Forced to Love

By _ColorMePurple_

125K 3.1K 531

"Don't leave." he takes my hand in his and looks me in the eyes that are full of different emotions now and I... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Author's Note
Author's Note/ New book

Chapter 2

4.6K 116 24
By _ColorMePurple_

It was that time. The time when I would leave my family to live with a man I barely knew, the man I will spend the rest of my life with even though I didn't want to. But I need to do this, I need to help my father. I loved my father dearly, he always took good care of my sister and me no matter the fact that he was married by arrangement, that didn't make him love his children any less and that's why I'm willing to do this. He loved us so much and I want to repay him for everything he did for us.

I felt a light hold on my shoulder bringing me back from my thoughts. I blinked as I looked at the mirror in front of me, still dazed by my looks. I always dreamed about this moment, but not like this. I stood in the small room of a church, getting ready for my wedding. I always thought I would be extremely happy and excited when that time came for me, but this isn't the type of wedding I always dreamed about and it made me sad that I will never be able to have one of my dreams come true.

I looked at myself. A simple white long dress with long laced sleeves covered my body. The dress was still beautiful even though it was so simple. My father wanted to get me the dress of my dreams but I didn't want him to spend more money on a dress for a fake wedding. Well fake for us but not for people that will attend to it.

I thought this marriage will be final with only signing some papers but my father and Mr. De Luca thought it would be better if we had a ceremony since they wanted to invite their colleagues and people that work with them so it seems more convincing.

My father announced the merging between his chain of work and Mr.Salvio's company a month ago. My father has a chain of restaurants and hotels around Italy, that's why he isn't around much since he has to travel to Italy from America often. And Mr. De Luca is an owner of an architect's company and soon that company would belong to his son. I learned that's why Lorenzo agreed to this. He wanted to lead the architect's company and not follow in his father's footsteps. His father's actual work wasn't something ordinary and definitely not something safe.

Mr. De Luca is involved in the mafia. He actually comes from a mafia family. He inherited it from his father. They make and sell weapons and drugs. Mr. Salvio wanted Lorenzo to follow his path, but Lorenzo never wanted to be a part of it, he wanted to follow in his mother's footsteps and be an architect. But he couldn't fulfill his dream unless he agreed to this marriage. His father would give the company to him, which was used as a cover for his mafia work, but he agreed that he will give it to his son if he went through this deal.

My father explained that with this contract he will be able to keep his hotels and restaurants, Mr. Salvio will pay for all of his bills that my father couldn't pay up anymore if he allows Mr. De Luca to hide his illegal work through his work as well. Mr. Salvio had to have safe insurance for his job in Italy as well and not just here in America, and my father would be able to provide that for him.

I wondered how my father even knew Mr. Salvio as he is a dangerous man from a dangerous family but my father explained some things and even revealed some family secrets he kept from us. He told me his grandfather and also his father were involved in the mafia as well. They weren't amongst some famous mafia names but they still were in that business. That's one of the reasons my father had to marry my mom. He also had to go through the deal his father made with the father of my mother. It was just so they could get free from the debt and from the mafia life.

After he told me everything I understood a little bit better why we had to go through this. I still worried because his father made a deal to be freed from the mafia, but my father made a deal with one once again. But Mr. Salvio reassured us that we will not be involved with those kinds of people in any way, it was just for the business matter and for legal reasons. That made me a little relieved but still, I didn't feel quite relaxed knowing what I'm being involved in.

I looked at my father who stood behind me through the mirror. He squeezed my shoulder softly, his eyes watering a little. I smiled sadly at him and he shook his head as if trying to shake off his tears. "You are beautiful my little angel" he whispered making me smile a genuine smile now. I turned around to face him wrapping my arms around his shoulders. He squeezed me into his famous bear hug. "It's time," my mother said angrily making me pull away from my father. She nor my sister didn't give me an easy time for this past month but my father made sure to handle it and protect me from more painful situations.

