Strength doesn't make a hero

By PromisedNeverland04

100K 3.1K 2.2K

Hawks life was hard, he was born with a powerful quirk and was the puppet of the Hero Commission. But after y... More

Chapter 1.1
Chapter 1.2
Chapter 1.3
Chapter 1.4
Chapter 1.5
Chapter 1.7
Chapter 1.8
Chapter 2.1
Chapter 2.2
Chapter 2.3
Chapter 2.4

Chapter 1.6

9.1K 272 129
By PromisedNeverland04

Keigo fell asleep with Izuku in his arms.


For the first time in a long time, Izuku woke up with a feeling of restful sleep.

Slowly he opened his eyes. When he raised his hand to rub the sleep out of them he realized he couldn't move. For the split of a second he panicked, thinking the Hero Commission had started one of their secret kidnap training lessons. They were rather rare. He only had to endure them a handful of times. But still, he feared the days he'd wake up just to find himself be tied up to a chair. Sometimes they had even got someone to play the kidnapper. Those had been the worst times.

His breath hitched in his throat. His chest tightened. He practically felt the cold metal of the chair on his back.

Cold metal ...?

There was nothing cold behind behind him. In fact, it was rather comforting and warm.

He lifted his gaze staring straight at the current No. 2 Hero, holding him in a tight embrace.

His heart rate slowed back down and he relaxed a bit. So it was no dream, after all. He let out a little breath of relief, but even though it was way better than being tied up to a chair, the contact made him feel uncomfortable.

Not because it was too warm. Not because he was in an incommodious position. But simply because it felt foreign and weird to be in such proximity to another human.

Izuku struggled to escape Keigo's grip, just to realize it was a futile attempt. So he gave up and accepted his fate.

It took Keigo a whole twenty-five minutes to finally wake up. Izuku had become slightly impatient, by now, trying not to make too much contact.

Emerald eyes locked with the golden ones of Hawks. "Could you please let go of me, Keigo." His voice as monotone as ever.

He could see a slight blush of embarrassment on the former man's cheeks. "Sure, sorry." Izuku could feel that the man loosened his grip, so that Izuku could get up.

"You may put on some new clothes. In the meanwhile I'm gonna make some pancakes," Hawks said in a rough morning voice.

Izuku nodded and went to his room. After putting on a white hoodie and black sweatpants, he sat down on his bed and decided to hear some music until Keigo finished the breakfast.

Keigo on the other hand, slowly stood up from the couch and went to the kitchen. He started to question his decision to make pancakes taken the fact he didn't even know how to cook. He never had the need to learn it, so he never did. His whole life he had been cooked for and after he had left the Hero Commission he just bought instant food. No big deal.

So he did what every responsible adult would do in a situation like this; he pulled out his phone and looked up a tutorial of how to make pancakes.

First, he went to the fridge and looked for ingredients. Milk, where is the goddamn milk. He looked up and down until he saw the milk, grabbing it and put it to the rest of the ingredients.

Second step, find a bowl, a mixer and a pan. He already started to struggle and he didn't even started cooking yet. He searched for a few minutes, until he had everything he needed.

Okay, now, I just have to mix everything together. That should be easy, right? And that's where everything went downhill. First, eggshells fell into his dough, then he forgot to close the mixer and dough was all over the kitchen and when he finally got an acceptable dough, he dropped it and he had to start all over again.

Damn. Okay, it's apparently harder than it looks like. But we get there. Just baby steps. For Izuku. You got that. You are a No. 2 Pro Hero.

When he had his second dough ready, it was time for the last step, frying the pancakes.

Despite of the fact that he burned a couple of them, the final results were pretty much okay. And it would even be enough for the both of them.

After he put the plates on the table, he made his way to the room of the boy instead of just calling him.

When he arrived at the door, he knocked twice. No response. He knocked again, this time louder, but no use, there was still no response. He slowly reached for the handle and pushed it down, the door was unlocked. So he pushed the door open and saw Izuku sitting on the bed with his headphones on. Oh that's the reason why he couldn't hear me.

The boy noticed him and looked him in the eyes. Keigo once again realized, how dull Izuku's eyes were. The boy didn't seem to take of his headphones, so Keigo gestured to his ears. Just now Izuku seemed to realize that he still had his headphones on and took them off, quickly.

