Black Water

By Hihiwhymy

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This story is not mine. It belongs to TheFAYZ on ao3. i am just reposting it on wattpad. "Alright, I'll go... More

/1/ "Sorry boss, couldn't resist."
/2/ "That's mostly just me though."
/3/ "I didn't see anything."
/4/ "Speak of the Devil"
/5/ "Fuck you for smiling!"
/7/ "You two are gods among ants."
/8/ "Yeah he's dead, but I saved Liam so I don't care."
/9/ "Sorry mate, he said please."
/10/ "Because I'd do anything for him."
/11/ "So? Who wants to see a magic trick?"
/12/ "I can live with that" Epilogue

/6/ "None of them were Liam."

212 15 53
By Hihiwhymy

Chapter 6: "None of them were Liam."


"I won't mind, even though, I know you, you'll never be, mine..." I mumbled his song to myself while I was being led to the entrance to the arena. I could hear screaming, yelling, and what sounded like roaring.

"Shut up prisoner." The man growled behind me. I just smiled.

"Don't look around 'cause love is blind..."

"I said shut the fuck up." The man snarled. I laughed.

"Would you prefer some Katy Perry?"

"I'd prefer you shut up prisoner."

"I'm not a prisoner; I'm just a guy you got in shackles." I said. He laughed.

"Yeah, keep that confidence in the arena, see how you fair." I smiled at him.

"You wouldn't happen to know where your leader is, do you?" He glared at me.

"He's watching the fight, like he always is."

"Good, I needed to talk to him." He scoffed.

"Yeah, good luck with that."

"It doesn't bother you that I'm not worried in the slightest?" He shook his head.

"The African heat has gone to your head, obviously."

"Obviously." I mimicked, loving the annoyed look on his face.

"2 minutes and he's up." I heard a voice say behind me. I tried to turn but I was shoved in the back.

"Turn around again I cut your arm off." He snapped.

"Yeah yeah sure sure." I giggled.

"You know how illegal this arena is right? Pitting people with powers against each other gladiator style...its barbaric."

"Yeah, but who's gonna question 'The Lion' eh?"

"Dirge." I said, smiling. I could practically hear his frown.


"Oh, just the worlds number 1 police force. Haven't heard of us?"


"Good, if ya did we wouldn't be doing our jobs right. When something bad, like, say, a gladiatorial style death arena in the wilds of Africa, pops up? We come in and stop it." He scoffed again.

"Yeah, sure."

"And if said arena is being run by a guy who is notorious for only showing his face at said arena...well, what better way to get at him that to let one of our members pretend to be captured and taken to the arena so we can capture the mother fucker while he's out in the open?" I turned, he looked stunned, I just laughed.

"Just kidding!" Another guard came in and unlocked my shackles. The large metal door swung open and I was pushed out into the open.

The arena was big. It (not surprisingly) reminded me of the Colosseum in Rome, though not quite as big, like someone had crudely tried to imitate it. The African sun was beating down on me and the fact that I felt drenched in sweat after being in it for only 10 seconds should tell you how bloody hot it was, god I missed New York, it was rain season right now. I scanned the arena, nothing but dirt, and another metal door on the other side of the arena. 3 large stone pillars were standing in a triangle dead center in the arena. The stands were absolutely packed with people, screaming and yelling nothing of real note except one thing...Titan.

"HELLLLOOOOOO DEATH BATTLE FANS!!!!!" A voice roared over what sounded like some sort of speaker system. The arena grew even louder. I just grinned; at least this wouldn't be boring.

"Cause we are who we are, when no one's watching..." I sung quietly to myself, I could practically hear his beautiful voice in my head...who would have thought he could sing? I most certainly didn't, and he wrote his own music...

"WHO IS READY TO WATCH THE FIGHT OF THE CENTURY?!?!" Another roar in response, I just laughed, the guy knew how to rile up a crowd.

