The king's Obsession IChanyeo...

By Sehuns_girlfriend

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You're my obsession and I will never let you go.~ The story goes on in 1670 year in Korea. The war between t... More

Lost game
The start of my journey
Seoul kingdom
Opening my eye's
Royal secrets
Dont leave the work undone
The Kings absence
The treaty
Who was she?
The shadow
Court visit
The lace from her hanbok
Hurtfull truth
Dungeon visit
Wedding deal
The litte girl in Yeongin
Leave the palace
Tortured spy
The princess murder
Chess game
Know your'e place
You ware going to be mine
Dont leave me
The prince's plan
Dungeon break out
The kidnapping
The white room
Back magic
Win or loose
Don't hurt him

My Dove

142 16 1
By Sehuns_girlfriend

Everybody stood up with fear on there faces when the saw there king enter the court room.

The guard who tared my sleeve and was beating me froze for a moment and then stared to shake violently when the kings icy stare fell on my helpless on the floor.

Chaneyol: HOW DARE YOU TOUCH HER?! He roared in complete anger making everyone in the room scared of him even more.

Chaneyol: Size that bastard! He shouted at the guard to size the guard that just beat me and so the dragged him away.

Chaneyol's knuckles turned white from clenching his fists, his furious eyes staring at his mother. It was visible that it was hard for him not to curse or yell more.

Queen: Chaneyol she is a cul-

Chaneyol: It's majesty to you Queen. He quickly cut her off.

Chaneyol: Who gave you the authority to punish someone ... someone that I own? Nobody should dare to touch WHAT'S MINE! He shouted warning everyone.

I could hear him making his steps towards me and taking of his cape. He put it on my shoulders to cover me. My eyes ware half closed as I was feeling dizzy and weak.

I felt my body being lifted up. It was Chaneyol he picked me up in a bridal way and stared to make his way towards his own chamber.

When we arrived he laid me down on the bed.

Chanyeol: Yah! Wake up! He said with a raspy voice.

I slightly opened my eye's and saw Chaneyol in front of me. I tried to get up but he hovered over me making me let out a soft gasp.

Chaneyol: You know why I saved you?

I slowly shook my head.

Chaneyol: Because I don't like someone torturing what's mine.

He pinned my hands beside me head as I tried to free myself.

Chaneyol: It's my job to do that. He said with a raspy voice.

Y/N: Let me ah~

I uttered I interrupted with him by him sucking on my bruised skin making me whimper.

Chaneyol: I hate you so much... but still nobody can hurt you, dove. He said almost whispering.

Chaneyol: How much will you try to control yourself, you'll end up mine. He spoke against my skin.

Chaneyol: He took something special from me and I'll take something special from him.


Next morning I woke up in and found myself in warm sheets. I reluctantly uncovered myself from the slumber and blinked as the ray of sunshine penetrated through the huge window which made me blind.

Then the realization hit me. I'm in the kings room!

A click sound from the bathroom door caught my attention and I turned my head to see Chaneyol coming out of the bathroom buttoning his sark.

I tried to get up but the throbbing pain in my abdomen made me ramain on the mattress.

The king turned towards me and and raised his eyebrows.

Chaneyol: How are you feeling today?

I just nodded my head while looking down in embarrassment.
My heart pounded vigorously in my chest as I remembered yesterday's events.

Y/N: T-thank y-yo-

Chaneyol: No need for gratitude.

Why did he let me sleep here? Where did he sleep last night?  Next to me? Why did he save me? What was he saying about precious things? Why does he hate me?

Many thoughts wondered in my head.

Y/N: W-why?

Chaneyol: Because I own you.

I frowned at the answer.

Y/N: I am not a toy- I went silent when he stared walking towards me.

He leaned towards me, with his sharp gaze fell into my shocked eye's.

Chaneyol: It's simple and I don't like to repeat myself. I own you. Nobody should get close towards you. Otherwise the might face the consequences, dove.

A sight knock on the door was heard making Chaneyol move always from me.

Chaneyol: Come in.

Lia: You're majesty, breakfast is ready. She said bowing.

Chaneyol: I'll be there in a few minutes.

She made her way to leave.

Chaneyol: Lia! He said stoping her.

She stoped and turned towards him.

Lia: Yes you're majesty?

Chaneyol: If any news of Y/N being in my room I will punish you.

Lia: Don't worry you're majesty I won't tell anyone. She said bowing towards him.

Chaneyol: I'm leaving but you take care
of Y/N. Chaneyol ordered Lia before going out of his chamber.