He smiled at me as he put his hand on my back leading me out of the small room. My heart picking up its pace as we are getting closer to the door that will lead me to my future husband. The door opens by two men that stand before them. As we reach them the piano music starts playing, a familiar melody we all know and my father wraps my arm around his as he urges me to start walking towards the altar.

I look down, trying to hide from everyone in here, especially from Lorenzo's cold stare. Good thing I have a veil covering my face or else he could see the fear in my eyes. His ones holding such a power that makes you shiver.

My father grabs my hand gently as we reach Lorenzo and the priest. He softly places my hand in Lorenzo's large one and he helps me up the one small step before the priest. I look up at him and he lets go of my hand, looking over at the priest giving him a sign that we can start with the ceremony. The priest smiles at both of us before going through the formalities.


As we exchanged our rings, the priest let out the famous and last line of this ceremony. "You may now kiss the bride" the priest smiled at us but I was a nervous wreck thinking if Lorenzo is really going to kiss me.

He came closer to me, lifting up the veil from my face. I nervously looked at him. His face still blank, his eyes connected to mine. I tried to look away, his ice blue piercing eyes staring into my soul, making me nervous but they held such a strong power that I wasn't able to look away, not even for a second.

He started leaning in, his breath fanning my face as he was only short inches away. I closed my eyes, waiting for the kiss. But it never came. I felt his thumbs on my lips and he kissed them instead, faking the kiss. I was glad in some way that he didn't actually kiss me because that would be my first ever kiss and I didn't want to lose it to someone I didn't have feelings for but I couldn't help but feel a little bit disappointed. It felt like I wasn't even worth the kiss. And his facial expression didn't make me feel any better as well. He had a small smirk on his face when I opened my eyes. It was like he knew what I was thinking, and he liked my reaction. That only made me feel worse.

I snapped out of my daze as loud cheers and claps erupted. I turned around looking at the people smiling at us. I recognized most of them. They worked for my father and for them this must be just another wedding they attend, not knowing this is all a scam.

Lorenzo reached out his hand for me, helping me to get down from the small stage before we went to our parents and to all the people who congratulated us. My father hugged me tightly and I could see he is crying as we pulled away. I smiled sadly at him, whipping the tears as he smiled at me. "My beautiful angel" he whispered, making me smile brightly before I hugged him again.

Mr. De Luca made us pull away as he ushered us to start leaving for the venue where we will have our reception. Even though I wasn't really in the mood for that we still had to go through it because of the people that came to this wedding. I just wish this day will end soon.


I would lie if I said I didn't feel uncomfortable in the back of the car that was driving me and Lorenzo to his house. Or now our house, our home.

It didn't feel right with me thinking that is our home. I didn't want to call it my home, but I reminded myself why I'm doing this and put that feeling aside.

I looked to my right. Lorenzo had his gaze out of the window. I could see it from here, his face still cold. I wondered if he ever had a different expression if he ever smiled. I noticed his jaw clenching and unclenching. I could understand that he feels the same as me, he feels uncomfortable. But still, he needs to relax or his jaw could hurt if he keeps doing that.

He shifted a little and I averted my gaze quickly out of my window. I could feel his eyes on me. I felt even more uncomfortable now. Staying still as if I moved he will do something. I didn't need to look at him to know he looks at me with that cold gaze of his, that is so dangerous it could take your breath away, but not in the way you would hope it would.

I gulped, trying not to move or look his way.

Please look away, please look away.

I chanted in my head and finally, he did as if he read my thoughts, but I think he could tell how he made me feel just by my body language.

I watched as we drove off the highway and into the suburbs. I guess we will arrive soon. All the houses on the street looked modern and beautiful. Some were one story high but most of them were two-story-high, some made of stone, some made of glass and some were a mix of the two.

I looked in front of me to see why we suddenly stopped. There was a gate that was opening, revealing the house that is behind it. I guess we arrived. The driver started the car again after the gate opened fully. He drove up on the driveway, stopping just before the garage. The driver turned the car off and got out before opening the door for me.

"Mrs. De Luca" he gestured with his hand as he smiled at me.

I couldn't help but feel bewildered at the name he used for me. De Luca. I guess that's how people will acknowledge me from now on if someone ever does. But still, I couldn't help but feel shocked.

