Wings of Fire Lemons | Rare P...

By violetrose84

62.5K 357 2.2K

Uncommon, rare, or non-existent pairings will be posted here. Slow updates. I don't take requests. More

Winter x Glory
Turtle x Icicle
Clay x Moon
Fem!Deathbringer x Addax
Tsunami x Peregrine
Snowfall x Riptide
Flame x Fem!Turtle
Blaze x Cirrus
Peacemaker x Fem!Jade Winglet
Narwhal x Moon

Strongwings x Glory

3.9K 23 133
By violetrose84

"Are you sure about this, my Queen?" Mango asked her. Glory nodded in response.

"I'm sure." She reassured confidently. The Rainwing queen turned to Strongwings.

"From now on, you will act as one of my personal guards, Strongwings," she instructed. "If you do an admirable job, your sentence will be lifted. Is that clear?" The burly Nightwing nodded quickly.

"Good. You will be starting in an hour. Until then, you're to stay in your hut. Dismissed."

Strongwings bowed deeply as he left Glory's office, and headed to his home with two Rainwings escorting him. Once he arrived, the two dragons left, leaving him to reflect on how he got here.

Just a mere few hours ago, Strongwings was in prison, serving a long sentence for kidnapping Sunny and aiding Darkstalker. With Fierceteeth leaving him, it was the lowest point of his life. He was tired all the time, he didn't eat, didn't drink, and he rarely slept. After a couple months in prison however, someone must have taken pity on him, as one day a guard notified him that he was allowed to go take a walk to get some fresh air and stretch his body. And a few minutes later, his cell door opened, with two muscular Rainwings standing outside which he guessed were his guards.

The walk was uneventful at first. The guard he was following led him down less used paths, so he didn't see many dragons around. It was only towards the end of the walk that finally something interesting happened. As Strongwings was being led back to the prison, he heard talonsteps approaching, and was surprised to see Queen Glory herself walking towards him, multiple guards with her. His own minders immediately straightened when they noticed her, bowing slightly with Glory nodding back in acknowledgment.

"Rainfall, Lime, how are you two doing?" She asked. 

"We're fine, Your Majesty. Thank you." The Rainwing in front of him, Rainfall answered. "We were taking this prisoner here on a walk, and were just about to return him back to his cell." Glory looked interested at hearing that, turning to examine him closely. And even though Strongwings was twice her size, he still felt nervous and awkward as she stared at him, so he started looking around aimlessly. As he looked around though, he noticed some leaves rustling on the tree right above Glory. 

"Well, continue on, then." Glory was talking again. "Have a good day, alright?" The two Rainwings bowed again.

"Of course, Your Majesty." Lime answered. Everyone then prepared to move on again, but just before they could, a dark figure suddenly dropped down from above, holding a glinting dagger aimed straight for the Rainwing queen.

"LOOK OUT!" Someone shouted. Strongwings didn't know who it was though, as without a second thought, he jumped up and intercepted the assassin mid-air.

"Ack!" The assailant cried. They landed on the ground with a hard thump, as the other Rainwings quickly scrambled after them, and restrained the would-be assassin. 

"You idiot!" The Nightwing snarled. "Why would you do that? You've ruined everything! EVERYTHING!" The Nightwing continued shouting curses at him as he was dragged off. Strongwings stared after him for a moment, before turning around and finding Glory staring wide-eyed at him. The Rainwing had shock in her expression, from not only her close brush with death, but from the fact that a Nightwing prisoner had saved her.

It had only been 3 hours after he had been brought back to his cell, that he was brought out again and escorted to Glory's office, which led him to his current situation. Strongwings could still hardly believe his luck. In the span of a few hours, he went from a prisoner, to one of Queen Glory's personal guards. 

After his little flashback, Strongwings decided to spend the rest of the time he had working out. Since he was so mopey while in his cell, he rarely ever moved around, so his muscles had gotten weaker with disuse. After moving all the furniture aside, the Nightwing got to work. He had to be fairly careful though, as his large size meant  he could break something if he wasn't.

Working out was one of the few things Strongwings put his full attention to. It gave him a thrill, knowing that he was getting stronger with every second that passed. Working out was so serious for him, in fact, that when someone knocked on his door after an hour, he didn't hear it at all.

