RWBYK 2.5 : Darkness at Twili...

By SonicBlade40

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After the Breach of Vale, Team RWBYK, Aptus and JNPR all head to Twilight Town for a bit of relaxtion, findin... More

Chapter 1: Road Trip
Chapter 2 - Into the Twilight
Chapter 3: Reunions - Old and New
Chapter 4: Out On The Town
Chapter 6 - Sea Salt Times
Chapter 7 - An Overdue Talk

Chapter 5 - A Taste of the Good Life

570 12 15
By SonicBlade40

Hey Everyoooooone! It's SonicBlade here with a new episode of RWBYK: The True King 2.5! Also, I wanna give a quick shout out to my new friend PAngel135 from Wattpad for helping with the last chapter. Thanks a lot once again! With that out of the way, let's get started!

(Opening Theme - BTOOOM!)


They stepped inside, all but the Twilight Town residents were shocked upon seeing the grand sight of inside the bistro.

"Wow, it sure is fancy!" Ruby gawked, as her head turned left and right rapidly.

"I feel so out of place..." Jaune muttered, rubbing his head nervously.

"Meh, you'll get use to it." Hayner waved him off before walking deeper into the bistro.

"Let's take our seats." Pence spoke up, gesturing to the tables that were set up outside.

Everyone nodded and began to take their seats; Aptus and Yang, Ky and Ruby, Ren and Nora, Pyrrha and Jaune, Weiss and Blake, and lastly Yuffie with Olette, Hayner and Pence.

"So Remy we brought them here to taste the best food in town." Remy then made some signs with his hands, like he was preparing food, and gave the girl a thumbs up."Alright sounds good!" The ninja girl answered

"What did he say?" Blake asked, tilting her head.

"Oh, that he is going to prepare the food" Aptus answered, then noticed Remy making more handsigns. "Also, in the spirit of celebration, it's on the house."

"Yes! Do you need any help buddy?" Ky offered, as he walked up to the faunus chef, who nodded with a smile.

"Wait, you can cook?" Weiss asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Pssh, of course I can! I just never had a chance to do so at Beacon." Ky said before hugging Ruby. "Wait till you guys try the food. It's gonna blow. your. freaking. minds. It's out of this world."

"You keep telling us this, but we have yet to try it." Yang said.

"Well be prepared, my poor unenlightened Yang. Soon the next set of tears you'll ever shed will be tears of joy!" Ky continued without missing a beat. "You shall see the light of truth, justice and everything good in the world, packed on one amazing plate of almighty deliciousness."

"You're taking this way too seriously." Weiss commented.

"Still not unconvinced, Snow White?" Ky sighed, before gaining a determined look. "Very well. I shall show thee the power of deliciousness! Come, Remy! To the kitchen!"

He then grabs the other boy by the arms and shoots into the kitchen. "Well that was interesting" Yang stated, watching the duo go.

Yuffie then looked over at Ruby and pointed back at the building with her thumb. "You're dating a real goof, you know that?"

"Yeah. But he's my goof!" Ruby beamed with a sweet smile.

"Speaking of which, tell us how our resident blue dork managed to swoop you off your feet."

"It's more like she swoop him off his feet" Aptus commented, getting the attention of the TT residents.

"Huh?" Pence blinked at that. "What do you mean?"

"The dork speaks about her with so much pride. How she is always there for him, how much support she gives him." Aptus answered.

Ruby looked up at the fox faunus in shock, eyes widened. "He...said that?"

"Yeah and so much more. He truly cares for you" Aptus replied, giving the crimsonette a smile.

Ruby looked down and blushed as brightly as her cloak while poking her fingers together.

"Ahem!" Hayner coughed loudly in his hand. "This is all very...mushy and everything, guys. But what's Beacon like?"

"Beacon is amazing!" Nora yelled"We get to beat up Grimm daily!" Yang added, punching her fist together.

"We also have class everyday." Weiss proudly added.

Pence blinked in confusion at the heiress. "Sure, but that usually happen at schools...?"

"Well yes but daily classes are important" Weiss replied, getting a nod from Olette.

"I hear ya." The brunette agreed, rubbing her cheeks. "But man, independence studies sure are the worst."

"They really are..." Ruby muttered with a sigh.