I gave him a small smile in return before stepping out of the car. He closed the door behind me and went to the back of the car to get my bags out. I went towards him, wanting to help him but he nicely declined.

"It's all right Mrs. De Luca, you can go inside and I'll bring your bags in quickly" he smiled again and I just nodded before turning around and looking at the house.

It was beautiful. Two-story high, mostly made out of glass but some walls were made out of dark grey stone that seemed to shine under the lights. The front yard is nicely kept take care of, flowers and some tall trees by the gate covering it. The house seemed like it was hidden from the outside world by those trees but it still looked beautiful. Typical modern house. I wondered how the back of it looked but just from seeing the front I already loved it.

"After you're done with her bags, you are free to go Bruno. See you tomorrow" Lorenzo said to his driver that I now know is named Bruno. That's a really nice name. I think it suits him, he seems like a warm and welcoming person.

"Yes Mr. De Luca, see you tomorrow" Bruno turned towards Lorenzo who gave him a small nod before passing both me and Bruno. He didn't give me even a glance before entering the house. I smiled at Bruno one last time before following and walking towards the house.

As I tried to open the door, I realized it's locked and there is a panel with numbers that needs a code to enter the house. I sighed and turned towards Bruno that was now walking towards me.

"Umm do you know the passcode?" I asked quietly and Bruno stood up straight after he put my bags down. He shook his head before knocking on the door. " I don't know the code, Mr. De Luca doesn't give it so easily, only to the people he trusts the most" Bruno answered as we waited for the door to be opened.

He doesn't know the code? Does Lorenzo give it only to his most trustworthy people? So he didn't trust Bruno? But how can he not? He is his personal driver after all.

I shook my head. It's not my place to question anything.

After a few seconds, the door finally opened and a shirtless Lorenzo came into view. "What?" he asked kind of annoyed. Bruno chuckled lightly before answering. "You left us locked here, we don't know the code".

"Oh, right" was the only thing Lorenzo let out before turning around and walking away. I looked over at Bruno and saw him shaking his head before he grabbed my bags and gestured me to walk inside.

I held the door for Bruno before walking down the long hallway. The walls were grey and filled with the coating rack and two small paintings.

"I will leave your bags here Mrs. De Luca if that's okay with you. Do you need something else from me before I go?" Bruno asked and I turned around to face him. "Yes that's okay, thank you. You can go, I won't be needing anything, and have a good night". He smiled. "Good night Mrs. De Luca" Bruno said and left, closing the door after him.

I turned back around and walked down the hallway. At the end of it was a small table with a silver plate that held all kinds of different keys. I turned to my left after taking my coat off and hanging it on the coat rack. In the view came a big open living room, colored in black and silver with some wooden details. I could see just from this small part of the house that he liked dark colors and I think the whole house is decorated in dark aesthetics.

I scanned the living room. There were three big grey leather couches, a small wooden coffee table that stood in front of the fireplace, and above it a big tv hanging on the grey stone wall. From here I could see the kitchen, it was semi-open by the glass opening. I looked to my right from where I was standing. Big glass wall covering that side of the house, allowing the view of a lake to appear.

He had a freaking lake surrounding his house.

Rounding the dining table a little so I could stand in front of the glass wall and take in the view.

It's so beautiful.

I drifted my gaze away from the lake and almost jumped at the reflection of Lorenzo in the glass. He was standing behind me. My eyes widened and I turned around quickly facing him. He was still shirtless but his dress pants were now replaced with dark grey sweatpants and his hair was wet and messily ruffled.

He looked handsome...

Wait, what?! No no, he didn't, don't think about him like that!

I couldn't look away from him. He made me flustered looking like that. But can you blame me? I was never near a man, let alone a man looking like this!

"Take a picture. It would last longer" Lorenzo said snatching me from my thoughts and making me blush. I looked away, gulping. God, I felt so uncomfortable right now. He caught me basically ogling him.

"Alright. If you're done with staring come over here, we need to discuss some rules".

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