The eyes of an elite (DISCONT...

By hiroto-itsuki

11.5K 369 63

At this story this takes place after the survival exam There might be some major changes in the story But "wh... More

You'll Regret Messing With Me
A New Challenge
Ayanokoji The Miracle Of Class D
Special Chapters(A/N)
Special Chapter:Kushida
Special Chapter: Ichinose
Special Chapters: Arisu
Special Chapter: My Darkness..
Back To The Main Chapters
The Father I Want
Promise Me

I... Lost...

782 23 4
By hiroto-itsuki

Ayanokoji pov

1 week passed...

It was the day of the exam I entered the bus some of my classmates there are 10 of us in the bus like what sensei ordered us "only 10 might join" some of them greeted me. I Sat Down in an empty seat and beside me is my neighbor

"horikita" I called

"hm?" she said

"... Nothing"

"huh?" she was confused. I will tell her the rules got from a 3rd year for the race and my strategies But I guess it's Not worth at All she will just get in my way
After a few minutes we arrived at the se place and the same spot that 3rd year said to me.

We all aligned.i can see ryuuen, arisu starring at me. I guess ryuuen is still mad about the island exam huh

Then one of the teachers explained the rules not like I don't know it

He clears his throat"the rules are s8mple.. We will give you 5 scrolls for each of these bags "he shows a bag" it has the name of your class
Then reach the finish line it doesn't matter if your first on the finish line what. Matter is to prevent other classes from stealing your scrolls the class who has the maniest scrolls in there bag wins.. Oh and I forgot since the. Race will be in the jungle we'll give you a total of 24 hours to reach the finish line"

The rules are simple but the place is quite a cruel choice and my main enemy is ryuuen I bet his gonna beat me up not like I'm gonna let him

"START!" ONE of the teachers announced

We enter the jungle...

After a few minutes. Of walking/running we stopped hirata tells his strategy

"okay our main strategy is either split up or create a group of with 2 people each" he announced the idiots said to split up while the others voted for the group, but then I suggest something

"how bout this hirata some will split up some will team up how bout that" everyone thinks of it then hirata agreed. Then all of us left horikita surprisingly come with me

"horikita are you sure to come with me? My plan might be too harsh for you"i said she nodded and said

" you said you'll help me reach class A Didnt you? Then I can't let anyone hurt you"she said. But I know she has something more than that

"OK.." I simply replied

We talk while walking for our goals for the future and yes I lied for her she won't understand it anyway then we unexpectedly come across

"ryuuen" I said. And beside him is ibuki

"heh as I thought we'll come across at this place ayanokoji"he said smirking at me

" and i thought my punches are enough to prove that you can never beat me"i said with a calm tone

"heh in your dreams ibuki take care of the girl" he ordered he ran towards me I clench my fist to get ready ibuki attacks horikita trying to get the scrolls in her bag ryuuen tried to punch me I dodge it left, right, left, right then I tried to pinch him but he dodge it.. As expected a punch hit me in the face and then an uppercut in the abdomen i fell from my knees I can see horikita fighting with ibuki and she noticed me she was shocked, confused at the same time
Ryuuen kicked me non stop

"what's this done already ayanokoji? Get up! Get up!" he continues on kicking me

I thought... Is this over...
The pain from each of his kicks keeps on making me suffer I tried to stand up but I was so weak then my bag fell before I get It ryuuen punch me once more I fell in the ground and then I... Give up... Will I suffer will this suffering ends? This is the first time I felt this pain... The pain of defeat...

My eyes were closing the last thing i saw was ryuuen leaving and getting my scrolls

So this is.... The pain of defeat....

End of this chapter

Dissapointed?? Keep reading you'll know what will happen

Itsuki out.

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