hidden feelings

By brandonsstories

1.3K 8 114

brandon got sent to spain for a year as a exchange student. he shares his room with Alex. One day he meets... More

Chapter 1 - The Arrival
Chapter 2 - The Café
Chapter 3 - Unexplained Feelings
Chapter 4 - The Adventure of Alex and Brandon
Chapter 5 - First Day of School
Chapter 7 - Feelings
Chapter 8 - Late Night Call
Chapter 9 - The Tour
Chapter 10 - The Accident
Chapter 11 - Bad Morning
Chapter 12 - The Secret
Chapter 13 - The Reveal
Chapter 14 - The night before the day
Chapter 15 - The First Sleepover
Chapter 16 - The Plan
Chapter 17 - The Night
Chapter 18 - Mixed Feelings
Chapter 19 - Sleepover
Chapter 20 - Manu's Secret
Chapter 21 - Spin the Bottle
Chapter 22 - The Pool
Chapter 23 - Drugs and Secrets
Chapter 24 - 7 AM
Chapter 25 - Pain
Chapter 26 - Missed Deal
Chapter 27 - Revealed Feelings
Chapter 28 - First Love
Chapter 29 - The Punishment
Chapter 30 - Earthquake
Chapter 31 - Theories
Chapter 32 - Surprise!
Chapter 33 - Slushy Bar
Chapter 34 - Cheating??
Chapter 35 - Worst Day
Chapter 36 - Illegal Sex
Chapter 37 - Wait.. what?!
Chapter 38 - The Secret
Chapter 39 - Bunna's Story
Chapter 40 - Bar's Story
Chapter 41 - KR's Story

Chapter 6 - The Sunset

42 0 0
By brandonsstories


George: „are you still mad?"

KR: „yes"

George: „Just forget this guy!"

KR: „How should I forget him, when I see his face every day?"

George: „You just saw him today! Are you really not jealous?"

KR: „What?? NO!"

George: „.."

KR: „I DON'T KNOW.. Alex told me things about him... Brandon took drugs in his old school with his friends... and I'm scared that he'll do it too with you guys.."

George: „He took drugs???"

KR: „I- I thought Alex told you-"

George: „Don't worry.. I won't tell anyone!"

KR: „If you tell him, I will kill you. You know that?"

George: „Ugh yes."

George kisses me and goes home. Maybe I shouldn't hate Brandon... what if he had a bad time in the past and maybe that's why he took drugs.. I hope he doesn't take em anymore. I will try to talk to Brandon soon. I will call Alex to get Brandons Phone Number.

POV Brandon:

I can't believe it... I see Manu outside. He's just on his phone... should I text him? FUCK.... Manu saw me.... act normal.. act normal...

Alex: „Ehh are you okay?"

Brandon: „Huh? I don't know what to eat?"

Alex: „What? I asked you if you're okay..not if you wanna eat something.."

Brandon: „OH... yeah sure I am totally fine!"

Alex: „Brandon.."

Brandon: „UGH WHAT ALEX??"

Alex: „Nevermind..."

I slowly look to Manu again.. he still looks at me.. he smiles and waves to me. Then I smile at him... I can't control my smile.. it just does.. I notice Alex looking weird at me. I stop smiling. I pick up my phone and text Manu.

Brandon: Heyy
Manu: Hey wassup?
Brandon: Nothing much, just had school. what about you?
Manu: Just chilling outside.
Brandon: Alone?
Manu: Yeah.. it's kinda boring but it's fine.
Brandon: Nope. I will come to you.
Manu: What? Really?
Brandon: Yeah sure why not?"
Manu: Yess come over

Finally we will talk again..! Butterflys in my stomach... i'm so excited.

Brandon: „Alex.. I get out of the car okay?"

Alex: „Wait- Why?"

Brandon: „I wanna see more of the town.."

Alex: „Oh I can come with yo-"

Brandon: „..alone! I'm sorry Alex.."

Alex: „No its fine.. just go.."

I get out of the car and I see Manu standing there. I go to him and he also comes to me.

Manu: „Heyy Brandii"

Brandon: „Hey Manuu"

The way he said Brandi.. I'm DEAD!

Manu: „So.. what do you think of this Town since you're here for 3 days."

Brandon: „Well.. it's beautiful.. except school sucks.. but now I am here.. with you"

Manu: „As you should haha."

Brandon: „Do you have a idea where we should go?"

Manu: „Yes! But.. let me surprise you"

Brandon: „okay now i'm scared"

Manu: „I promise you'll like it!"

Brandon: „Well.. okay then!"

POV Manu:

I'm so freaking happy Brandon is here again.. he looks so cute with his red cheeks.. I can't wait to see his reaction when I surprise him something. We're almost there.

Manu: „Okay stop!"

Brandon: „And now? Keep walking!"

Manu: „NO pls stop haha i'm serious we're almost there.. let me just cover your eyes"

Brandon: „Oh.. yeah lets act like we're a couple-"

Did he just said that- Oh my.... I wish we could be..nevermind!

Manu: „Okay Dokay... are you ready?"

Brandon: „Yess"

Manu: „Alright then"

I open his eyes and his eyes started to look so bright and his smile goes so brighter. I'm soo happy to make him smile.

POV Brandon:

Oh. My. God. We're on a Field. With a beautiful Sunset. The Sky is red and.. ugh its just a dream.

Brandon: „This is the most prettiest sunset I've ever seen!"