"IN THE LEFT CORNER, WE HAVE A SPECIAL GUEST! HE KILLED HIS PARENTS AND STOLE THEIR GIFTS! IT'S FROSTY HIMSELF FOLKS! LIAM PAYYYYYNNNNNNEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!" I heard screams, I head boo's, I heard a variety of different noises. I ignore them all though, instead deciding to seethe to myself that he called me 'Frosty'...bloody hated that nickname. I twirled around until I finally found him, sitting in his own private booth. The African warlord himself, a man everyone simply called 'The Lion.'

"Lion!" I screamed, staring up at him on his literal throne. His skin was black as night, he had 2 large angry scars running down from his jaw to below his neck and into his shirt. He was quite muscular, and he had a litany of scars covering his arms. He wore a black tank top and a pair of dark black sunglasses, a blood red cane rested in-between his legs and his hands were resting on the top. He simply grinned at me and made a gesture with his hand. A man crept out from the shadows and handed him a microphone.

"Silence" He said. The crowd died instantly, I had to respect a man who could do that, even if it was by fear.

"You think, you can come here, and expect to steal from me?" I smiled and shouted back.

"How else was I going to get your attention?"

"Normally boy, I would gun you down where you stand...but I want to see those gifts of yours in action."

"I'm sorry Mr. Lion, but I have to suggest you end this now, if you come peacefully, you won't be in jail for the rest of your life." He scoffed.

"Oh? And what if you do put me in your pitiful jails? I am known for my must always wait for the moment to take the kill."

"Last warning." I yelled. He shook his head and banged his cane down.

"BRING OUT THE TITAN!!!!" The crowd exploded into screams of excitement.

"I tried." I said, shaking my head.

"LET'S SEE HOW LONG YOU CAN LAST BOY!" He grinned into the microphone. I twisted my head, the other doors suddenly started to slowly open.

"Here we go." I grumbled. Come on Harry...find me. The doors opened. I squinted but I couldn't see a damn thing. Suddenly, a very muscular white guy with blond hair and blood red eyes came walking out, the crowd went fucking mental. I frowned, now what could this guy do? The guy ripped off his shirt, showing his impressive abs off.

"What? Trying to distract me? I have a guy 10 times better." I said, laughing at him. He said nothing, he looked angry, shit.

"I do something to offend you?" I asked. The guy shook his head and yelled back to me.

"Not you, your father. He destroyed my father's life by beating him in a duel and bringing shame on my family." I hadn't expected such a thick Russian accent, nor had I expected a Russian in here of all places.

"What? You've been waiting for me?" He shook his head again.

"Niet, I had been here, winning battles for the Lion, you being here is just fate smiling on me and allowing me a chance to kill you." I sighed and held out my hand and tried to form a sword. I managed it but it wasn't as strong as it should have been, the dry heat was killing a lot of the water particles in the air....shit. I pointed my sword at him.

"Good luck then." He nodded.

"You as well." He suddenly slammed his fists together...and he started growing.

Literally, he started getting bigger.

His muscles bulged and grew bigger and bigger, his whole frame got thicker, he started getting taller as well. I watched in shock as his arms got as thick as tree trunks, he had thighs that could choke a hippo, and he had to be at least 10 feet tall.

"Oh." I said, suddenly understanding why everyone called him Titan. He suddenly let out an inhuman roar that would make Hulk jealous; I could feel it vibrating my bones.

"Shit." I said. His somewhat normal face had become deformed, big forehead, odd chin, like a caveman's except not as hairy. He suddenly started bull rushing me. I tried to run but he was so damn big it was near impossible. I quickly tried to form my armor but there wasn't enough water, I could only cover my legs. He was almost on me; I quickly flung to the left and let myself be propelled through the air, only a short distance but it was enough to dodge the unstoppable force threatening to run me over. He kept going but managed to stop right before he rammed into the wall, I looked around quickly and noticed chunks missing out of various other places in the stone wall, I suppose that made more sense.

