whatever happens, i love you

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(takes place in 6th year)

It hurt. Seeing Draco like this; so thin, so pale, so weak. It hurt not seeing his smile, hearing his laugh or smelling his cologne on your own bedsheets. It even hurt to say that he was hurting, because there was nothing you could do to help such a hopeless person..

After the evening Draco ripped up his shirt sleeve to show you the deadly mark tattooed into his left forearm, he'd stayed away from you. No conversations, no communication, no nothing. Yes that hurt you, but you couldn't possibly imagine the pain Draco was going through right now.

Draco has always been hard to read. He's not always been a one for showing his emotions or telling you his thoughts- which really isn't helping the situation

All you wanted to do was help. Help him get through this- not that he'd told you exactly what it is he's going through. Nevertheless, you're his girlfriend, and if anyone should be there for him it should be you.

So the next morning, you walked to his table at breakfast. He was sat alone, his chin resting on his pale hand, dazing off into the distance. You perched yourself opposite him, he still hadn't stop daydreaming

"Dray..." nothing "Earth to Draco?" still nothing

You rolled your eyes and kicked his shin under the table- for attention purposes only. He quickly turned to look at the person in front of him, a scowl on his face, until it softened when he realised it was you

"Hey Draco." you said casually, your lips curled up into a small smile

He gave you a half hearted smile, resorting to look anywhere but you.

You looked down, but you couldn't give up yet, that'd be pathetic.

"Do you want to go for a walk later? It's a hogsmeade weekend...we could go?" you offered, trying your best to look happy

He looked down at his fingers and started playing with his rings. "No..I uhm..i'm busy" he mumbled, barely audible, but you heard it loud and clear

"Oh well...we could....we could just have a sleepover? I-I'll get some snacks and blankets? If you're up for it of course" you reasoned, trying your best to keep composed and cool.

"No I've uh..got detention"

"Late at night?" you questioned

"Yes. Late at night" he mumbled, still not looking at you

"Okay..well if you have any homework I could help you with i-"

"I don't want your fucking help! Get that through your thick skull!" he slammed his fists onto his table, getting up and striding out of the hall

You followed his pursuit "You might not want my help Draco, but you sure as hell need it!" You had to jog to keep up with his fast pace as he continued down an empty corridor

You shook your head when he gave you no response, you could see him clench his fists. He was angry and you needed to calm him down, an angry Draco is a sight nobody wants to see.

You grabbed his wrist, tightening your grip so he couldn't let go without hurting you, and turned him around to face you.

"Draco..." you breathed.. "Please just let me help you...that's all I want to do" you cupped his face, making him look at you for the first time for that day, week, month..

"You can't...you can't help me, no one can.." He pulled his face away from your hands, again looking anywhere but at you

"Draco i know...i know you're hurting...you keep pretending you can handle it on your own but we both know you can't..You..you feel pressured a-and you want to distance yourself because you don't want me getting hurt, right? You feel...vulnerable.."

That last bit of your speech seemed to catch his attention, his head whipped to look at you, his eyes dark and his jaw clenched

"What did you just say?" he asked, a cold look on his face

"I-I said you feel..vulnerable-"

Before you could even begin to reason with him, he'd grabbed your shoulders and slammed you against the hard, stone wall. His breathing was heavy and he towered over you

You gulped, your eyes swimming with tears "D-Dra-"

"STOP TRYING TO GET IN MY FUCKING HEAD!" he roared. His body seemed to soften after that, his shoulders dropped and he let go of his grip on you, his breathing going back to normal "It's too dark for you up there, darling" tears were now pooling in his own icy eyes.

"Darling..my life is too dangerous right now...you're not safe when you're with me anymore..i-i do want to do all those things with you but..it's too risky...i-i don't want it to be like this baby but I have a job...a job..he..wants me to complete..a-and if I don't then...then.."

"Then what...Draco?" you spoke softly

"H-he'll kill you..and mother..and possibly myself Y/N I can't let that happen-" he started rambling again and you gently shushed him, stroking his tears away.

"I understand Draco...you don't think I do..but i know you better than anyone..probably better than you even know yourself....I'll do whatever it takes to keep us safe...even if it means staying away from you, my love" you spoke softly, as if if you are to speak any louder, it would shatter his heart even more.

"Just know..whatever happens, that I love you Y/N Y/L/N..forever and always"

"And I love you too Draco Malfoy...forever and always..no matter what"

He then wasted no time in smashing his lips onto yours. You endured a long, passionate kiss, as if it was the last the pair of you would ever share, though it might be....you didn't know.

You kissed and kissed until you both ran out of air...you looked into his eyes...and you prayed that when the war comes..that you'll make it through together...for you had no idea how you'd live your life without Draco Malfoy by your side

I love u, have a great day/night

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