MegaMan Revolution Concerto

By DreamersWriters

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In Nihon, technology is growing and evolving rapidly! The internet is connecting everyone and everything to e... More

Note for this Story!
Prologue: The Hidden Files
Chapter 1: The New Age
Chapter 2: Star Idol
Chapter 3: A Trio?!
Chapter 4: Special Training
Chapter 5: Let's Work Together Please!
Chapter 6: Dr. Wily's Standing Strong
Chapter 7: For Everyone!
Chapter 8: The Electronic Convention
Chapter 9: Fleeting Peace
Chapter 10: Meetings in North America
Chapter 11: Running Late
Chapter 12: Frosty Family Relations
Chapter 13: A Short, Death Match
Chapter 14: An Assassin or Friend?
Chapter 15: A Cold Wind
Chapter 16: The Professor and Cache
Chapter 17: Separate for a Few Weeks
Chapter 18: A Thaw
Chapter 19: An Unpleasant Meeting
Chapter 20: To The High Mountain
Chapter 21: A Talent Show for the World
Chapter 22: Return Together
Chapter 23: Start Searching
Chapter 24: Miracle Medicine
Chapter 25: A Red Knight and A Yellow Pilot
Chapter 26: Special Effects are Special
Chapter 27: Synchro Chips and Resolutions
Chapter 28: Running Around Part 1
Chapter 29: Running Around Part 2
Chapter 30: Code E.A.R.T.H
Chapter 32: The Crests and Duo
-Thank You!-
Chapter 33: Countdown to Destruction
Chapter 34: Coming Back
Chapter 35: Revolution Concerto Finale!
Bonus Chapter 1: An Eventful Party
Bonus Chapter 2: A Cross Fusion Test
Author's Note

Chapter 31: Not Here Yet

15 1 0
By DreamersWriters

(Guys! We literally only have four chapters left! This story will be finished soon! Ah! That's insane! I'm so excited to finish this book! I really loved the cast! I really wonder where else they will go! I know for a fact than Lan and Hub and their friends will meet Midoriya at one point, and Miku knows Klavier, but this is exciting! Enjoy!)

Music Theme

Dr. Riegal's Theme 

Vs Dr. Riegal's Navi + Subordinate 

A Great Darkness 

Duo's Crests 

Master of Death 

                   "Huh, this child is so energetic! Much more than Shuko was!" Mr. Higsby said as he played with Trill.

Trill was swinging from Nenji's arm and laughing as Ribitta made sure he couldn't fall off from the arm and get hurt.

"Aw, but he is so cute!" Teto exclaimed in awe as she tried to not fuss over him, "I can't believe someone like him could have anything to do with this situation"

"Well, maybe he has some kind of power that can just instant kill our enemies!" Dingo exclaimed determinedly as Trill laughed at him, "Hey! I'm not funny! I'm dangerous!"

Trill dropped from Nenji's arm and Yuri caught him.

"Regardless, he is important. Right, Baryl?" Yuri asked with a knowing smile.

"That is true. Dr. Wily found him and gave him to me. He gave me specific instructions to take care of him and his sister, Iris" Baryl answered with a grin.

Everyone was surprised to hear this, but Kaito woke up and looked very distressed. Meiko and Miku looked at him with worry as he sighed.

"So, I am just like you..." Kaito said as he tried to come to reason with this.

"Hey! It is not so bad! I am able to live because of it! Also, I can travel to and from the NET! It isn't so bad!" Miku reassured him in a warm manner.

"She's right. This project has done so much for you, Miss Luka, and Hub. I can't image what kind of darkness it could hold" Meiko said calmly.

Kaito shook his head as Len snapped his fingers.

"If you want, why don't we just ask your mom?" Len suggested warmly, "Our parents are good friends! It shouldn't be too hard to just ask"

Kaito nodded his head as Len held his PET. Jasmine waited with them until she shook her head.

"Why don't we just go and see them?" she suggested.

"Well, I don't think they are in Nihon. My little sister was sent back home after the attack SciLab" Kaito answered.

"No! They're here! We can meet with them now!" Len said with a grin as he looked ready to run to the door.

"Wait! Not all of us should go" Meiko said seriously as she held Len by his shirt's collar, "We can't all just leave. So, who should go with Kaito and Len?"

"I would prefer to have Meiko with me, if that's alright. I could use the support" Kaito confessed.

