Cloaked Beauty

By caramelapplee

3.1M 52.1K 5.5K

Lorendian, a small country north of Russia, is under attack by Radeskian, a neighboring country with which Lo... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Three - Part Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Four - Part Two
Chapter Four - Part Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty - One
Chapter Twenty - Two
Chapter Twenty - Three
Chapter Twenty - Four
Chapter Twenty - Five
Chapter Twenty - Six & Seven
Chapter Twenty - Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty - One
Chapter Thirty - Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Cloaked Beauty Epilogue

Chapter Twenty - Eight

58.9K 796 88
By caramelapplee

Sigh. This. Is. So. Late.

Hate myself, but I've been busy. Super busy.

Finished my yearbook application, but I've got so many projects coming on the way.

Another sigh.

Please enjoy.

Christina Perri - Jar of Hearts

I know I can't take one more step towards you
Cause all that's waiting is regret
And don't you know I'm not your ghost anymore
You lost the love I loved the most

I learned to live half alive
And now you want me one more time

And who do you think you are
Running 'round leaving scars
Collecting your jar of hearts
And tearing love apart
So don't come back for me
Who do you think you are

Chapter Twenty – Eight - Celeste


“You look beautiful tonight,” Drake said as he led me to the entrance of the restaurant. My eyes widened when I read the red lit up sign that said The Oasis. Did he know how much this would cost?

Glancing back down at him, I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

“That's like the seventh time you said that so far.” I said.

“It's because it's still true,” he replied, grinning brightly at me. A small blush rose to my cheeks, causing me to glance away. I adjusted the pink v-necked dress with it's pleated waistline as a distraction. “Oh, I almost forgot.”

Like a magician, a rose suddenly appeared in his hand. He handed it to me. “I hope you like it.”

“It's wonderful,” I said softly, my eyesight suddenly glazing over foggily. My mind suddenly drifted to the image of the blue rose Derek had given me, and all the meanings it held. This was just a red rose. A beautiful, plain red rose.

I bit my lip.

Why couldn't I stop thinking about him?

Blinking the memory away, I formed my hands into two tight fists. I needed to forget about Derek. It was for the best.

When we walked into the entrance, my eyes perused over the dim colored lights, the smooth red carpet, and the tall palm trees that stood in each corner. Black leather couches lined the side walls, occupied by waiting customers.

A man in a black uniform eyed us as we stepped up to the podium. Drake started to speak.


“Need a table for two?” the man interrupted. “Of course.” Picking up something from the counter, he handed us a small black circular object. “The wait for a table is going to be around an hour and thirty minutes. When this thing lights up, your tables ready.”

My eyes bulged. What!

“Excuse me sir,” Drake tried to argue politely,” but I actually have reservations.”

“Is that so,” the worker replied boredly. “Well, I'm sorry. Business is really busy at the moment, so we've canceled all reserved tables for the next few hours. Unless you happen to be someone like the prince, you're going to have to wait till we have an open table like everyone else.”

Drake's eyes darkened. He smiled meekly as he turned to me.

“We could go get Derek,” he joked, but I could tell it was said halfheartedly.

“No,” I quickly answered shaking my head. “We don't need him.” More I then we, though I didn't say that aloud. I didn't need him, or that's what I kept trying to make myself believe. “There are other ways of getting in.”

“Like what?” he asked. Shrugging in answer, I whipped back around to face the man.

“Look, Clark,” I said placing my hands on the podium's counter top as I eyed his name tag,”I'm really hungry and I think you should let us have a table.” The man heaved an exaggerated sigh.

“Listen darling, I already talked to your boyfriend over there and told him there are no tables left. So if you can just wait-”

Suddenly, I clasped my hands around the front neckline of his shirt and tugged, making him stumbled forward. His eyes grew wide and mine turned menacing.

“No, actually, I think you need to listen, Clark. You see, to the far right of me on the wall, is a mirror. To my knowledge there is a large room not far from here reflected in the glass. And in that room seems to be an empty four seated table. So would you like to show the way?”

The man glanced at the mirror that I had mentioned, and knit his brows in confusion. He wasn't in the angle I was looking, so he could not see what I did. “But-”

“Now,” I growled, releasing my grip on his shirt. He hastily moved away and grabbed two menus, scrambling everything behind him in the process.

“Th-this way,”he said, stumbling over his words and feet as he led the away from the waiting room. Drake sent me an incredulous but impressed look.

