Draco Malfoy Imagines

By hogwartseclipse

90K 1.4K 553


i put a spell on you
guilt & regret
he's in love (part one)
he's in love (part two)
record player
put up with my bullshit (part one)
put up with my bullshit (part two)
everywhere but me
authors note :(
drunk dray
tradition (part one)
tradition (part two)
tradition (part three)
a sunday kinda love
pleasure over treasure
what are you looking at?
spending the years together (part one)
whatever happens, i love you
dating draco would include

spending the years together (part two)

2.1K 42 20
By hogwartseclipse

sorry this took so long to come out-


year four-

Draco observed you as you fangirled over the Durmstrang boys- especially Viktor Krum. Your eyes glued onto him, as were many other girls', your jaw basically on the floor. Who could blame you? I mean, he is famous, and the sexiness is just a bonus.

"Oh grow up Y/N/N, I thought your standards were way higher than some rusty old Durmstrang bloke!"

"Weren't you the one making a fool of yourself trying to pluck up a conversation with him? Oh and yeah, weren't you the one who was supposed to go to Durmstrang?"

"Yeah...well that's...different" his voice lowered as his sentence went on.

"Draco it's really not different, you're just a big of a fan as I am!"

"Oh please! You don't see me drooling over him do you?" he snapped back

"You're just jel-"

"Jesus Christ! Have you two stopped bickering yet?! It's like sitting with an old married couple!" Blaise complained from beside you both.

The three of you sat in a fairly uncomfortable silence until you were incapable of holding it in any longer.

You clapped your hand to your mouth, bursting into a fit of giggles, your face turning a light shade of red. There you were, sat like a fool, laughing your head off, and all Draco could think about was how utterly adorable you looked in the moment

"I'll leave you love birds alone now, you're grossing me out" blaise had a slight scowl on his handsome face as he stood up and left the great hall

You glanced at Draco, a beaming grin still on your face which made his heart warm.

Truth is, ever since the end of last year Draco has totally fallen head over heels for you. He'd realised that you made him feel a way that nobody ever has, you made his heart thump and his smile grow. You knew everything about each other, so Draco had every reason to love you. You're everything he thinks about. In his eyes, you're the most gorgeous, precious, loving person in the world, and your were his!....-best friend.

It was pretty bloody obvious to everyone around you that the pair of you were made for each other. In fact, a lot of people in the years below you shipped you like crazy, desperate for the pair of you to become the power couple of Hogwarts.

Draco sought his opportunity in the upcoming Yule Ball. Every student, every teacher was talking about this ball.

Balls weren't unusual for Draco, he was often, much to his dismay, dragged to balls and parties by his mother and father. So therefore, Draco knew all the delicacies, and best of all he knew how to dance

He knew you were unfamiliar with fancy balls, which is why you were so ecstatic about it. He wanted to make that night the most special of your life, and the most special of his, too.

(time skip a few weeks)

"Come on Malfoy, if you don't just ask her already, someone else will!" blaise lectured him as they laid in their beds in their shared dormitory

"But what if she says no?" Draco asked a little too quickly

"You're a Malfoy! Who in their right mind would say no to you?"

Draco shot up from his bed and rushed to his mirror "You're right.." he tightened his tie and ran a hand through his perfect locks "You're right...She'd be stupid to say no to me, I am the Slytherin Prince after all" Draco's ego was now through the roof

Blaise chuckled to himself as his best friend strutted out of their room. The dark skinned boy settled down into his green silky sheets, thankful his chatty friend had left.

As soon as he shut his eyes, loud and fast footsteps made their way back into the room, a now less confident looking Draco following them "W-What do I say? Blaise what do I say??"

Blaise contributed to the 'conversation' with a groan before grabbing a pillow and tossing it at his best friend

"Mind my hair you bleeding idiot!" Draco shouted, his hands quickly making their way to fix his platinum hair.