Lia quickly run towards me and sat next to me.

Lia: Oh my god! He cares for you!

God knows why but my stomach was swarmed with butterflies.

Lia: Umm... can you still go work? She asked hesitantly.

Lia: We have to prepare a meal for the guests.

Y/N: Guests?

Lia: Yes. I told you yesterday Y/N. Today is mate courting and the queen invited Kim Dayhyun the princess of Songam. She said as an unsettling feeling saf across my heart which filled me with dread.

Lia:Ummm ... Is it true that you're father rejected one of the princes of Songnam that wanted to marry you and engaged you with that old man?

Y/N: Y-yeah. We had a water crisis in our kingdom so-

She sighed.

Lia: So you just sacrificed yourself for you're kingdom? Y/N you should've thought about that. If you married the prince of Songnam you wouldn't end up here.

Y/N: B-but my father personally doesn't like Songnam.

She sighed again.

Lia: Should we go? It's getting late.

Y/N: Yes.



The atmosphere in the dining hall was dense filled with the noise of frocks and knives. The king kept his stare on his plate which he hasn't touched and not looking at any of his family members.

The queen averted her gaze with her hazel eyes towards. She cleared her throat before speaking.

Queen: The princes of Seongnam will arrive with there sister for the court mating-

Chanyeol: Who told you to invite them Queen?He said with his cold voice.

She closed her eyes controlling her expression full of furry.

Queen: Your'e a King Chanyeol. The empty throne of your'e Queen should not be empty for too long. You need a queen.

Chaneyol: I don't agree with this term queen.

Queen: It would be disrespectful for Songnam if you don't show up to the court mating. At least meet her.

He just nodded uninterested.



The royals stood up upon two princes entered the court room.

I was discontented as I glance with one of the princes. He was effortlessly walking with his older brother, blank expression remained on his face.

I slowly moved back hiding behind Lia who stood beside me, not wanting him to notice me. But he definitely already did.

The older Prince approached the king and they bowed to each other.

Junmyeon: It's my pleasure to meet you King Park Chaneyol.

Chaneyol: Welcome Prince Kim Junmyeon. I hope Seoul will try to complete you're indulgence.

Junmyeon: I'll look forward to it.

Jongin: It's nice to see you being a king of Seoul, Chaneyol.

There was an awkward silence spreed across the hall as they both stared at each other with a slight glint of aggressiveness.

Chaneyol was ware aware of the prince in front of him. Kim Jongin the most fearless warrior even stronger than him. As Seoul is known for being one of the most strong kingdoms likewise Jongin was known for the strongest warrior of all times.

Chaneyol: Prince Jongin I suggest you to address the king of Seoul with some respect.

Jongin smirked and bowed towards the queen.

Jongin: I apologize, King Park Chaneyol. He said as his gaze went towards the young prince

Jongin: Well young prince, it's nice to meet you too.

Jisung ignored Jongin and bowed towards him.

Queen: where is princess Dayhyun? She asked breaking the awkward situation.

Junmyeon: She's coming. He said smiling.

The door of the court room flung open when the princess of Songnam entered in.
She was the most beautiful girl, her long hair which was styled in a bun which suited her adorable face well. She elegantly walked towards the throne looking like a goddess in her white hanbok which was decorated with red flowers.

Dahyun: It's my pleasure that you invited me to the mate courting you're highness. She said bowing while the queen smiled proudly.

Chaneyol rolled his tongue through his inner cheek and looked away from the princess.

Chaneyol: Should we start the court meeting? Because I have other responsibilities.

Junmyeon: Of course. I hope you like my sister . She has a special place in the Queen's heart.

Chaneyol: It doesn't matter who likes her. All that matters is that the decision is made by me and her.


Lia: Oh my god! Did you see the both princes? There so handsome! She said almost squealing while I just rolled my eyes when she ranted about them since the left the court room.

Lia: You're father really rejected that prince? He's the strongest warrior in the whole Kore-

Y/N: Pleas stop mentioning that topic.

Lia: I must admit if I ware you I would have gone against my fathers wishes and married him.

I sighed.

Y/N: Lia being a princess isn't all about marrying a prince or a King.

We both suddenly stopped when the prince of Songnam coming I my direction.

Y/N: Lia I think we should go back. I wispered yelled.

I grabbed her hand and was about to turn but his enchanting voice stopped me.

Jongin: It's not a good choice to run away from you're acquaintance, princess.

I took a deep breath before turning towards him.

Y/N: Do you need anything, you're highness?