"Speaking of school, Ky and I heard you guys joined the Academy." Aptus said, leaning his arms on the table

"Yeah, we all decided to join after the two of you left." Olette replied, copying his actions.

"You guys are trying to become Hunstmen and Huntress too?" Blake questioned, interested in their answer.

"For the most part yeah. We wanted to catch up with Ky and Aptus." Hayner replied, balling his fist.

Aptus tilted his head at this. "Huh? Us...?"

"Yeah." Pence answered. "Every since we've know you guys, you always went out of your way to others in town and never asked for anything in return. Then when we heard that you both went to Beacon, it inspired us to attend the academy too."

"He's right! We don't want to be sitting on the sidelines while you guys were out saving lives, kicking ass and taking names!" Hayner told him as he gained a look of triumph. "Soon, we'll be out there too, fighting alongside you two!"

"Well that sounds good to me." Aptus agreed "Nice to hear that you wanna make you mark."

"He's thinking ahead," Olette giggled at her friend's antics.

"At least he's thinking." Yuffie smirked teasingly.

"Hey!" Hayner protested.

"She's not wrong," Olette agreed, causing the others laughed, much to the boy's slight anger.

"Aww, come on Hayner, don't get mad. We were just playing" Yuffie said, pulling at his cheeks.

"So, you said Remy had a late mentor, right? Who was it?" Blake asked curiously.

"Oh. Remy's mentor was a French chef. His name was Auguste Gusteau." Hayner replied.

"Who's that?" Yang wondered.

"Gusteau was one of the greatest chefs in Twilight Town. He had an extreme talent in making recipes with all sorts of unusual flairs. They bring a good taste in your mouth if you try one of them. Gusteau even wrote a cookbook and he owned a five-star restaurant named after him. His book's title, Anyone Can Cook, is the same as his motto. The same motto that makes him really famous along with his cooking skills." Pence explained.

Both teams of Beacon were deeply amazed by the late chef's fame. "Incredible." Weiss said.

"Is that motto the same thing you guys told us?" Ruby asked the remaining TT friends, remembering the three words she, her team and JNPR had been told of earlier.

"Yeah." Olette nodded.

"What happened to Gusteau?" Pyrrha asked with curiosity about the late chef's fate.

Aptus, Yuffie and the trio glanced at each other, then they looked down sadly, which made the Beacon groups worried. "He died with a broken heart after a food critic gave an insulting review to his restaurant. That and his death lost the restaurant one star each." Hayner spoke.

Most of the Beacon friends gasped while Pyrrha and Weiss put their hands over their mouths in shock.

"That's awful." The heiress said as she and the teams looked sympathetic.

"It was." Yuffie agreed.

"Gusteau's death took its toll on Remy more. When he watched his last moments, he was so devastated later on for six months." Aptus added.

"Wow..." Blake gasped, her ears drooping a little in concern.

"It took Ky, Aptus, me and the others one week to get Remy back to normal again." Yuffie said, much to the teams' relief.

"That's good." The cat Faunus smiled.

"Why would that critic make a very bad review? He sounds mean." Nora pouted out of disbelief.

"That seemed a bit harsh with him." Ren said in agreement.

"Apparently, the critic is the most acclaimed food connoisseur in Twilight Town. He likes- No. He loves food with an extreme passion. His reviews can either make a restaurant or break it. Many townspeople are scared of him because of his sharp, domineering personality, his cold attitude, and his criticism most of all. A lot of his reviews are negative. You cook something great enough to impress the critic, he'll make your restaurant more famous. But if you make him something so cheap, your restaurant is done for." Pence explained.

"Whoa." Ruby, Yang and Nora said in unison, feeling shaken by the critic's infamous food criticism. Their teammates also shivered in fear.

"H-He must've taken food very seriously." Jaune commented with nervousness.

"Yup." Hayner, Yuffie and Aptus nodded firmly.

"His name is Anton Ego." Olette said.

"Got it." Jaune replied while some of the other Beacon friends nodded.

"That critic guy sounds egotistic." Yang joked in an attempt to lighten the dreadful mood, which it did as Olette, Pence and even Aptus laughed. He didn't mind hearing another pun. It also seemed fitting for Ego based on his contemptible exterior. Everyone else groaned or facepalmed in annoyance.

"I guess you could say that." Yuffie mumbled with a nervous chuckle.