"I want to come!" Jasmine said excitedly, "Oh! Luo can come too!"

Luo just grinned as Miku nodded her head.

"Sure. Please keep your PETs on in case we need to call you back" Miku said with a nod of her head.

With that, they left SciLab and followed Len to a hotel. As for the rest of the Net Saviors, they were just informed that Hub was able to return to the human world!

"Wow! He really is back!" Maylu exclaimed as Pride's eyes were wide.

"That's amazing! He's human again! He's back! I would love to study the program you used for this!" Pride exclaimed excitedly.

"Unfortunately, princess, you are not allowed to know about this. This program is supposed to be help others and not be known to others. Although Miss Hatsune did write a song about it" Dr. Wily said seriously as Pride looked a little sad about this.

"Well, now that we have the Crest Holders together, we should do be able to do this now" Dr. Wily said seriously.

"Uh, not all of us are here though, Dr. Wily" Maylu said as she gestured to some of their missing members.

"Where did they go?!" Dr. Hikari asked surprised.

"I think they went to ask Kaito's mother about his powers. I can't blame him. I would be surprised too" Luka said calmly as she held a smile.

The two doctor's jaws dropped as Lan laughed.

"This is why I called for help. Penny! Please come here!" Dr. Wily shouted.

Just then, Penny flew into the room and grinned at everyone.

"Thank you for helping us. I hope your father doesn't mind. Now, can you help us round up the other Crest Holders?" Dr. Wily asked seriously, "Oh, right! I have to make a phone call as well! We will wait for this meeting once everyone is together and I have finished my phone call"

With that, the doctor left to make his call as Penny grinned in delight.

"I shall find your friends, no worries!" she said in delight.

"I wouldn't go alone. Just in case, you should have someone with you" Raika suggested.

Before he could volunteer himself, Pride stopped him.

"I'll go. Chaud, Nenji, and Ribitta can come with me. The rest of you can wait here" Gumi said with a wink to Pride who giggled.

"Are you sure about this?" Gackpo asked seriously, "This could be dangerous"

"Relax. I've been in far more dangerous situations than this before. Nothing to worry about" Gumi reassured them, "Also, we have to wait for Dr. Wily to finish his call. So, this will be fine"

With that, she left with her team as Gackpo sighed. He shook his head as he turned his attention to Trill and Iris. There was something about those two that bothered him.

"Honestly, your hair is pretty. I am kind of envious. Hm, would you like to work for me?" Tesla asked with a grin, "I already work with Chaud. You modeling my products will be beneficial to all of us!"

"I can model for you, dear Tesla! Neru could also sing for your commercials too! She has a wonderful voice!" Charlie offered as Tesla smirked at him.

Iris smiled softly at them, but she shook her head.

"I'm sorry, but I can't do that. I have to protect my little brother first" Iris informed them.

Arth, Anne, and Prima were having a nice snack at the hotel just as Kaito, Len, Meiko, Jasmine, and Luo entered the hotel and found them!

"Hey! Mom! Dad!" Len shouted eagerly as he rushed to them.

"Ah, nice to see you again, my son" Anne said warmly as she hugged him warmly, "Though, where is your sister?"

"She's with Miku. Don't worry, she's with her friends. She's some place safe too. Though, Kaito wanted to ask you a question, Miss Prima" Len said as he faced her.

"Oh? What is it? If you're looking for your little sister, she'll be joining us shortly" Prima answered as she grinned at him and looked a little dismayed to see him with Meiko, "Ah, well, what is it you wanted to ask me?"

"Mother... I just found out that something happened to me as a child. What happened?" Kaito asked in a pleading tone as he faced his mother with trembling hands.

Prima's head tilted to the right as she faced him. Arth looked a little tense for a moment, but he sighed.

"Well, they were bound to ask sooner or later. We should just tell them now" Arth said calmly as he turned to his son, "Yes, there is something unique about myself and Kaito. We were very ill with a terrible illness. This illness was slowly killing us. However, as we were searching for a cure, we meet with three doctors, Dr. Tadashi Hikari, Dr. Wily, and Dr. Cossak. The three of them were working on a project. This project would allow a person into both the human world and NET. Although, this was an interesting side effect, it was successful. Thanks to their help, I and Kaito are alive"

The group was in shock except for Jasmine.

