She Just Got Lucky

By LaceyQuinnn

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Ryo is the daughter of the man who made Siatama's suit. Her father moved on, but Ryo refused to leave Saitama... More

Authors Note
Old Friends
The House of Evolution
It's Time, To Become A True Hero!
A Friendly Match
It's A Pleasure to Meet You, Hostage!
A Day In The Life
Meteors Don't Care If You're Pretty
The Day She Remembered Fear
The Day She Remembered Fear Part 2
Fan Club
Waiting Outside
Down With The Ship!
An Almost Perfect Get Away
Chasing A Lost Cat
Another Busy Day

Another Day Another Monster(s)

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By LaceyQuinnn


Boy oh boy do I hate college. Never the less here I am. uh, I actually didn't change much. Just got to where the last chapter left off if you read this chapter before

"Bang invited us over?" Ryo asked into her phone. "I'm going into City R today. But I guess I could meet you guys there once I'm done with work."

"Are you meeting with a hero today?" Genos questioned.

"Yeah, I'm finally done with Zombieman's fifth costume so we're meeting for lunch, but I'm also meeting Metal Bat after, and I'm not really sure how long that will last. What time did Silverfang expect us?"

"He wanted us there around four."

Ryo grumbled. "I'll probably still be with Metal Bat. But I wanna go. You think it'll be okay if I'm just a little late?"

"I will explain to Bang. I am sure he will be fine."

"Alright, I'll see you guys then, and thanks Genos," Ryo hung up and threw herself back onto her futon. "Why did he feel the need to call me at five in the morning, though?"

A few hours later and Ryo was out on the town. She had her strap bag over her shoulder, now carrying a large first aid kit and emergency supplies, and her arms cradled a heavy box that house Zombieman's final costume. The box was heavy, but Ryo could handle it. After the indecent where Ryo had to carry Genos's groceries home, she had started to lift weights, only light ten-pound dumbbells for now, but she didn't want to be caught off guard like that again. Even if she couldn't fight, she still needed to get strong for herself.

City R was bustling with people. Ryo had a hard time not bumping into strangers as she struggled to shoulder the heavy box of mostly leather costumes. Just when she thought she'd need to take a break from walking, she found herself standing in front of the restaurant she was supposed to meet Zombieman.

"Oh!" A joyful deep voice rung from behind Ryo. "What perfect timing! You are just on time."

Ryo turned on her heel and smiled, coming face to face with Zombieman. "Heya! Guess we don't have to search for each other inside."

"You must have walked far," Zombieman held out his arms and lifted the box out of Ryo's hands. "Allow me to carry this inside for you."

Together they walked into the restaurant. While the two waited for their food, Zombieman tried on his fifth costume in the bathroom and came out, swaggering back to the table. "Fits perfect just like the rest. Though this one has got a better style, in my opinion."

Zombieman lifted the collar of the leather jacket and shot finger guns at the waiting Ryo. She laughed then addressed his complaint about the style. "If you'd like I can take the others back and rework them."

"Nah, we can just wait till I get incinerated again, it's bound to happen." Zombieman grinned as he sat back down.

"Have you got the chance to test out any of the suits?" Ryo asked as she sipped on her hot tea.

"Not quite," Zombieman explained. "The Hero Association tends to save us S Class for trump cards. They don't just pimp us out for any reason."

Ryo wasn't close enough to Zombieman to share her distaste for the way the hero association treated the classes of heroes, so she just nodded along with him.

"But what about you, didn't Genos mention something about a Class B's suit that you were having trouble with."

Ryo rolled her eyes at the memory but immediately started to rant. "Oh, you mean Saitama. Yeah, he's difficult to design for because he's just so powerful. He hardly ever uses his full strength, so it's difficult to find a fabric that is strong enough to withstand his punch but also is flexible enough to keep up with his speed. Plus if the fabric is even remotely itchy, he'll get fussy."

"Is he really that strong?" He asked, earning a vigorous nod from his costume designer. "Then how is it he's still in Class B?"

Ryo nearly spat out her drink with the annoyance that question reminded her of. "Because he never reports any of the monsters he gets rid of! He relies on others reporting his work. But he takes out like thirty bad guys just on his morning errand run and only like five people ever see him. It's honestly Saitama's own fault that no one knows his name since he never actually takes the time to do the paperwork side of his own job."

