Storm Hawks: Endgame (The Dar...

By BillMclaughlinJr

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After the defeat of Dark Aerrow, the Storm Hawks continue to fulfill their roles as Sky Knights of Atmos. But... More

Chapter One - Blind Rage
Chapter Two - Breaking Point
Chapter Three - The Terrible Truth
Chapter Four - Internal Conflict
Chapter Five - A Hard Promise
Chapter Six - A Glimmer Of Hope
Chapter Seven - The Temple Of Aolroth
Chapter Eight - Ancient Ritual
Chapter Nine - The Calm Before The Storm
Chapter Ten - Aerrow VS Dark Aerrow
Chapter Eleven - The Final Clash

Chapter Twelve - A New Beginning

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By BillMclaughlinJr

Inside the inner sanctum of the Temple of Aolroth, the rest of the Storm Hawks as well as Arygyn waited anxiously. Ever since the ritual began, there was nothing but silence in the ritual chamber. Aerrow's body remained still.

Piper: It's been too long! Something must've gone wrong!

Arygyn: We must be patient. There is nothing we can do for Aerrow. Whatever battle he faces, he will do so alone.

The wait was agonizing for Piper. She felt helpless as Aerrow's still body lay trapped in the inner chamber. Piper thought about the promise she made to Aerrow in the case that Dark Aerrow took control of Aerrow's body. She didn't know if she could fulfil that promise. As time dragged on, the Crystals inside the inner chamber began to dim. 

Junko: Guys! Those Crystals are turning off! 

As the door began to open, Piper rushed in without hesitation. She had no idea whether Aerrow maintained control or the Dark Aerrow took control. 

Piper: Aerrow! Aerrow! 

As Piper cradled Aerrow's unconscious body, the rest of the Storm Hawks joined Piper. After a brief but tense moment, Aerrow woke up. 

Piper: Aerrow? Is that you? 

Aerrow: Piper.....

Aerrow reached out and touched Piper's face. Piper stared into Aerrow's eyes, hoping that the one talking to her was indeed Aerrow. 

Aerrow: He's gone, Piper. He's finally gone. 

Piper hugged Aerrow and cried into his chest. The nightmare that had plagued her was finally over. 

Finn: Good to have you back, pal! We were worried for a second. 

Aerrow: I know what you mean. Dark Aerrow wasn't holding back. But I did it. I beat him. He's gone. 

As Aerrow said this, Radarr scurried to Aerrow and hugged Aerrow's face. Aerrow chuckled as he scratched Radarr's chin. 

Aerrow: I'm glad to see you too, buddy. I'm glad to see you all. 

Suddenly, rumbling was felt as the temple began to cave in. Immediately, the Storm Hawks got on their feet. 

Junko: What's going on?!

Stork: I knew it! We're doomed!

Arygyn: You eliminated the last presence of Aolroth! The darkness that held this place is gone! We must hurry! 

With that, the Storm Hawks and Arygyn began running out of the temple. As they navigated through the temple's corridors, the temple began to collapsed at an alarming rate. After dodging many dangers, the Storm Hawks and Arygyn exited the Temple of Aolroth just in time to witness it completely cave in. 

Arygyn: And so the last traces of Aolroth is wiped away.

Finn: Does that mean we won't be seeing Dark Aerrow again? 

Aerrow: This was the last time. He won't be coming back. 

Arygyn: Aerrow is right. The Dark Aerrow's soul has been banished for all time. He shall wonder the endless plains of the Chaos Realm for all eternity. 

The Storm Hawks were relived that the threat of the Dark Aerrow was gone for good. Aerrow felt as if an great weight has been lifted off of him. 

Aerrow: So it's over. It's finally over....

Arygyn: Yes. The Dark Aerrow shall threaten Atmos no more. Balance has been restored. 

Piper: So...what happens now?

Arygyn: Now you all may head back home. With the remaining essence of Aolroth gone, the forces of good may cleanse the land that Aolorth's presence has violated. 

Aerrow: Good luck, Arygyn. Thank you. 

Arygyn: It was my pleasure. Good luck, Storm Hawks. I've said it once and I'll say it again. Atmos is truly lucky to have heroes like you. 

With that, the Storm Hawks boarded the Condor and departed from the lands surrounding the Guardian Sanctuary. As the Condor made it's way to Terra Neverlandis, the Storm Hawks took the opportunity to rest. 

Finn: Man I'm beat!

Aerrow: I think we could all use the rest. 

Piper: So is it really over? Is this nightmare finally gone?

Aerrow: You know it. Dark Aerrow won't be bothering Atmos or us anymore. 

Piper: What was it like during the ritual? What did you see?

As Piper asked this, Aerrow looked back on his mental war with Dark Aerrow. He thought about the intensity of the battle. It was without a doubt one of if not the hardest battle in his life. 

Aerrow: I...I don't really know how to describe it. It's something you'd have to see for yourself. Though since the Temple of Aolroth is destroyed, I don't think anybody is gonna get to see what I've seen. 

Piper: Considering what we've been through, I'm not too worried about that. I'm just glad this nightmare is over.

Aerrow: Me too, Piper. But that doesn't mean we're done. Dark Aerrow may be gone, but the Cyclonians are still here.

Finn: Can we at least take a break? We just had to deal with Dark Aerrow for the third time. I honestly wouldn't mind a trip to the beach!

Aerrow couldn't help but chuckle. For the first time in days, Aerrow could smile without worrying about the Dark Aerrow. With the Dark Aerrow gone for good, Aerrow was finally back to his old self. 

Aerrow: I guess a little break wouldn't hurt. 

In that moment, the seemingly continuous and endless threat of the Dark Aerrow was finally over. Though the Cyclonians were still a major threat in Atmos, the Dark Aerrow could no longer inflict unimaginable pain and suffering on the people of Atmos. It was a new beginning for the Storm Hawks and they were ready to seize it. 

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