A God Arrives to Change Remna...

By Gry167

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Gryphon Light (the recently appointed "god of the multiverse") decides to test test his new powers properly b... More

Gryphon light's data/bio
Gryphon's other assets
The beginning
The plan begins
The shining beacon...FINALLY
The wicked witch knows
Meet up / THAT BIRD IS HUGE / 5 MAN?!
Giving the spartan a boost. / A gods grace.
Cute kitty / volume 1 end
Volume two start / No strings / Pro "tech" t
Persona.../ Barely threatening / Grooving
So you guys don't get too confused
Dance till you're dead / Trippin / Unto The Breach/ Volume 2 end
Volume 3 start / FIGHT! / Show em what's poppin / Idiots...
Illusions / Bass Boost / Demons in suits
Candlelight / Fuck Fate! / It's Time / all hands on deck
What is destiny to a god? / V3 end / V4 start / Step by step
Steppin on the beat / Run Run/ Family eh?
Beatdown / Time to talk / Two step
Gearing for a fight / There you are... / The strike team's first fight
Vol. 5 start / Haven / Dread it / unforseen consequences
Light a fire / I've seen that bird before... / Guess who's back
Together / Plan in Action / Color
Fight time again / The Vault / Raven is Badass / Haven's fate
Monsters on a Train. / Tell the Truth! / I Hate Tragic Love Stories.
Where secrets get you / Too Quiet / Don't Sleep
The First Reaper / Reunite / They Won't Mind If We Borrow It.
Stealth Mission / Grand Theft Airship / Fighting Titans
Azure Eclipse / Worst. Kingdom. Ever. / You aren't cuffing me.
1k reads!!!
Apprehended / Aces / Road Trip
The Roaring Fog / Sterling Ravens / King's Court Reunited
Dream Team / Merc Werk / To The Battlefield
How We Met/Putting an end to things Pt.1
Putting an end to things Pt.2 / Short Epilogue: The truth and The Arcana

Menagerie, a backhanded insult / over the edge / Didn't i kill you?

48 0 0
By Gry167

sorry for vanishing on you guys like that, i kinda got a little overwhelmed while writing but I'm gonna keep going now so wish me luck.




Gryphon is seen standing up face to face with his closest and dearest companion, Gwen Stevens, who has arrived on the world of remnant to aid our hero in his journey to change fate. Gryphon is more focused on Gwen's attire bearing a resemblance to what he was planning on equipping before got out of the forest let alone before she even got here


Gryphon: Sup. By the way, i like that new outfit.

Gwen: -_- Really? That's the reaction i get after i learn to hop dimensional planes to visit you?

Gryphon: Chill out icee, you just caught me off guard but I'm actually really ecstatic to see you again!

Gwen: (she puts her hands on her hips) Good! Now you need to explain yourself.

Gryphon: elaborate.

Gwen: Why are still holding back even after you told me you wouldn't?

Gryphon: (nervous chuckles) Okay yeah, you caught me alright, I guess i still had this notion in my head that this world wouldn't be able to handle the force of it....hehe my bad....

Gwen: Well? Let it all out! Right here! Right now!

Gryphon sighs at his lover and he faced the pond in front of the two and began to force his power outward changing his  clothing and warping his weaponry

Gwen: Lookin good! Lookin real good! Now then! Let's get over to the others, yeah?

Gwen summons her own version of gryphon's portals which delivers her weapons to her

Gryphon: alright let's get going. The others are gonna lose it when they see you.

An air horn sounds loudly. The black screen cuts to an offramp being lowered on the ship bearing Blake Belladonna and Sun Wukong to allow passengers to disembark. The town has many small buildings and homes set among dunes and palm trees. The town bell that has been ringing is shown in its belfry.

Sun and Blake make their way from the deck to the offramp. She proceeds without pause while Sun stops to look at the town.

Sun: Huh.

Several Faunus in summer wear meander casually at the dock, some waiting for friends or family among the new arrivals. The dock is also a commercial area, with mobile kiosks selling food and other wares. It is a relaxed atmosphere on a sunny day.

Sun is looking around while he and Blake disembark and walk through the market area together.

Sun: I've never seen so many Faunus in one place!