"I get that. Paperwork is the worst. Even I hardly do my own." Zombieman was still having a hard time envisioning that bald-headed man destroy anything with the power that Ryo was describing. "I guess that explains why he'd still be in Class B. If he works with other heroes, they'd take his credit in an instant, and relying on civilians works well enough, but it is certainly a slow process. Why wouldn't he just do the paperwork if he is so powerful?"

Ryo shrugged. "This is all just a hobby to him. I guess paperwork is the line between a job and a hobby."

"Well he must be strong if he thinks dangerous hero work is just a hobby," Zombieman conceded. Suddenly a phone in his pocket went off and Zombieman picked up the call leisurely. "Yello. Uh-huh. That's a bit far... They're connected to the House?!" Zombieman shouted out of the blue. He then stood abruptly, causing Ryo to flinch. "No, I will be there immediately!"

Zombieman then twirled back around to face Ryo and gently smiled. He took her hand and apologized. "Our food didn't even have time to come. Don't worry about the bill. I will cover it at the door. Could we reschedule?"

"Oh, of course! I understand," though she hardly had any idea what was going on.

"I'm glad you're willing to see me again, even after this mess up." Zombieman pulled Ryo to her feet and took her hand gently, placing a light kiss on the back of Ryo's hand. "Till next time, Ms. Ryo."

Ryo stood there for a minute watching Zombieman stride away. "What the hell just happened?"

She sat back down with a confused blank look on her face when the waiter then came over with a basket of bread for her to eat while she waited for her meal. "Did he run to the restroom again?" He asked, having seen Zombieman leave in the opposite direction of the bathroom.

"Uh, no." Ryo stuttered. "I think something came up. You know what how about we just box up his order."

"Of course ma'am," the waiter bowed. "I'll make sure your husband's order is ready to be taken to go. Will you be eating here?"

Ryo disregarded the assumption that Zombieman was her husband and nodded. "Yeah, I think I will." The restaurant was nice with a second-floor view of the street, she could enjoy a nice lunch alone even if it wasn't her original plan.

As Ryo ate her bread she watched the shoppers walking through the streets and listened to the patrons in the restaurant, eavesdropping on little conversations. Her food was placed in front of her along with Zombieman's boxed lunch. She took a bite of her salmon and looked back over the street, seeing an oily looking man pacing in front of the restaurant doors before entering. When he reached the top of the stairs and stood before the hostess stand, Ryo continued to watch him. His hands were shaking, and his skin was unnaturally shiny, the excess oil from his face was slicked back into his hair. His eyes darted back and forth around the room, Ryo saw him sniff the air like a dog, then his head shot towards her. He smiled widely, revealing needle-like teeth. Ryo immediately looked away, staring intently at her food before taking another bite, though she had lost her appetite.

"What the hell is wrong with that guy?" Ryo whispered to herself. She stole another glance at the greasy man... He was still staring at her- No- Ryo realized he was staring at her food, at her salmon. Ryo awkwardly looked around for her waiter, suddenly feeling the overwhelming need for a second box for her food.

But before her waiter could come, a young waitress greeted the new oily patron, "Can I get you something to dri-"

"Salmon," his voice was strange like he was drowning as he spoke. "Get me the salmon."

The waitress was clearly intimidated. "R-right," She scurried to the kitchen and the guest went back to staring at Ryo's food.

Ryo couldn't will herself to take another bite of her food, because when she lifted her fork to her mouth his eyes followed. Where was her damn waiter?

After three restless minutes of Ryo searching for her waiter and the shiny man staring her down, finally, someone exited from the kitchen, it was the little waitress girl who had taken the man's order. She looked immensely stressed and she approached the table cautiously.

"Uhm, sir, I'm very sorry, but we are all out of our salmon," She stuttered.

Everyone's eyes shot to the man when he shouted "What?!"

"W-we catch our fish fresh in the mornings, you see, so our last salmon was sold-"

"Who!" He belted, jumping from his chair and slamming his hands down on the table. Ryo could have sworn she saw drops of his grease flying from his body.

Shaking, the waitress pointed to Ryo. The stranger whipped his head to her and before the waitress could try to de-escalate the situation, he stormed over to Ryo.