It was only when the dragon let themselves in, and let out a little yelp, that Strongwings finally snapped out of his focus. He turned his head, ready to snap at the intruder for interrupting, and almost fell over in surprise when he saw Queen Glory herself was standing right at the door, her face scales pink in embarrassment.

Strongwings quickly recovered, bowing deeply. "Your Majesty! My apologies! I lost track of time, please forgive me for my incom-" Strongwings immediately stopped talking when Glory held up a claw, silencing him.

"It's alright, don't worry." She reassured. Strongwings noticed that her cheeks still had a tinge of pink on them. She looks cute when she's embarrassed, he thought, before squashing it down right away. Glory continued speaking. "But I told you that you had an hour to prepare, and now an hour has passed. Are you ready?" Strongwings hesitated, before nodding.

"Good." Glory said. "You are to begin... right now." At Strongwings' shocked expression, she smiled. 

"Don't worry, my other guards will make sure to teach you everything, isn't that right?" Glory turned to face them, and once they all nodded, she faced Strongwings again. "Well, that's enough chit-chat. Let's get started, shall we?" 

"Of course, my Queen." The Nightwing responded. He followed her out as she left, and flew towards a Rainwing that beckoned him over once he arrived outside.

"So, you're the new guy, huh? Strongwings, was it?" He asked. Strongwings dipped in head down in affirmation. "Great. The name's Gecko. I'm the guy who's gonna teach you everything, got it? And don't worry, I've taught every new blood before you, so you're in good talons." Strongwings grinned. 

"Glad to hear that." He replied.

"So, you're the guy who saved the Queen from an assassin, eh?" The older Rainwing smacked his shoulder. "Good on ya! That's damn impressive!" Strongwings rubbed the back of his head, embarrassed.

"It was nothing," he insisted. "Anyone would have done the same." Gecko laughed.

"Humble, eh? That's a nice change of pace from the other Nightwings I've seen. Ha!" Gecko's expression then turned more serious. "But anyways, let's get back on track, alright? There's a lot to learn in this job, and I'll be damned if I didn't teach you everything I know! You ready?" Strongwings grinned, before answering.


Gecko followed through on his word. For the next two weeks, he trained Strongwings on the job, teaching him everything he knew; from standard protocols, to what to do in the event of an emergency. The Rainwing teacher was impressed by Strongwings, as the Nightwing was a very fast learner, becoming fully trained in half the time it took other dragons to.

During the two weeks, Strongwings also got to know Glory better. Since he had saved her life, she was extremely grateful to him, and she spoke with him often. and the two became closer, eventually becoming friends. 

After he was fully trained, Gecko congratulated him.

"Good job kid, I knew you had it in ya!" The older Rainwing smiled proudly. "You're probably the sharpest student I've ever had! You're gonna go far, I'm sure." Strongwings smiled back, blushing in embarrassment.

"Thanks Gecko. You've been a great teacher," he responded. Gecko chuckled.

"That's the job. Anyways, since you're finished with training, you won't be seeing much of me anymore. These old bones can't handle all the walking and flying around anymore." He explained. Strongwings smiled sadly. 

"Oh? That sucks. I'll be sure to visit you sometime, though!" He promised.

"You'd better!" Gecko said. "Anyways, your shift is on soon right? Better get going!" Strongwings nodded, shaking his teacher's talon.

"Bye, Gecko!" He said as he flew away towards Glory's office. The Rainwing waved back at him, grinning.

Strongwings was elated as he flew. He was officially one of Glory's personal guards now! And speaking of the Queen, he couldn't wait to tell her.

As he dropped down onto the platform, he bowed at Glory as she noticed him. 

"Strongwings!" She greeted. "How are you today?"

"I'm great, Your Majesty," he answered. "And guess what? I'm fully trained now! I am officially part of your personal guard!" Glory grinned.

"Really? That's wonderful to hear!" She praised. "I'm impressed by how fast you learned." Strongwings shrugged, blushing a little.

"Yeah, I didn't know I had it in me either." Glory chuckled a bit. 

"Well, I definitely feel a whole lot safer now that you're here." She said. Strongwings smiled.


The two spent a short moment just sitting there, smiling at each other before being interrupted, when Mango landed on the platform next to them.

"We have secured the area, my Queen." She said. "You're free to give your speech now." Confusion appeared on Strongwing's face.

"Hmm? What speech?" He puzzled. Glory looked to him, a little surprised.