Blake: This is the one place everyone can feel safe, no matter who or what they are.

Sun: Wow, sure is, uh, crowded, huh?

Blake: Yes. Yes, it is.

Sun: (dodging a Faunus carrying a box) Is it always so... cramped?

Blake: Well, when you try and take an entire species and put them on an island that's two-thirds desert, yeah, it tends to be cramped.

Sun: What! You guys have that much more space? Why waste it? A little desert never hurt anyone!

Blake: It's not like the desert in Vacuo, Sun. The wildlife here is more dangerous than most other regions.

Sun: So, they give us a terrible island, in the corner of Remnant, to try and shut us up.

Blake: That's a pretty good summary, yeah.

Sun: Huh. Jerks.

Blake: We try to make the best of things.

The two pause in their walk to look at the view of the town the road affords. The road they are on goes downhill and to the side, bordered by palm trees and homes that have either canvas or wood roofs. The vista of palm trees spreads out to the edge of mountainous dunes in the distance. Right in the middle of all this is a large house with an open courtyard that the road appears to lead directly to. The house is at least three stories and is the only building in the whole area with a sophisticated roof.

Sun: Whoa...

Blake: This, is Kuo Kuana.

Sun: It's... beautiful. I take it all back. This place looks great! Why would anyone ever want to leave?

Blake: That's not the point, Sun! We asked to be equal, to be treated just like everyone else! Instead, we were given an island and told to make do. So we did the best we could. We came together and we made a home where any Faunus could feel welcome. But this island, this town, will always be a reminder that we're still not equal. (lowering her face) That we're still second-class citizens.

Sun: (putting his hand on her shoulder) Well, hey, this guy's feeling pretty at home.

Blake: Alright, time to go home.

Sun: Oh yeah? (moving his hand to her other shoulder and pulling her in) Which one's yours? Can you see it from here?

Sun uses his free hand like a visor to help him peer at the houses.

Blake: Kind of.

Sun: Is it that one? (pointing away from Blake) What about that tiny one down there? (pointing across Blake) I like the paintjob.

Blake: (taking Sun's intruding arm by the wrist and directing it toward the large house) It's... that one.

Sun stares for a second before pointing his finger at her with a questioning expression. Blake nods. Sun looks at her for a beat before taking his arm off her and stepping back. He covers the sides of his head and crouches a bit, staring wide-eyed at the house and making a comical, amazed noise.


Blake and Sun walk up the stone steps to the front door of the house. Blake hesitates when she moves to use the knocker.

Sun: What is it?

Blake: I um... it's just been a long time since I've seen my parents.

Sun: Well, you came all this way.

Blake takes a quick breath for courage and bangs the door knocker. It makes a loud, heavy, resonating sound on the large door. Sun stares up, stepping back while Blake politely backs away from the door a few paces.

Sun: (pointing up at the door) Okay, if we're being honest, that's kind of intimidating.

Both Sun and Blake give a start at the sound of the door being opened. Kali Belladonna, a short, female cat Faunus is behind it, looking around at the visitors. Her ears perk and she moves the door out of the way so she can step forward when she recognizes her daughter.

Kali: (almost in disbelief) Blake?

Blake: (awkwardly lifting her arm in greeting) Hi, mom.

Kale steps forward and hugs her daughter.

Kali: My baby girl.

Blake hesitates, uncertain for a moment, before her face gentles into a smile and she hugs her mother back.

They stand in front of open doorway. From inside the house, footsteps come closer and a shadow falls onto the carpeted entryway. Kali lets go of Blake and turns behind her at the sound of Ghira Belladonna's voice.

Ghira: Kali? Who is it?

Ghira stand with his hands on his hips, waiting to greet the visitor. His quizzical expression changes to wide-eyed surprise, before his hands, shoulders, and face all fall in a clear, emotional reaction to the sight of his daughter come home.

Sun sees this and grins, pleased at Blake's welcome as he turns to look at how she's taking it. Blake has her hands clasped in front of her, awaiting her father's reaction. Kali has not let go, with her hands supportively on Blake's shoulder and arm.

Ghira says nothing, but smiles, clearly happy. Blake smiles back, relieved. She and Sun exchange sideways glances.