The girl remained seated, maintaining a thin veil of composure while the man panted over her. "You took the last of it."

Ryo looked up at his dripping face and held back her groan of disgust. "I only took like one bite, if you would like the rest. It's already paid for, so just take it."

"You've RUINED it!" he screamed in her face. A manager appeared behind him, trying to pull the man away, but with a shuck of his shoulder, the angered man slammed the manager into a wall, cracking the drywall.

Ryo shot to her feet and looked to the waitress who was still watching completely catatonic. "Call the hero association," she mouthed to the girl who nodded and scurried away. This was past the point where police could intervene. Ryo had seen these symptoms before. This guy was turning into a monster.

"Hey man," Ryo tried, "Let's just take a deep breath and calm down. If you want I can buy you another piece of salmon from Redmond's down the street. Their salmon is pretty good."

"No, no, NO!" the man shouted, turning back to Ryo with a wild face on his features. "I eat salmon at five in the morning for breakfast. I have Salmon sushi for a midmorning snack, then after work, I eat salmon HERE for lunch. And you... YOU'VE RUINED EVERYTHING! without this restaurant's salmon I can't continue my routine"

The man's slimy skin started to make more sense and before Ryo's eyes his skin turned from a deathly blue to a distinct salmon pink and scales started to protrude from his skin. The man started to scream in pain. A transformation like this would certainly be painful, but Ryo didn't know what to do, she was cornered against the windows, two tables blocking her path, and a monster who would likely turn out to be a Tiger threat level or higher. Still, she had to do something.

"Sir you've got to calm down!" Ryo yelled over his shouting. "If you don't you won't be able to recover!"

The man's screams finally stopped and a sigh of relief left Ryo's mouth, that is before the man stood upright and looked over at her, his face looking more like a pink carp stretched onto a human skull than a salmon. "It's too late for that lady. This is your fault, because of you I have turned into Salman!"

"You've got to be kidding me..." Ryo grumbled. Salman growled at her then swung his large fin into Ryo's body. The girl was flung backward with great force, Ryo hardly even realized she had smashed through the window till she felt herself free falling. Ryo held her breath and shut her eyes ready to meet the pavement. Ryo gasped when instead of concrete, her skull clunked against metal armor.

"Ryo!" Iaian's familiar voice shouted. He landed on the ground with Ryo held tightly in his arms. Ryo finally opened her eyes and met Iaian's.

"Am I alive?" She mumbled, hardly able to believe her luck.

Iaian grinned and nodded. "Yes, are you alright?"

"I mean I got slapped by a giant fin and crashed through a window, but hey at least I get another damsel scene."

Iaian laughed. "Are you able to stand?"

Ryo nodded, "Yeah, yeah I think so." Iaian tried to set her down and as soon as Ryo was on her feet she nearly keeled over, caught once again by the armored hero.

"Alright I think not," Iaian swept her back into his arms. "Guess you'll be stuck in a damsel position for a bit longer."

Ryo was a bit confused. "There's a monster up there, shouldn't you take care of that?" She pointed up to the restaurant she was just shoved out of. As she did so the body of the salmon monster was thrown from the building as she had, but this time it landed unceremoniously with a thud, his unconscious body flopping onto its back.

"I'm here with my fellow disciples," he explained as two heroes exited the building through the two broken windows. "I'm sure you've already heard of them but please let me introduce you," he asked with a smile.

"While you're cradling me?" Ryo looked up at him, "Sure."

Iaian sniggered then walked over to the two other heroes, who Ryo, of course, knew. "Okamaitachi, Bushidrill, I'd like to introduce a friend of mine, Ryo."

"So this is the girl you and Master Atomic have been talking so much about," Okamaitachi said, looking down at Ryo. The woman was towering and beautiful with a heavy blush on her cheeks.

"Hello," Ryo said lowly. She motioned to Iaian holding her and said, "Sorry to meet you like this."

"After you try to calm a Tiger level monster from rampaging?" Bushidrill asked heartily. "From what I have heard about you, it seems like this is the perfect example of your personality!"

Okamaitachi nodded, "I agree, Ms. Ryo you are quite impressive."

Though Ryo certainly was not feeling very impressive she accepted the compliment. Iaian then asked, "Would you like me to carry you back to your apartment to rest?"

