The Andersons 2: The Constell...

By RaygaardOfEndregen

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Two years have passed since the Andersons defeated Tarantella and Sam's life begins to return to normal. Thin... More

Chapter 1: A Normal Life
Chapter 2: Sam Becomes A Hero
Chapter 3: Discoveries; Betrayed
Chapter 4: Big Bangs, Supernovas, Black Holes, Stuck
Chapter 5: Captured
Chapter 6: Caves Of Healing
Chapter 7: The Training
Chapter 8: Revilexus: The Eye Of Evil
Chapter 9: The Power Of Forgiveness
Chapter 10: Sam's Return
Chapter 11: Preparing For Battle
Chapter 13: Settling Scores
Chapter 14: The Final Battle Begins; Discovery
Chapter 15: In Deep Trouble
Chapter 16: The Battle Continues
Chapter 17: Head, Heart And Destiny
Chapter 18: The Choice
Chapter 19: A Paupersaurs Tale
Chapter 20: The Mother Of All Shadow
Chapter 21: The Two
Chapter 22: Duty
Chapter 23: A Second Chance
Chapter 24: The Battle Of Constellations
Chapter 25: Rise Of The Golden Dragon
Chapter 26: Revelation
Chapter 27: The Princes Of Dinogon
Chapter 28: Sam's Sacrifice
Chapter 29: More Discoveries
Chapter 30: Sam And Jane
Chapter 31: The Terra Call
Chapter 32: A Trip To Dinogon

Chapter 12: Surprise: A Secondary Plan

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By RaygaardOfEndregen


"What did you mean by that Saurian, got any ideas?" John asked.

"A good warrior always has a secondary plan" Saurian said.

"What's yours?" George asked.

Saurian looked intently at the boys and then he whistled twice. There was a flash of lightning which struck the ground. The ground began to open wide. A gaping chasm was left when the ground stopped moving. Saurian looked into the chasm. There were strange screeching and scratching sounds coming from the hole.

"Brothers! It is time!" Saurian roared and hundreds of winged creatures began to fly from the hole.

"What are they?" Sam asked.

"They are Pterogons" Saurian answered. "Faithful followers ready to heed my call. Think this army will be enough?" Saurian asked John.

"More than enough" Sam cut John off before he could say anything negative. "Now we have enough warriors, we can successfully rescue all the captives" Sam said.

"What are you planning Sam?" Saurian asked.

"An Air Strike" Sam answered. "Saurian, you and I will cloak ourselves in invisibility. We'll lead the Pterogons over to Dinosaur Mountains. We'll lead any remnants of T-Rexus' army away. I just hope these Pterogons have really fiery breaths" Sam said looking hopefully at Saurian and at the Pterogons.

The Pterogons lifted their heads to the top of the Cave, opened their mouths and breathed fire. After their short fire display, John and George were sweating profusely.

"The Pterogons will lead T-Rexus' secondary army away from the Cave and distract them to give us enough time to rescue the captives" Sam concluded.

"That is an excellent plan!" Ophiacodon exclaimed thoughtfully.

Though Sam looked confident enough, he was still worried. Saurian noticed this. So did George and John.

"This will be the night!" Ophiacodon said excitedly. "The final battle between man and dinosaur".

"Mm-mm" Saurian cleared his throat elaborately.

"Come on Saurian, you have to accept the fact that this is their battle" Ophiacodon laughed.

"You had better start preparing yourselves. It is almost time to get the Pterogons ready. I'll rally the Dimetrodon".

"Sam, I know you're nervous..." George was saying.

"Nervous?! I'm terrified! The fate of the world rests in my hands. I don't want to think of what will happen if I fail" Sam said.

"Come on Sam, look at the bright side..." George was saying.

"Bright side?! Whatever it is, I can't see it!" Sam was saying.

"The world is in danger, if we don't stand against the Dinosaurs, all hope is lost. If we do stand against them and fail, there will be no regrets, we tried our best" George said.

"George is right! Anyway that's the more reason we can't fail. Imagine this world being ruled by those giant, mean, ugly, mutated lizards not to mention their appetite for flesh" John said. "That will be like the..."

"John!" Sam shouted. "This isn't the right time for negativity. Besides you are tightening the knot in my belly" Sam said almost angrily.

"Sorry about that" John apologized.

"Yeah, you've said that a lot lately but I just can't help it. It's like I'm trapped, like I have no choice. It's like destroy the world or let the world be destroyed" Sam was saying.

"Sam, I know what it's like to be scared of your destiny but this path was chosen for you and you alone" Saurian said.

"I've been running from my destiny for too long and look what it brought me. Edaphrogon is dead, Ephragon has been captured" Saurian said.