"But seriously, if any of you guys see Ego while you're in town, be careful what you say about food around him." Aptus warned, holding a finger up. This brought back the fear in the two teams as they widen their eyes at this.

"O-Okay." Yang gulped.

Ren composed himself while his teammates and the girls of RWBYK eventually calmed down. "So what happened to Gusteau's after Ego insulted the restaurant?" he asked.

"It's open as a three-star restaurant nowadays, but it became not so important anymore. Gusteau's sous chef took over the restaurant. He started a line of frozen foods." Aptus recalled with a shrug of his shoulders.

"I see."

"But you know, Remy used to work at Gusteau's." Pence spoke up happily.

"He did?" Ruby said, her eyes widening slightly in surprise.

"Oh yeah." Aptus smiled, "Rem loved working at Gusteau's restaurant all the time as a cook. It's where he got to learn cooking more from Gusteau when he offered him the job. After his mentor died, Remy now carries on his legacy as the head chef of his bistro."

"Whoa. That must be why his food is as good as you guys said it is." Yang told the TT friends as Ruby nodded to agree with her.

"Believe me, his recipes will give your taste buds a delicious warmth when you taste some of them." Yuffie chuckled and suggested, "You should also try the ratatouille."

"Ratatouille?" Ruby and Yang repeated simultaneously, confused by the recipe's name.

"Yeah. The ratatouille is considered to be a peasant dish, but it's a best seller here too since the bistro's opening."

"A best seller? Wow! I think I wanna try that dish." Nora chirped as her other Beacon friends voiced out their agreements.

"That depends on if Ky and Remy makes it today." Hayner said.

"We're back!" Ky called out to his friends, and they turned their heads and became awed in amazement at what they saw. Ky and Remy had two rolling trays filled with food coming towards them. It drew the attention of many of the customers in the room.

"Remy here went all out with creativity." the bluenette noted, "And he made me realized how tough it is to cook!"

They placed out dishes of soup for all who were at the table, along with the appetizers and the fish dishes. "For the soup, we have a nice Consommé." Ky explained, "For our appetizer, we have some Mushroom Terrine. And for our main course, we have some Sole Meunière to share."

"Whoa!" the team gasped at the sight of it all.

Ky grinned. "And for dessert, we have this..." He then looked over at Remy, who showed them box that held a large tart that was the size of a cake, with elegantly-patterned fruit decorating the the top of it.

"Cake!" Ruby, Jaune and Nora all exclaimed as one.

"It's not a cake. It's a fruit tart" Yuffie corrected the trio. "It's proper name is 'Tarte aux Fruits'."

"Still it looks extremely well-made" Pyrrha remarked, with Weiss' eyes were also dazzling at the sight.

"If you like that, check this out!" Ky said, placing down a tray that held a sweet or savory dish made as a smooth light mass with whipped cream and beaten egg white, flavored with chocolate, fish, etc...and typically served chilled. "We even made Chocolate Mousse!"

"It all looks...really delicious!" Yang exclaimed, nearly drooling at the sight. Blake was the same, though her focus was mainly on the fish dishes.

"Well, dig in! We worked really hard on this stuff!" Ky added, followed with Remy nodding rapidly. Hearing that, everyone immediately dug into the meals. Yuffie, Aptus, Hayner, Pence and Olette enjoyed it like they always do whenever they visited Remy's bistro. As for the Beacon teams, they became more amazed than ever as they took their first bites. Some of them were giving high praise for the food.

"This soup is incredible!" Yang said with an impressed nod.

"Wow, I love this Terry-stuff!" Jaune added.

"The fish is so good! And the sauce compliments it so well!" Blake exclaimed, licking her lipd from tasting the fish.

"My, this Mousse dish it very tasted." Pyrrha hummed, impressed.

"I feel like we truly are eating at a five-star restaurant..." Ruby breathed in deep amazement.

Ky the looked over Weiss, who hadn't said a word since the meal was brought out. "Sooo, what do you think, Snow white?" He asked.

"It was quite good" Weiss answered, looking at Ky, whose mouth was wide open in awe. "Seems like I underestimated you."

Ky stood frozen for a few more seconds, before a large grin appeared. "I knew you'd love it!"

"Ky, you really outdone yourself." Ren complimented the blunette, taking a bite of the Mushroom Terrine he placed on his small plate, "I mean, I know you've made cookies before, but this..."