"Fascinating! Who knew this project was used before?!" she exclaimed in awe.

"Wait, before?" Anne asked as she glanced at her husband.

"We just found out that Miku, Miss Luka, and Lan's twin brother used the same project to be revived as well. Though, Lan's twin was just brought back today. Kind of like a rebirth in a sense" Meiko answered, "Please keep this a secret. No one is supposed to know about this project nor the success it has. I know the public is wary of this at the moment..."

"Don't worry, Meiko. This will be a secret. Though, I do wonder how Dr. Hikari found out about it. I assumed Dr. Wily locked it up" Anne wondered.

Meiko looked at Kaito who was still shaking a bit. She helped him sit down and rubbed his back in a soothing manner. Prima glared at the girl in red as Jasmine seemed surprised at the cold gaze.

"Luo please find Kaito's little sister" Jasmine said in a whisper.

"Hm? Why?" Luo asked surprised.

"Just hurry. Something tells me this won't be an easy leave" Jasmine whispered back.

Luo was surprised by Jasmine's words, but she went to find Kaai. Jasmine then faced Prima who still held a dark expression.

"Prima, please relax. This is nothing to get upset over" Anne said gently, "You saved your son. He's just trying to calm himself down with this news"

Jasmine took a step away from Prima as Kaito looked up at his mother.

"I am aware, but I didn't know that little girl and that other lady using this project. It makes me a bit annoyed" Prima answered darkly.

Jasmine gulped as Luo greeted Kaai.

"Hi Luo! It has been so long! Is your girlfriend with you?" Kaai asked warmly as Luo hugged the little girl.

"We are doing just fine. However, I was sent to get you" Luo answered gently as Kaai's eyes were bright with excitement.

She took Luo's hand and walked towards her big brother and mother. However, Dark MegaMan jumped out of the NET and landed in the hotel's lobby!

"Dark MegaMan! What is he doing here?!" Len shouted as Arth looked surprised.

"It doesn't matter! I'll take care of him! Leon! Let's go!" Meiko yelled as she held her PET and Synchro Chip.

"I am ready to help!" her Navi shouted as the two of them Cross Fused.

Meiko then charged at the Navi using her red sword to clash against his buster.

"Ah, the Red Knight. I didn't expect to see you here, but I'm delighted!" Dark MegaMan snarled at her.

"Mom, dad, please come with me! We have to get you to safety with Rin!" Len said in an urgent tone as he tugged their hands towards him.

"Mother please leave with them. We are supposed to handle situations like this" Kaito urged her as he saw her icy glare.

Before Prima could say anything to him, Jasmine had Cross Fused and swiftly picked up Prima!

"I'll take her back! You help your girlfriend! We'll be back soon enough!" Jasmine reassured him as she summoned a little bit of her dragon power to keep Prima back.

"Thank you, Jasmine. That really does help" Kaito said in relief as she laughed and ran out of the hotel with Len and his parents behind her.

"Kaito! Where did Jasmine go?" Luo shouted as she and Kaai approached him and avoided Dark MegaMan.

Before Kaito could answer, Dark MegaMan blasted Meiko away and lunged straight at him! He gasped as he grabs his wrist!

"Let go of me!" Kaito yelled as he tried to pull his hand away from him.

"Sorry, but that is not going to happen! Extracting Crest data!" Dark MegaMan shouted as Kaito let out a scream!

Dark MegaMan chuckled as Luo pushed Kaai behind her in a frightening manner. Kaito let out a scream as blue lights sparked from him! After a few minutes, Dark MegaMan released him. Kaito fainted as Luo caught him.

"What did you do to my brother?!" Kaai exclaimed as Meiko growled.

"Nothing too damaging" Dark MegaMan chuckled as he then lunged towards her.

However, Luo pushed Kaai behind her as Dark MegaMan grabs her wrists. Before Luo could fight back, Dark MegaMan began to extract her Crest Data from her! Luo gave off a gray light as she tried to pull herself away from him.

"And done! Thanks for that!" Dark MegaMan shouted as he then kicked Luo in the stomach to immobilize her.

Luo clutched her stomach just as Meiko let out a yell and swung her sword at him. He leaned back to avoid her strike and then swiftly pulled the blade out of her hands. She gasped as he then grabs her wrist. She let out a painful scream as red lights burst from her! He released her wrist as Meiko was forced to transform back to herself.