Ryo looked down at her legs which still felt like jelly and she sighed in defeat. "Yes please."

"Alright guys," Iaian addressed his two fellow disciples, "I am going to take Ryo home, I will meet up with you guys later."

Iaian carried the still shaking Ryo. He said, "You handled that situation quite well," referring to her near-death experience.

"Well, it's not like it's the first time I've had to deal with a monster. Pretty common actually," she spoke plainly.

"I guess constantly associating yourself with heroes will do that," Iai commented.

Ryo shrugged recalling the many many times she had encountered monsters over her entire life. "Saitama was the first hero I met, even before that monsters always seemed to come after me. I'm kind of like a monster magnet."

Iaian was caught off guard by that. "How did your parents deal with that?"

Ryo averted her eyes and coughed into her hand. "Well, my dad wanted me home all the time."

"And your mom?" he prodded.

Ryo pursed her lips together but continued. "She was all about me having fun and having a good life. She taught me everything I'd need to know to defend myself. She always wanted me to be brave."

Just as Dark Shine had at the hero retreat, Iaian picked up on her language. "Was? As in past tense?"

Ryo grumbled. "Look man I don't really want to talk about it." The memory of her mother and the situation she was just in were starting to mix.

Iaian turned his head back to the road and spoke resolutely. "Of course, I'm sorry to intrude," without moving his head he peered down at her. "But should you ever need anything, I am always here."

Ryo smiled softly and looked up at him. "Thank you, Iai. I really appreciate that."

Once Ryo's apartment came into view Ryo's stomach immediately sunk. Right outside waiting was Metal Bat. Between Zombieman suddenly canceling, a random monster, and her near-death experience, she had almost forgotten her promised park trip with Badd. And seeing him reminded her that she was also supposed to meet Genos and Saitama for dinner at Bang's dojo.

Badd's head turned to her and he grinned widely. Ryo checked her watch, clearly, she was very late. Badd bounded over to her, hardly even acknowledging Iaian. "Ryo! I'm so glad! I couldn't get into your apartment building cuz you need to be buzzed in and you weren't answering your intercom so I got a little worried. I know you said that you'd meet us outside but-- Oh are you okay? Why is Iairon carrying you?"

Ryo laughed at his enthusiasm, and she patted Iaian's chest, "You can put me down now."

"Oh am I dismissed?" Iai quipped with a smirk.

Ryo wanted to say "Yes show pony, you can go," but instead she settled on, "Please?"

Iaian set her down politely but remained ready to catch her just in case. "Not to worry, Metal Bat," Iaian explained. "I was just escorting Ryo home after a close encounter with a monster."

Badd, frantically looked Ryo up and down for obvious signs that he was hurt and quickly spoke. "What happened? Are you okay?"

"Let her speak will you big brother Bat!" A little but firm voice yelled, shooting Ryo's head to the ground, seeing a miniature, female version of Bat wearing a pink dress, holding tightly to his pant leg. She really looked just like him, but much cuter.

"Oh hi! I didn't even see you there," Ryo beamed down at the girl. "What's your name?"

"I forgot to introduce you!" Bat picked up the girl and balanced her on his hip. "Ryo this is my little sister Zenko. Zenko, this is the woman I was talking about, Ryo."

Zenko whispered something into her brother's ear that Ryo couldn't hear, but made Metal Bat's whole face turn beet red. "NO, THEY ARE NOT HE JUST SAID NOT TO WORRY!"

Zenko rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. Ryo and Iai looked at each other, then awkwardly stepped away from each other.

"Well, you seem to be in good hands!" Iai spoke in an awkwardly resolute way.

"Yes! I am, thanks again Iairon," Ryo waved as Iai gave a salute then made his way back where he came.

He paused for a minute then turned back to say, "And don't forget, I'm always here. Even if you just need an escort."

Ryo waved again with a calm and gentle smile.

"Are we going to the park now?" Zenko's strong voice called, pulling Ryo back to the people waiting for her.

"Well unless you need to rest after that monster situation! I completely understand if you need to reschedule." Metal Bat interjected.

Ryo thought of the idea of staying home and resting till she'd meet up with Saitama and the lot. But the thought of stewing in her apartment by herself made her want to vomit. "Nah let's go," she said and the three made their way down the street.