"I just wanted to tell you breakfast is ready. I'm sorry it took so long, I'm not really used to cooking," Keigo explained kind of embarrassed.

"No problem."

They left Izuku's room and went to the dining table.

"You can sit wherever you want. I don't care."

While Izuku sat down, the winged hero made his way to the kitchen. He took both plates and made his way back to the greenet. When he arrived at the table once again, he put one plate in front of the kid and the other plate across from the boy where he sat down.

"So, Izuku," he began. Said boy looked at him and he continued. "Today I will take you to the mall. So we can buy some clothes, decorations and something you like. Maybe you have a hobby or something." Keigo shrugged.

"You don't have to. I don't want to bother you, you already gave me so much," the boy tried to convince Keigo, but he didn't really cared. He already decided to spoil the kid.

"I told you, baby bird, it's fine," he tried his best to assure the winged kid.

"You don't have so waste your money on something like me." Keigo watched as the boy tried to look everywhere but him.

Something? Nani? Keigo became worried. Did he think so low of himself? He tried to pique the kid's curiosity. "Izuku, look at me." He waited till he had the kid's full attention before he continued. "You aren't 'something'. You are a human being. Please don't think so low of yourself. And I'm not wasting my money. First of all," he put one finger up,"I'm the No. 2 Hero, I think I have enough money. And second of all," he put another finger up, "I don't waste it. It's for you and therefore it can not be wasted." Keigo smiled at the younger one.

"Okay." His voice sounded hollow, even though he tried his best to express his gratitude. But Keigo knew to appreciate his efforts. And he could swear, he could see tears in the other's eyes.

Keigo decided it would be the best to talk to him on a later day about it and changed the subject. "Do you have any hobbies, like drawing or maybe something related to music. I don't know."

"No, I don't. I'm sorry." The last part was barely audible, but due to his quirk he could hear it.

"No need to apologize," he assured the boy, "I don't have hobbies either. Maybe you could try something, I can buy you a few things if you want."

"No need." Izuku looked down on his pancake, face motionless.

"No false modesty," Keigo retorted before the conversation would continue to go downhill. "I'm gonna buy it anyways, I just wanted to sound polite." The man chuckled slightly over his own statement.

"Oh. Okay." He could see that the boy kept his gaze turned downwards. New questions shot in his head. Did I say something wrong? Did I hurt his feelings or something?

He decided to change the subject again. "Who is your favorite hero?" The bird man could swear that he saw the younger boy's eyes lit up, even if it was just for a split second.

"I-I like a l-lot he-heroes. M-my f-favorite heroes a-are you, All Might a-and E-Eraserhead, b-but all h-heroes a-are cool." Keigo frowned. He couldn't help but wonder why the boy stuttered out of no where. Is he afraid?

"That's cool. I like heroes, too." He smiled at the boy.

The rest of the breakfast was silent, but it wasn't an awkward silence. Soon both finished their breakfast and before Izuku could take his plate, Keigo already took it and cleaned both.

"You don't have to." Keigo chuckled at the younger one's behavior.

"But I want to." He finished cleaning the plates and turned to the boy. "I'm gonna change real quick and then we can drive to the mall." The boy nodded and Keigo went to his room.
What should I wear? Keigo went to his closet. Maybe I should wear a disguise. That would be funny. So he took out a coat which covered his red wings, a hat and sunglasses. He looked in the mirror. Perfect.

Izuku sat down on the couch and waited for his caretaker. What takes him so long? To say, Izuku was an impatient person, would be an understatement. He hated it if he had to wait. In his eyes it was just a waste of time. He learned that at a young age.

When he heard Keigo's door, he stood up and made his way to the Genkan to put on his black shoes.

Suddenly, he felt a hand on his shoulder.

Reflexively he grabbed the arm of the person and tried to throw them over his shoulder.

But instead the person turned him around. How?

He finally looked at his 'attacker'. It took him a second to realize that the weird clothed person in front of him was no other than Keigo, the oversized chicken nugget. But who was he to judge, he had wings as well.

After a few seconds he opened his mouth, but no words came out. He tried again. "What are you wearing?" Damn, that sounded meaner than it was meant to.

He could hear Keigo's laugh. "A disguise. I thought it would be funny and additionally we won't be surrounded by the press and fans. It's a win win situation," Keigo chirped happily.