"Mate just go. It's nearly curfew, knowing her she'll be off to bed soon" Blaise finalised

"Yeah....yeah right..." He took a deep breath before, once again, strutting out of the dorm and into the quiet hallways.

You were sat in the courtyard, admiring the night sky in a peaceful silence. You were absentmindedly tapping your fingers to the rhythm of your favourite song- Draco would always recommend you songs to listen to, and you thought it was so sweet

Draco searched through the school until he saw your beautiful y/h/c hair in the courtyard. He stood a few meters behind you, panic rushing through his veins. He fiddled with one of the many rings on his fingers before tapping you lightly on the shoulder

"Dray! Hi!" you greeted him with an enthusiastic smile, patting the space next to you for him to sit

He sat himself down next to you, his ego plummeting to the floor "W-what are you doing out here? It's a bit late isn't it?" he questioned

"Oh I was just watching the stars...Look!" you pointed up at the starry night sky "That constellation right there, it's called Draco, I found it in a textbook in astrology and I completely forgot to tell y-"

Draco was so mesmerised by your knowledge. He felt like a celebrity- what with you telling him about a constellation which shared his name.

"Go out with me! Er-er to the ball of course! You know? The Yule Ball? Shut up Draco, course she knows about the Yule Ball, E-er you don't have to! It's just a suggestion I-"

"Shut up you blabbering moron of course i'll go with you" you giggled at his frantic state

He gulped and scratched the back of his neck. "But like...as friends..?" he questioned

You paused, gazing at your feet. You could feel Draco's stare  bore into your side profile as he awaited an answer

He placed his pale hand ontop of yours and used his other to lift your chin so the pair of you were looking at each other

"Whatever is the matter darling?" concern etched onto his handsome face

You gulped, a shaky hand making it's way up to draco's cheek, trying your best to hold back any tears that were brimming in your eyes

"Uh-umm.." your voice almost as shaky as the hand on Draco's cheek "Oh shit I'll just show you"

Before Draco could give another of his charming replies, your lips were attached to his and the pair of you were enduring a slow, passionate kiss- obviously not the best kiss as you were both inexperienced, but to you and go Draco it was the most perfect kiss in the world..

His hands made their way to your waist, pulling you closer every time you lips touched, your hands were tangled in his beautiful blonde locks.

It felt like the pair of you were floating, a huge weight lifting off your shoulders'. Both relief and happiness pulsed through your body.

Running out of breath, you pulled away from Draco's addictive lips. You stared into each other's eyes before you looked down and started to giggle like a naughty school child. You got to your feet and started jumping and dancing around squealing "I just had my first kiss!! With Draco! Oh Draco!" you dropped onto your knees in front of him, out of breath and in love. "Can you believe it Draco?" Me (you pointed at your chest) You! (you stuck your pointer finger at his chest) KISSING!!" you collapsed onto his arms, him releasing a cool chuckle and a genuine smile "I really can't believe it Y/N/N" he held you tight, in his warm, muscular arms, where you belonged

(time skip to Day of the Yule Ball)

It was three hours before the ball was to commence. Draco could be found in his dorm room, goofy and hyper about the night that was awaiting him

Finally, he was going to take his girl out and give her the night of her dreams, treat her like the real princess she is.

He was all dressed in his fancy tuxedo, standing in the mirror doing his hair whilst dancing along to "Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy" by Queen.

If anyone saw him like this, he would be extremely embarrassed. Draco Malfoy, bad boy gone soft? Over a girl? That's a sight only you would ever get to see.

He looked into the mirror, wondering what you were doing right now. Were you as giddy as him? He thought of seeing you in a beautiful dress, a smile on your face, looking ethereal, it made his heart jump. In just a few minutes would that dream become a reality.

Draco gazed impatiently at the expensive watch on his wrist. He decided it was about time to leave for he wanted to be early so that he could welcome you down the stairs. So he set off, excitement rushing through his body and a skip in his step.