"Honestly, you should see Remy here get down." Ky complimented the head chef, "I don't even hold a candle to his skills. He taught me some new techniques and skills in the kitchen, so I can use them in the kitchen back at Beacon, too."

"Really!? I can't wait!" Ruby exclaimed, taking the last sips of her soup, "And I really want to try that Chocolate Mousse, too!"

"Hey save some for me!" Nora said with enthusiasm, causing everyone else to laugh or shake their heads in amusement.

Just then, Pyrrha saw a dish that's got a colorful look. It had a slow-roasted rainbow of thinly sliced vegetables.

"What is that?" She questioned curiously, catching everyone's attention as she pointed at the dish.

"Oh, that's the ratatouille. That's the dish Yuffie talked about." Olette answered with a smile. The teams looked at the dish's appearance.

"Is it really that good?" Ruby asked, her head tilting in confusion. The ratatouille may look delicious, but she doesn't really know if it's that tasty.

"Of course it is!" Yuffie grinned as Olette nodded to agree with her.

Remy took the ratatouille and placed it in front of Ruby, who looked up at him in surprise. He silently motioned her to try it.

"C'mon, Rosebud. Go ahead and take a bite! You won't know what it tastes like until you give it a try. Trust me on this one." Ky encouraged with a wink and a thumbs up.

Ruby looked at the dish along with her teammates and JNPR. The ratatouille is unlike anything she has seen before. It's not something she would enjoy right away, but when she remembered what Yuffie said about it, curiosity got the best of her. She gently poked the top of it with her fork, then she did it again twice more. She finally took a forkful of vegetables.

After examining it for a minute, she brought the food into her lips. The group simply watched her eat the ratatouille. When she finished eating it and swallowed, her eyes widened. Her face brought a long moment of silence.

"Well?" Yuffie asked, "How is it?"

Everyone else around the table anticipated Ruby's answer, mostly Ky and Remy.

Just as she came back into her senses, she looked at the ratatouille again for a few seconds. When she widened her eyes slightly, she snapped her head to Ky and Remy with a wide open smile on her face and her eyes sparkling. "It tastes great!" She spoke enthusiastically, causing almost everyone to flinch in surprise.

The duo grinned, satisfied by her words. "I knew you'd like it." Ky chuckled as Remy nodded in agreement, closed-eye smiling. The other TT friends just smiled while the other Beacon friends were becoming interested in the dish.

"I would like to try the ratatouille." Weiss said with a raised hand.

"Yeah, me too!" Jaune added as the rest of the Beacon teams voiced out their agreements.

Ky laughed, "Remy thought you guys would. Lucky for you, him and I prepared a plate for all of ya."

Remy brought out and served more plates of ratatouille. One for each team member. The minute they took a bite, they had delighted reactions similar to Ruby's. They're really impressed.

"Whoa. This is incredible. They may be just vegetables, but it's amazing." Blake said, smiling.

"What a grand dish!" Pyrrha added.

"Man... Who knew you really are a professional?" Yang remarked to Remy, who gave her a silent amused laugh.

"See? Told you Remy's cooking will make your taste buds warm with their deliciousness." Yuffie grinned.

"Ky literally melted when he tried the ratatouille during the bistro's opening." Aptus said, remembering the first time Ky ate the dish.

"Yeah." The bluenette chuckled, "I was surprised at first that day. But it turns out, it's like a creative masterpiece."

"Thanks for making us this ratatutti!" Nora said to Remy.

"Ratatouille." The TT trio corrected.

"Right... That."

"Yeah, thank you!" Ruby chimed in.

Remy silently laughed and nodded as if he's saying "you're welcome".

"Hmm..." Ren hummed in deep thought. Perhaps he may consider accepting Remy's offer. He could possibly get some great pointers on cooking from the rat Faunus chef himself.


It was about a few moments later when the group emerged from the bistro, either content with their meal or holding their stomachs sickly.

Then a monstrous belch reverberated across the area, spooking a few people nearby. "Whoa, nice one Yang." Ky complimented with a nod.

"10 out of 10." Aptus added.

"Thanks!" Yang grinned at the praise. "Man, I'm stuffed."

"We all are" Ruby replied, holding her stomach. "Aren't we, Zwei?"

"Woof!" The dog barked to agree with her.

