wall. Once his knuckles began to bleed slightly, he forced himself to stop, "This is getting me nowhere." He whispered under his breath before turning to the group, "A quirk is like a superpower of sorts."

"Like magic or an upgrade?" Ryoya questioned, curious about the topic.

Hearing the word magic, Kyra found himself tapping his hip where his grimoire would usually hang. "Now that you mention it, my grimoire is gone too."

"That bitch! Give me back my djinn vessels!" Karmi screamed, hoping it he yelled loud enough the voice would respond. Yet it was fruitless as they didn't head the static of the intercom come on. As if on que, everyone began to check the area for their belongings they knew they held when they were kidnapped.

"I still have my anti-sensei knife."

"Yeah, my tennis back is still here."

"Same with my school bag."

"My knife bag is missing."

"Same with my gear."

"So basically, the only things remaining are the useless ones." Natsu spoke up, feeling annoyed for some reason. He didn't have anything him when he was kidnapped since he was leaving the locker room for practice when it happened. He had no reason to be upset yet he was.

"I guess they didn't want us to attack or harm each other." Kyra thought out loud earning a few nodded in agreement.

Dark chuckles bought everyone's attention to the two boys standing side by side in the corner, a dark cloud seemed to hover around them. "Oh? Bold of them to assume I couldn't attack someone with my bare fist." Nori spoke, holding up a bloody hand as Karmi nodded along to his words, smacking his fist into his palm. "I always knew the author was dumb, but this is on a whole new level."

"You keep calling the voice 'author', do you know them?" Mikala asked, raising an eyebrow to look at the blond.

Nori shook his head, "Not really, but I know they wrote my [REDIRECTED], maybe they wrote you guys [REDIRECTED] too." He didn't care about the slurred words, already use to it happening in his story too whenever he would break the fourth wall. He found it stupid, why make him aware of his status as an outside character if he can't even speak about it to those in the story? Pretty dumb in his opinion.

Mikala was still pretty confused on Nori and the voice's relationship but choice not to comment on it anymore. It wasn't his business anyway. "Sorry, this is completely random, but can we go back for a second because I am deeply confused and worried. Um, Kioshi," Hearing his name, Kioshi looked over to where Ryoya sat with an eyebrow raised. "Correct me if I'm wrong, Japanese isn't my best language, but Sensei means teacher, and you said you have an 'anti-sensei' knife. May I ask why you have an anti-teacher knife?"

"I guess it does sound strange if you're not from the E-class." Reaching behind his back, Kioshi pulled out the green rubber knife from his waist band handing it Ryoya who had moved closer to see the weapon. "It's made of rubber and can only hurt our teacher, who isn't even human but a giant yellow octopus. We have to kill him before he destroys the earth." Ryoya did not know how to respond to that so he kept his mouth shut as he nodded, handing the weapon back to the dark-haired boy.

"Yeah, no, I'm sorry how old are you guys again? I mean, killing giant cannibals and trying to kill your teacher are some heavy topics." Kaname asked, held tilted as he pointed towards Edan and Kioshi, "I mean, do adults not exist or something?"

"No, they do, but I signed up as soon as I reached age. I-I didn't want to just sit back while my friends endangered their lives." Edan frowned, playing with her fingers before halting and clenching her hands, "But I'm 16 so don't worry, I'm practically an adult." She grinned, holding a thumb up.

"Yeah, same for me, adults are around but Koro-sensei requested to teach our class. I guess he wants the End class to actually End him. Other than that, I'm your average 15-year-old. Kind of, my family is weird too in a way." Kioshi spoke, deciding it wouldn't be wise to share is familial background with the group. "What about you guys?"

"I'm pretty normal compared to you two. I'm 15 and I'm a chef." Mikala shrugged, feeling sorry for the other two's rough way of living. They live in fear of dying while he just chops carrots.

"I'm 13." Haru said when eyes turned to him since he was next in their little circle. He didn't know what else to say, that he was reincarnated into a mafia anime after unaliving himself?

Thankfully, no one pushed farther as they focused on Natsuru who was up next, "I'm 15 too but I turn 16 in the spring. I play a sport as an extracellular, a sport I'm seriously considering quitting since it only attracts weirdos."

"What sport?" Ryoya asked the slouching boy with sparkles in his eyes, grabbing his tennis back and showing it to him, "Is it tennis? I play that sport too! Wanna have a match?"