Kali sets down her cup on the table. She, Ghira, Sun and Blake all sit on the floor at a square table.

Kali: We were horrified when we heard the news. The Kingdom of Vale isn't perfect, but it certainly didn't deserve what happened. Oh, we were both so worried.

Ghira: Please, I knew she'd be fine!

Kali: (scoffing) That isn't the slightest bit true. You should have seen him pacing.

Sun: You guys have nothing to worry about. I've seen your daughter in action before! And trust me, she's got some moves!

Blake, who was sipping from her cup while Sun spoke, abruptly lifts her head and swallows at his last choice of words. Ghira glares at the young man on his right.

Ghira: And what exactly do you mean by that, Mr. Wukong?

Sun freezes and slowly turns toward his host.

Sun: I... uh, well, you see sir, it's just that, you know, that she's such a good fighter and all, uh, and as a fellow fighter, I have a lot of respect for her...

Kali: (leaning in to ask quietly) Why is he here again?

Sun: ...And her fighting. But also for her...

Blake: He just kind of followed me home.

Sun: ...because of her fighting. Not her looks. I mean, not to say she's not good-looking. She is! Very! Or...

Kali: I see.

Sun: ...slightly, I mean she's definitely above average. I mean, uh...

Sun struggles for words as all three Belladonnas watch him and wait for him to either get out of the hole he just talked himself into or keep digging.

In the awkward silence, Sun uses his tail to pick up the tea kettle and pour some more tea into his cup.

Sun: This tea is really good. (sipping) Heh-uh.

Kali: (not quite quietly enough for an aside) I like him.

Blake: Mom!

The loud sound of the front door knocker resonates, catching everyone's attention.

Ghira: Darn it, I completely forgot about the meeting!

Ghira hits his fist onto the table and Kali quickly covers it with her hand.

Kali: Ghira...

Ghira: Give me a moment.

He gets up and walks out.

Blake: Is everything okay?

Kali: Yes, dear, just poor timing. He can reschedule. It's just been hard dealing with them lately.

Blake: Dealing with who?

Kali: (sipping) Hmm? The White Fang.

Sun & Blake: (rising to their feet) WHAT?!

Blake and Sun rush to the door, where Ghira is speaking with two fox Faunus, Corsac Albain and Fennec Albain. The two visitors maintain respectful, formal postures, keeping their hands clasped before them.

Blake: Dad!

Ghira: Blake, what's wrong?

Corsac: Miss Belladonna.

Fennec: We had no idea you'd returned.

Every time either one of the two Albain brothers speaks, they gesture with their hands and end with clasping their hands before their chests again.

Blake: What are you doing talking to these people?

Ghira: This is Corsac and Fennec Albain. They represent the White Fang here in Menagerie now.

Sun: Those psychos are here, too?!

Fennec: Young man, I'm not sure what you've heard of our organization, but I can assure you, we're not nearly as ferocious as the media would have you believe.

Blake: What we've heard? We've seen firsthand. Your fanatics slaughtered people!

Ghira: What is she talking about?

Corsac: Precisely what we came to discuss with you, Your Grace.

Kali: (approaching) Is everything alright?

Sun: Wait, you guys seriously don't know?

Ghira: (dangerously) Know what?

Blake: The White Fang was at the Fall of Beacon. They attacked innocent civilians and they released Grimm into the school.

There is a brief silence. Fennec makes an innocent, sideways glance at his brother. Ghira slowly turns to face the two White Fang representatives.

Ghira: Is this true?

Fennec: Sadly, Your Grace, it is.

Blake: Don't act like you're s—

Ghira: That's enough! (to the Albains) Explain yourselves.

Corsac: Though it pains us to admit, it has become apparent that the Vale branch of the White Fang is no longer operating under orders of High Leader Khan. Rather, they've elected to follow the rule of one Adam Taurus. I believe you're all familiar with the young adept and his... extreme philosophies.

Sun: You know, Beacon wasn't the first time the Fang started shooting up Vale!

Fennec: The High Council had their suspicions of a splinter group, but they could prove nothing until this latest incident.

Blake: "Incident"? People are dead!