"Meow-woof" Po added in as well.

"Still, I can't remember the last time I ate that well" Blake sighed in content.

"Indeed" Ren agreed, patting his chest. "My compliments to the chef and Ky."

"Yeah, it was so good!" Nora yelled. "We gotta eat there again!"

"I feel like I ate a bit too much..." Jaune groaned, holding a hand to his mouth

"Are you okay?" Pyrrha asked, rubbing Jaune's back, attempting to soothe him.

"I'll be fine. Just...give me a sec." He told her.

Ky patted the boy on the arm. "Ah, don't worry, pal. Lucky for you, we happen to know a spot that cheer you right up."

"Clock tower?" Yuffie asked knowingly.

"Clock tower." Aptus confirmed. "And more than that, I'd say everyone's earn the icing on the cake, wouldn't you guy agree?"

"Definitely," Hayner agreed, getting nods from Pence and Olette.

"Okay, what're you all going on about?" Weiss asked, putting a hand on her hip.

"You'll see. Just follow us," Ky replied with a wave of his hand to indicate that they should follow him. "You got it, Hay?"

"Like you even needed to ask!" the blonde playfuly snorted before moving in a different direction with Olette and Pence close behind.

"Bye, Remy." Pence waved at Remy, who waved back at the trio.

"See you guys there!" Olette shouted as they disappeared into the town.

"Where are they going?" Yang asked, turning over to Ky, Aptus and Yuffie.

"To get the ice on the cake," Aptus answered simply and stopped in his tracks to turn to Remy. "Thanks again for the food, Rem."

The Beacon teams gave the Faunus chef their thanks. He nodded happily in response. "So where's this spot you mentioned?" Jaune asked Ky. "Like Ky said, you'll see. And we're gonna meet up with Hayner, Pence and Olette there." Aptus replied as he went onward while Ky and Yuffie followed him. "Come on, let's get going!"

The Beacon group looked at one another for a moment before shrugging and moved to follow them anyways, now more curious about what Ky and the rest of the TT gang were planning. Remy watched everyone leave, waving goodbye at them with a smile. Ruby and Blake waved back, both of them not knowing that he blushed at the latter.


After several minutes of walking, the group made their way back to the base of the clock tower. "Soo...what are we doing back at the station?" Nora asked, appearing between Ky and Yuffie.

"This is how we get to the clocktower." Ky explained walking with his hands beind his head.

"And why are we going to the clocktower again?" Blake inquired, raising an eyebrow.

"Because it gives the best view of the town" Aptus explained for her. "One that can't been seen anywhere else."

"Best view?" Ruby asked, tilting her head in a cute manner as she skipped alongside the group.

Before anything more could be said, Ky stopped walking as he saw someone leaning against the wall, his eyes closed. This in turn caused the others to stop as well. It was a tall man with blond, spiky hair. He was dressed in a long black, zipped-up coat, complete with belts with silver buckles wrapped around his chest and waist. He wore a silver pendant on his cross straps, which looked like an animal. One arm was sleeveless while the other had a long sleeve with a shoulder pad. He had black gloves on. His pants were black, and were hid by a long piece of cloth that reached his ankles. His shoes were also black.

"Who's that?" Pyrrha asked curiously, giving the man a lookover.

Blake was intrigued by his presence, feeling a powerful aura coming from the man. Not to mention, she liked the dark attire.

"Cloud!" Ky addressed as he ran over to the man.

"Cloud?" Weiss repeated the name. "You know him?"

"Yep. He's a friend of ours." Yuffie answered. "He's also part of the Committee."

Hearing his name, Cloud looked up to see the bluentte. "Ky," He acknowledged in a monotone voice. "Good to see you again."

"Same here." Ky pumped his chest. "

"How was the mission?" Yuffie asked, walking over to him.

"Nothing we couldn't handle." Cloud simply told her.

"Makes sense." Aptus commented

Cloud then looked over at the Beacon group, examining them as newcomers. "Oh, they're friends of mine from Beacon." Ky assured, realizing where the man was looking.

The man simply nodded his head, acknowledging his words.

"He looks so cool!" Jaune exclaimed, making the twilight town group stare at him dumbfounded.

"He's not wrong." Yang added, staring at Cloud.

"Have you seen his weapon! It's so cool!" Ruby exclaimed, her eyes on the large sword Cloud had on his back.