"Meiko!" Leon shouted with worry as the PET and Synchro chip landed at her side.

She fell to her knees as she panted heavily.

"Thank you for making my job so much easier. Now, onto the others!" Dark MegaMan said in a mocking tone as Meiko growled at him.

He then disappeared in a stream of data as Kaai rushed to her brother's side. She shook him several times as she cried.

"That... was unexpected..." Luo said in pain as she hugged her stomach.

"It doesn't matter. We have to head back to the lab and warn the others. Ow!" Meiko shouted in pain as she tried to stand up but was too weak to do that.

"We can't do anything like this, but our Navis can" Luo said as she held hers, "Lapis go to the lab and warn them. They need to know about this"

"Understand!" Lapis said as she teleported out of the PET and ran through the NET.

"You heard her, Leon. Go and warn them!" Meiko said seriously as she held her PET.

"On it!" Leon shouted as he went into the NET.

"The rest of us can rest here until we are ready to come back" Meiko said as she looked over everyone.

Penny flew above Chaud, Nenji, Ribitta, and Gumi towards the hotel until they meet up with Len, his parents, Jasmine, and Prima!

"What are you doing here?" Len asked surprised as his parents looked at his friends.

"The doctors need all the Crest Holders to come back to the lab. We came to get you" Ribitta answered.

"Uh, things just got a whole lot more complicated..." Len said in a nervous tone.

"What happened? Hey, why is Jasmine Cross Fused?" Nenji asked curiously as he looked confused.

Before anyone could do anything, Dark MegaMan jumped out of the NET and appeared before them!

"Dark MegaMan!" Chaud shouted as Jasmine backflipped away with Prima still in her arms.

Penny reacted first and dove right at him! The two of them began to fist fight each other while everyone ducked away from their attacks!

"We have to help her!" Gumi shouted as she looked at the fight.

"We know, but we have to get my parents and Kaito's mother out of here! Some of our friends are at the hotel! They are probably hurt because of Dark MegaMan!" Len shouted worriedly as he stood in front of his parents.

"What does he even want from us?!" Nenji yelled to them.

"Really?! They are probably after our Crests!" Ribitta shouted, "They told us not to fight without a good reason!"

"I think this is a good reason! Gumi! Let's do this! ProtoMan get ready!" Chaud shouted as Gumi nodded in agreement.

The two of them Cross Fused with their Navis as they looked up at Dark MegaMan fighting Penny.

"We have to break them up and then attack Dark MegaMan from all angels!" Chaud shouted.

"Nenji! Ribitta! Help Len and Jasmine get their parents back to the lab. We'll help Penny and get back to the others at the hotel!" Gumi ordered as she held her gun.

"Got it! Let's move people! We've got to get you to safety!" Nenji ordered as he ushered them to get up and leave.

Gumi watched them leave and head back to the lab.

"Really? Three against one? Is that supposed to be fair?" Dark MegaMan taunted.

"I don't think of it as fair. More like an advantage" Chaud said simply as he lunged at Dark MegaMan to cut him down.

However, Dark MegaMan leaned away from his strike and then tried to reach out to him. Gumi was able to pull Chaud away just in time as Penny launched a green beam at him! Dark MegaMan was knocked away, but he wasn't down!

"Water Sword!" Chaud shouted as the blades changed to blue.

Penny flew to Chaud's side as Gumi loaded a water bullet into her gun. Chaud jumped up and raised his blade to try and slam it down on Dark MegaMan. The Navi ran pass him as Penny tried to grab the Navi. However, Gumi aimed her gun and tried to shoot him. Dark MegaMan was able to run in front of Penny just as Gumi fired!

"Gah!" Penny exclaimed as she tried to fly away.

The water bullet hit her leg and caused her to remain on the ground!

"Penny!" Gumi shouted with worry as she rushed to her aid and loaded a heal bullet into her gun.

However, Dark MegaMan rushed behind Gumi and grabs her shoulder! Gumi let out a scream as she dropped her gun and felt her Crest being taken from her!

"Humans, so sentimental. I'll never understand that" Dark MegaMan confessed as he took her Crest away!

Gumi transformed back to herself as her PET and Synchro Chip fell on the ground.

"Gumi!" IA exclaimed with worry as Gumi fainted.

Chaud noticed that Dark MegaMan was distracted for a bit and lunged forward with the sword in hand. Dark MegaMan didn't have time to move, but Chaud was able to strike his side!