While they walked to the park that was just a block from Ryo's apartment, the older two of the trio caught up. "I meant to call you and ask if Zenko could come, but I kinda forgot and then we were outside your complex and it was definitely too late." Metal Bat whispered to Ryo who walked on his left, while Zenko walked skeptically on his right.

"No I don't mind at all," she murmured back. "I like kids, I just hope she'll like me."

"Stop whispering," Zenko interjected. "I can hear you."

Bad start, Ryo cringed then apologized. Clearly, if Zemko did not like her then Metal Bat would think twice about their friendship. But quickly the park came into view and Ryo did not have to struggle to come up with something to talk about.

"Oh! We're here!" The park field was yellow with bright dandelions reaching for the sky and dots of purple and white violets grew in the shade. There was a swing set and a large playground, populated with very few children and families. Trees dotted the park, giving light shade over the flowing field. "They try not to mow here to make sure the bees in the area have plenty of food, so there are a lot of flowers everywhere."

"Let's go to the swing set big brother Bat," Zenko lead Bad toward the swings and Ryo followed, but before they could even touch the playset an explosion shook the ground.

"Not again," Ryo groaned with a sinking stomach.

Another explosion went off on the far side of the park and a monster flung from the blast aiming directly for the trio.

"Cover Zenko's ears!" Bad shouted. Ryo didn't think twice and did as she was told. She looked down to see that Zenko was exasperatedly covering her own eyes, looking as if she had been through this one too many times. Metal Bat punted the monster a great distance away. "Man, that was harder than it should have been."

"Did you kill it?" Another explosion answered Ryo's question, a heart wrenching no.

Bad watched Ryo's face fall completely fall, he quickly opened his mouth. "No worries, do me a favor and keep Zenko safe. I'll be back before you even know it."

He held a calm smile that made Ryo's heart flutter like the night he walked her back to her room at the spa. Ryo took her hands off Zenko's ears and nodded. "Yeah, I can do that."

Zenko uncovered her eyes and glared at Metal Bat, who awkwardly asked her to behave. She pouted but waved goodbye telling him to be back quickly

The two watched him take off and the explosions from the rampaging monster echoed to where they stood. For a moment they stood awkwardly before Zenko walked away toward the flower field. Ryo followed and asked, "Did you want to play while we wait for your big brother to get back?"

Zenko plopped down and shook her head, a slight pout on her lips. Ryo wasn't sure if she should pry. It was pretty obvious to her what was wrong.

"Do you know how to make a flower crown?" Ryo asked again. When she still didn't get much of a reply she continued. "See you just pick these dandelions and twist the stems together like this, see?" As she spoke she explained how she did it. Though Zenko pretended to be disinterested, Ryo saw her peaking from the corner of her eye. "Could you pass me some of those white flowers next to you?" Ryo requested, pointing to little white clovers growing on Zenko's side.

Zenko quickly picked a couple and gave up her charade. "Show me again!"

Ryo smiled started from the beginning and soon the two were gathering different flowers from all over the field, creating two crowns, Ryo sporting her yellow and white crown which Zenko had found daisies for Ryo to add. And with a bit of weaving help from Ryo, Zenko had a crown mostly made of the Hanakatoba that had been growing on the far side of the field, with a couple of white clovers to be sure the two were matching. They had just finished gathering enough pink clover and sumire to start a third crown.

"Phew!" Metal Bat's voice sounded from the entrance to the park. "That guy was tough"

Ryo continued to clean stems and hand them to Zenko who had become very quick at weaving the flowers. "Are you okay? Was anyone injured?"

Metal Bat smiled down at his Sister and Ryo, slightly surprised that Zenko hadn't immediately run to greet him. Good sign. "Yeah I'm alright, the guy couldn't land a hit on me. But he kept taking hostages and running into heavily populated places. More of a coward than a strong monster." He dropped his bat to the ground and sat across from his sister and Ryo. "I like your hat."

"It's a crown big brother!" Zenko corrected quickly.

"Right sorry, crown."

"Ryo I want the big flower we found!" Zenko said excitedly. Ryo gladly handed the camelia blossom they had "borrowed" from a trail that Ryo was pretty sure was private property.

"You're making another sis?" Bad asked as she finished the large crown with a bright smile.

"It's your's big brother!" Zenko said, standing to crown her brother.