It's all fun and games until a realization soon dawns on Ky. If Cloud's here... "Uh... Cloud," he started, getting scared. "Is, uh... Tifa here?"

The group shared a look, all looking concerned. Yang perked up at the name.

"She is. She had a call to take in the station... though she doesn't know you're here. Yet."

"Tifa?" Jaune asks, curiously. "Isn't she the one you mentioned back at the mansion?"

"Yep! She's also part of the Committee and the strongest woman in Twilight Town." Yuffie nodded. "Also, she was pretty mad when you left without telling her, Ky."

"She was out on a job! There was nothing I could do!" Ky defended.

"Okay, but you did call her since then...right?"


"....You're so dead."

"Cloud!" A voice called out, causing bullets of sweat fell down Ky's face before he saw the shadow of a woman approaching the door.

"Ahh!" He shrieks before slipping through the group and hiding behind Yang and Pyrrha.

"What are you doing?" Yang asked in amusement.

"I'm...uh...tickling you girls?"

"You don't sound so sure," Pyrrha stated, placing a hand on her hip.

"Looks like he's hiding," Blake commented.

"Definitely hiding," Weiss and Ren confirmed.

"I am not!" The bluenette denied.

"Doesn't seem that way." Nora commented.

"Oh there you are." A woman called out, opening the doors to the station.

"Ahhhh" Ky moaned, pulling Weiss and Blake close to Yang and Pyrrha to hide more.

The Beacon group was surprised by the woman as she came down the stairs. She looked nice, no, beautiful with reddish-brown eyes and long, flowing dark brown hair that reached the middle of her back. She also looked slender, toned and tough, as he attire consisted of a white tank top and black miniskirt with a belt and suspenders. She dons red and black gloves that extend to her elbows, red boots, black socks, and a metal guard on her left elbow.

She approached the group, standing opposite to JNPR and the girls RWBYK so she couldn't see Ky cowering behind them.

"Oh, Who're these new faces?" She asks, placing on hand on the hip she's leaning on.

"They're friends from Beacon" Aptus answered, smiling at the woman. "Meet Team RWBYK and JNPR."

"Hello," Ruby starts, extending her hand towards Tifa. "Nice to meet you."

Tifa firmly shakes Ruby's hand. "Likewise. Well, allow to me to say 'Welcome to Twilight Town'." she smiled.

Pyrrha, Yang, Blake, and Weiss all remain unnaturally still, both due to you and their own curiosity. So far Tifa seemed like a nice person. Why would Ky be so scared of her?

Tifa turns her attention to the four girls, raising a brow at their odd stances.

"Are you four alright? You're standing straighter than the tower up there," she jokes, taking a step towards them.

Ruby isn't sure what to think, but Aptus and Yuffie back up slighty, figuring what was about to happen.

"Well, don't you three look interesting," Tifa starts, crossing her arms and leaning forward. "I love your boots, by the way," she says, pointing at Weiss' footwear.

As she stares down at Weiss' boots she notices an extra pair of feet that don't match up with the how many people are there. On top of that, they look like boy's shoes. Tifa stands up straight with a perplexed look on her face.

"Is there someone behind you?"

A small shriek erupts from behind the girls. Tifa raises her brow, intrigued and confused. The girls look at each other for a moment, all acknowledging that the jig is up, and move out of the way to reveal Ky. The blunette was leaned over, hands on his head, cowering for his life. He can feel the change of position, more wind, silent anger and surprise. He opened one eye and look up at the towering woman standing before him, still coming to terms with who she's seeing.


"I'm...a figment of your imagination?" Ky said, pleading this is going to work.

Tifa simply continues to stare until Ky finally give up. He stood up straight, nervously smiling at her.

"H-Hey, Tifa. Long time no-"

Before Ky could finish, Tifa threw her arms around him, bringing the blue haired male into a hug. "It's good to see you, Ky" Tifa said, before letting go and took a step back.

"Y-Yeah, you too?" Ky replied, looking kind of surprised, since he'd expected to get his face beat in or something. "So, how have you b-?"

He was then cut off when Tifa slammed her fist into his face so hard, that he flew backwards before bouncing across the ground and coming to a complete stop several feet away.

The Beacon group's eyes all bugged out of their head in shock, while Aptus flinched at the sudden punch his friend received.