“Why did you do that?” he asked when we were finally seated. I could hear customers complaining in the waiting room.

“He was pissing me off when he lied. I noticed that there were tables. He was lying. I don't like liars.” Drake nodded mutely as I glanced down at the menu.

“Hm, the Ultimate Red King Crab sounds appetizing, but so does the Fresh Crab Claw Platter.”

“Are you ready to order,” a waitress asked as she stepped up to the table. I paused.

“Yes,well kinda," I answered, then glanced at Drake. “I'm not so sure on what I want. Which should I choose. Or, what should I get?”

“Whatever you want, you can have,” he answered with a smile.

I plastered a fake smile on my face in reply, as my thoughts drifted away.

My questions had had more meanings then he knew I must have intended, or even I had intended. I hadn't noticed till now. A sigh escaped my lips.

If only what he had said was really true.

Chapter Twenty – Eight Part Two – Derek


When we entered the restaurant, Francesca's arm hooked around mine, and seeming oblivious to the rest of the world, I surveyed the room. A group was gathered around the front of the room, a worker trying to calm everyone down.

“What do you think is going on?” she asked. I shrugged, leading her to the crowd.

“Excuse me,” I yelled, so I could be heard over the groups constant complaining, “Could I have a table for two.”

The man shook his head. “There are no tables left-”

“Yes, there could be,” an aggravated women yelled. “You let the couple have a table.” I sighed. Apparently, they weren't letting people in.

“I guess we should-”

“Oh no!”

I glanced at Francesca in alarm. Her eyes were wide as she stared at the wall to the right of us, though I wasn't sure what she saw.

“We need to leave.”

“Why?” I asked.

“Celeste and Drake are here on their date!”

“How do you know that?” I asked surprised. She pointed to the wall.

“In the mirror. You can see their reflection.” I glanced at the mirror, but all I saw was a vase of flowers on a table. “You have to be in a certain angle,” she explains when my expression turned perplexed.

“You notice that too?” the man who's name read Clark asked. “So did the girl with brown hair. She practically threatened me when she saw the table was open. You know her?”

“That sounds like Celeste,”she replied. “Yes, I know her. I'm her friend, Francesca.” The man blinked.

“Francesca?” That sounds so familiar.” I threw her a look, as if to make her speak no further. But of course, she continued. “What's your full name?”

“Oh, Francesca La Rosetta.”

The whole crowds bickering stopped as they looked at her in astonishment.

“You, you're the princess,” a women said. Suddenly, she pointed her finger in my direction. “That must mean you must be Prince Derek Loredo,” she quickly retrieved her arm and let it rest by her side as she quickly contorted her body into a bow. “I'm sorry for pointing, Your highness.”

“It's quite all right,” I mumbled.

“Your highness! I'm sorry, I-I did not know,” Clark stammered. “We will try to get you to a table immediately, or right away if your please.”

Francesca nodded eagerly, then stopped. “There aren't any tables left though, if I'm correct. I don't want you kicking anyone out of the restaurant for us. Also, if Celeste sees us, she'll probably think were spying on her date.”

“Spying?” I asked faking bewilderment. “That's preposterous.”

“I agree,” she replied, “we would never do anything like that. But Celeste might think so. Maybe we should leave...”

“No,” I quickly said. “If what you said was correct, there were four seats at that table, and Celeste and Drake are only taking up two of the chairs.”

“Correct,” Francesca replied slowly. “We could sit there, but then Celeste would definitely know we were here. Unless...”

Her eyes suddenly lit up as she glanced at me. “Maybe we could tell her that there were not tables left! They might let us sit there, and then it'd be like a double date! How does that sound?” I smiled cooly.

“That sounds perfect.”

Chapter Twenty – Eight Part Three - Celeste


“Your lying,” I said, taking a swig of my drink. Drake shook his head.

“Nope, no liars here. I'm being honest. Penelope's dog literally sniffed my shoe, peed on it, then went it's merry way.

"How old were you when that happened," I replied astounded.

"Ten, I think. Penelope was eight, and still stubborn. I'm still hauntened by the horrid memory."

“I would have loved to see that,” I said laughing.

“Penelope's dog was pretty aggressive. She actually came up to me and started yelling at me for letting her dog pee on me. Something about how I looked like a toilet for dogs. Not quite sure anymore. I'm sure you wouldn't have wanted to see that.”

“That definitely sounds like Penelope. And I would have wanted to see that,” I said grinning.

