The Acid That Melts My Heart...

By xharhaillacallueng

65.5K 2.9K 1.2K

Completed. L/n Y/n, a young prodigy that has the goal to achieve a place at NASA, the National Aeronautics an... More

Dream 2
Valentine's Special
Valentine's Special 2
Book 2


4.2K 169 101
By xharhaillacallueng

Status: Unedited

Published: April 10, 2021

A/N:Italic sentences are spoken in Japanese.

"Welcome to NASA, Y/n L/n..." A gentle voice spoke as the woman offered a warm smile to the teen. Y/n's smile widened a bit more as the woman held out her hand for her to shake. Y/n reached for her hand and shook it. 'Her hands are warm... Is she the Vice President?' The woman let go of her hand and placed her right hand on her chest.

"I'm Lesley Gomez, the Vice President of the NASA Company. We have been waiting for your arrival, Ms. Y/n." The woman now identified as Lesley, introduced herself to the h/c haired girl as Y/n waved her hands in front of her with the same smile. "Please, it's just Y/n, I'm not used to formalities after all." Jake and Lesley chuckled at her. "I haven't smiled like this in public for ages..." Lesley raised a brow at her statement. "You haven't what? Smiled in public?" She nodded. "I'm... Not shy or anything but I'm just not the type to show emotions to anyone I don't trust, you two seemed to be someone I could trust."

Jake and Lesley nodded in understanding as Y/n felt a hand on her shoulder. She looked up to see Jake with a smile. "Don't worry, Y/n, sweetie! We all went through similar things when we were still mindless brats!" Y/n laughed a little while the two other adults giggled softly. Lesley held her back and slowly led her out of her office. "We'll show you to your room. Shall we?" "Uh, yes, Ms. Lesley. "

"Oh please! Just call us Jake and Lesley, we feel old getting called those formalities. We wanna feel young again!" Lesley told the teen, she giggled as they saw Jake make a few hand gestures and child impressions here and there to make them laugh.

Y/n saw a few inventions in every aisle, she named every single one which made Lesley and Jake surprised at how she knew every single one.

'A prodigy indeed, she really is the chosen one...'

Lesley and Jake reminded their selves as they reached a door signed 'Y/n L/n'. "Well, this is where you'll be staying. We hope that you like the way we picked your room." "Nah it's fine either way, Jake." They both giggled and Jake took out the room's keys. He handed them to Y/n who took it and unlocked the door, revealing a room with green, blue and purple gradients on the ceiling and her things arranged rightfully where they belong.

"Wow..." "So, do you like it? We could re-costumize if you want." Y/n shook her head as she faced them both with a bright smile. "It's perfect!" Still with that same smile, she went to explore her new room. Her smiles and laughter that almost made them tear up making them relieved that she likes her new room for the month she'll be staying.


"This is the cafeteria, this'll serve as our dining room for the mean time. Now, how about you go clean up first, hm? Me and Lesley will be waiting for you while they're preparing the food, sound good?" Jake asked Y/n as she just nodded and rushed off to her room to take a shower. Jake and Lesley stared at her figure and smiled softly. Jake tapped Lesley's shoulder. "Do you think she's the one Professor Amber was talking about?" Lesley shrugged. "Maybe. She acts a lot like her, though. What's the school that she goes to?"

"Maxwell National High School." "That's an elite school in the Philippines. I guess that's where she's from. She's young and amazing." Lesley stated as she closed her eyes. "Yeah, you're right. She'll save us all along with her special someone. Lesley, I believe that they're in contact now, don't you think?" "Yeah, she's 17 now anyway." Jake chuckled at Lesley as they got back to the their usual topic everyday.

Y/n was picking out her clothes while talking to her imaginary friends. She was speaking in Japanese since she aced her exam when she came back from Japan.

"I wish I could meet Senku, too bad he's not real." She told herself until Senku himself answered for her. "Me? Not real? Who are you? There are other humans? How are we making contact?!" Y/n chuckled, thinking that she's just talking to herself but really, Senku was really listening to her in the alternative world, talking to her in his mind. "I'm L/n Y/n, 17 years old from the Philippines and I'm an aspiring Scientist. I've been given a free tour of  the NASA Department, too. " Senku, who was drinking water in the makeshift lab in Ishigami village, choked at what she had just said.