Corsac: And it is a tragedy.

Fennec: Your Grace, we came to assure you that Brother Taurus and his followers do not represent the will of the White Fang.

Ghira: And how can I be sure of that?

Corsac: We understand if you bear any skepticism towards these claims. The White Fang's tactics are admittedly, more aggressive since you stepped down as High Leader and became Chieftain of Menagerie. But this, this is no way to make our message heard.

Fennec: We have ample documentation from the council meeting, as well as several strategies to apprehend and punish these strays if you care to review them.

Ghira: I will, but another day. I'd like some time to reconnect with my daughter.

Corsac: But of course, Your Grace.

Fennec: We completely understand. It was a pleasure to see you again, young Blake.

Corsac: We were saddened when we heard of your departure from the White Fang, but understand if you can no longer support our cause.

Fennec: It is a wearying fight, after all.

Blake: Who says I'm done fighting?

Corsac: Hmm... If you ever do wish to return, you need merely come find us.

Fennec: Sister Ilia would be elated.

Ghira: Goodbye, gentlemen.

He firmly closes the door on them. Kali moves to stand closer and face her husband while Blake walks off.

Sun: So... those guys were creepy.

Ghira: I really don't like you.

Outside, the two brothers descend the steps, perfectly in sync and their formally clasped hands. Corsac, however, is now using the prayer posture that Fennec had been using all along.

Fennec: An interesting development, wouldn't you say?

Corsac: Interesting indeed.

Fennec: So, shall we inform Brother Adam?

Corsac: Oh, we shall.

They exchange unsettling grins.


Back at the tavern in Higanbana, the waitress who served Qrow and Raven is scrubbing the floor. The sound of approaching footsteps cease when a voice addresses her, making the waitress look up.

Tyrian: Excuse me. (licking lips) I was hoping you could... help me find someone.

Tyrian chuckles maniacally as the camera fades to black

(Why is he alive again? I'll explain. Gryphon was fooled. Did you notice that during that makeshift fight with Tyrian i came up with the guy didn't talk one he just laughed? Yep, i have something planned for the actual fight. Can't promise it'll be good though since this is probably the first book I've ever written.)


The camera changes to the inside of the thunder tank once more as it...well...thunders down a forest road as gryphon has taken the helm while having a conversation with his wife, gwen.

gryphon: So your telling me you got a LITTLE overzealous with buying gold weapons? Because all of those guns you got look HELLA expensive gwen.

gwen: Sorry...but when you're gone I kinda get lost in the gleam of golden guns but don't worry because i didn't go too overboard

gryphon raises an eyebrow at her phrasing

gryphon: What exactly do you mean by "too overboard" gwen.

gwen: ..... weeellllllll.....


Nora: Another day, another adventure!

Beside her, Izanami Mikoto reads a map while Ruby Rose and Neopolitan continue alongside them.

Ruby: What's on the agenda today?

Iza: Walking!

Nora: With a side of...?

Neo (text): Walking.

Ruby: (sighs) Haven is a lot farther away than I thought.

Neo (text): Ruby? How long did you think this journey was going to take?

Ruby: I don't know! I grew up in a small area; I've never been this far away from home!

Iza: Right but... how long?

Ruby: Maybe like, uh... two weeks?

Iza: (looking up from the map to glare at her) Do you mind repeating?

Ruby: Okay, fine! Three or something! (not making eye contact) Look, whatever.

Ruby looks up again after a beat and notices something ahead.

Ruby: Hey, what's that?

Nora jumps onto a slightly fallen post of a fence to get a closer look at a wall and building ahead.

Iza: That's... odd. (checking map) I didn't think we'd be hitting another village for a few days.

Nora: Are those buildings... damaged?

Iza: We should search for survivors!

Izanami drops the map and all four go running into the village, with Nora leaping onto the wall and to a rooftop from there. They discover the town to be empty. Ruby lifts a fallen plank of wood to find only plant outgrowth underneath.

Ruby: Anything?

Nora: Nothing over here!

Iza: No one over here, either!

Neo (text): It almost seems like... the town was abandoned.

Ruby looks around while the others go offscreen, feeling unease in the wind.