Bad bent his head to let her place it on him, he smiled proudly, taking the crown off for a moment to admire the handiwork of his little sister, then placing the pink and purple crown back on his head. "Thank you Zenko."

"Now we can play princesses," Zenko announced pulling Ryo to her feet.

"Wait, I'm a prince right?" Bad asked, looking up at the girls.

"No, I want to play princesses!" Zenko reiterated leading the way to the swing set.

Metal Bat turned to Ryo and scoffed. Ryo just chuckled and held out her hand. "Come on then you heard the boss."

The rest of the afternoon was spent playing princesses on the playground before Bad got bored and teased Zenko into a game of tag, where he would let Zenko tag him then chase down Ryo at top speed, only to take off like a bullet. "What are you six?!" Ryo shouted after him playfully annoyed. She was exhausted from trying to chase the two down. She still wasn't very fit. With a great and dramatic sigh, Ryo collapsed into a swing and rested her eyes.

Ryo nearly screamed when Bad started to push her. "Don't let go, airhead!" He laughed as he pushed her harder. Ryo grinned from ear to ear. She'd only dreamed of getting this high on a swing.

"Careful!" She shouted with the wind in her face. "You'll flip me over the top!"

"Me next!" Zenko cried. Bad swiftly snatched his sister up and put her on a swing. As Zenko started to soar, Ryo slowed herself to a calmer height, one she could easily jump off from.

She landed in the pebbles and looked at the sky. The sun was hanging quite low. She checked her phone and saw it was already five-thirty.

"Got somewhere to be?" Metal Bat asked, walking up behind her. Ryo saw that Zenko was thoroughly high on the swing, frantically pumping her legs to keep the momentum.

"Yeah Bang had invited Genos, Saitama, and I to dinner. I'm already about an hour late, and I should probably shower before I go," she said apologetically.

"It's no problem. I should be getting Zenko home too, anyway."

Before either could turn to the little girl she shouted "Brother catch!" Bat turned his head and saw his sister literally soaring through the air, having taken Ryo's lead in jumping from her swing. Bad dropped his bat and jumped to snag his sister from the sky. He looked bewildered and furious.

"What were you thinking Zenko?!" Bat demanded, holding onto her tightly. "I was barely even paying attention."

"I knew you would catch me, brother," she said plainly. "If you hadn't I would have told on you to mom."

"Wha-" Bat was aghast and Ryo started to laugh uncontrollably. "Hey don't encourage her!"

"I'm sorry, but she's a genius!" Ryo joked.

"You are literally encouraging her," Bat sighed, leading the way out of the park. Ryo followed, readjusting her flower crown.

"I got to respect it. What's the point in having a superhero brother if you can't use him to do cool stunts?"

"Is that all I am now?" Bat asked jokingly. "A prop for stunts. I worked my way up from the bottom, only to become a stunt man."

"You really are a princess," Ryo rolled her eyes.

Bat recentered the camelia blossom on his crown and stuck his nose in the air. He tried to mock her voice as he said, "And what if I am hm?"

Ryo burst out laughing again, hardly even recovering from the first laugh attack. "You're going to make me pass out."

"Don't do that, I don't know the code to your apartment. I wouldn't be able to carry you up, and breaking in wouldn't be very romantic," Bat said half-joking.

They walked up Ryo's apartment stairs just a bit too quickly. Zenko gave Ryo a big hug as goodbye that made Ryo's heart melt. Bad set his sister down. "So uh," he started, staring into Ryo's bright eyes, feeling his cheeks heat up. "I was wondering if maybe, uh, I don't know if you wanted to uh-"

"Hold on," Ryo interrupted, pulling the giant flower crown off his head. "I can't take you seriously with a camellia blossom the size of my fist sitting in the middle of your head."

Bat laughed. "I forgot I was wearing that." He took the crown back and cleared his throat finally. "I was thinking maybe we could do this again. Just us this time. Maybe go see a movie or get a bite somewhere, I guess."

Ryo smiled warmly, nodding softly. "I'd love that Bad." Ryo opened the door to her complex. "Text me anytime you're free. We should find a time soon."

"Right, I'll do that!" He waved goodbye as the glass doors closed.