"Oh? Were you not notified?" She asked. "Well, in a few minutes, I'm going to give a speech to my dragons. Ever since the 'incident' with Darkstalker, relations between Rainwings and Nightwings have soured again. But both tribes have been extremely good to each other as of late, so I wanted to thank them for being able to get along." 

Strongwings nodded as she finished speaking. "That's great!" He said. "I'm glad that the tribes can get along again."

"You and me both." Glory replied. "Let's get going then, alright?" The Rainwing queen took off, Strongwings and Mango following behind. After a bit of flying, they eventually reached the largest platform in the village, the one used for events and gatherings. 

As Strongwings went to land, he looked around nervously at the sheer amount of dragons present. There were both Rainwings and Nightwings here, and there were so many that it seemed like the whole tribe was attending. He knew his fellow guards were very good at their job, but with so many dragons anything could happen here, and Glory could get hurt.

Strongwings took his usual spot up on a tree, and fidgeted as he waited for the event to begin. After a minute passed, Glory finally came out, and stood on a elevated platform as her subjects focused their attention on her.

"Good afternoon, everyone." She began. "I know you're all wondering why I've decided to give this speech today, so let me get straight to the point..." Glory's voice faded as Strongwings tuned out. Normally he would have listened to her, but with this many dragons, he couldn't afford to give the speech any attention. He scanned his surroundings alertly, his anxiety rising higher and higher, until eventually he let out a huge breath he forgot he was holding, gasping quietly as he took in another breath.

Jeez, maybe I should relax a bit. Strongwings thought to himself. I can't be vigilant if I'm full of anxiety like that. He started controlling his breathing, taking in air slower and slower, until he managed to relax a bit more. He was still on edge a little though, so Strongwings looked around again, trying to find something to focus on. Eventually, his eyes landed on Glory.

He knew that it wasn't appropriate, but Strongwings had always harboured a small crush on his queen. The Rainwing was beautiful, with a soft, delicate face and a long, graceful body. She was  extremely passionate and dedicated to the wellbeing of her tribe, willing to do anything to see it prosper, qualities that Strongwings admired deeply. Glory was like a masterpiece sculpture, every part of her carefully constructed, from her perfect face, to her curves, to her wide hips-

Three moons Strongwings, what the FUCK is wrong with you? The Nightwing shook his head furiously, blushing as he tried to shake out all the dirty thoughts he just had about his queen. Not only are you fantasizing about the Queen, but you're doing it while on guard duty! Strongwings wanted to smash his head into a wall at his own stupidity. He then took a few deep breaths, calming himself down.

Alright! Full focus now. 

He surveyed the surroundings, trying to locate any threats. After not finding any, he relaxed a bit, but didn't start daydreaming again.

Huh, seems like it's gonna be another boring day. 

Just as the thought passed however, he was unfortunately proven wrong when suddenly, two Nightwings in the crowd leapt up towards Glory at the same time, knives in talon.

Argh! Just as I thought it! Strongwings jumped off his tree as the other guards did the same, flying as fast as he could towards Glory. 

Just as one of the assassins reached the queen, an invisible force slammed into him at the last second, launching him off the platform as chaos began to ensue in the crowd. Strongwings silently thanked the invisible Rainwings who were on the platform with Glory.

The other assassin was momentarily stunned as he watched his partner fly off into the crowd. The split second distraction was enough for the others to swoop in and restrain him before he could continue on his mission.

"Nice try, Nightwing." A fellow guard, Owl, said. The assassin however, merely smirked at him.

"It isn't over yet, asshole!" He spat out. Strongwings raised his eyebrows at that in confusion, before four more Nightwings burst out from the trees above, diving towards Glory.

"Shit! Up there!" Someone shouted. Strongwings and the others immediately jumped into action. 

"Strongwings! Get the Queen out of here!" Mango shouted. He nodded as he changed course and ran toward Glory, who looked like she was about to take out all the attackers herself.

"Your Majesty! We need to get you out of here!" Strongwings cried. Glory looked like she wanted to argue, before quickly ducking out of the way when a shuriken almost flew right into her.

"Alright, let's go!" She agreed. The two took off into the trees, Strongwings covering the smaller dragon with his wings. They flew far, heading towards an area that they used whenever there was a threat. At first, they heard some wingbeats following them, but as they kept going, the sound faded away as they lost their pursuers.