Nora: Hey, I think I found something!

Ruby turns and rushes over. Nora, Iza and Neo are looking at a town sign. Nora moves the ivy growing over it to the side to read what it says.

Nora: Oniyuri? Never heard of it.

(Character switch)

Neo (text): Me neither.

Iza: I have. *good thing gryphon gave me a script to study*

The other three look at her, surprise on Nora and Ruby's faces.

Iza: You might think of it as Anima's Mountain Glenn, had it never been completed. Years ago, the richest members of Mistral were unhappy with how the Kingdom was being run.

As Iza speaks, there are wide shots showing the various unfinished buildings, disrepair and neglect of the village.

Iza: Frustrated with the council, they pooled their resources together to build their own city, with their own laws. They hoped that one day, it could maybe even become its own Kingdom. Many thought it would be the future.

Iza walks away from the other three.

Iza: I know these people did.

Ruby: What happened?

She brushes some dirt off of the stone border of a low wall to reveal claw marks.

Iza: What always happens.

Neo (text): The Grimm.

Iza tightens her hands into fists.

Iza: Not just any, one. *I'm a fantastic actor!*

Ruby briefly faces Nora in confusion, but Nora doesn't move her concerned gaze away from Iza. Ruby turns back to her.

Ruby: One?

Several small black birds take off from a tree outside Oniyuri's wall. They fly over the village and the four travelers.

Neo (text): Come on. Let's just get through here. This place gives me the creeps.

He turns and leaves, soon followed by Nora. Iza lingers for a moment for a few moments, seemingly in thought but truthfully giving herself the oscar for best actor in her mind, then follows. Ruby is the last to move as she looks over the empty village. Leaves blow through behind her after she follows her friends.


The broken moon shines brightly to the sound of Weiss Schnee singing.

She stands alone on a large, empty stage, singing a wordless aria, her arms outstretched. She is perfectly positioned below the center of the painted emblem of Atlas that dominates the stage.

The song changes to emphatic lyrics.

"I'm not your pet, not another thing you own.
I was not born guilty of your crimes.
Your riches and your influence can't hold me anymore.
I won't be possessed,
burdened by your royal test.
I will not surrender.
This life is mine."

Weiss concludes her song and bows while the audience applauds. She looks up to the balcony above stage left where her father and brother are watching. Jacques Schnee remains seated, not applauding, while Whitley Schnee is standing giving a slower paced, sarcastic clap. Weiss looks back at the audience, all clapping still in their seats. She turns and walks backstage, her feigned smile replaced with a frown.


A waiter carrying martini glasses on a tray opens up a door and enters the ballroom where people mill about to soft piano notes. He holds the tray next to a young man, who takes a glass before walking off. A blonde woman in a dark green halter dress stops to look at the waiter before moving on. Background conversation is audible.

Second Waiter: Need anything else?

Blonde Woman: No.

The blonde walks up to a man.

Background Man: Hey. Nice dress.

Blonde Woman: What, this old thing?

Background Man: Heh. Didn't you enjoy the performance?

Blonde Woman: Yes, she has a lovely voice.

The camera pans the room, showing a number of dressed up people as the waiter moves across the room. On the far opposite end of the room is a display area with three large paintings and two abstract statues. To one side Jacques is conversing with a man in glasses and a gray-haired woman in a green dress. They are laughing. Weiss is behind her father, looking at the floor with her hands held primly behind her back. Whitley stands similar further behind their father, only his gaze is directly on him.

Jacques: That's precisely my point. We offer Faunus the exact same wages given to the rest of our mining staff. Their argument's completely invalid right out of the gate.

Businessman: Well, I think the bigger issue here...

Weiss: (to herself) Ugh.

Businessman: ...is our society as a whole.

Jacques: (scoffing) Why, you mean Atlas?

As they converse, Weiss looks over to the largest painting on the end of the ballroom, depicting Beacon Academy with its Cross Continental Transmit tower still standing.

Businessman: Atlas, Mantle... You can't deny the economic disparity between the two.

Businesswoman: I mean, what exactly are you suggesting?

Weiss starts to step away, only to have her forearm grabbed by her father, who doesn't even turn around. Weiss halts, startled.