So, when he did that it was hard for him to stop, perfect. He twisted and glared at me, he looked fucking pissed. I used the ice on my legs to fly myself to the top of one of the stone pillars, which were about as tall as he was. He stomped his feet like he was getting ready to charge again. I let my sword shatter and started gathering as much water out of the air as I could. I gathered it in a ball of ice in my hands, and it very slowly grew bigger in my hands.

"Titan, I have to ask that we end this!" I yelled. He stomped his feet again and I kept gathering, it was the size of a basketball now.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry my dad ruined your father's life, I'm sure that wasn't my father's intention." He just roared at me.

"But please, I don't want to have to kill you. The group I am part of, you would be a welcome addition. You could help people, save lives..." He just roared again and I shook my head.

"You aren't even listening are you? Fine..." He started stomping his feet even harder, he was going to charge, not seeming to care about the pillars. The ball of ice in my hand was the size of a watermelon, he started running at me.

"Fine." I mumbled. I waited, waited; he was close, too close to dodge. I shot the ice ball from my hand, it flew and rammed right into his chest. He slowly was covered by my ice, he kept trying to get closer but the ice was spreading too quickly. He screamed, only a few feet away but it was at his legs now, I watched grimly as he turned into a giant icicle.

"Sorry." I said. I looked up at The Lion; he looked more amused than angry.

"That all?" I yelled at him, he shook his head and grinned, it was unsettling.

"You should really learn to finish your food's not always dead." I quickly covered my legs in ice and stared at Titan, he had started shaking.

"Shit." I grumbled. I flew off the pillar right as he suddenly broke out and rammed his fist into the pillar I had just been standing on. I stumbled onto the ground and turned, only to have to fly away as a pillar was literally thrown at me. It slammed into the ground and made the loudest bloody noise ever. I growled in anger, dammit I couldn't do anything in this heat, my ice was too weak and he was built like a tank. I really didn't want to have to use my light but if I had too then I had too...dammit Harry you better have found me already!

I formed a couple ice daggers and shot them at the beast, one bounced off and the other shattered and did literally nothing. Wait...I was an idiot! I quickly looked around the arena, into the crowd...and finally I found what I had been looking for. Water bottles, a lot of people seemed to have them...perfect. I flipped off the beast, which just snarled and looked even angrier. I moved so my back was against the stone wall, he started charging me but I stayed where I was, had to time this perfectly. He was almost on me, 15 feet, 10 feet. I flew out of the way, he rammed into the wall and I could practically feel the wave of force from where I was standing. I ran across the arena and held out my hand, time to try a new move I had been working on.

I sighed heavily and concentrated, gotta let the power flow out and grab exactly what I needed, not force it, just relax and let it come to me. I held out both my hands and let the power flow, I could feel the water from the crowd exploding into the air, I could see people screaming and yelp in surprise as it all flowed towards me, not a shit ton but enough. I gathered it into my hand and formed a basketball sized orb of ice, then dropped it on the ground. I kept forming them until I was of out ice. 10 balls of ice were soon hanging in the air around me. By now he had recovered and was turning around. I grinned at him.

"Last chance Titan." He roared and charged me. I flicked my hand and one of the orbs flew at him at blinding speeds. It rammed right into his stomach, his eyes practically bulged out of his head and he flew backwards into the wall.

"That was a blunt one...don't make me make them sharp." I yelled in warning. He screamed at me and threw the orb back at me, I caught it and laughed, the idiot was giving me ammo back. He charged at me again and I shot the orb back at him. To my surprise, his hand came out and he knocked it away, it broke up and landed in pieces a few feet away as he continued his charge. I reformed the orbs; the sides were now pointed and sharp, like drills. I fired 2 more at him, he deflected one but the other caught him in the shoulder and stopped his advance. I flicked my hand again, hating that I had to do this. It started twirling into his shoulder; he let out a scream as it literally drilled through him and out the other side. There was now a hole in his giant shoulder, he gripped at it and screamed in pain. I flinched; fuck me I didn't want to have to do this.