"You're smart, but that won't be enough to stop me!" Dark MegaMan exclaimed as he then grabs Chaud's wrist.

Chaud let out a scream as Dark MegaMan took away his Crest! Chaud then fell back as his PET and Synchro chip landed on the ground besides him.

"Chaud!" ProtoMan shouted as Dark MegaMan jumped back into the NET to recover and meet with Iroha and Dr. Riegal at SciLab.

Meiko, Kaito, and Luo rushed towards their friends after resting.

"What happened?..." Kaito asked in a worried tone.

Luo rushed to them as Penny was trying to reboot herself.

"Dark MegaMan... He did this..." she said sadly, "I failed... I wasn't combat ready"

Everyone was silent as they went to work to help their friends.

"Guys! Dark MegaMan is here!" Nenji yelled loudly as he entered the lab with everyone.

"What do you mean?" Raika asked surprised as he faced his friend.

"He means us!" Iroha shouted as she appeared out of the NET and before the group.

She swiftly lunged at Ribitta to grab her wrist! Ribitta let out a scream as she felt her Crest data being taken away!

"They are after our Crests! Scatter!" Raika yelled to the group as he gripped his PET, "SearchMan time to Cross Fuse!"

As Raika Cross Fused, Dr. Riegal stepped into SciLab and laughed when he saw Raika.

"Ah, so you ready didn't die on me. I assumed so. You don't seem to be the dying type" Dr. Riegal said as he held his PET, "I suppose a rematch is in order"

He Cross Fused with PrismMan as Raika held his composure. He knew he couldn't let him get to the other Crest Holders.

"KnightMan! Cross Fusion!" Pride shouted as she rushed towards Raika's side.

"Princess! What are you doing here?!" Raika exclaimed as she stood at his side in her Cross Fused outfit.

"Helping you. We are fighting him together. You can't change my mind on this!" Pride said seriously as she spun her wrecking ball behind her.

Raika grinned as he nodded his head.

"Very well, princess. Let's take him out together!" Raika shouted as they two of them charged at Dr. Riegal together.

Charlie was with Tesla, Iris, Trill, Higsby, Teto, and Gackpo. As for Lan, he was with Hub, Maylu, Luka, Miku, Rin and Baryl and speaking with Dr. Hikari about the Reformatting project and making sure that Miku and Luka were still healthy. Dr. Wily did finish his phone call and was waiting outside of SciLab with Yuri, Dusk, and Dingo at the same walkway to the ports. Dingo had seen his friends off and decided to wait with Dr. Wily's group to see who else would arrive.

"Do you think we'll get some action?" Teto asked curiously.

"You nearly drowned, how much action do you want?" Gackpo asked her with a concerned expression on his face.

She giggled a bit as Tesla shook her head.

"As long as this keeps the world turning, I don't care" Tesla answered, "I want to make sure my company is still here"

"So, if I took it away, you'll fall into despair? Humans are really foolish creatures!" Dark MegaMan shouted as he jumped out of the NET.

Charlie, Teto, and Mr. Higsby let out a scream as Jasmine rushed in and left Prima. Jasmine saw Dark MegaMan hovering before them and looked ready to attack, but Jasmine created a Meddy Capsule and threw it at it. It exploded behind him as he was thrown away from the group!

"Is everyone ok?" Jasmine asked worriedly as she rushed to them.

"I think so..." Teto said in relief as she felt her heart racing.

"You just threw Dark MegaMan towards Dr. Wily!" Gackpo shouted as he rushed after the evil Navi with his digital katana in hand.

"Oops..." Jasmine said as she ran after him.

Dark MegaMan was thrown towards Dr. Wily's group, but he landed on top of Dingo! Dark MegaMan groaned in annoyance as he then realized who was underneath him. Without missing his chance, he grabs Dingo's wrist and takes his Crest Data!

"Ah!" Dingo yelled as a turquoise light shined from him while Yuri and Dusk pulled Dr. Wily away from them.

"He's stealing his Crest!" Dr. Wily shouted as Dusk charged forward with a kuni in hand.

He threw it towards Dark MegaMan as he raised his other hand to block his incoming attack with ease.

"It is true! Having more and more Crests makes a Navi more powerful! I cannot wait to get all the Crests!" Dark MegaMan said in mad delight as he then lunged towards Dusk and grabs his wrists to take away his Crest in a dark purple light!