Izuku didn't have the nerve to argue with the man, so he just shrugged.

"Let's go." Izuku nodded and they both went outside of the apartment to an elevator.

When they arrived at the first floor, Izuku realized that he was in Keigo's agency. "Wait, do you live above your agency."

Keigo shrugged. "I mean, yeah. It's easier for me, so why not?"

Izuku nodded in approval.

They walked outside and a car stopped in front of them. Izuku wanted to open his door, but Keigo stopped him midway and it opened for him instead. Izuku quietly thanked the man and the door was closed behind him. Short after him Keigo got in on the other side and told his driver to get them to the mall.

While they drove to the mall, Izuku put on his headphones and started his playlist. He closed his eyes and slowly drifted into his dream world.

He could feel a tap on his shoulder and his eyes shot open. His eyes searched for the person and saw that it was Keigo, who tapped his shoulder. He put down his headphones and stopped his music.

"We are there," Keigo stated, and Izuku looked outside of the car, just to realize a large building. Keigo continued, "You really meant when you said that you like sleeping, huh." Izuku realized that it was a statement and not a question, so he just nodded.

They left the car and went inside the mall.

Then, though, out of nowhere, Izuku had a flashback.

'He and his mother were in the mall.
She had just gotten him his All Might ice cream, for herself she had bought strawberry. His mother and Izuku walked hand in hand through the mall. "Mommy." Inko looked down on him. "Yes, Izuku."
The four years old inhaled deeply and asked what he wanted to ask his mother since the one day at the hospital. The day his quirk had been confirmed. "Do you believe I can be a hero?"
Inko smiled at him with a warm smile only a mother could give. "Of course, Izuku, but I already told you that."
Izuku beamed. "Thank you, Mommy!"
They continued walking, until Izuku saw a shop still a few meters ahead of them. "Mommy, can I get the new All Might figurine?" Izuku asked with sparkles in his eyes.
"Of course." On the way to the shop, though, he could feel his mother stiffen. "Izuku, baby, I think we should g-", but his mother couldn't finish her sentence. A loud explosion interrupted her mid sentence. The next thing he knew, he was alone. "Mommy!" Tears rolled down his face.'

"-llo, Izuku, snap out of it." Someone shook him, but he couldn't really see who it was. His view was blurry. Something wet was on his cheeks.

He touched it and realized that he cried. When did I started crying?

He wiped his tears away, but they kept coming, anyways. "Hey, Izuku, it's okay. I am here." He felt arms embracing him in a hug. He couldn't care less.

I am the reason for Mom's death. If I didn't want to buy this stupid All Might figurine, my mother would still be alive. Suzuki would still be able to hear. And I would've never ended up at the Commission. Why didn't I realize earlier that it was my fault?

"Izuku, look at me," a deep voice said, firmly. Izuku looked up and realized that it was Keigo who held him. Keigo who tried to comfort him. Help him.

The man took off his sunglasses, so Izuku could see his golden eyes. "Nothing of this was your fault."

Izuku looked anywhere but in Keigo's eyes. "I didn't realize I was mumbling," Izuku said in a broken voice.

The hero hesitated for a second. "Let's buy some food. Food always helps." Keigo smiled at him, the exact same smile his mother always had.

"Yeah," Izuku mumbled monotone albeit he wasn't hungry at all.

Keigo and Izuku just entered the mall, when Keigo realized that Izuku stopped in his tracks.

"Hey, Izuku, what are you doing?" Then Keigo realized the tears that rolled down the greenet's cheeks. Keigo ran to Izuku and knelt down in front of him. "Hey, Izuku." He slightly shook him.

With each passing second, he became more worried for the little birdie. He wouldn't answer him. The only thing the greenet was doing, was staring at nothing with dull green eyes from which tears flowed out.

He shook him again, this time a little harder. "Izuku, hello, Izuku, snap out of it." The kid looked around, but didn't seem to realize where he was, he looked like a lost puppy.

Keigo felt his heart break, as the kid touched his cheek and realized the tears. So he did the only thing that came to his mind, and hugged the kid. "Hey, Izuku, it's okay. I am here." He tried his best to calm the kid down, but boy didn't even acknowledge him. As if his words fell on deaf ears.