"N-NASA? You said you were given a free tour in NASA?" Y/n nodded. "Yeah! Can you believe it?!" Senku slammed his cup on the table which caused Y/n to jolt up and look behind her. "What the hell? That felt so real..." 'There's no way that I'm making contact with myself, are there any more humans? Are you using some kind of telepathy, L/n Y/n?" "What the fuck?" "Oi, I'm still here you know? There's no way NASA gave you a free tour, everyone was petrified!" 'What? I was sure I stopped talking to myself now...'  "I'm going crazy..." Senku scratched his head in confusion. "What the hell, man. I'm going insane, fucking illogical." Y/n looked around her one more time.

'There it is again! Am I dreaming or something?' Senku looked around him as well. "Ok... I'm scared..." "Scared of what, Senku?" Senku let out a scream which made Y/n do the same. "What the hell, man?! If someone is pranking me, better square up! I'll fight you even if I got burnt with acid!" Y/n took a fighting stance as Senku turned to see Ginro looking at him. "What's wrong, Senku? " Senku's breathing slowed down as he gulped. "Nothing. I was only talking to myself to you know, think of my own theories of what'll be of the future, that's all... I do this sometimes."

Senku spoke like a mentalist, smooth and believable. Ginro just nodded and cleared his throat. "So, what do you need? I have a lot of things to take care of. " Asked Senku as Ginro showed his broken spear. Senku groaned and took it from him. "Go on and do something helpful, I'll give it to you as soon as I see your accomplishments." Ginro saluted. "Will do!" He skipped to where Kaseki was at and helped in any way he can just to get his new spear. Senku could hear what seems to be the shower and blushed a deep red.

"Damn, who are you, L/n Y/n?" He sighed and rubbed his temples before going back to making Para-acetamidobenzene Sulfonyl Acid. Y/n was in the shower, humming a song that broke her heart. "The One That Got Away." She had broken contact with Senku a while ago but somehow, the Leek-Head can still hear her, meaning he still wants to talk to her, but he decided to just listen to Y/n's voice that reminds him of Lillian Weinberg.

"Summer after high school, when we first met... We'd make out in your mustang, to radiohead... And on my eighteenth birthday, we got matching tattoos..." Senku can make out a few words of the song in his world which made his heart give out a little ache. Y/n rubbed soap all over her body, the shower still running while singing. "Used to steal your parents liquor and climb to the roof... Talk about our future like we had a clue... Never planned that one day, I'd be losing you..."

Senku still continues working on the chemical while listening to Y/n's voice, unaware that he's not listening to his mind but the said girl herself.

'Just what has gotten into me? Imagining a girl who I don't even know or haven't even met? That's so illogical of me... But then again, what if she's using some kind of trickery to reach me through my mind? How's that even possible?!' Senku thought to himself as he just kept on working, 'thinking' of a certain h/c haired girl singing in the shower...


"Wow! This tastes amazing! What's it called?" Jake and Lesley laughed at her statement. "It's corn soup. Though you still haven't tasted the main dish, just you wait, it'll make you feel completely light hearted." Lesley informed and as if on cue, the chefs had given them their main dishes, consisting of greens and meat. "Damn..." Jake chuckled. "I know." Y/n was given the chance to take a bite first to which she agreed to and ate her steak. Her eyes had stars in them as she complimented the chefs on their work.

They were completely flustered so in thanks, they prepared strawberry shortcake for desert. Y/n has been enjoying everything at NASA, she still can't believe that they made her stay there for a month. Senku was still thinking of her, causing him to overhear their conversations, shocked that they were talking about Astronomy. 'There... Are other humans out there?' He could hear their laughter while talking with the clinking of kitchen utensils.

"So, Y/n... Do you have anyone in mind?" Y/n looked at Lesley with confused eyes. "Hm? No one at all, love is illogical. It's a distraction." Lesley dead panned. "Told ya she's the one..." Lesley drank water as she looked at Y/n and patted her shoulder. "Still... Someday you'll get married and have children then pass your knowledge to them and so on forth." Y/n's face scrunched up. "Ew, sexual reproduction is gross." Lesley just laughed lightly as she thought of Professor Amber's same antics.

'Oh, Amber, let's just hope that she'll change her mind someday when she meets him...'


"-enku... Senku!" Senku jolted up, startled as he saw Kohaku looking at him with worried eyes. "You spaced out, what happened?" Senku rubbed his eyes. "I was concentrating on something, okay? What do you need, you Gorilla?" Kohaku grew a tick mark. "Huh? A Gorilla?" She had a murderous aura surrounding her as Senku just sighed and flicked her forehead. She held the sore spot and gave him a glare. He laughed. "Just tell me what you need already." Kohaku cleared her throat and looked at him.