While everyone else was busy staring at the scene in complete shock, Yuffie, being the loving sister-like figure she was decided to do what anyone would do in her position. She laughed. Loudly.

"Pfft hahah...Oh my...Oum hahahahaha, did you...did you see your face?!" Yuffie held her stomach. "I swear that was priceless! Way to slug him, Tif! Oh man, I should've recorded that!"

'Did she just get sucker-punch Ky?!' The others watched the scene with chibified shocked looks on their faces. Their skin was completely white and they looked as if they were a part of the artistic piece known as 'The Scream' given to how they clutched the sides of their heads.

"Is he going to be okay!?" Ruby asked, panicking when Ky didn't get up.

"He'll be fine. It's not the first time he's been hit like that" Yuffie explained, calming down from her laughing fit.

"That seemed like it hurt alot" Yang commented.

Ky's left leg merely twitch in the air, as he was face-first in the ground. "W-Why did she do that?" Jaune asked fearfully. "One minute, she hugs him and the next...that happens."

"You left without even saying goodbye! Then after months, you don't even call!?"

After a few seconds of laying on the floor, Ky stood up with a giant red bruise on his cheek, as his Aura began to heal it. "Yeah, I'm gonna go my bad on that one." He told her, as if he didn't just get slugged. "A lot was going on at the time."

"He's right. It's been...interesting to say the least." Aptus added, attempting to help Ky's situation.

Tifa huffed and crossed her arms. "That's no excuse, you should at least say that you are doing good or voice mail."

"I..." Ky raises a finger before dropping it. "Yeah, you're right."

"Don't worry, Tifa. Ky has been doing great. He even got himself a girlfriend!" Yuffie infromed, hugging the blue haired male.

The dark-haired woman blinked at this, even Cloud. "Wait what?"

"Ky got a girlfriend" Yuffie repeated, smiling at the duo.

"Who?" Yuffie was about to answer when Ky beat her to it, "Ruby." He proudly said, moving closer to the crimsonette. Said crimsonette bashfully smiled and waved at the woman.

"T-That's me!"

Tifa looked at Ruby, "You're dating Ky?" she said, smiling at the girl. "Tell me, are you well educated? What do you plan to do with you life? What is it you like about Ky? How well can you hold yourself in a fight?"

"Yes! I am" Ruby responded, proudly. "Hm, what do I like about Ky? How did the two of you meet? Do you plan on staying with him because if you are, I expect to be a bridesmaid as well as the godmother of your kids" Tifa asked, smiling at the idea.

The Beacon group stared at the woman with shocked expressions, too surprised to say anything. They weren't expecting Tifa to say something like that.

"Well, I expect to be a bridesmaid too" Yuffie added, suppressing her laughter.

"It's a little too early for that to happen" Yang commented, watching her sister's reaction. Said girl was blushing so hard that she put tomatoes to shame.

Suddenly, her mind began hauling her into a dreamy state, where she imagined herself married to Ky...wearing a wedding gown...having her last name changed...being i-intimate...and h-having kids...!?

The poor girl's head seemed to explode as steamed soared from it with her having a blank stare.

"What are you two saying!? That's crossing the line!" Ky shouted, cheeks dusted bright red as he waved his hands rapidly to get her to stop. He went over to his girlfriend and see how she was doing now. When he reached her, she just kept standing at her spot, not moving any part of her body. He only heard her small take of air, deciding that he needed to do something, he snapped his fingers in front of her face, hoping that it would break her out of her trance.

" I think you guys broke her! " Ky shouted, seeing as she has yet to do anything.

"It only means that she's thinking about it!" Yuffie said, amused that she did this teasing to them.

"Its not funny!" Ky shouted back, but at that same moment, Ruby, did something. She fainted on the spot, falling backwards and hitting the ground below her with a loud thump.

"Ruby! You did break her!" Ky bend down to check up on his unconscious girlfriend.

Tifa just giggled, proud at of the work she had just done.

"She's scary!" Jaune exclaimed, moving behind Pyrrha terrified.

"She seems cool to me." Yang shrugged, folding her arms with a nod.

"She's kinda like you, Yang." Weiss added as she leaned on her left hip.

"Yeah. Like Yang here, Tifa is the power house of the group." Aptus commented, knowing the two girls would get along.