"But what if..." Sam was beginning to say.

"You won't fail. All you need is faith in yourself. My father used to say, 'the choices we make define us'. You can't just hide and hope that the choice will be lifted from your shoulders. It's alright to be scared Sam. Fear lives in all of us but we can't let it rule us. T-Rexus will know you are scared and like every evil entity he will try to use it against you" Saurian said. "Of all the fears a man has to face, fear of himself, lack of faith, these are the worst" Saurian said. "Sam, you are a brave boy, you are powerful and courageous but these seldom make a hero. A hero is measured by his heart. There has never been and will never be a hero completely fearless. Every hero has their fear. Fear is not something we can see but it is a very powerful entity. It is the greatest shadow of all. To be free from fear, you must face it. I've been running for too long. It's time for me to face my fear" Saurian said.

"You don't have to do this if you don't want to Sam" Ophiacodon said from behind them.

"Ophiacodon, I didn't know..." Sam was saying.

"It's not a force for you to do this. It's something you must be willing to do, it's not your duty" Ophiacodon said. "I have read almost all the scrolls written by both Gon and Saur. The last scroll written by Saur said 'the only way to win is to be willing', and that was all" Ophiacodon said.

"I don't understand" Sam said.

"In due time, you will my boy, in due time" Ophiacodon said.

John and George were already dressed in their armour. Saurian and Ophiacodon, the Dimetrodon and Pterogons didn't need armour. They had scales so hard, not even bullets could penetrate them. Sam was in a Holy Cave. The Cave containing the Hidden Scrolls Of Gon. Sam wore his armour, then his helmet, then he took the Sword and Shield and examined them. He put them down and began to pray;

"Heavenly father, creator of the Universe,

Guide me in this war and help me make the right decisions,

Give me the strength I need to lead my friends

And give me faith so that I do not despair


Sam opened his eyes.

"Don't worry Sam, you won't fail, I know you won't" John said.

"Whoa, now that's a switch!" Sam laughed in surprise.

John began to stare at Sam and opened his mouth wide in surprise.

"John, why are you staring at me like that?" Sam asked.

John continued to stare at Sam. Then he shook his head and began to stare again.

"John? What is it?" Sam asked anxiously.

"Your hair!" John exclaimed.

"Come on John, I'm wearing a helmet, how can you see my hair?" Sam said thinking that John was just trying to play a trick on him.

"The helmet's gone and..." John paused.

Sam quickly touched his head. It was true! The helmet was indeed gone.

"And what?!" Sam asked nervously.

At that moment, George walked in. He dropped his shield and looked at Sam with his mouth wide open.

"Come on guys! What is it?!" Sam asked.

"Let's just say you look extraordinarily handsome or should I say pretty?" George joked and both boys laughed hard.

"Come on Sam, take off the wig" George said.

"Wig?!" Sam exclaimed.

"Very funny!" George said.

"I'm not wearing a wig!" Sam exclaimed nervously.

"Okay, this is awkward" George said.

"It's his actual hair" John said.

"WHAT?!" George exclaimed.

"I saw it grow with my own eyes!" John said.

Suddenly, a bright light filled the room.

"What's happening?" Sam asked.

"Your hair is glowing and growing" John said.

Sam put his hand on his hair and felt it flow to his shoulders. It was wavy. George made the light form a halo around Sam's head but now Sam's face couldn't be seen.

Ophiacodon entered the room and nearly fell to the ground as he shielded his eyes.

"This armour was indeed made for you. It's time to move Sam" he said.

Sam took the shield and placed the Sword Of Edaphrogon in its sheath. The glow became brighter till Sam could no longer be seen. Not even George could control the light. He had to shield his eyes. Sam walked out of the Cave and found Saurian glowing as brightly as he was when they first met.

"We will take the lead" Saurian said to Ophiacodon.

"We'll bring the captives to you on the Twin Mountains" Sam said.

"We wish you success" Ophiacodon said.

"Take care guys" George said.

"And watch out for Revilexus Rays!" John said.

"Oh brother!" Sam said and slapped himself on the forehead.

Sam was about to fly when Saurian bent his back. Sam looked at him and said

"Are you sure?"

Saurian nodded.

Sam climbed Saurian's back and the sign on Sam's breastplate changed to bright gold. Saurian took off and the Pterogons followed.

Meanwhile T-Rexus had commanded his army to attack the Dragon Caves.

"Kill every living being in the Dragon Caves! Kill all the humans especially that Samuel Anderson!" he commanded.

"No!" Jane cried out.

"Don't worry Jane. Sam saved us from Tarantella. He can save us from T-Rexus" Lucy said.

"Do you really think I will make the same mistake twice?!" T-Rexus growled.

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