Bonded To You (Drarry)

By Amora0819

88.8K 2.6K 319

A forgotten encounter between Draco and Harry has unforseen consequences which only make themselves known dur... More

The Potion
Malfoy's Requests
Mind Link
The Talk
4 Weeks
5 Weeks
7 Weeks
10 Weeks
11 Weeks
13 Weeks
15 Weeks
17 Weeks
20 Weeks
21 Weeks
25 Weeks
27 Weeks
27 Weeks - Part 2
30 Weeks
32 Weeks
34 Weeks
36 Weeks

Failed Bonding

5.8K 156 15
By Amora0819

Harry took a deep breath, or he tried to anyway. He couldn't get any air through the lump in his throat. His entire body was frozen to the spot and he felt like everything was spinning around him. What was happening to him? This was supposed to be easy, wasn't it? It was supposed to be the happiest day of his entire life. Why was it so hard for him to just go downstairs already? People were waiting for him. Ginny would be walking down the aisle any minute now. Imagine how pissed she'd be if he wasn't there!

This IS the happiest day of my life.

After today, I'll finally be part of a family....and I'll have Ginny, of course.

I am sure every man in the world felt this horrible on their wedding days.

That's why they always make jokes about marriage being horrible.

Mine won't be horrible.

I am just stressed.

That's it.

I just need to get through this and come out the other end.

Then, everything will be fine.

"Mate, is everything alright?" Harry heard Ron ask from the doorway. He turned around and plastered a wide smile on, hoping that his eyes didn't give away how panicked he was at the moment.

"Yeah, Ron. I just can't get this stupid thing right," Harry said, gesturing to his tie. Ron burst out laughing and said "Ginny is going to kill you. You're not even dressed yet and she is already waiting."

With that, the red-head, soon-to-be Harry's brother-in-law, came forward and adjusted Harry's tie using a spell, then winked at the brunette and told him to hurry. Harry sighed, forced another smile, and made his way down the stairs, ignoring the increasing feeling of tightness around his heart. That was normal, right? Everything would be alright. He could freak out all he wanted later. He didn't have time now. Everyone was waiting for him. Ginny was waiting for him. His new family was waiting for him. He couldn't lose his nerve. He couldn't do anything wrong today.

Breathe, Harry.

It's going to be alright.

I can have a nervous breakdown later.

No, actually, I can't.

Because Ginny is going to be there and she is going to wonder what's wrong.

And I can't tell her.

And she's going to be there for the rest of my life.

Oh Merlin, I just want to disappear.


Harry kept smiling despite his panicked thoughts. They hand exchanged rings and were now holding hands, waiting for the officiate to officially bond them forever. Harry wasn't listening. He didn't want to. He just wanted this to be over and wasn't paying attention, which is why he missed the fact that everyone had been staring at him for half a minute. The brunette blinked, frowning as he realized he was the center of attention for some reason. It took him a few seconds to realize that the yellow, translucent, glittery veils erupting from the officiate's wand had wrapped around Ginny, but had halted halfway between the couple, refusing to wrap itself around Harry and bond them.

Thank Merlin.

Harry's eyes widened. Where had that thought come from? He wanted to do this. He wanted to marry Ginny.

Maybe the pressure is just getting to me.

Harry could hear everyone whispering about his 'purity', making assumptions. He didn't understand what was going on. Ginny had told him about what a bonding ceremony is, but he wasn't really listening, too exhausted after a long study session to do anything but nod along.

"Perhaps I cast the spell wrong," Harry heard the officiate say loudly enough for everyone to hear. The same thing happened once he cast the spell, again, though; the veil refused to even come close to Harry. Ginny's eyes watered and she instantly yanked her hands back and ran down the aisle and out the large doors, all the while crying her eyes out. Hermione got off her seat and followed the red-headed girl out. Harry watched the scene unfold as if he was an outsider, then shook his head and attempted to follow.

"Ginny..." he yelled out after her, but before he could take a single step down the aisle, Ron's fist collided with his cheek so roughly, it caused him to collapse on the floor entirely. Luckily, his glasses were charmed to stay on his face no matter what, so he could glare directly at his so-called best friend, who said nothing to him before joining his wife in an attempt to comfort his baby sister.

Harry got up, ignoring the whispers of the audience and the glances people were throwing him. He turned towards the officiate.

"Would you mind explaining what just happened?" he hissed, feeling bad about taking it out on the poor officiate but not wanting any more drama to come his way. He had had enough of that for a lifetime with the prophet publishing false 'facts' about literally every phase of his life.

"Perhaps we should discuss this privately," the officiate said quietly, gesturing towards the hundreds of guests who were intent on listening in on the conversation.

"Fine," Harry said, then grabbed the officiates's arm and apparated them to his house, Grimmauld Place, which Ginny absolutely refused to move into. Their house was closer to the burrow, which Harry didn't really mind.

"Alright. What was that veil thing and why wasn't it bonding us like it was supposed to?"

"This isn't possible," Harry said breathlessly as he stared at the paper the officiate had just conjured up, which clearly stated he was bonded to Draco Malfoy.

"Magical documentations of bonds don't lie, Mr. Pott-"

"They're wrong!" Harry snapped, unable to comprehend what he was hearing, "I would've remembered marrying my childhood rival or...or conceiving a child with him. These are the only two ways a bond could form, right?"

"Yes, Mr. Potter," the officiate said calmly.

There's no way.

I haven't seen him in two years.

Except for three weeks ago, when...

Harry's thoughts came to a stop there. Why couldn't he remember what had happened that day? He was in the apothecary and he purchased some potions, but then he somehow left without them and woke up the next day in Grimmauld place, not remembering how he got there. Had Malfoy obliviated him?! That bastard! What the hell had he done to Harry?

"I need to investigate this. Thank you for your input," Harry said, using the indifferent tone they were taught to use during investigations, "There's nothing I can say to prevent you from going to the prophet with-"

"Mr. Potter, all these documents are confidential and so is anything that pertains to them," the officiate said harshly. Harry gulped at the sudden change of tone.

"If that is all, I need to take my leave right now," the officiate said, sounding professional again. Harry nodded and murmured, "Thank you."

As soon as the officiate left, Harry's rage finally caught up with him. He gripped his wand tightly as he focused on the memory of visiting the apothecary, apparating straight into the place.

"Malfoy, I-" he started to yell but was surprised to find an old man behind the counter when he turned around, one that was glaring daggers at him.

"Your little boyfriend ain't here. He got sacked and I don't give a hoot who you are, no one does something so revolting in my apothecary. Didn't think you'd get caught did ya? Well them magical cameras ain't for nothin'. Get out," the old man gritted out, pointing at the door. Harry held his hands up in surrender and sighed, then rubbed his temple. His headache just wouldn't go away.

"Can you show me the tape?" Harry asked, dreading what he was about to see. 

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