Draco leant against the wall in the entrance hall among the other students in dresses and robes. He didn't even spare a glance at another girl, knowing there was no way they could ever compare to you. He tapped his foot on the ground nervously as the doors to the beautifully decorated hall opened, he panicked.

You hadn't arrived yet.

He looked up and saw the squealing girls grabbing their partners and rushing into the ball. But where were you? Draco was beginning to think you'd ditched him, lead him on and made him look like a fool. That's until he turned his head towards the grand staircase

There you were. Stood at the top of the staircase, your gorgeous gown hugging the perfect curves of your body. Draco's eyes widened, his jaw dropped as his eyes fixed onto you, totally lost in a gaze. You gracefully made your way down the stairs, your dress making it seem as though you were floating, your hair looked perfect, not a strand out of place.

The prince finally had his princess

You made your way in front of your love struck boy, taking in all of his handsome-ness. He looked spectacular in his tux and his hair fluffy and slightly messy, just how you liked it.

"Y-you look stunning my dear.." Draco breathed, his hand making its way to gently tuck your hair behind your ear

"Not too bad yourself, lover boy" you giggled, pushing his shoulder playfully. "Now, care to join me in this fairytale?" you motioned towards the ball

"Don't mind if I do, gorgeous" he smiled

The pair of you danced the night away, no matter how tired you got you carried on dancing, even with the ache your heels were giving your feet. You wanted to make the most of this night with your boyfriend. You drank, of course Draco made sure your drinks weren't being spiked, you sang and you smiled. Your smile didn't leave your face the whole night, and neither did Draco's. Although he was at the young age of 14, he felt complete. Like he had everything he would ever need in life, and that's you. You made him feel euphoric. And he had the exact same effect on you.


year five-

Your fifth year at Hogwarts only brought you and Draco closer. As your relationship progressed, you slept in the same bed together, had several dates and practically did everything together

Draco would often walk you to your classes, give you cuddles in the common room by the fire and take you on dates to the village of Hogsmeade

That was until that stupid pink bitch arrived.

Everything changed since Umbridge basically took over the place.

Boys and girls are no longer allowed within 8 inches of each other, meaning you and Dray can't walk to class together, go on dates, cuddle. You're basically permitted to see each other. It's awful

The most annoying thing is, Draco has decided to side with the silly pink toad. He reassured you that it was to keep you both safe and out of trouble, and you trusted him.

Him being a prefect had its pros. He would help you sneak up to the astronomy tower after curfew where you'd spend a few, lustful moments together- considering they were the only moments you shared recently

Draco knew the effect it had on you, and he hated it. He hated seeing you across the classroom looking so dull, he just wanted to wrap you in his warm bed and give you all the love in the world. He only asked for the pair of you to stay away from each other because he'd seen the terrible scars multiple students had on their hands when leaving detention with Umbridge- he would never forgive himself if that happened to you, especially under his watch.


It was a Saturday evening, the day Draco would usually sneak you both up to the astronomy tower for a few blissful moments together.

Not tonight

He had apologised profusely in a letter he wrote to you, explaining that his 'inquisitorial squad" duties are becoming more and more demanding.

He was ordered to patrol the halls every night this week, meaning he could no longer spend the little time with you he already had

It saddened you. You wanted the old Draco back so badly- you knew it wasn't his fault but...you missed his touch, his kisses, his deep conversations, his smile, his morning voice. You even missed the snarky comments he would make. Just anything from him and you would be thankful

You were sat in an alcove, in one of Hogwarts quietest hallways. Your back rested against the hard, cold, stone wall and your knees were tucked up to your chest.

All these sad thoughts suddenly clouded your mind and tears began pooling in your eyes. You used to your hand to muffle the sound of your sobs, your body shaking.

You tried your very best to stay silent but it was so hard when you were finally letting all of your emotions out. Your sniffles could be heard down the corridor as could your occasional sobs.