"You said she was the one who you and Ky hand to hand combat?" Yang asked, remembering her talk with the fox faunus at the dance.

"Yeah. Cloud over there and Leon were the ones who taught Ky mostly swordplay" Aptus stated. "Come on, I'll introduce ya."

"Hey Tifa!" Aptus yelled, gaining the attention of the brown haired female.

"Hey Aptus! It's good to see you!" Tifa replied, smiling before turning to Yang, "And who's this?"

"Hi, I'm Yang Xiao Long, Ruby's older sister and RWBYK's strongest fighter" Yang introduced herself.

"Debateable!" Ky called out, still checking on Ruby.

"Um, excuse me? I beg to differ on that!" Weiss disputed.

"Weiss, you may be good at Dust and fencing, but Yang's Semblance does let her get stronger after every hit she takes," Blake reminded her color oppostie.

"I...okay, I suppose that is a reasonable arguement."

"Oh?" Tifa inquired, shaking the brawler's hand. "A fist fighter huh? Well, I gotta say, It's nice to meet a fellow brawler. Not many are seen nowadays."

"Trust me, I know. By the way, judging by that punch, you're really strong!" Yang complemented, letting go of Tifa's hand.

"Thanks, though it was mostly a love tap," Tifa said, rolling her shoulder around. "I really didn't him that hard, so I had to hold back a lot of power."

'That was her holding back!?' The Beacon students, but Yang, all thought in shock. Just how strong was this woman?

"So, what about you?" The brown-haired woman asked Yang.

"Hm, I always thought I had tremendous amount of strength." Yang replied, folding her arms under her bust. "Add that with my Semblance, and I'm pretty much a one woman army."

Tifa nodded. "Interesting...Well, if you stick around town for a while, maybe we can have a spar? I'll like to see your skills in action."

"That sounds like a good idea!" Yang exclaimed, "and if we do don't plan on holding back."

"Hehe, wouldn't dream of it" Tifa declared as both woman gave each other a challenging smile.

"That would be an interesting dream match, right?" Aptus asked, with nodded in agreement.

After being unconscious for a few minutes, Ruby finally woke up. She glanced up only to see Ky's worried orbs staring down at her. Remembering her thoughts, she flushed a dark red, worrying the boy once again.

"How are you feeling, Rosebud? You took quite the tumble." Ky asked, helping the crimsonette up.

"I-I'm fine!" Ruby squeaked out, stuttering over her words. "Yep, totally fine! A-okay!"

"Are you sure?" Ky asked, not really believing that she was okay.

"Yeah! Don't worry!"

Watching the young couple talking, Yuffie snickered a bit before facing Cloud and Tifa."So I take it that you guys are heading back to the mansion?" She asked.

"Yeah, we need to report back to the others about the mission and what-not."

"As fun as that sounds, I'll leave you to it." Yuffie said, knowing how boring reporting is.

"What about about you? Where are all of you going?" Tifa asked, curiously.

"Up to the clock tower. Hayner and the other will be joining us soon."

"You're going to show them the spot?" Tifa asked, smiling knowingly.


"Have fun and make sure no one falls." Tifa playfully commented as she began to walk off. Aptus and Yuffie both looked over at Ky with knowing looks, which the blunette noticed.

"Don't look at me like that!" He huffed at them. He then step forward. "Hey, Tifa!" He called out, getting the woman's attention.

"Hm? Yeah?" Tifa asked, stopping to look over her shoulder at the bluenette.

"It's good to see you again. You too, Cloud."

The woman blinked at this, before smiling. "You too, kiddo." She said, then turned around and walked away with Cloud by her side.

Weiss then walked up to Ky and Aptus with folded arms. "Well, it appears you two have a lot of interesting people in your lives."

"Yup" the duo answered simultaneously, as Aptus beckon the group to follow them into the station.

"Come on. We'll show you guys why we came here."

"What about Hayner, Pence, and Olette?" Jaune asked, noticing that the trio has yet to come back.

Ky waved him off. "They'll catch up. Don't worry." He assured, making his way up the stairs.

The Beacon group looked at one another, before shrugging and following the duo inside.


That's the end of the chapter! Hope you guys enjoyed it, especially with the debut of Cloud and Tifa! Please let me know what you thought by leaving PM or review.

See ya!!!

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