Jongin: I need to have a conversation with you.

Lia quickly bowed towards him and run way, leaving me alone with him.

Jongin: Should I address you as a princess of Yeongin or as a servant of Seoul?

Y/N: Just Y/N please.

He smirked.

Jongin: If you're father wouldn't have stuck to his pride and gave his daughter to me instead of that old guy, you would been living as a queen. He said chuckling bitterly and started to approach me.

Y/N: Don't come closer.

He suddenly grabbed my wrist as I was about to turn around to run away from him.

Y/N: I seriously don't want to talk about it. I apologize on behalf of my father as he reluctantly turned you down and disrespected you.

Jongin: I like the way you revert you're decision, Y/N. He said smirking.

Y/N: Prince, I don't regret anything. Just let me go! Don't make me use violence.

???: Prince Jongin?! A loud voice interrupted the prince and he let go of my hand.

Jisung: What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be present in the court meeting?

Jongin: I was just taking to ... a friend. He said looking me in the eyes at the last part.

Suddenly loud footsteps ware heard which made Jisung turn to me. There he saw the king in the distance.
Jisung quickly grabbed my hand and looked at Jongin.

Jisung: She belongs to the Seoul kingdom so think before taking any action, prince.

Jisung walked away from the prince with me beside him.


Jongin: The prince of Seoul has something for her in his heart. He said smirking.

???: What does he have? Prince?

Jongin: oh! You're majesty. I didn't see you coming here.

Chaneyol raised one of his eyebrows and looked at him suspiciously.

Chaneyol: You seem close to her.

Jongin: You can say that.

Jongin: Let's go king. My sister is waiting for you.

Chaneyol: Sure.

They made there way towards the hall where the court meeting took place. The king sat on his main seat facing the prince of Songnam.

Chaneyol: Where is prince Junmyeon?

Jongin: He will join us later. He has some work.

The king nodded at his response.

Jongin: I'll come straight to the point, you're highness. My sister is the favorite child of my father. My father want her to marry a knight who must be a great warrior having potential as me. And he see's that that potential in you king. As princess Dahyun is the favorite of the queen of Seoul it would be an honor to make the bond between Seoul and Songnam stronger. What do you think about it king?

Chaneyol: I want to know what the princess of Songam think about this marriage. He said looking at the beautiful princess.

Queen: Of course she would say yes. Who doesn't want a brave warrior, almighty king of Seoul to be there husband? She said with a proud smirk visible on her red lips.

Chaneyol: Do you have any allegations on against this marriage. Princess Dahyun? I want to hear you first before I make my decision.

The princess looked at her brother
and the queen before getting up.

Dahyun: I have something to tell you, my lord.

Chaneyol: And what is it?

Dahyun: I am okey with the marriage, my lord. But-  she looked down and licked her cherry lips before preceding further.

Dahyun: I am n-not okey with the groom. she said and the queen immediately stood up. Anger boiling in her blood as she glared at the princess.
Jongin stood up and glared at the princess.

Jongin: Dahyun! Are you in you're right senses?

Chaneyol: Yes, Jongin.

Dahyun: The knight I have chosen is not Park Chaneyol.

Jongin: Then who is he?

Dahyun: Prince Park Jisung.

Chaneyol smirked internally as everything turned out just like he wanted.

Queen: That's absurd! Prince Jisung is still young- the queen got stopped by her own son.

Chaneyol: Queen!!! You cannot force a princess.

Chaneyol walked near the princess with his hand held behind him.

Chaneyol: Why didn't you tell before?

Dahyun: I-I was scared.

Chaneyol: If you like my brother, prince Jisung, then I don't have any problem with that. Turning down a King in court mating is disrespectful but I will go easy on you since you're a princess. Jeongyeon please ask Jisung about his opinion. If he accepts the proposal of princess Dahyun we may proceed to go to the further terms with Songnam. He said, the maid nodded and left.


Lia: Hurry up! We're gonna be late. It's time for the royal lunch.

Y/N: I'll join you later.

Lia: Fine. She said picking up a big tray full with salad.

One by one the maids ware going towards the dining room with the trays. I waited for the water to boil as prince Jimin demanded warm water after his meal.

The maids froze when the saw the king standing next to the door watching Y/N.

Chaneyol: Everyone out.

The maids Howard towards him before rushing out of the room. Y/N's heart dropped in her stomach when he closed the kitchen door before making his way towards her.

She remained at her spot as her gaze was fixed on him.

Y/N: King do you n-need anything?

Chaneyol: How's you're health?