He could here soft muttering from the kid, something along the lines, 'I am the reason for my mothers death'. 'Suzuki would still be able to hear' and 'it was my fault'.

At those words, Keigo's heart shattered. Why does he think it was his fault? Who is Suzuki?

"Izuku, look at me." For the first time since Izuku's 'flashback' the boy looked him in the face. Keigo took of his sunglasses, so Izuku could look into his eyes and that's what the boy did. "Nothing of this was your fault", he assured him, sternly.

"I didn't realize I was mumbling." The boy sounded so utterly beaten that Keigo promised himself to never let anybody hurt his kid again.

It was hard for Keigo to comfort people. He never had people that would comfort him, so he did the only thing that he could think of and said, "Let's buy some food. Food always helps." He tried to assure the boy with a soft smile that everything would be okay.

The boy gave an expressionless "yeah" as a response and Keigo led him to the food corner of the mall.

"Okay, you have to try Dango, Pocky and Ramune."

Keigo chuckled at the confusion on the boys face. At least he isn't crying anymore. "Just try it. While you just take a seat there," he gestured towards a free table, "I'm gonna buy some snacks. Don't worry, I'll be right back."

When Keigo was sure that the boy sat down and was safe, he made his way to the food stalls.

"Excuse me, I want to buy some Dango, Pocky and Ramune." He hesitated for a second but continued. "Oh and maybe two pretzels."

"Sure thing," the cashier said.

Keigo followed the cashier with his eyes as they put all he wanted on the counter. He paid, spoke his goodbye and went right back to where he left Izuku.

He saw the boy scrolling through the phone, but as he approached him, he saw that the other had already realized his presence. Odd. I would say that I'm good at stealth, but he still realized I was there, the second I approached him. But Keigo shrugged it off for now.

"Hey, baby bird, here I am and I have some snacks. You must try them they are so good."

Izuku couldn't share Keigo's enthusiasm, in fact, he didn't even had appetite. He had just accepted, so he could change the subject. The guilt was still eating him from inside out.

Keigo left him at a table. When he sat down, he took out his phone and scrolled a bit. I wish I were in my bed. A few minutes later, he felt that someone approaching him, so he looked up and saw that it was just Keigo. The hero walked to him and put the snacks down in front of them.

"Hey, baby bird, here I am and I have some snacks. You must try them they are so good." Izuku just nodded, in hope that Keigo wouldn't ask any questions.

The disguised pro hero sat across from him and smiled. How can somebody smile so goddamn often? He couldn't understand Keigo, he was mysterious and Izuku didn't know how to react. He was trapped at the Commission, too, so how can he smile?

He was lost in thought, and didn't realized that Keigo held something in front of him which looked like a ... stick with balls? "Here, try this, it's good, I swear." Izuku hesitated before grabbing the thing from Keigo and taking a small bite.

It wasn't bad, but Izuku wasn't really hungry, after all. "Yeah, it's good." Keigo smiled happily at him.

"You should try this as well." This time Keigo hold another stick in front of his face, but this one was just coated in something pink. Izuku hesitated again, but still tried. It wasn't as bad as he thought. Good, even, so he nodded.

"If you are thirsty, you can have this." Keigo shoved a small bottle to him. Izuku slowly grabbed it and took a sip. It was good. "It's good, but, actually, I'm not really hungry."

Keigo's smile faltered a bit and Izuku was hit by another wave of guilt. "It's okay, we can take it with us, so we can eat it later."

"Yeah," he assured the hero.

They stood up and put the snacks in a small bag. Then they made their way through the mall. Keigo wanted to go in a lot of shops like Urban Outfitters , GAP, Hot topic and other shops from which Izuku didn't know the name. He kept telling that he didn't need any new clothes, but Keigo just ignored him.

As they walked through a shoe shop, a pair of red high tops caught his eyes. He used to have a pair like this when he lived with his mother. Suddenly, he felt a hand on his shoulder and flinched at the sudden contact.

"Izuku, if you want those, we can buy them."

"No, it's okay. We bought already new white and black one's. I'm fine." He assured the hero.

"Nonsense." Izuku could just watch as Keigo bought the shoes for him.

When they left the shop, Izuku spoke up. "You really don't have to do this."

"But I want to. Now, let's buy some decorations."