Yuri rushed forward to push Dark MegaMan away from Dusk, but he already took his Crest. Then, he swipes his hand forward to grab her wrist and take her Crest away!

"Gah!" she exclaimed as she felt her Crest vanish in a purple and green light.

Dr. Wily was horrified to see this until Dark MegaMan released her limp form. He scoffed as he then turns his attention back to the other Crest Holders. Dr. Wily then rushed to Dusk, Yuri, and Dingo as he tried to find a way to help them.

"Oh, I am not letting you get away with this without a fight!" Tesla shouted as she held her PET, "MagnetMan! Get ready!"

"Yes, Miss Tesla" her Navi responded.

"GyroMan, we better help her!" Charlie said as he held his PET.

"Understood! Take to take to the skies!" GyroMan said determinedly.

The two of them Cross Fused as Iris picked up Trill and held him close to her.

"Get out of here. We'll hold them off" Gackpo said seriously as he held his katana.

Len and his parents ran to the deeper labs and found Rin with Lan's group. Len hugged Rin as Rin looked up to her parents in confusion.

"Is something happening?" Rin asked just as Leon appeared.

"Everyone! Dark MegaMan is here and he's trying to take your Crest Data!" Leon shouted loudly to the group as Iroha burst out of the NET.

"Aw, but I am here too! Oh, look at that, my dear sister-in-law is also here. Should've known that you had a Crest too. Oh, well. That won't matter. I'll take it for myself!" Iroha shouted as she lunged at her sister-in-law.

Luka snapped her fingers to make a gust of wind to blow Iroha away with ease.

"I'll take care of her. She is nothing compared to me" Luka answered until a huge sound wave blew over them!

"I'm not the same little sister from before! I am much stronger than you! Stronger than all of you!" Iroha declared as she continued to blast a wave of sound.

The Crest Holders were tossed around as Iroha reached out to grab Maylu's hand first! Maylu let out a scream with a pink light scattering from her! Lan tried to reach out to her, but Iroha smirked as she threw Maylu towards him! Lan caught the unconscious girl as Rin and Len tried to reach for each other.

"Ah, the Irregular Twins! I thought I felt your presence! Such is the legend of twins, a boy and a girl born with bells in the background! I'll take your Crests together!" Iroha yelled as she grabs both of their wrists!

The twins let out a scream of pain as yellow lights burst from them. Their parents somehow reached out to them. Iroha had taken their Crests and threw them back at their parents. Their parents caught their children as Iroha reached to Miku. She grabs Miku's wrist as she takes her Crest Data as a teal light shined from her. Luka quickly waved her hands to counter Iroha's sound waves and slowly placed everyone on the ground.

"Is everyone ok?" Luka asked as she looked at some of her injured friends with worry.

"Luka! Look out!" Baryl shouted as Luka turned attention to an incoming Iroha.

Hub reacted first and pushed Luka back as Iroha grabs his wrist! He wasn't feeling any pain as she took his Crest Data away.

"Interesting. I haven't come across a human like you. Oh well, too bad!" she shouted as she aimed her blaster at him.

Hub's eyes were wide as he was blasted away and Iroha grabs Luka's wrist! Although Luka didn't feel the pain as the others did, she still felt her Crest Data being taken from her! Iroha snarled when she realized that Luka wasn't hurt by her theft. Barly rushed to pull Luka away from Iroha as Lan helped his twin brother sit up. Iroha rushed towards Lan first and grabs his wrist to take his Crest Data away.

"Ah!" Lan exclaimed in pain as Barly rushed to try and pull Lan away from Iroha.

This was successful, but Iroha was also able to steal Baryl's Crest Data as well! Just like Luka, he didn't feel the pain, but he held Lan close as he tried to calm himself down.

"Well, that was easier than I thought. A little annoying, but easier" Iroha taunted to them before she disappeared into the NET and leaving behind her injured sister-in-law and her friends.

Dr. Hikari and Hub rushed to Baryl as they checked on Lan. He was fine, but just like most of the group, were completely tired and drained.

"Excellent work, Iroha" Dark MegaMan said as she appeared beside him to face the last remaining Crest Holders.

"It was nothing. My sister-in-law is still as sentimental as before" Iroha mocked to him as she grinned at the remaining holders.