Eventually, they arrived at the location, a small area deep in the Rainforest that was filled with giant plants and flowers that almost completely blocked out the sun. There were only two small slivers of light that they could see, otherwise the area was completely covered in darkness. The two huddled together, Glory under Strongwings' wing, staying quiet as they waited. Protocol was that they were to stay there until another guard came down and said the code phrase, so they sat there, awaiting someone to come.

It was only after a few minutes of waiting that Glory realized how close she was to Strongwings. She was right up against his side, close enough to hear every breath he took. She could feel his muscular body as she lightly leaned against him, his wings wrapped around her protectively. It was an incredibly intimate situation, one that Glory normally would have treated professionally. But spending lots of time with Deathbringer meant that some of his personality rubbed off on her, so before she knew it, she was blurting something out.

"You know, when two dragons are alone and close together, something good usually happens." She said flirtatiously. She then immediately turned bright pink in embarrassment after realizing what she just said, cringing as she silently cursed Deathbringer for influencing her.

Strongwings whirled his head towards Glory, mouth gaping as his cheeks took on a bright shade of red.

"What." Was all the Nightwing could say after a couple seconds. "Y- Your Majesty?" Glory wilted inside as she scrambled to come up with an explanation, glad that it was too dark for him to see her.

"Sorry! I didn't mean it!" She cried out. She then quickly straightened out and cleared her throat. "I mean, my apologies, Strongwings. It seems I have been spending a little too much time around Deathbringer." Strongwings continued to stare at her, still shocked at what his Queen had implied.

"Uh, right, um... of course, my Queen." He stammered eventually. He looked away, trying to forget that the little incident ever happened, with Glory doing the same.

The two sat there in awkward silence, still waiting for someone to come down, which meant that they had time to think. Strongwings was still blushing a little from earlier, though he didn't know why. He had a tiny crush on Glory, he could admit that, but it didn't warrant such embarrassment and... hope when Glory had blurted out that line. Strongwings hoped that his relationship with Glory could remain professional after this, but deep down he knew that that probably wasn't possible.

A few minutes of quiet later, Strongwings was starting to contemplate just flying up to see what was going on, mostly to escape the awkwardness. But before he could, he heard a rustling noise coming from above, and he narrowed his eyes at the disturbance.

A few tense moments later, a voice called out.

"Does the black moon howl?" It said. Strongwings sighed in relief.

"Only to startle the sun." He replied. And a second later, a Rainwing dropped down through the plants.

"Oh good! You two are alright!" Owl grinned. "Sorry for the wait. Those assassins refused to give up. Had to give them a good beatdown." He made a punching gesture with his talons.

"I'm sure," Glory responded. "Thank you for your help, truly."

"It's the job, no need to thank me." Owl reassured. He then slapped a hand onto Strongwings' shoulder. "The real dragon you should be thanking is Strongwings over here. He's the one who stayed with you the whole time, right?"

Glory turned slightly pink at the mention of his name, before quickly reverting back to her normal colours.

"Right, of course." She started. "Err... thank you, Strongwings." The Nightwing guard rubbed the back of his head.

"It was nothing," he said, trying to alleviate the awkwardness. "Err, how about we get out of here now? We've been in here for a while." Glory nodded in agreement.

"Let's get a move on, then. Owl? Are there any others waiting up there?"

"Yep. There are three keeping watch for any danger."

"Good. They can escort us back." Glory then flapped her wings, taking off with Owl and Strongwings following behind. After speaking briefly with the other three guards, Glory headed back to the village, the five guards trailing closely behind. They landed back on the same platform the assassination attempt took place in, and Glory walked over to the other guards present there for an explanation on what happened while she was gone. Thankfully, not many dragons were hurt in the attack. Only the assailants suffered injuries, otherwise everyone else was fine. 

It took a few days for the Rainforest to calm down after the attack, during which Glory had extra guards protecting her. After that, things seemed to go back to normal.

At least, for everyone else.

Just like Strongwings had worried about, his relationship with Glory had changed. They were still friends, but now Glory was acting much differently around him then before. Whenever he spoke to her, she would blush a little, and turn pink before composing herself. She also seemed nervous when talking to him, which was strange because she usually never showed any sort of fear, always radiating confidence. The little changes in personality didn't impact their friendship though, as they kept growing closer every day.

A couple months after the attack, Strongwings was relaxing in his house, tired after a long day. He was lying on his mat, ready to fall asleep, when he heard a knock come from the door. Groaning, he reluctantly got up, and answered the door.

