Bones (completed)

By kalliegrey22

26.5K 658 165

Bones and Booth work together to solve crimes. They have Parker and Cristine and they live in DC, and it bas... More

Intro (background)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Cristine's fever
Coming Home
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
23: The First Day

Chapter 10

849 24 5
By kalliegrey22

Back at home:
"Mommy. Come here! Il y a une yeux dans le toilette!" Cristine shouts.
"What?! Cristine, what are you talking about? How can there be an eye on the toilet?" I shout, running to where my daughter is.
"Je ne sais pas, mais as-tu une fourchette de salade that I can use to take the eye out?" Cristine asks.
"Gods no! I'll call Cam and have her come over to take it out to take DNA samples from it. We may have another murder case here!" I say excitedly. Cristine squeals in delight.
I pull my phone out and go to Cam in my contacts.
"Cam, there's an eyeball in my toilet. Cristine wanted to fish it out using salad tongs but I stopped her. Can you come over and do a DNA test on it to see who's eye it is? We may have a murder case here." I say.
"Okay. I'll be over in twenty minutes." Cam says.
"Thank you!" I say and we hang up.
"Bones, Cristine, why is there so much noise coming from the-" Booth asks, taking a peek at what we were staring at. "That is disgusting. Why is there an eye in our toilet."
"Daddy! Mommy thinks it could be a murder case!" Cristine says with just as much enthusiasm as me when I told her just a few minutes ago.
"Have you called Cam?" Booth asks me.
"Of course! I couldn't let Cristine here fish it out using salad tongs, could I?" I asked my fiancée.
"I think it could be an interesting project, once she's old enough. And maybe use a cow eye next time." Booth says.
"Booth, this wasn't an experiment or project! Cristine was about to pee and she saw the eye! I was in another room!" I tell him. "But the cow eye does sound like fun." I say aloud.
"When she's older, right?" Booth asks.
"Of course. And I'd need to get all the appropriate equipment from Cam anyway. Like surgical scissors, a scalpel, gloves, masks, forceps, and a stainless steel tray." I lost.
Booth looks at me. "Fine. I won't do the project with her until she's 10." I say reluctantly.
"Okay. There's my Bones! Oh! I think I just heard he doorbell!" Booth says.
"I'll get it!" Chimes Cristine.
Booth and I look at each other. We shrug.
Cristine runs over to the door and opens it to a smiling Cam.
"Cristine, can you show me the eyeball?" Cam asks.
"Yeah! Follow me Cam!" Cristine says, and takes Dr Saroyan's hand and leads her to the bathroom. Cam looks in the toilet. She looks back at me, and points to the toilet.
Bones (not the person, but human remains) had popped up through the pipes.
I look at the bones once and eu to the other bathroom. Booth follows me to make sure that I'm okay.
I hunch over the toilet and throw up. I've never gotten sick by looking at human remains before. It must be this kid. Oh! Booth doesn't like to look at human remains, so this kid is defiantly his. Well, who's else's would it be? Uh, his... And Cristine never made me sick, and she asked to fish out the eye with salad tongs. She is defiantly not squeamish.
I finally finish releasing my stomach contents into a ceramics bowl, and wipe my face and head back tongue crime scene.
"Dr Brennan? You okay?" Cam asks.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a bit sick is all. But I'll be fine by 9am. Which is just one hour away! Time flies when your having fun!" I say. 
"Alright. I've got the eye, and will run a DNA test on it when I get back to the lab. Angela can run a search for missing persons from 3 weeks ago, judging by the rate of decomp on these bones. I can take the bones too, if you'd like, and run a DNA test on the flesh to see if it matches the eye." Cam said.
"Thank you. We will be in within the next hour." I tell Cam.
"Okay. I'll just be off then." Cam says, and shows herself to the door.

"Cristine, can Daddy and I talk to you in the living room please?" I ask the little girl who is bouncing up and down.
"Yeah, about what?" She asks.
"Just wait a few minutes." I tell her. She stops bouncing.
Booth and I walk into the living room and wait for Cristine to come in.
"Cristine, where are you?" Booth calls.
"Daddy! I'm coming! I just saw more stuff come out of the toilet!" Cristine exclaims.
"Cristine baby, the bones can wait. We need to tell you a few things." I say.
"Okay Mommy! I'm coming!" Cristine says and we then hear little feet quickly padding against the hard wood floors.
She comes in and sits on the section of couch that's across from us.
"Cristine, Mommy and I need to tell you two things, okay?" Booth says.
"First thing, Cristine, you're going to be a big sister!" I say.
"How?" Cristine asks.
I look at Booth. He doesn't know what to say either. "Well, there is a baby inside of me. And when the baby wants to meet you, he or she will come out of me and meet their big sister!" I try to explain in English (also knows as simple terms that you would use to explain stuff to a child).
"Cool! And what else?" Cristine asks.
"Well, Mommy and I are getting married!" Booth says.
"But I thought you already were?" Cristine says.
"No, when you were like this baby in my tummy now, Daddy and I were work partners. We moved in together, and you met us soon after that!" I explain "But now, Daddy and I will never leave each other, or you and the baby. Okay? That's what getting married means." I say.
'Well, at least, that's what it should be...' I think quietly.

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