Iris, Trill, and Mr. Higsby tried to flee from them as Charlie, Tesla, and Gackpo charged right at them.

"Remember! Keep your distance! They will try to take your Crests!" Gackpo shouted as he slammed his katana against Dark MegaMan's arm!

Dark MegaMan growled at him as Charlie flew away from an incoming lung from Iroha. Tesla threw a magnet ball towards the two of them as Iroha dodged it and saw Trill and Mr. Higsby about to run away!

"Oh, no you don't!" she shouted as she created her cannon and trapped the two of them in a powerful sound whirlwind!

"TRILL!" Iris shouted as she tried to reach out to him.

Dark MegaMan aimed his buster to blast Iris away from Trill and lunged towards Mr. Higsby to take his Crest Data away!

"Gah!" he shouted in pain as light green light disappeared from him.

Iroha let the whirlwind go as Mr. Higsby and Trill were falling towards the ground. Dark MegaMan then grabs Trill and fled from the group as Iroha cast a powerful pink wave to knock Charlie and Tesla back!

"I have to get to my little brother!" Iris exclaimed.

"You can't! We have to find a way to defeat them and protect the others" Gackpo said seriously, "You have to help us first before we can help you"

As Gackpo was distracted, Dark MegaMan took his chance and grabs Gackpo's wrist. His Crest Data was stolen from him as he let out a scream with a purple light glowing from him! Teto had Cross Fused and held her giant sword as she marched towards Dark MegaMan. She drew her sword back and then swung it with all her might to knock Dark MegaMan back! He was thrown across the room and crashed into a few walls!

"Gackpo! Are you ok?" Teto asked worriedly.

"I'll be fine... That just hurts..." Gackpo reassured her as Iroha cast a powerful sound wave towards them!

Teto let out a pained scream as she covered her ears while Iris created a powerful barrier around herself and Gackpo. Iroha rushed to them and grabs Teto's wrist to take her Crest Data. She let out a scream as a pink light burst from her as Iroha let go of her. Dark MegaMan picked himself up as he looked at the scared Trill.

"Get him to Dr. Riegal. I'll collect the rest of the Crests and meet up with you two" Iroha ordered as she created another sound whirlwind to pull Charile, Tesla, Nenji, and Jasmine towards her.

Dark MegaMan rolled his eyes as he roughly grabs Trill and flees from the scene.

"How is one tiny girl this power?!" Charlie exclaimed as he was thrown around in the whirlwind and tried to grab Tesla.

Iroha lunged towards Charlie and grabs his wrist. He gave off a yellow light as his Crest Data was taken from him! He was forced back to regular self and caught his PET and Synchro Chip. Tesla tried to throw a Mag Ball towards Iroha, but she missed! Iroha laughed as she lunged to take Tesla's wrist and grabs her Crest Data! Tesla gasped as the Crest was taken from her!

"Just two more to go" Iroha said as she ceased her whirlwind and let most of the Crest Holders hit the ground.

Nenji and Jasmine looked ready to fight Iroha, but Iroha cast a powerful sound wave. Jasmine backflipped away as Nenji held his ears in pain! Iroha then grabs Nenji's wrist to take his Crest Data in an orange light! Jasmine clapped her hands to gather her dragon's power towards her. She tried to use her dragon to attack Iroha, but Iroha jumped back into the NET. She knew she couldn't fight Jasmine's powers like this. However, she could fool the girl! Iroha then jumped out of the NET and jumped on Jasmine! Jasmine tried to pull Iroha off her, but Iroha grabs her wrist to take her Crest Data! Jasmine gasped as her powers protected her from the pain. Iroha jumped into the NET as she laughed.

"Thank you all so much! That was helpful! Now, good riddance!" Iroha shouted as she fled from the Crest Holders and went to Dark MegaMan and Dr. Riegal.

Raika and Pride jumped away from Dr. Riegal's laser attack. Raika fired his sniper as Pride threw her wrecking ball towards Dr. Riegal. Dr. Riegal put up a barrier to protect himself from Raika's attack, but Pride's wrecking ball shattered his barrier with ease and knock him back!

"You're strong, princess" Raika commented as he hide his smile, but not his joy, from her.

"Hehe. I did learn to fight while you were gone. Didn't want to be a weak link to you nor anyone else" the princess replied with delight in her voice.