“I love to see you smile,” he replied. The reply had been so cliché but sweet at the same time.

“Good,” I answered, “cause I love to smile.” He laughed in response, and I took another sip of my drink.”

“Who knew there was so much more to you than your beautiful face and feisty actions. I'm pleased. You've also got an enchanting laugh.”

“I live to please.”

There was more to Drake then I had though too. He was more kind and sincere than his tough appearance. I liked that.

The idea of Drake and I being together was starting to make sense. It could work, I knew it could. I just needed to stop thinking of him.

To bad he was here. Make that he and she... what!

My eyes suddenly flashed to the entryway of the hallway of which we had passed through, and sure enough, there was Derek and Francesca.

Derek and Francesca.

“What the f-”

“Celeste!” Francesca squeaked eagerly as she ran up to our table. “Hey, do you guys mind if we could sit here. All the other tables are booked.”

“But Drake and I are on a date,” I said tightly, avoiding all contact with Derek.

“Well so are we,”she replied sheepishly. My eyes narrowed, but I quickly rearranged my face to appear calm. “But it could be like a double date.”

“Sounds like fun,” Drake replied. I wanted to punch him at that moment. Having a date with Francesca and Derek was not fun”. They slid into the seats, Derek on my left, Francesca by Drake's right. My grip slowly grew tighter on the base of my drink, as I tried to ignore the tingling sensation that ran along the length of my arm from the heat radiating from Derek sitting by me. Crossing my arms, I slowly shifted along my seat to the right.

“I'm starving,” Francesca sighed. “When do you think your food is going to get here.”

“Soon,” Drake said. “It should be here in a few minutes. We got a huge platter, so I guess it'll be enough for all of us.” Francesca nodded. It seemed they were the only ones keeping up the conversation.

A part of me couldn't help it. I glanced at Derek. My heart melted.

He was looking adorable in a dark black tux, his eyes gleaming of green. Swallowing the sudden lump that formed in my throat, I glanced away. I hoped Francesca appreciated what she had.

“Did he give you that rose,” Derek suddenly asked, eying the large petals that sat on the table. I nodded. He smirked. “How unoriginal.”

“What?” I stared at him in astonishment.

“Can't he do something original? You deserve better than that.” My thoughts had already clouded around the fact that he had insulted Drake to realize the depth of his words.

“If it's so unoriginal, what about that blue rose you gave me!-”


Both of our heads snapped to the other side of the table. Francesca looked at me with wide confused eyes. “Excuse me?”

“Uh...”I said, letting my words trail off. “What did you hear?” Francesca blinked.

“Something about someone giving a rose to someone.” Her eyes drifted down to the table. “Oh! Were you guys talking about that?” she said, pointing to Drake's red rose.

“Yeah,” I answered quickly.

“But I heard something about a blue rose...”

“Oh, yes,” Derek added, jumping in. “You did, actually. Celeste as just telling me about the blue rose she found in the garden.”

“You mean the one we found?” she asked, turning to me.”

“What?” Derek asked confused.

“That's the one. I was just telling him about how thoughtful it was of the person to get a blue rose.” Francesca smiled, as if relishing memory.

“It was thoughtful.”

“I was also saying how beautiful I thought the red rose Drake gave me was.” Derek snorted softly.

“Beautiful, hardly,” he mumbled. I glanced at Drake to see if he had heard. Well he did. His lips parted, then closed, the corners turning into a frown. He let out a sigh.

“I guess Derek is right. A blue rose is more thoughtful than the red one I gave you. It has more meaning to it.”

Of course.

“No, it's wonderful. It's perfect, okay? I love it.”

He smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes.

“I couldn't ask for anything more,” I insisted.

“Alright,” Drake said. “I believe you.

But I knew he didn't. The truth was written in his eyes.

“Only thoughtful, huh,” Derek muttered. Narrowing my eyes, I turned to him.

“Yes, only thoughtful,” I said stiffly. “Nothing else, the blue rose was just that. Blue is like tears. Red is like a heart. I'd rather have love than cry.”

An expression of hurt crossed his face. I expected him to quickly compose himself but he didn't. He only shook his head mutely and turned away.

I immediately wanted to comfort him, but I stopped myself, and turned away.

He hated me now. I knew it. I'd convince myself of it. I'd stop trying to love him. I would. Really, I would.

My hand turned into a fist under the table.

I guess we were all liars.

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