Against Izuku's will, Keigo bought a few anime and hero posters. In addition to that, Izuku got an All Might and a Hawks figurine. Izuku didn't question the ego the man had to have, buying a figurine of himself. With a straight face at that. By now he had noticed that the other man's sense of shame was very poor.

"That was fun. Let's buy you something, so you have a hobby."

"It's fine. I told you, you don't have to waste money on me."

"And I already told you that I do not waste money, because I buy you stuff. Therefore it isn't wasted but well spend," Keigo stated and Izuku didn't really had any nerve to argue any more with the man, so he just went with it.

Keigo insisted to buy him a guitar and something to draw. Izuku couldn't understand his reasoning. Sure, he used to draw when he had to analyze quirks, but is that what people call a hobby. He wasn't sure.

It certainly wasn't the worst part of his obligations. But what exactly was a hobby even?

At this point, Izuku just wanted to go home. They spent there whole day at the mall and it was simply too much for him. Luckily, they left the mall, right after Keigo bought the guitar and something for him to draw.

They arrived at the apartment at 8 PM and Izuku just wanted to sleep. Keigo on the other hand had different plans.

Keigo saw that Izuku wasn't okay since the 'flashback' happened at the mall. That's why he wanted to lighten Izuku's mood.

What can I do? Watch a movie? No, we already did that yesterday. Maybe we could play video games? Yeah, that's it. But first we need to eat something. I don't want to cook, but Izuku is still growing, he needs healthy food. Maybe we can cook together. Okay first we cook, then we eat and then we play video games.

"Hey, Izuku, do you want to cook something with me. I don't really feel like cooking alone." Keigo hoped Izuku would say yes, but he could already see in Izuku's face that he didn't want to, but before Izuku answered, Keigo added. "But you don't have to, it's okay if you don't want to. Really."

"Maybe another time." Izuku's voice ringed in Keigo's ears. He sounded so exhausted.

"Yeah, another time," Keigo tried his best to not let the sadness come through in his voice, he didn't want to let the boy feel bad. "I'm gonna call you, when I'm ready with dinner."

"Actually, I'm not really hungry." Keigo pinched the bridge of his nose at those words.

"You sure? We didn't really ate lunch, either. It's not healthy." He tried his best to convince the boy, but the boy still declined.

Worry filled Keigo as he saw Izuku walk to his room. Why aren't you hungry? Why don't you talk to me? F*ck? Keigo buried his hands in his hair.

He decided to just order food, because he didn't really want to cook anything. So he ordered Katsudon for two persons, in hope that Izuku changed his mind and ate something.

In vain. When the food arrived he went to ask the boy if he wanted anything, but he declined.

Keigo sighed as he sat down at the table and started to eat his food, alone. He just hoped that Izuku wouldn't distance himself.

Boy, was he wrong. The next few days were exactly the same. He had to practically force the boy to eat. Izuku barely left his room once in that time. Keigo's worry increased and he didn't know what to do.

So he decided to call a hero who knows how to handle teenager. Eraserhead.

Keigo dialed the number on his phone. After a few rings he could hear a grumpy voice answering the phone. "What is it?"

"Hey, Caterpillar."

Silence. Aizawa waited for him to continue.

Keigo gulped, he wasn't sure of how exactly he wanted to ask Eraserhead, so he just began explaining. "A few day ago, Izuku and I went to the mall to buy some things for him and when we entered the mall... I don't know, he just stared at, well, nothing and tears filled his eyes. After a few minutes he snapped out of it, but since then he isn't hungry and I can feel that he is distancing himself. He only left his room when I forced him to eat something. I-" Tears filled the man's eyes, "I don't really know what to do. I'm so worried." Keigo broke down into a sobbing mess.

The other side of the call sighed. "Listen to me, Hawks. I don't really know why you think, that I out of all people can help you, but if you want my advice. Try to talk to him."

"What do you think did I try?! He doesn't want to talk to me."

"Maybe you should wait for him to come to you. Maybe watch a movie or something. What did you do on the first day?" Eraserhead suggested.

"We watched Frozen and ate junk food. Then I hugged him and he fell asleep in my arms," Keigo recounted.

"Did you try to repeat your first day with him, when everything was okay. Maybe you can get him to open up."

"That's actually a good idea. Thank you."

"I know." And with those words Eraserhead hung up.

Izuku, I'm gonna help you. It's a promise.

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