Dr. Riegal then grabs Pride's wrecking ball's chain and tried to pull her towards him. However, Pride faced him.

"Kingdom Crusher!" she shouted as she aimed her wrecking ball at him.

She released her wrecking ball towards Dr. Riegal who fired a powerful beam towards the wrecking ball to knock it to the side.

"Gah! Why are these two so powerful?" he murmured to himself as Raika prepared himself to fire another bullet at Dr. Riegal until Dark MegaMan and Iroha appeared in front of Dr. Riegal with Trill.

"Trill!" Pride shouted in surprise as Raika ceased his attack.

She rushed to reach for the small Navi, but Dark MegaMan smirked as he grabs her wrist. She soon screamed in pain as he took her Crest Data away! She gave off a white light as she fainted and transformed back to herself.

"Pride!" Raika shouted as he rushed to her side, but Iroha jumped on him and grabs his wrist.

She smirks as she takes the last Crest Data from him. He grave off a mint green light as he was forced to transform back to himself. Despite the pain, he picked up his PET, Pride's, and their Synchro Chips as he crawled to Pride's side to pull her close to him.

"We've done! All twenty-six Crests are mine!" Dr. Riegal exclaimed in a mad delight as Iroha and Dark MegaMan held Trill, "Let's finally obtain the power of Duo!"

The rest of the Crest Holders soon gathered with Raika and the unconscious Pride with Dr. Hikari, Dr. Wily, and Iris. They watched in horror as Dark MegaMan and Iroha roughly held Trill upwards as they gave him all the Crests. Trill let out a powerful cry as a blue light engulfed them!

"YOU WHO HAVE GATHERED MY CRESTS, WHAT DO YOU WISH FOR?!" a booming, thundering voice demanded of them as the Crest Holders and their allies grew nervous.

"I, Dr. Riegal, demand that you give me all your knowledge of this world! I want to have it all! I WANT IT ALL FOR MY GRAND AMBITIONS!" Dr. Riegal exclaimed madly as Iroha and Dark MegaMan laughed wickedly.

Everyone held their breath for a moment until the light changed from blue to red...

"Oh, no! Everyone get back!" Dr. Wily shouted seriously.

"What? Why?" Lan asked surprised.

"Don't ask questions! Just go!" the doctor shouted.

Everyone hid behind the broken walls as they watched from a far. Dr. Riegal, Dark MegaMan, and Iroha began to scream in pain as the red light grew brighter. They began to hold each other as they released Trill. Trill scurried to his sister.


"Look away!" Dr. Hikari shouted as everyone held onto the ground and shut their eyes.

Although none of them saw, a figure in black and red did appear from the light as those three were in pain. This figure in red had a black mask and a bit of a darker shade of blonde hair with red eyes appeared. She wore a red shirt, black, thorn armor, and metal boots. She held an old tome as she raised her dark, metal claw. In one strike, she took the soul of Dr. Riegal and let his body perish. She then turned her attention to Iroha and Dark MegaMan. Although, both of them were living, they still have ties to here. She simply snapped her fingers to cast the two of them to another realm. A realm with advance technology until it was their time to be taken by her hands. She then saw the Crest Holders. She simply shook her head before departing from them. Once the red light had vanished, the Crest Holders felt their Crests return to them, but they also felt this foreboding feeling of dread and death in the air.

"Is everyone ok?" Dr. Hikari asked calmly.

"I think so. We are all here..." Meiko said as she looked at Kaito.

"AH!" Rin screamed as she stood up and pointed at something.

Everyone followed her finger and all gasped in horror and disgust at the site. Before them laid the clothes and destroyed PET of Dr. Riegal. As for the doctor himself, he was nothing by bones.

"What happened to him? Where did Dark MegaMan go?" Hub asked in a scared tone.

"What became of my sister-in-law?" Luka asked in complete horror.

"Simple. Being a vile person" Dr. Wily said with a sigh, "Although my son was never a nice human, he was a vile one. Assuming all of you know the Age of Fairytales, you would know a great evil consumed the lands. This evil would later affect the most innocent of humans and corrupt them. As a result, darkness was born. Duo was meant to manage this evil. He did and disposed of my son and his workers to some place we can only follow in death"

The air was heavy with shock and horror as the sky seemed to be reflecting their shared feelings. Duo is suddenly a much bigger threat than of the Crest Holders had ever imagined. 

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