Y/N: It's fine. She said and he slowly wrapped his hand around her waist. His slight touch sent shivers through her nerves making her body tremble.

His lips twitched in a smirk as he felt his slight action made a big effect on Y/N's body.

Her hands ware tightly clenched into fists not knowing what to do.

Chaneyol leaned closer towards her, pressing her against the wall.

Chaneyol: You're beauty is attracting many men that I don't personally like. And trust me, I hate it so much. I need to show them who you belong to, dove.

Y/N: You're majesty, I don't belong to anyone.

Chaneyol: You belong to me, dove. He whispered making her heart pump furiously in her rib cage.

She grabbed his sark as she felt his lips slowly touching you're left ear.

Y/an: W-what are you doing? She whispered slowly.

Chaneyol: Claiming what's mine.

A soft gasp left her cherry lips again as his lips started to caress her neck.

She could've pushed him, punched him, screamed for help but her body was reacting in a different way. His touch felt like soft rain on a summer evening.

Her body scent, her soft skin under his lips, her gasp, her heated body giving him the warmth was making him crazy. It felt like explosions of the best taste in the universe perfectly blending in his heart.

She liked the new feelings. His soft lips slightly brushing her cheeks, almost lightly like the wings of a butterfly. Some part of her body wanted to pull him in and kiss him and the same goes for him.

A sudden soft voice escaped from her lips when his lips kissed on her sweet spot, slowly sucking the skin making it red. A feeling of nervous poked her stomach when he pulled her closer in his arms.

Y/N: Ahh~Stop!

She tried to slightly push him away but his strong arm didn't let her go of.

Chaneyol: Whenever a man comes near you, he should know that you are Park Chaneyol's, the king of Seoul claimed you, dove. He said as he laid his thumb on her lips, slowly rubbing them while staring in her eyes which reminded his of lotus flowers.

Y/N: Why do you want to claim me so badly?

Chaneyol: I'll tell you the reason when the right time arrives. He said pulling her lower lip with his thumb. His stares now shifted towards her pink, soft, hydrated lips.

He bit down his lower lip at the sudden rush of savoring her delicate lips came to his mind.
He slowly leaned towards her wanting to lock lips with her.

He stopped when his lips ware almost touching her's, when he finally inhaled her breath. She didn't move any muscle making him wonder if you wanted it or not.

Chaneyol quickly pulled himself away from her as the sudden realization hit him what he was actually doing. His mind was not in the right place in that moment. He looked at her flustered self in shook.

He backed ff as the thought that the king was almost made out with a maid, a maid he hates the most? He looked at the mark on her neck

This is wrong. He thought.

Chaneyol: Forget about the thing that just happened... and try to hide that mark...

He mentally cursed himself for being so possessive over her.

She slowly nodded her head as she was embarrassed. Chaneyol turned around and left the kitchen, leaving Y/N alone.

Y/N control you're self. You're not here to have a romance... you're here to find him.
She mentally noted.


The queen hit her favorite antique vase against the mirror making it break down in peace's.

Queen: Why does Jisung always come in the middle of everything?! First he snatched away fathers love from Chaneyol and now his bride?! Hell no! I am not letting this happen.

???: You look distressed, Queen.

The queen quickly turned around to see the prince of Songnam right next to her door.

Queen: What are you doing here prince Jongin? She said with a cold voice while he just chuckled.

Jongin: Why be so rude queen? You seem to hate the younger prince too much.

Queen: Stay out of our family matter, prince.

Jongin: I won't stay any longer in you're family once the Jisung marries my sister?

Queen: No! She will marry my son, Chaneyol! Do you want you're sister to rule the Seoul kingdom with Chaneyol? Jisung is just a spawn in this in this place. You really want her to be hated in this palace like Jisung is?

Jongin's smirk dropped down when the queen questioned.

Queen: He's not even full royal blood. I need Chaneyol to marry you're sister.

Jongin: Why do you want my sister to be the bride?

Queen: Because she has the potential to rule the kingdom like me. My son is just like his father... naive.

The prince rolled his tongue through his inner cheek as he understood what she meant.

Jongin: Fine. I will make her marry you're son.

Her expression turned to cheerful but soon dropped as he spoke further.

Jongin: But on one condition.

Queen: And what is that? She said rising one of her brows.

Jongin: I want Oh Y/N to be mine.

Queen: That's impossible!

Jongin: If you want my sister to marry Chaneyol then give me Y/N... One week. I'll give you whole week to think about it. Or see you're son in the hands of my sister. Have a nice day queen.

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