Once the doors were closed Ryo heard Zenko scold, "Why didn't you kiss her big brother?" Ryo chuckled then took the elevator to her room. And after only a quick shower and a short rest on her bed, Ryo texted Genos letting him know she was on her way, finally noticing the text from Saitama telling her not to rush since Bang had forgotten a couple of ingredients for the pot.

Ryo walked off the train and set off towards the dojo. Her legs feeling incredibly heavy from the honestly unbelievably busy day she had. The sun was just about over the horizon as she walked through the city, heading towards the path that was surrounded by greenery.

"Yo, Ryo," a deep voice called. She turned and saw King walking beside his bike.

"Oh hey King, you heading home?" Ryo asked as she waited for him to catch up.

"Yeah I just finished all of the chapters- I mean work I had to finish today." He stuttered, clearly trying to cover up is obvious otaku habits.

"Right," Ryo said blankly. Not really having the energy to badger.

"Hey, you okay?" He asked timidly.

"Mhmm," she shrugged.

"Come on, being vague isn't exactly helpful."

"It's just been a long day. With a few too many monster encounters."

"I feel that," King related with a sigh. "It feels like it's getting worse."

"I know right?" Ryo agreed quickly. "I mean I know we surround ourselves with heroes but like-"

"There's just no reason there should be this many monsters," King finished.

"Exactly!" Ryo spoke exasperatedly. "And I don't know if it's just me-"

"Or a main character syndrome?"

"But it totally feels like,"

"Monsters are just attracted to me," they both said together, Ryo yelling while King agreed calmly.

They both paused for a moment, realizing they had said the same thing. Ryo started to laugh and King chuckled softly.

"You feel better getting that off your chest?" King smiled, seeing she was calming down already.

Ryo nodded. "I can't talk about this stuff with Saitama or Genos," Ryo sigh, realizing she really shouldn't have been yelling.

"Why not? They're your friends aren't they?" King asked as they continued walking. "You can trust them with anything."

"Of course they're my friends. They're my closest friends. But when you're friends are powerful heroes it's just hard to explain sometimes. Like I kind of mentioned it to Genos and he immediately suggested that he should put a tracker in my phone that could detect when I'm in danger, and he could track at any point," Ryo sighed.

"That does seem pretty extreme," King nodded, remembering how intensely loyal Genos was to Saitama when he and the cyborg were formally introduced. He could easily assume that loyalty extended to Ryo. "But what about Saitama? He's a chill guy."

"I don't know I guess we just don't talk like that. We're more fun times and adventures, or just quiet hanging I guess," Ryo explained.

"You just don't want him to be worried about you," King summarized, earning a groan from Ryo.

"That makes it sound like I'm hiding something."

King turned to look at her, stopping them on their walk. "Don't you think Saitama has noticed already?"

"He's pretty oblivious. But I suppose he could have," Ryo shifted her weight and scratched the back of her neck. "But that's all the reason more not to say anything."

King shook his head. He opened his mouth to lecture her a bit more, but a crash behind them caught their attention.

"Shit," Ryo mumbled, turning around slowly, knowing already it was another monster behind them. Sure enough, it was an oversized deer, with a body resembling a man in all the wrong ways. Ryo didn't have time for this. Knowing King was useless in a fight she decided the best strategy. "Okay we're going to run in different directions and whoever it follows has to deal with it."

"What?!" King shouted. But Ryo didn't respond. Taking off as fast as she could toward the path to the dojo. King stumbled twice before hopping on his bike, the monster thankfully (for Ryo) went after King.

Once Ryo reached the path, she braced her hands on her knees, heaving from her sudden mad dash. She noticed her phone was ringing, she answered and was greeted by King's screaming voice.

"I HATE YOU!" he shouted into the receiver.

"You're the S Class hero King," Ryo teased.

King cried, "I'm just as weak as you!"

"Text me when you get home safe," she dismissed before hanging up. She stood upright and sighed. Almost there. She'd definitely be making one of the boys carry her back to Saitama's after this. Thankfully she didn't have far to go, but her blood was starting to boil over the fact she had come across yet another monster in one day. Is this what it's like to be Saitama?