"Hello?" He said tiredly. The dragon at the door winced at his tired expression.

"Oh! Err, sorry for bothering you Strongwings," Mango said. "But the Queen has called for you. You're needed at her office." Strongwings sighed before responding.

"I'll be there. Give me a few moments." Mango nodded before flying off, her duty complete.

A minute later, Strongwings left his hut, closing the door behind him before heading to Glory's office. He wondered what it could be on the way, but decided to just find out when she told him. After a short flight, Strongwings arrived. He landed in front of the building, and knocked on the door.

A few moments later, the door opened, revealing Glory. Like usual, she blushed a little when she saw him, but it quickly faded away.

"Strongwings! Good, you're awake. Sorry for bothering you at this hour, but I promise it's important. Why don't you come in?" Glory opened the door wider, and Strongwings walked in. After sitting down, he spoke.

"What's this about, Your Majesty?" He asked. Glory took a breath before speaking.

"I'm going to get straight to the point," she started. "I want you to accompany me as my personal bodyguard to the Sand Kingdom for my meeting with Queen Thorn." Strongwings blinked in surprise.

"Huh? You want me?" Strongwings asked. "Why not Deathbringer? I thought he was your main bodyguard." Glory rolled her eyes at the mention of the annoying Nightwing.

"Well yes, he is my main bodyguard, and I would have chosen him, except the idiot got himself injured on a recent trip he went on." Glory explained. "And since I've forbade him from even getting out of bed until he's fully healed, I need you to come with me to the meeting, as my next most trusted guard."

Strongwings was stunned into silence. He was Glory's second most trusted guard? Him? He would have kept thinking about it, but Glory had an expectant look on her face, and he realized she was waiting for an answer.

"Yes, of course!" Strongwings replied, bowing. "It would be my honour." Glory laughed at the excessive formality.

"Great! Thank you." Glory said. "Well, you better go and get some sleep now. We leave for the meeting tomorrow at noon, so you'll need to be well rested." Strongwings nodded. "Oh! And also, we'll be staying there overnight. Queen Thorn and I are planning on opening a trade route between our kingdoms, so there's a ton of details that we need to discuss."

"Got it." He replied. The Nightwing started to head towards the exit. "Goodnight, Your Majesty." He said before leaving. A small smile appeared on Glory's face.

"Goodnight to you too." She responded.

After leaving, Strongwings took off for his home. Like Glory said, he would need to be well rested for tomorrow. So as soon as he entered his hut, he flopped down onto his bed, and fell asleep immediately.

Strongwings woke up to a blinding light shining right into his eyes through a window. He groaned, covering his eyes with his talons as he rolled over. He was about to go back to sleep, when suddenly, a loud screech from an animal caused him to jump in surprise. He glared out the window, muttering to himself about stupid annoying animals, when he realized that he had somewhere he needed to be.

Crap! I almost forgot about that! Strongwings thought. He quickly ran out the door, and looked at the sun to see what time it was. Thankfully, it wasn't noon yet, so he still had a bit of time. He didn't want to be late, though, so Strongwings decided to meet up with Glory early. After grabbing some fruit for a quick breakfast, he flew off toward her office.

When he arrived, he found Glory was already outside, chatting with another Rainwing. As he landed, he nodded to Glory as she noticed him.

"Yes, I'll see what I can do, Lime" She told the Rainwing. The colourful dragon smiled in relief at this, and she bowed as she turned to leave.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" She said. Glory nodded, shooting a small smile back at Lime as she walked away. She then turned to Strongwings, who bowed his head a little.

"Good morning, my Queen." He greeted. 

"Good morning to you too, Strongwings," Glory replied. "You're here early." Strongwings shrugged.

"Better to be early than late." He said. "And it's only ten minutes from noon, anyways. Speaking of which," Strongwings looked around, confused. "Where is everyone else? Usually there are a few early birds." 

"Oh! I must have forgotten to tell you, but you'll be coming with me alone," Glory explained. Strongwings eyes immediately widened at this in surprise, and his jaw hung open.

"What?" He eventually said. "But why? Isn't that really dangerous? What if something happens? If someone tries to kill you, one dragon isn't enough to protect you!" Glory laughed at his panicked expression.

