The eyes of an elite (DISCONT...

Por hiroto-itsuki

11.5K 369 63

At this story this takes place after the survival exam There might be some major changes in the story But "wh... Más

You'll Regret Messing With Me
A New Challenge
I... Lost...
Ayanokoji The Miracle Of Class D
Special Chapters(A/N)
Special Chapter:Kushida
Special Chapter: Ichinose
Special Chapter: My Darkness..
Back To The Main Chapters
The Father I Want
Promise Me

Special Chapters: Arisu

339 18 2
Por hiroto-itsuki

11 years ago

October 20

Ayanokoji pov

I was walking alone starring at the  blue sky wondering what to do alone
Why am I walking? Well..

Flash back 1 hour ago...

I walked to suzune's home to meet with her. I saw her opening the door of her house

"hi suzu-" my sentence were cutted

"ki-kiyotaka why are you doing here" she said smiling awkwardly. I wonder why..

"I'm here to me-" I was cutted again

"G-get out of here" she said kinda of awkwardly scared.

"Why?" I ask. I wonder why is she like this..

"J-just because" she said before slamimg the door

"huh?" Im confused why is she acting awkwardly today I asked to my self maybe I did something that she would hate.. Well I did broke her brother's glasses but that's one week agk

Then I decided to meet kushida I saw her walking with balloons?
So I asked

"kushi-" I was cutted.. Again

"a-ayanokoji!" she said before running

"what's with her?" I asked to myself

Then I saw ichinose and it looks like she's holding a present I wonder why?

"ichino-" why does everyone kept on cutting my sentences

"aah! You didn't see anything!" she said before running. Huh? Why is everyone acting weird

I Sigh

End of flash back..

And now here I am walking not doing anything this day would be boring
Then a girl caught my eye she's holding a chess board and a cane
I do play chess so today wouldn't be that boring. So I asked her if she could play with me

"today was boring so can I play chess with you?" I said

"that's not how you ask a little girl to play with you" she said

I clear my throat "please let me play with you madam" I asked calmly but politely at the same time. I feel so uncomfortable saying those words for some reason

"good now let's play ayanokoji-kun" I was surprised how she knows my name

"how did you know my.."


Flash back...

Summer march 29

Arisu pov..

I was walking trying to find a chess mate until two kids caught my eye
They were talking about something so I hid myself and listen to them

"hey aynokoji let's make a sand castle" the girl with a black hair said

"mind calling me with my real name?" a boy with orange brown hair said

"oh sorry kiyotaka!"

A few months later

"let's go get some ice cream kiyotaka" a girl with short brown hair asked the same boy a few months ago

"OK" the boy said

A few months later

"haha kiyotaka I think she likes you" a girl with long hair said

The same orange brown haired boy was beside her and a cat was on his head I laughed quietly

End of flashback

Ayanokoji pov

After I heard her story a thought came into my mind. So this is what you called a stalker

"stalker" I said with my calm voice and with my poker face

"n-no I'm not, anyways let's just play I'm arisu sakayanagi" she said then we played
After a few minutes of playing...

"check mate" I said bringing her King down

"w-what the how could you..!" she said

"if you play with experience you can easily win" i said

"let's play again" she said smashing the table

Then I won

"let's play again" she. Said

I won again

"play again" she said

And won

"play again"

And won

"play again"

And won

We played for 11 times now and she kept on losing and saying play again!
It was evening I stood up from my table and said

"give it up arisu you can't win without more experience" I said



"ayanokoji Kun why did you play with me again" she asked

"I was bored and that's it, in just a Few minutes it would be nightime and if you don't go home, your parents will be worried" i said

"hey and so are you" she said. Only if she knew

I sigh and left but before I did she asked me something

"I wanna come with you" she said

"come with me if you have to but you will walk" I said

So we walked our way to my house she kept on talking about her life I kept ignoring her but I decided to listen since it's boring.then a few hours later I came to my house

Why're the lights on? I said I sigh I grabbed a stick arisu was looking confused

I opened my door and readied my stick as my weapon

"get out of here racoo-..."
I didn't finished my sentence inws surprised

"happy birthday!" horikita, kushida and ichinose said

"happy birth day ayanokoji Kun" arisu said. So she knew? I placed my stick down and said

"thanks.." I simply said

Then they readied my cake it was vanilla flavoured I blew up the candles after I made my first wish

Then I turned to arisu

"so you knew" I asked

Then horikita said

"yup, she made you busy all day thanks arisu san" she said

"it's no biggy" she said smilling

I guess having freinds like them wasn't so bad but.. The problem is.. There all girls...

End of this chapter

Thanks for 700+ reads it only been 2 days

Itsuki out..

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