Jjba One shots and requests (...

By A_Quiet_space

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I don't own jjba!! Requests are open! Just send me a message or comment ~Sam out More

request page
Kars x reader
Avdol x reader [Angst]
Avdol x reader (pt2)
{Has spoilers}Jotero x Memory loss!R
Jotero x Memoryloss!Reader (pt2)
Kakyoin x Reader
possessive star platinum x reader
Giorno X reader
Narancia x reader
Fugo x reader
Abbacchio x reader
Authors note
1k reads

Fugo x reader(pt2)

308 7 0
By A_Quiet_space

*Fugo's pov*

I cursed myself kicking the cement steps. 'I shouldn't have let her go with them. She's unconscious because of me and she will think I left her... They're all going to die and so will she... But if I did with her I would be a worthy death... What do I do?!'

The blonde kicked the wall next to him 'surely Giorno and them would be back by now... It's been three months since I left but I've heard nothing...'

Fugo sighed as he walked into the restaurant where he met Bruno

*Third pov*

Giorno sipped his tea a bittersweet smile on his face. He was now the Don of Passione but what did it cost him. Both you, Narancia and Abbacchio were in coma's. He couldn't complain much however. He had been able to fully resurrect Bruno. Not only that but he had caught wind of Fugo being back around and Mista and Trish were both alright. He just worried. You had woken up once since you infected yourself with Purple Haze's Virus while he had gotten off scott free. Bruno suspected it was because of you having contact longer but Giorno wasn't sure. The blonde paced his office before stepping out of it and walking over to Mista

"I have to go investigate something... And then I'm headed to the hospital. Do you wish to go with?"

Mista nodded lightly and that's how the two of them found themselves at Libeccio staring at Fugo who had froze after catching sight of the pair of gangsters.


Giorno was the first to sit down Mista following his Boss

Fugo stared at the two men before forcing himself to speak

"T-The others... Where are they..?"

Giorno sighed and Fugo feared the worst.

"Y/N, Narancia, and Abbacchio are all in the hospital. Y/N and Narancia are currently in comas and haven't awoken. Except Y/N woke up once shortly after you left. Bruno's at the Hospital watching over Abbacchio and Trish is away."

Fugo teared up thinking of you. He missed you and he knew you being hurt was his fault. He nodded solemnly

"Now Fugo... Us being here isn't entirely a coincidence."

"What do you mean?"

Mista looked at Giorno confused as well

"I have been... Searching for you. I want you to rejoin Passione. Like it was then I am not forcing you. You will have your own say in this."

Fugo froze and teared up

"Are you sure... All I seem to be is a burden who can't work their stand correctly..."

Giorno nodded

"I am positive Fugo. I wouldn't hunt you down for nothing."

"I'll gladly come back... I apologize for leaving."

"Fugo there is nothing to be sorry about. I don't judge you for staying behind nor does anyone else. We're going to the Hospital if you wish to see Y/N"

Fugo shot up


He begged and Giorno'd nod lightly the three of them abandoning their drinks and heading to the hospital

-King crimson-

Fugo stood beside your hospital bed holding your hand. As he sobbed

"I won't leave you ever again... Never again..."

You were comatose and unresponsive at that point but he stayed true to his word and visited everyday. That is until one day he went to the hospital and the room was empty.

His eyes widened as he yelled running to the nurses station

"Y/N L/N where is she?!?"

The nurse stopped typing before she started again and then looked at the teen

"She woke up and was moved to the ICU. Currently were not allowing her visitors..."

Fugo stood there and teared up before walking off. You were finally awake. But he couldn't see you. Tears fell from the teens eyes as Purple Haze appeared frightening the user.

"Purple Haze come here!"

The stand ignored the user as it began floating towards the ICU and then into a room as the door shut behind him. Fugo opened the door to see the stand staring at you

"Purple haze!"

You snapped your head to look at him as tears came to your eyes

"F-Fugo..?" You spoke as his stand picked you up bridal style slightly drooling on you making Fugo panic

"Y/N?! Stay calm... Please.... Purple haze set her down!!"

You'd whine in his stands arms as the stand held you closer making Fugo freak our worse


The stand would disappear and you'd fall Fugo catching you and pulling you close looking over you and making sure you're okay as he was terrified the stand would kill you

"I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry" he'd whimper

"I'm just a monster and that's Just what my stand reflects... He's already almost killed you..."

He'd set you down and tear up as you'd pull him back gently

"you're not a monster... Purple Haze wouldn't have meant to kill me nor would have been either of your faults. I did that. I stole the capsules...! I love you!!"

Fugo's eyes widened

"Y-You love me?!"

He'd tear ups and you'd nod

"I-Its... Okay if you don't love me back..."

You looked down suddenly feeling self conscious before Fugo would pull you into a gentle kiss

"I love you too Y/N...!"

He'd hug you cuddling you softly as you smiled cuddling back into him. The doctor would soon interrupt you come in

"Y/N L/N?"


"Your disease... It's gone..!"

Your eyes widened as you sat up


"It's gone. Your perfectly healthy my friend. In fact you can leave today-!"

You cheered hugging Fugo as he smiled kissing you gently. And In that moment everything was perfect.

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