"Relax, Strongwings," she reassured. "Your concern is appreciated, but Thorn's stronghold is one of the safest places on Pyrrhia. It's very well guarded, so there's no way any assassins will be able to try anything. This is the reason why I'm only having one guard come along. Since it's so safe, I don't want to waste the other's time. They definitely deserve a break for their hard work." Strongwings slowly calmed down as she explained herself.

"Yeah, that makes sense." He admitted. Glory grinned.

"Good. Now, shall we head out? It's noon already." Strongwings quickly checked the sky.

"Right! Of course, Your Majesty."

And with that, Strongwings and Glory headed off to the Sand Kingdom. Normally, it would have taken several days to reach. But since there was the animus touched tunnel, it took less than an hour to arrive in the desert. 

As the pair came out of the tunnel, they were greeted by two Sandwing guards, sent by Thorn. They escorted Glory and Strongwings toward the stronghold, and a few minutes later, the massive structure came into view.

Hmph, hasn't changed much since the last time I was here. Strongwings shuddered at the memory. Better not piss Thorn off. Don't want a repeat of last time.

With that in mind, Strongwings flew towards the stronghold, determined to be on his best behaviour.

After a couple more minutes of flying, they finally reached the stronghold. As they landed at the entrance, they were greeted by Thorn herself.

"Queen Glory!" The Sandwing Queen said, grinning. "And Strongwings." She added with much less enthusiasm. "It's good to see you. I trust your journey here was uneventful?" Glory smiled back.

"It was," she replied. "Thank you for the escort, by the way."

"Oh, it's no problem." Thorn reassured. "Ah! I'm being rude, aren't I? I'm keeping you outside! Why don't you two come in, so we can get started? I'll have someone show you to your rooms, and then we can begin our meeting." Glory nodded.

"Sounds good."

After they entered the stronghold, Thorn assigned a guard to show them where they would be sleeping. The Sandwing led them upstairs to where the guest rooms were located, and stopped when she arrived at two doors.

"Here you go." She said. "You'll be staying in these two rooms. They're specially made for dragons and their bodyguards, so they're separate, but there's a door connecting them in case something happens."

"Got it. Thank you." Glory responded. The Sandwing bowed, before leaving. Glory turned to Strongwings after she was out of sight.

"So, which one do you want?" She asked after a moment. Strongwings shrugged.

"Doesn't matter to me. They're probably the exact same, anyways."

"Yeah, true." Glory then walked into the room on the right. Before closing the door though, she spoke.

"The meetings in ten minutes, alright? It'll definitely take a while, so I suggest you find something to entertain yourself with for a few hours." Strongwings raised an eyebrow at this.

"You don't need me watching over you?" He asked. Glory chuckled.

"Relax, there are more than enough guards here to protect me. I don't want to make you stand around for hours doing nothing, so I'm letting you run free." She explained.

Strongwings opened his mouth to protest, but closed it after realizing that she was right, and that he didn't want to stand around for hours doing nothing.

"...Alright, then." He eventually said. Glory grinned.

"Great! See you in a while!" The Rainwing then closed her door, to prepare for the meeting. Strongwings walked into his own room soon after. 

The guest room was great, in Strongwings' opinion. At the very least, it was better than his hut back at the Rainforest. Not that it was bad, but the whole structure wasn't much bigger than this one room. As he looked around, Strongwings noticed a bed in the corner of the room, which he eagerly ran towards. The Nightwing had only slept in a bed once in his entire life, so he was ecstatic to see that there was one right here that was all his. Strongwings flopped onto the bed, sighing contentedly as he sank into the mattress.

After lying there for some time, Strongwings perked up when he heard voices from outside. He got off the bed with a groan, and made his way to the door. As he drew closer, he still couldn't recognize the voices, so he decided to open the door, and see who it was.

"Oh! Hey, Strongwings." The bodyguard saw that Glory was outside, about to leave for the meeting. He was also surprised to see Queen Thorn was there as well, escorting Glory herself, he guessed.

Glory continued. "We were just leaving for the meeting, no need to worry," she said.

"Yeah, I know. I was just checking." Strongwings admitted. He then looked over at Thorn.

"Err, Your Majesty," he bowed while he greeted the Sandwing queen nervously. An amused expression appeared on Thorn's face.

"Strongwings." She replied. "From kidnapping my daughter to Queen Glory's bodyguard, huh?" Strongwings stared at Thorn in shock, before looking down in shame.

