tradition (part three)

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It's been a week since the whole cheating episode. Draco Malfoy was a name that nobody cared for anymore. When students saw him in the corridors, they'd move as far away as possible, as if he had some sort of cheese touch. When he spoke in class, his peers would whisper and snicker to their partners.

Why? Because he'd broken the heart of the girl every boy wanted. He'd cheated on the girl other girls could only dream of being. He had used the girl every student wanted to be friends with. That girl of course, was you.

At first, you loved the fact that everyone had turned against Draco to support you. You thought that what he did was unacceptable and you definitely weren't going to forgive him any time soon.

But you being you, did feel bad. Yes, what he did was wrong but surely nobody deserves to be treated like dirt because of one slightly huge mistake?

One thing was for sure and that was nobody was going to know you felt bad for Draco Malfoy, the boy who'd done such horrible things to you. Simply because you loved the attention you were getting. Everyone and their best friend wanted to talk to you, reassure you and be your friend. It was like you were some sort of celebrity- and you loved it


It was the end of another typical day of classes. You were casually strolling the hallways, making your way to the library with your hair flowing behind you and your eyelashes curled to perfection. You looked stunning...some might say it was the break up that gave you such a glow up..and you thought they were right

You smiled softly at the first-year girls whispering to each other about you. Not bad things of course, they were simply just admiring you, which you thought was adorable. You'd always loved the thought of having a younger sibling..or maybe even a kid. You'd even thought about your future with Draco and if you'd have any children for yourself, but that thought quickly became irrelevant

You made your way to your usual spot in the library and set your heaps of books down on the desk. Looking along the bookshelves in front of you, your eyes scanned for a copy of "Standard Book Of Spells" but you just couldn't seem to find one.

As if someone was reading your mind, a large, veiny hand holding the exact book you were looking for, reached in front of you. Confusion enveloping your mind, your eyes travelled up along the long, lanky arm and were met with the familiar face of your cheating ex-boyfriend. Draco Malfoy.

"Oh-uh..thanks Malfoy" you mumbled before taking the textbook out of his ring clad hands. Stay calm Y/N, Stay calm

Without saying a word, he gave a weak smile and turned around to leave- that was before you grabbed his slim wrist and turned him around to face you once more

" don't have to be nice to me you know? for me to forgive you..." you said making sure no one was around to eavesdrop, for they would definitely tell you you were making a terrible decision

But they didn't know the truth. The truth is you missed him. No matter how much he hurt you, nothing could ever stop you from loving that stinky ferret.

You missed the way he held you. The way he would come alive whenever he saw your smile or heard your laugh. You missed his voice telling you good morning and good night, the comfort of his arms. God dammit you missed him like mad.

"There's no way you'd forgive me Y/N, and I don't blame you if you don't." his heart looked as though it was breaking, much like yours did the day you found out he'd been cheating

"Draco I would, I know it's wrong but I would. I don't know if i'm the only one but...I can't get you out of my fucking head!" You didn't quite realise what you had said until'd said it.

"But Y/ have a reputation to uphold now, surely they're more impor-"

"Draco if you won't let me forgive you just go" you said sternly, a tone that always scared him- even if he would admit it

"Alright...alright..Go on then forgive me.." he said, cocking his brow up and giving you a cheeky smile.

You looked down at your feet, holding back a giggle. "Alright...prove to me..that you're worth a second chance" you lifted your head to meet his dazzling gaze

"Oh please! Could you make it any easier?" he said smugly whilst taking your left hand and placing his right on your waist.

Checking to see no one else was around, he started humming your favourite slow song, leaning down by your ear so you could hear it nice and clear.

You rested your forehead on his shoulder and melted into his embrace while he started to sway the two of you back and forth. The safe smell of his strong cologne filled your nose and you smiled happily to yourself.

Out of nowhere, Draco grasped your right hand tighter and span you around, making your hair flow around you which only made you look even more beautiful. Your squeals and laughs echoed through the empty library.

In that moment, you caught a glance of the blonde's smile...his genuine smile...

You knew at that moment that you could forgive him. Seeing that genuine smile, one you knew only you could make him perform. One only you were lucky enough to see. Surely this meant he still loved you?

Maybe you were being too nice. Or too forgiving. But you didn't care, you needed him and he needed you and that's all that matters. Who cares if you lose the interest of all of your new 'fans'? If you were happy that's all that you cared about, and as long as you had Draco by your side again you knew you could take on the world

"So? What do you say then darling?" he asked, acting like a real gentleman which only made you giggle.

"Alright I forgive you" Draco's genuine smile returned, as did the brightness in his eyes. "But only on one condition." his face contorted into one of worry. "You never, ever hurt me again, because if you do, you'll have about 400 people coming after you. You understand Mr??" you said raising your perfectly plucked brows.

"Of course my love, I won't hurt you. But just to let you know darling I could easily take all 400 of you out with the flick of my wand"

There he was, the Draco you knew and loved. God he was just so addictive

Maybe you would put an end to the old family tradition after all.


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