Natsu looked down at the glowing boy feeling reminded of a certain someone he knows. "Uh, no, I lay basketball. I've never played tennis before in my life, but I'll give it a try when I get back." He said, reaching over to pat the boy's head.

"Ok, it's really fun. I would say we could have a match but bouchou doesn't like us having serious matches outside of training camps and tournaments. Maybe we can have a play match, then it should be fine. You'd have to come to Tokyo though, since I'm only 12 I'm not allowed to leave the area without someone else over the age of 14." Ryoya hummed.

Natsuru just nodded at his words, "I live in Tokyo, so you don't have to worry about leaving the city or going far, but I'd still have to meet your parents, so they won't think I kidnapped you."

"I can join too; I live on the edge of Tokyo but visit often since my school is there." Kioshi added.

"Same, I also live in Tokyo. Well, in my school's dormitory. My actual home is in France." Mikala joined in.

"You're from aboard too, I lived in America up until I while ago." Ryoya said.

"I've been there, what city are you from?" The four splits off into their own conversation about their travels and Tokyo, leaving the rest of the group to ignore them and focus back on their conversation.

"I'm from Hage Village," Said Kyra, "I'm kinda 15-"

"Kinda? How do you not know your own age?" Karmi asked the boy before a thought hit him, "Were you born into slavery?"

Kaname and Haru both choked on their spit when they heard the boy's question, "No, well, I don't think so? I was left on the orphanage along with my brothers. Since Farther didn't know our birthdays or actual ages he made the day he found us our birthday, October 4th."

"I see, when you put it like that then I'm kinda 15 too. When Boba took me in, I forgot my birthday but remembered my age, so she mad May 6th my birthday." Karmi spoke, a hand rubbing at his chin.

Next was Nori's turn, "I also don't know my exact age and birthday, but I tell people I'm 16 since it fits, I guess. I'm a hero in training."

"You have to train to be a hero?" Ryoya asked, learning forward to look at the blond, "I thought hero's just see bad and go save the day."

"Yeah, how does that work? Is it like 'how to train your hero' or something?" Kioshi added.

"Well, technically you can but then you'd be a vigilante not a hero. A hero needs a license and proper training and a bunch of other pointless crap. Not everyone can be a legal hero, that's why we attend schools and such. I don't see the point, like if someone want to save the day let them! You guys have no idea how many nights I've spend in jail after 'recklessly using my quirk in public'" Nori mocked, annoyance in his voice.

Ryoya and Kioshi took his answer before turning to look at the last person in the room who was staring at the rest in confusion, "You guys are babies!" He exclaimed, tongue poking out to lick his lips as his eyebrows furrowed in thought, "You lot are 12 to 16 doing saving the world and other crap adults should be doing. The only ones who make sense are Natsuru, Mikala, Haruka and Ryoya. No offense to you other five but you guys need a hug or something, you know what, I'm gonna give you one-"

"Please don't."

"Nope, c'mere, group hug."

"No really, it's fine-" Karmi didn't get to finish his sentence before he was pulled into an awkward group hug. The hug was awkward, yet no one actually pulled away because while the hug was awkward, being the first to pull away from a group hug was even weirder.

So, there they sat, in the middle of a room just awkwardly hugging, waiting for someone to grow the balls to actually pull away and end the hug. I lasted for a solid minute before the awkwardness go to much, "Okay, that enough let's end this." Natsu said earning sounds of agreement before everyone pulled back.

Just as they the static from the intercom returned, "Well, that was fun and anti-climax. Probably will never happen again but this chapter is running too long so let's call it an end. Thank you all for coming and I'm really sorry about this." The voice spoke before the room began to fill with gas, those in the room tried not to inhale it out of panic yet in the end one by one they all fell unconscious. "Welp, let's get them back before someone noises, they're missing."

The author sighed thinking back on the Tokyo groups plans to meet once they returned back. "Now I feel bad about having to erase this past hour from their memories. But then again, they live in different timelines, there's no way they'd ever meet."



Yall, this special chapter really kicked my ass and it's still really bad. I was struggling to write it and then when I was editing it, I hated it, so I tried to rewrite it, but it kept getting worst and ugh, I'm gonna stick to my happy reaction gifs.



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