"Hey, Strongwings has changed since then!" The Nightwing looked up, and was surprised to see Glory was defending him. "He's a different dragon than he was a year ago, I promise. He's gotten a lot better, and he's proven himself to be trustworthy." Thorn raised her eyebrows at this.

"Hmm. So he has, huh?" Glory nodded.

"I'm sure."

Thorn then turned her head back to Strongwings, studying him. He stood there anxiously, not knowing what to do. After a few moments, a mischievous look appeared on the Sandwing's face, which worried Strongwings.

"So, you brought Strongwings with you here because you trust him, right?" Thorn asked Glory. The Rainwing looked confused, before hesitantly agreeing.

"Yes?" Thorn smirked.

"You sure that's the only reason?" She teased. "Because I can definitely see a more... physical benefit to bringing him along."

Glory stared at Thorn, scales pink and face red as she gaped at the Sandwing queen, not believing what she just heard. Strongwings stared at Thorn as well, jaw dropped at what she just implied.

"W-what?" Glory eventually stammered out. She quickly glanced at Strongwings, which seemed to make her even more flustered. "That's not-!" Thorn laughed as Glory tried to defend herself, the pleasant sound echoing down the long hallway.

"Ha! Oh, that's just amazing!" She said. Glory glared at her, face still blushing a little. "Ah, I was just teasing you, Glory. Sorry, but I just had to." Glory continued to glare.

"Hmph. Don't we have a meeting to attend to?" She said coldly. She then walked off down the hall, still annoyed. Thorn turned back to Strongwings, who was still in disbelief over what had just transpired.

"Sorry about that," she apologized. "I hope I didn't embarrass you too much." She then left quickly too, trying to catch up with Glory.

After the two queens were out of sight, Strongwings went back into his room.

"Well, that just happened."

Strongwings then lied back down onto the bed, and proceeded to spend the next hour and a half just relaxing in his room. But there was only so much relaxing he could do, before he grew bored of it.

Strongwings sighed, flipping over onto his back. He tried to come up with things to do, his mind racing at the possibilities. Eventually, as he was thinking, he looked down toward the lower half of his body. Suddenly, an idea popped into his head.

Damn, it really has been a while, hasn't it? He thought. Should I...? It would definitely waste some time, and I would feel much better afterwards. He thought for another moment, before deciding. ...Nah, I can't do it. Jerking off in a guest room is too fucked up. I would probably ruin some servants day if they had to clean up my mess.

Strongwings sighed again, leaning back and staring at the ceiling.

...Now that I think about it, I did spot a poker table back downstairs. He realized. The Nightwing got up quickly at this, and headed towards the door, eager to kill some time. Let's hope the dragons here know how to play.

And know how to play they did. In fact, they utterly destroyed Strongwings in almost every single game he played. The Nightwing knew he wasn't that good, but he was getting his ass handed to him like he was a beginner! Though, in retrospect he did drink quite a bit, which definitely didn't help him win. His yells of frustration whenever he lost also caused the whole table to laugh, much to his chagrin. Strongwings still had fun though, and before he knew it, a few hours had passed in the blink of an eye.

After saying goodbye to his new friends, Strongwings walked back to his room, unbalanced as he was still tipsy. It was evening at this point, so Glory was most likely wrapping up her meeting, if she wasn't already finished.

When Strongwings reached it, he stumbled into his room and began heading to his bed, eager to sleep the alcohol off. Midway though, he realized that he should probably go check up on Glory. Mentally reprimanding himself for drinking on the job, he went up to the door connecting their rooms, and knocked. After a few seconds of silence, Strongwings was about to leave, when he heard talonsteps thumping on the ground. The door opened moments after, revealing Glory.

"Strongwings!" She greeted. The Rainwing's face was red, and there was a silly smile on her face as she looked at him. "You're back!" 

Normally, Strongwings would have immediately noticed that Glory was drunk. Due to his own drunken state, however, he didn't notice anything wrong.

"Course I am, Your Majesty!" Strongwings responded. "How was your meeting?" Glory giggled.

"Oh, it was great!" She said. "After we finished the boring work, Thorn invited me for drinks, and we spent an hour talking about stuff!"

"What kind of stuff?"

At hearing this, Glory stiffened a little. It was only for a split second however, as a mischievous look suddenly appeared on her face, and she inched a little closer to Strongwings.

"Oh, just stuff like... how you're the hottest guy in the Stronghold." And before he could answer, Glory wrapped her arms around Strongwings' neck, and pressed her mouth to his.