Businessman: I'm just saying I don't think it's necessarily an issue of compensation as much as it is one of opportunity...

Jacques: (pulling Weiss back and turning to face her) Where are you going?

Weiss: (with a meek expression) I'm... just a little thirsty.

Jacques: Sweetheart, we have people for that.

He lets go of Weiss and begins to raise his arm to call over a waiter. Weiss stops him by grabbing his forearm, prompting a sideways glance from Whitley.

Weiss: What? No, I can get it. I'll be right back, I promise.

The two lock gazes as the conversation next to them continues.

Businesswoman: Look, no one asked them to move here.

Businessman: But companies like the SDC promised jobs.

Jacques decides to let Weiss go and turns back to his companions.

Jacques: I'm sorry, I tuned out for a second, but sounds like I'm the good guy again?

Jacques and the businesswoman share a laugh. Weiss moves across the room to look at the painting of Beacon Academy. She has barely reached it when Henry Marigold speaks to her.

Henry: It's beautiful. (pauses) You two match.

Weiss stands with her arms crossed, maintaining a cold expression throughout most of the conversation.

Weiss: Yes, it's a lovely painting.

Henry: So, that was my attempt at breaking the ice. How am I doing so far?

Weiss: (sigh) You are leaving a lot to be desired.

Henry: Well, I've always appreciated honesty. (offering his hand) Henry. Marigold.

Weiss turns her head to look at him.

Weiss: Weiss Schnee.

She lightly places her fingers across his in a very loose handshake.

Henry: I know, I saw your performance. (cringes at himself) Obviously. (clears his throat) You were wonderful. And I promise I'm not just saying that 'cause you're pretty.

Weiss turns her attention back to the painting, and there is brief silence between the two.

Henry: Honesty, remember? So, you thinking about buying it?

Henry begins to rattle the railing as he speaks.

Weiss: No. I don't think so.

Henry: Yeah, kinda pricey for a painting.

Weiss: (annoyance in her voice) It's to raise money.

Henry: Oh really? For what?

Weiss: For what? (throwing him a disgusted look)

Henry: Heheh, I'll admit, I only come to these things for the food and drinks.

He reaches out and takes a champagne flute as a waiter walks by.

Henry: And the extraordinary company. Of course.

As he sips his drink, Weiss shifts her stance to face him.

Henry: So what, is it another Mantle fundraiser or something?

Weiss: Get. Out.

Henry: (with a slight laugh) What?

Weiss: Get out, or I will have security escort you out.

Henry: But I haven't done any-

Weiss: Leave!

Weiss takes on a more aggressive stance as she raises her voice. He stares at her in disbelief before obeying.

Henry: Pfft, whatever.

She watches him walk away, and once he is gone, she turns back to the painting, crosses her arms and closes her eyes.

Angry Businessman: No, no, no! I asked for a double sundae! This is completely... (drowned out by chatter)

Waiter: I'm so sorry. Sir.

The camera pans up the Beacon Academy painting, then shows the sign in front of the display, which reads:


All proceeds go to the Kingdom of Vale".

Weiss' eyes are open again as if she had just been observing the painting, and she once again closes her eyes. The chatter of the party guests grows louder, but one voice stands out among the rest.

Trophy Wife: But really, does it come as any surprise, what happened to Vale?

Weiss opens her eyes and turns slightly, peering over her shoulder at the woman.

Trophy Wife: It was a long time coming if you ask me.

Husband: Honey...

The Trophy Wife's Husband places his hand on her shoulder, trying to shush her, but she shakes it off, leaving him to glance around the room with a forced, nervous grin.

Trophy Wife: What? (laughing) You said the same thing last night. If they're so arrogant to think they can get by without proper kingdom defense, then I say good riddance.

While she talks, her Husband drops the act and heaves a silent sigh. The Trophy Wife's rant is cut off by a voice shouting angrily across the room at her.

Weiss: Shut up!

The room falls silent, and all of the party goers turn to look at her.

Jacques: Weiss?

Her voice still raised, Weiss angrily gestures to the guests while she speaks.

Weiss: You don't have a clue! None of you do!

Trophy Wife: Excuse me?