Before long Ryo could see the dojo stairs. She could also spy a person walking in the middle of the path. They were quite a way away but Ryo could tell they towered over her. Ryo's phone buzzed and she looked down to see Saitama had sent her a text asking if she had reached the stairs yet (having promised he'd carry her up). Ryo flipped open her phone to reply but as she started to type the tall stranger on the path rammed into her shoulder, nearly knocking her off the path. Needless to say, Ryo stumbled and dropped her phone. It landed with a crash and bounced painfully, landing flat on the asphalt.

"Do you need to have your eyes checked?!" She bursts at the man immediately, absolutely done with today (her tone surprising herself).

"What did you say to me?" An angry voice asked. Ryo could see the dark glare of his yellow eyes even in the night.

"Oh, so your ears need work too then? You heard me!" she continued to shout. "What? Could you not shuffle to the other side of the road?"

"You were the one on your phone. Maybe you should keep your head up." His hands were stuffed in his pockets and despite his ominous vibe, Ryo continued to grow more frustrated.

"Was I drifting into your path? Do you know what would have prevented that? If you hadn't been walking in the center like a narcissist." Ryo growled and pushed past him. Stomping over to her phone and picking it up resentfully, Ryo thankfully saw that the phone was undamaged besides new dents in the casing. "Thank god I have a tough phone," Ryo glared.

"You should watch how you speak. Girls with sharp tongues are annoying." He droned.

"Then it's a good thing I won't ever be seeing you again! Have a nice night!" Ryo shouted as she walked on.

"Oi!" the stranger called, grabbing onto Ryo's wrist. "You think you can insult me like that and just leave?"

Ryo pulled her hand away. "Hands off you creep!" He hadn't grabbed her very tightly, but what stranger places their hands on some random person? Ryo shook her head and turned, going back to texting Saitama.

"I said I wasn't finished with you yet!" He shouted after her.

Ryo didn't even look over her shoulder, sparing a lazy wave as she walked on. "Chase me down, rip my tongue out, or plot your revenge for seven years for all I care. I have places to be." She continued down the path, angrily grumbling to herself. "The audacity of some people honestly."

The white-haired boy grunted, annoyed. "Stuck up little-" He stuffed his hands back into his pocket and turned his back, heading off in his own direction into the dark night. She wasn't worth his time.

At long last Ryo reached the bottom of the steps. Waiting for her there was Saitama, dressed in his super suit for some reason.

"You look tired," was the first thing out of his mouth.

"Gee thanks Saitama," she droned taking a second to sit on the steps to rest her legs.

"What happened?"

"Some guy nearly knocked me down a hill and almost broke my phone on my way here," she simplified.

Saitama raised a suspicious eyebrow, and Ryo avoided his stare, opting instead to look at the sky. "You came at just the perfect time, Bang just finished the stew."

Ryo's head dropped to her chest as she sighed. "Right," she heaved herself onto her feet and hopped onto Saitama's back. But he didn't take her up the stairs to the dojo. Instead, he sent a quick text to Genos and started his way to City Z. "Wha- Saitama what about the food?"

"Genos can bring some back for us. You need some quiet time. I can tell," He said simply. "Whadda say we go home and watch some anime? I got fancy hot chocolate from some lady I saved the other day."

Ryo's mouth fell agape but she quickly melted into a calm smile. resting her head on Saitama's shoulder. "Thank you, Saitama."

Idk why I insisted upon having a babysitting session in two consecutive chapters... whatever.

King's fine btw. He stumbled into Mumen Rider who accidentally tripped the monster with his bike, sending it face-first into a dumpster. Mumen didn't realize King was King at all. They bonded over their bikes.

Again this is a whole fucking cast x oc fic, so the mary sue level of people attracted to her will continue and consequences for sappy moments and kisses are NON-EXSISTENT because I'm actually five and I want to ;P (Except Iairon, that man is in love with atomic and Ryo and him are totally best friends) (Plus would you really want anything different?) I say this bc I still totally think Ryo The Character and Saitama are the shit, but also I love Garou and Metal Bat and Genos etc. etc. more than life itself and If you don't think I'm not going to pull an angsty romance out of my ass for Ryo and Garou you are DEAD wrong. Thanks for coming to my ted talk.

(Also is how I'm writing Bad good? I always got the "is a good boy but trys to act tough" and the "flirting isn't my degree" vibe from him, but I recently read a fic that had him as more of the "actual cocky guy whose more like a jock and gets kicked out of school" which I don't think I could write that well if I tried so idk lemme know)

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