"We're having a bonfire tonight, wanna come?" Senku raised a brow. "A bonfire? Yeah, sure, whatever. Where is it gonna be?" "Near the ocean, it'll be an amazing night!" Kohaku cheered as Ruri poked her head from the door with a smile, Senku digging through the bottles, his back facing them. "Everyone will be coming! I'm so excited!" The priestess exclaimed as Senku bought out jars of what seems to be white balls. "We'll roast these tonight. Behold... The marshmellows!" The sisters blinked. "Marsh?" "Mellows?" Kohaku continued as Senku face palmed.

"In the modern world, having these at bonfires are normal. You put them on a stick and hold them above the fire to melt. Then put it in bread and viola! We get... S'mores!" The sisters cocked their heads to the side. Senku dead panned. "You guys are hopeless... We'll just show you at night. Now scramble!" Senku pushed them out of the lab and closed the door, he sighed. He thought of how Taiju and Yuzuriha were doing spying on the Tsukasa empire, he was really worried about his friends but never did he show it. He slid down the door.

The poor boy misses them both. He also thought of what happened earlier. He furrowed his brows. 'L/n... Y/n...' He held his face in his palms. "Just who are you? How did you make contact with me?" He asked himself. "I don't know how I made contact with you but I just told you my name, didn't I? Ishigami Senku?" Senku suddenly stood up at the voice in his head.

"W-Who's there?! Better stop it, it's not funny!" Y/n chuckled. "I... Sorry if I scared you, Senku..." His eyes widened at the mention of his name. "You... How do you know my name?" Y/n laughed lightly. "Of course I know your name, you're my imaginary friend after all." Senku blinked. "Huh? Imaginary frie- I'm not imaginary! I'm real! And I probably look like an idiot talking to my brain!" Y/n dead panned. "Of course you'll say that. You're a Scientist, right? I'm a Scientist myself as I said." She giggled as Senku let out a sigh of frustration. "Look, are you a witch or something? Surely that's 10 billion percent illogical but I still can't get it out of my head that the fact I am talking to someone who somehow contacted me through my mind!"

Senku threw his hands up in the air and sat down on the chair, leaning his arms on the table. "Wait... You're not... Imaginary?" Senku nodded his head vigorously. "Yes! Yes! You get it! You finally get it! You're just like the big oaf..." His voice decreased in volume which confused the girl he was talking to. "Taiju? Oh yeah, he's a dumb idiot. He made me laugh throughout the show, and I hope that Yuzuriha will return his feelings. Wait, did he even re-confess after they got de-petrified? I hope they'll be alright at the Tsukasa empire." Senku's head was hurting like hell. 'How did she know about those two? Even the confession, too... God's making me think she's a mother fucking witch...'

"Hello? Senku? You still there?" Senku shook his head as Y/n was doing her arithmetical homework on Science on her desk while talking to the Leek-Head. "50°F to °C..." She mumbled but was loud and clear to Senku's hearing. He smiled as he calculated with her.

This is what was written on Y/n's notebook after solving:


Solution:°C=5/9 × (°F-32)
                 °C=5/9 × (50-32)
                 °C=5/9 × 18

"10°C/10°C." They both said in unison which shocked them both. "Y-You solved it the same time as me..." Senku shook his head at her statement. "No, I just wanted to solve with you. I didn't expect us to sync." He scoffed which Y/n responded to. "I really wanna see you right now." Senku crossed his arms. "Oh? Why so?" Y/n shrugged and looked at her phone. '8:31'. She sighed. "Hm? What's wrong?" Y/n shook her head as she cleaned up her desk. "Nah, I'm past my sleeping schedule." Senku looked at the sky to see stars and a black tainted background. He chuckled. "Well, same to me as well. Talk again tomorrow? We both need more information and theories on how our minds linked like this..." Y/n yawned, making Senku yawn as well.

He prepared his sleeping station and laid down. "Good night you Leek-Head Scientist." He chuckled. "How'd you know that I look like a Leek?" Y/n closed her eyes. "From the anime I watched, but there's no way I'm talking to the Ishigami Senku, it's just me talking to myself." He frowned. "I. Am. Real. Why don't you get that?" Y/n sighed as she hugged her pillow. "Nothing... I think I'm hallucinating." Senku groaned and spread his arms out. "I'm not talking to myself after all, my mind would never let me talk to someone I imagined to be smart be dumb instead."

"Whatever, I'm gonna pray now. Bye Senku" "Yeah, right, good night, Y/n. Contact me when you wake up, ok? You're someone worth talking to since you're the same level as me I believe..." Y/n got into kneeling position on her bed and nodded. "Sure, I will." Senku disconnected their contact and looked at the ceiling, thinking of what just happened.

'I think I'm forgetting something...'

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