The eyes of an elite (DISCONT...

By hiroto-itsuki

11.5K 369 63

At this story this takes place after the survival exam There might be some major changes in the story But "wh... More

You'll Regret Messing With Me
A New Challenge
I... Lost...
Special Chapters(A/N)
Special Chapter:Kushida
Special Chapter: Ichinose
Special Chapters: Arisu
Special Chapter: My Darkness..
Back To The Main Chapters
The Father I Want
Promise Me

Ayanokoji The Miracle Of Class D

756 25 4
By hiroto-itsuki

Ayanokoji pov
It's been 23 hours and 10 minutes since the race started and only class d are the ones who's still in the forest I continued walking stuck with my thoughts about that dream

If it was the truth then how would she react if I telled her most importantly would she remember me? Even so if she remember me would it be the Same or would something happen
Maybe when i made her reach class a maybe that's the best time just maybe... Maybe...sigh thinking  won't help anything.. Plus in this exam I already lost... Lost in my expectations lost in the jungle and lost.. Lost the one of the best memories I have... If you think of it I'm pathetic if I keep doing this I won't reach my freedom...

Then I come across my classmates

"kiyotaka ran were almost out of time!" sudo shouted
Without thinking I. Ran as fast as they are we can almost see the finish line
But... I can see that there's a quick sand

"wait.." I warned but they didn't listen 8 of them was sucked by the quick sand there's only 3 minutes remaining if I don't move we'll... Then horikita was tripped by root of the tree

"horikita..." I said helping her stand up. Even if I reached the finish line we'll then my thoughts were cuted by sudo

"kiyotaka! How many scrolls do you still have? Ryuuen stoled ours" I was shocked it only means... Its over...class d has no all that means we'll all be expelled.

I grabbed horikita's arm I helped her jump through the quicksand and were one step to the finish line with no scrolls in our bag... Everything on my plan is all setted

We walk towards the finish line the others got out of the quick sand and entered the finish line and there faces were all dissapointed, scared, depressed then the principal announces something

"now that all the classes were here we will announce the winner" I saw ryuuen smirking at me and his bag is filled with scrolls I guess he putted all of class c's scrolls in his bag huh I glanced on the other classes. We all give our bags

"hm?... Well then the class who has the most scrolls is.. As expected Class d!"

I guess it's over I looked at ryuuen and his expression was shocked and betrayed

"Class D with 75 scrolls
Class b with 49 scrolls
Class A with 25 scrolls
And class C with 1 scrolls

1 scroll? I guess ichinose gave them 1

I looked at my classmates with a shocked expression

" ayanokoji! " sensei called me

She smiled"you really are the elite of class d no class C! "everyone was shocked happy while some are crying then horikita questioned me
" how did you do it? "she asked

I looked up in the sky and answered her

"let's just say I have tricks in my pocket, I have things up my sleeve."
I said she was confused I walked and taked some fresh air what I mean by that horikita is that.. I have plans in my mind and a goal in my sleeves... I said in my mind

Guess you were betrayed by expectations again did you ryuen

Flash back

When that time my bag felled I grabbed ryuens bag well there is no such different in our bags accept that it says class c,And the other class d then the bag he picked was a class d bag mine. Then when he collected some scrolls it was sent in my bag meaning class d are the ones who go some points he's only mistakes us the one I didn't plan he put all of his team mates scrolls in his bag and that was the key to. Our victory...

End of this chapter

Surprised? Haha ayanokoji shall never Be defeated that's a Fact

Itsuki out..

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