Your body jolted and your breath hitched as you heard heavy footsteps echo through the corridor. You tried your best to conceal yourself behind a statue, but it was too late. The person had already seen you

"It's past curfew, students should be in bed, so that means detention for you" a cold voice snarled at you. It was Draco. Was he really sending you to detention after swearing to protect you?

You stepped away from the stature, looking up at your lover in fear "Draco..I thought you said-"

"Oh darling it's you! I'm so sorry" He pulled you into an engulfing hug "I'm not sending you there don't worry baby..." he rubbed your back in a circular motions

"Dray...Dray I really miss you" your words came out muffled as you were resting into his shirt, but he knew exactly what you were saying.

As he felt his shirt growing wet with your tears he kissed your head "darling i know...and believe me i miss you too but i can't bear you getting hurt"

"Draco i don't care if she hurts me i just want to be with my fucking boyfriend" you pulled away from his embrace, looking up at him with red puffy eyes and an exhausted expression

His body softened at seeing you in such a state "Look...how about you go up to my dorm...make sure you're not seen...and i'll come up after i'm done..how does that sound?" he reasoned.

"okay well...don't be too long" you mumbled, kissing his cheek a few times before sneaking off to his dorm and laying amongst his heaps of blankets and pillows. You wrapped yourself up in blankets on his side of the bed, taking in the lovely scent of his cologne

You waited and waited, almost falling asleep before you heard the familiar footsteps of your boyfriend coming up the stairs. He came into his dorm and greeted you with a big, cheesy smile
He took off his shirt and put a pair of grey joggers on before clambering into bed next to you, pulling you into a long awaited cuddle. He kissed your head and held you just the way you liked it. Your legs were tangled together and your faces just mear centimetres away, you could feel his warm breath against your skin.

If only it could stay this way...


year six and seven-

Umbridge was now gone. Sooo everything would go back to normal right?


You spent the summer before sixth year with Draco at Malfoy Manor. Your poor baby was forced to become one of his followers. The Dark Lord's followers. Draco Malfoy was now a death eater. And there was nothing either of you could do to change that

But if there was anything you could do, that was support him. That came without thinking. Multiple times Draco would curl up in your lap and cry, cry about 'what a monster he'd become.' You sat, and listened to him pour his heart out before you would comfort him. Tell him that you were there and you weren't leaving, ever.

You were Draco's only source of energy. His only reason to get out of bed in the morning. His only reason to keep breathing...

Why on earth would you ever think about leaving someone so vulnerable?

Deep down, you both knew a war was awaiting in the wizarding world. But you both chose to avoid discussing it with each other, for it would only make the mood for sombre and dull.

Draco obviously wasn't the same anymore. The skull-snake tattoo on his left forearm was reason for that.

You made sure you stood by him, because you knew he'd do the same for you if it was the other way round.

Draco was emitted a task from the Dark Lord, to fix the vanishing cabinet in the room of requirement.

You didn't blame him for putting all of his time and effort into this, for you knew his life was on the line. You even volunteered to keep watch outside the room of requirement since Crabbe and Goyle were about as much use as a book in the dark.

You now both slept in the same bed together without failure, for if you didn't, Draco would have nightmares about the Dark Lord and wake up in a pool of tears and sweat.

You were his safe haven, and although he didn't tell you enough, he really fucking appreciated you

Even after Voldemort was killed and the wizarding world was at ease, Draco clung to your side, scared to let you go. He had no need to be scared, for it had never crossed your mind to leave him.

The pair of you now lived in a cosy cottage in the countryside. Life was simple. You and Draco lived life how you had always dreamed you would, peacefully and contently. Nothing, and I mean nothing, could tear you two apart.

(this isn't proofread) BUT THANK U SO MUCH FOR 8K! my friend said she'd by me a doughnut when i get to 10K so 😉😉

i love u have a great day/night

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