Strongwings should've pushed her away, he knew that. Glory was drunk, and couldn't think properly, he knew that. But so was he. So, instead of disengaging from the kiss, he wrapped his own arms around the smaller dragon, and melted into Glory enthusiastically. 

The kiss was sloppy, messy, just what you would expect from two drunk dragons. Glory moaned into her bodyguard's mouth as he slipped his tongue into hers, exploring every single surface he could. Strongwings groaned as Glory ran her talons up and down his large arms, squeezing his muscles as he kissed her. Eventually, the two pulled apart, a bit disoriented from the intense make out session. Glory smirked as Strongwings took a few more moments to recover.

"I've always wanted to do that," she said. Strongwings smirked back.

"The feeling's mutual," he replied. The large Nightwing then bent down again, pulling Glory in for another kiss. 

The two moaned loudly, as they continued to kiss messily and deeply. They each got more handsy with each other, as Strongwings groped his Queen's hips, and Glory felt up her bodyguard's muscular sides. They both kept escalating the situation, until before they knew it, Strongwings had grabbed Glory and pinned her to the bed.

"AH~!" Glory let out a squeak as Strongwings pulled away from the kiss, and wasting no time, thrusted his tongue right into her dripping entrance.

Glory twisted and spasmed in pleasure, as Strongwings explored her wet tunnel, delving as deep as he could. Lost in ecstasy, the Rainwing could only moan as her bodyguard expertly ate her out, his talons holding on to her legs to steady her. Eventually, Strongwings stopped, sliding his forked tongue out of her pussy. Glory let out a whine as it left her body.

"W-why'd you stop?" She demanded. 

Strongwings smirked, and proceeded to stand up, deciding to show instead of tell. Glory's initial expression of annoyance slowly morphed into one of shock, her eyes widening, when the Nightwings member came into view, the large pink tool drawing her complete attention.

"Oh." Glory whispered. Strongwings' smirk widened even further.

"You like it?" He purred. Glory nodded frantically, the image of the large cock pounding her walls sending waves of heat to her entrance.

"Perfect." And then without warning, Strongwings easily flipped the much smaller dragon over onto her stomach, the Nightwing easily dwarfing her. He then wrapped his large talons around her torso, and slammed right into her pussy.

And the sound, oh, the sound, that came out of Glory's mouth after he did that, was absolute music to his ears. 

The Rainwing queen held nothing back, moaning to the moons and back as Strongwings pounded her, his powerful hips jolting Glory forward with every thrust. Strongwings moaned, his tongue lolling out of his mouth as his cock was squeezed and massaged by Glory's tight walls, his massive member sliding in and out of an entrance meant for a much smaller dragon. As he thrusted, Strongwings could feel every inch of Glory's tunnel around his dick as he went balls deep, her pussy stretching further with every movement.

Glory's scales were out of control as Strongwings abused her entrance like she was merely a fuckdoll to ruin. They shifted rapidly to every colour they could, from pink, to yellow, to blue and orange as pleasure flowed throughout the Rainwing. Strongwings threw Glory around easily, changing positions and moving her around like she was weightless, which Glory found extremely sexy, as the heat within her grew even more. 

After a few more minutes of intense sex, Glory could feel her climax coming. Judging by Strongwings increasingly wild thrusts, his was too. As he drew closer, Strongwings went as fast and hard as he could, intending to get as much pleasure before he finished. The bodyguard slammed into his queen as deep as possible, her firm ass slapping against his hips repeatedly.

 Finally, with a last scream of ecstasy, Glory reached her climax, the amount of pleasure she felt causing her to see white. She jerked and spasmed, as her senses were overloaded. A few moments later, Strongwings finished as well, and with a roar, he pulled out of Glory at the last second, spraying cum all over her body. And as he was a large dragon, he had a lot of it, so by the time his climax ended, Glory was absolutely covered in the sticky white substance.

Strongwings went limp, laying down next to Glory as exhaustion took over. They both panted heavily, catching their breath after the long, passionate session they just had. Despite his tiredness, Strongwings could think clearer then he could before he spoke with Glory, the alcohol having worn off while they fucked. He could tell Glory was sober now, too, as realization dawned in her expression.

"...We're so gonna regret this." She said, groaning. Strongwings grinned, and wrapped his arm around Glory, pulling her closer.

"Oh, definitely."

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