Manu: „Yeah right?.. Most of the time when I have a bad mood, I come here and enjoy the sunset. That makes me smile again."

Brandon: „Yeah.. I can imagine that to me.."

We sit down on the field.

Manu: „So... tell me something about you."

Brandon: „Uh.. there's nothing much tho."

Manu: „Come on.. why are you here in Spain?"

Brandon: „...."

Manu: „You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to.."

Brandon: „I promise.. I will tell you my Story if i'm ready.. I mean.. I know you just since a few days.."

Manu: „No no.. I can understand it.."

Brandon: „Thanks.."

We look each other into our eyes...he in mine.. me to his... our faces slowly comes near together. I look at his lips. I look at his eyes again..

*Phone ringing*

Seriously?!! NOW?!!

Brandon: „I-I'm sorry wait a second.."

It's KR.. How did she got my number..

Brandon: „Uhh.. hello?"

KR: „Brandon.. I'm sorry about today.."

Brandon: „Oh.. it- it's fine.."

KR: „I'm not jealous or something.. I'm just scared cuz I heard about your past."

Brandon: „What do you mean my past? Did Alex told you something?"

KR: „Maybe..."

Brandon: „KR!!"

KR: „OKAY YES... he told me in the Airplane while you were sitting in his car... please don't tell him, he will kill me!"

Brandon: „Oh.. that's why you looked mad.."

KR: „Yes... I'm just scared you will take drugs again and that you will make my friends taking drugs too.."

Brandon: „Now I get it... listen.. I'm clean now.. I don't take them anymore. I know how hard drugs can destroy someone.. I would never do that to your Friends!"

KR: „They're also your Friends..."

Brandon: „Yes, including you!"

KR: „Thanks.. I'm sorry okay? If you wanna talk or something, I'm there."

Brandon: „Thanks KR... we will see tomorrow"

KR: „byee"

Okay that was... new to me. I've never met someone who cared about her friends that much.. maybe KR looks rude but.. she can be very kind..

Manu: „Is everything okay?"

Brandon: „Oh.. yes. Yes of course. It was just someone of my school."

Manu: „So you already found friends in the spain"

Brandon: „Yep and you're my first friend in spain :)"

He smiles. At least.. we don't talk about what happened before my KR called... we were so close... i don't even know what happened..

Brandon: „Oh.. i have to go.. it's getting late and I still have Homework to do.."

Manu: „Oh yeah sure I will drive you home"

Brandon: „Thanks!"

Manu: „Wait Brandon-"

I trip over a stone and I pull Manu to me. We fall on the ground.. Manu lies on me. Manu looks into my eyes.. and I look into his eyes. After 3 seconds of silence, we have to laugh so hard. Manu gets off me and lies next to me.

Manu: „We should talk more. It's fun with you"

Brandon: „Yeah we should! Lets call together when I'm done with my Homework today."

Manu: „Meet on days and Call in the nights.. I like it"

Okay that really makes us sound like... no.. we're not a couple... but imagine... LANDNSS that would be so cute..

Manu: „Are you blushing?"

Brandon: „What? No. Maybe? Is my Face red? No i'm not blushing!"

Manu: „Hahahaha, you're so cu- uhh red-"

Brandon: „Hahahahhaa thank you i guess"

Manu: „You're welcome hahaha"

Brandon: „Okay then.. lets go"

I get up and help Manu to get up. While walking to his car, he lays his arm around me and pull me to him. I feel so safe with him.. but why do I feel this way? I mean.. I don't even know him for a month..

Manu: „Okay get in Mayesty"

He bends to me.

Brandon: „Stop, people are looking!!"

Manu: „As they should, because you....."

Brandon: „Because?"

Manu: „Because you're dumb"

Brandon: „Wow.. really nice hahaha"

Manu: „Whaatt. I just said the truth.."

Brandon: „I hate you"

I get in the car. Manu gets in the car and he turns on the music. We open the windows and starts singing so loud.. everyone can hear us.. but I don't care.. I'm with Manu again... having fun.. do I love hi-


Manu: „SORRY!!!"

Manu lows down the music. We look each other and we laugh.

Brandon: „We really need to hang out more like this... I miss this..."

Manu: „Oh seems like you had fun in.."

Brandon: „Germany.. I live in Germany"

Manu: „Live? So.. you won't stay here forever?"

Brandon: „No.. i'm a exchange student for a year."

Manu: „Oh.."

I notice him stop smiling... wait.. does he want me to stay?...

Manu: „Okay we're there!"

Brandon: „Thanks for driving again, it was hellaa fun"

Manu: „Yess we need to drive longer next time!"

Brandon: „Yup! Oh wait.. stay here, Imma get your Hoodie!"

Manu: „Brandon wait.. you can keep it if you want"

Brandon: „Oh.. really?.. Are you sure?"

Manu: „Yesss its fine, I have thousand of Hoodies."

Brandon: „Hahaha okay okay"

Manu: „Come here.."

He hugs me. God I will never get over his smell.. Then he gets in his car and I go in the Apartment. I open the door and everything is quiet... I go into Alex's room.. he's sleeping. Okay... I go in my room and got all my homework out of my bag..! After I finished em. I get up to drink something. But then I feel so dizzy.. I sit on my bed.. what is happening?..

Brandon: „A-Alex..come here... Ale-"

Everything turns black..

Not me shipping myself with Manu please. What you all think happened to Brandon? Is he really clean? Who knows..

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