Weiss: You're all just standing around talking about nothing! Worrying about your hair, your money, your stupid problems that don't mean anything!

Her father quickly approaches her while Whitley looks on with a faint smile on his face.

Jacques: Weiss, that's enough.

He grabs her wrist, and she immediately begins struggling to pull away.

Weiss: Let go of me!

Jacques: You're embarrassing the family!

Weiss: I said let go!

Weiss breaks free her father's grasp with a harsh tug, but in the process, she loses her balance and collapses to the floor. Suddenly, a glyph manifests next to Weiss, and a Boarbatusk is summoned. She looks at it with wide eyes, her jaw dropping. The Boarbatusk Summon charges toward the Trophy Wife.

Trophy Wife: Please, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, just leave me alone.

It leaps toward her and her Husband, jaws wide open, but it is shot down by James Ironwood before it can reach her.

Trophy Wife: Arrest her! What are you waiting for? She's insane, she should be locked up.

Ironwood: She's the only one making sense around here. Thanks for the party, Jacques.

The general casually makes his exit. Still on the floor, Weiss looks up to see her father turn to glare at her.


Gryphon and his strike team are close as Gryphon senses clashing steel nearby

Gryphon sits confused for a moment before something dawns on him and an expression no one has ever seen crosses his face

Raw Outrage.

Gryphon: heh......she managed to fool me I'll give her that........and I'll make sure she regrets it

Gryphon says all this to himself but he forgets that now Gwen is here and she is the only one who can feel his fully revealed power slowly rise as a result and she knows exactly what's coming.

Gryphon: (coldly) I'll meet you all up ahead.

Gwen: Wai-

Before she can finish gryphon has already teleported to interrupt a fight.

Zdrada: That didn't sound good.

Gwen: Shit.


Tyrian: Surprise.

He kicks Nora twice in the face before leaping backwards and upward onto a roof, leaving his coat behind.

Neo (text): He's... a Faunus.

(Gonna switch the characters back now)

Ruby: What is this about? The White Fang? Roman Torchwick?

Tyrian: Plastic soldiers and pawns. My heart and body belong only to our goddess!

Ruby: Cinder...

Tyrian: Hmph, only in her wildest dreams.

Tyrian leaps back into the fray. He uses his tail to knock Crescent Rose down. Though surprised, Ruby doesn't lose her grip on it. The two both attack each other and miss until Tyrian kicks Ruby backwards again.

Tyrian uses his tail to go after Neo before finally kicking her away and attacking Izanami next.

Tyrian approaches Ruby on the ground and raises his stinger, his eyes turning dark purple. Nora, who is comforting a fallen Iza, and Neo both look on in horror. Laughing, Tyrian is about to strike with his scorpion tail when a giant tornado made of a strange but familiar power bursts from the floor and inserts itself between them, launching Tyrian backwards. There's the sound of an exhale laced with rage as the tornado dissipated to reveal gryphon with a calm yet deeply angered face as his power is visibly rising off his enraged form.

Tyrian lets out a nervous giggle of surprise while Ruby and Gryphon make eye contact with each other before gryphon turns his focus to Tyrian.

Gryphon: (coldly) Didn't i kill you...?

Tyrian prepares to go on a rant about how much of a genius his goddess is but Gryphon swiftly interrupted, his patience dwindling quickly.

Gryphon: You know what? Fucking forget it, I'll just be sure to slaughter you properly this time...

Gryphon's armor changes in response to his rage as he draws his katana he's dubbed "Devil Sword Gryphon".

(Why? When gryphon's emotions are high his powers over imagination run haywire changing the things in his possession making them stronger.)

Gryphon's eyes glow with menace as he slowly draws his blade and points it at his enemy.

Gryphon: And now for the king's decree.

He makes a slashing motion and says...

"Off with your head..."


Yo, it's the author, sorry for taking so long to come out with another chapter. Be honest, this story kind sucks huh. I lost my motivation half way through making this one so i wanted an opinion from you guys

Should i:
End the story in atlas
Continue till the show is over entirely which means stopping at the hiatus point and waiting for the series to come back

For now I'm just gonna keep going and writing as ideas pop in my head


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