Before joining Dirge, killing people hadn't been an issue for me. It was either me or them, and I chose me...but now, I didn't see people I had to kill to survive, I saw people with gifts who could maybe join up, make us stronger...maybe even be friends. Titan only hated me because of what my father apparently did...I know with time I could get him to forgive me, it didn't have to end like this. Titan roared, his body suddenly started to glow a deep hue of yellow. Oh shit.

He kept roaring, the hole in his shoulder slowly started to heal, I watched in amazement as the wound closed, you couldn't even tell I had hurt him. I watched in astonishment as he grew even bigger than before, 15 feet tall, his body even hulkier than before. I stared, steam was coming off his body, his eyes were completely white, not even a hint of color. He stopped screaming, he was breathing in quick little bursts. He stopped glowing but steam still flowed off his back.

"T-Titan..." I started. His head suddenly shot up, he looked right at me. I felt a chill run over my body, the look he was giving me...I don't think he had any control over himself anymore. He suddenly sprinted at me, I wasn't prepared, he was way quicker than before. I fired a ball at him, it rammed into his stomach but it didn't even slow him down. I fired 3 more, one rammed right into his chest, the other two got him right in the stomach...but again, it didn't seem to do anything. I took the remaining orbs and covered my body in my father's armor, I flew out of the way just as he barreled pasts me. I landed as far away as I could and quickly gathered the last remnants of broken orbs around me. He stopped running and turned to stare right at me...shit, I was out of options. He let out the loudest roar I had ever heard in my life. I covered my ears and I felt my body shake, fuck me.

Then, my earpiece suddenly came to life

"Sounds like you're in a pickle." Sophia chimed in my ear. I cleared the ice off my ear and sighed.

"Yeah, not enough water in the air, and he's sort of become unstoppable."

"Love a good challenge." Another voice suddenly said in my ear, a voice I would recognize anywhere.

"About fucking time!" I snapped. He just laughed in my ear.

"Hold him off for another minute babe, see you soon...and no matter what, we cannot let Lion leave you got me? Turn him into a Popsicle if you have to." I nodded before remembering he couldn't see that.

"Yeah, I know."

"See you soon love."

"You two make me nauseous." Sophia chimed in. I created an ice wall from my last orbs and fired it at Titan. It rammed into his legs and managed to knock in onto his face. I lifted it over his head and flicked my hand, it then proceeded to brutally ram into the back of his head over and over before his arm came up and caught it. I let the melt and cover him in water. I waved my hand and the water started hardening back into ice, freezing him into the ground. He started thrashing on the ground, trying to shaking off my ice that was nothing but a distraction for him. He managed to get back up and I gulped, trying to form more ice but unfortunately not really getting much. He roared once again and came flying at me. I flew up and tried to get away, but too late. He managed to grab my leg and flung me against the wall, if it wasn't for my armor I'd probably be dead or every bone in my body broken.

He pinned me against the wall and screamed in my face, I couldn't help the fear that filled my body...shit. He pulled his arm back, ready to punch the upper half of my body and kill me. I knew I couldn't hold back anymore. I let the orb of light form right in his face; he stopped his punch and stared at me, looking stunned. I let another orb form, then another, and another, until I was surrounded by a dozen flying orbs of light. He snarled, apparently not caring. I let the one in his face suddenly explode like a tiny sun, he screamed and let me go, pawing at his face. I let the orbs fly around his head, he batted at them but it was light, not exactly something he could bat away. I let one fly into his stomach, the skin started to bubble and blister and he screamed as I let the orbs fly into him and start boiling his skin. He fell onto his back; I quickly lifted myself and flew off. The orbs should have been burning holes through him, but I guess his skin was just too damn tough. The light wore off, I watched his skin already starting to heal as he stood back up, and somehow managing to look even more pissed than before. He lunged himself at me...but an arm slung itself over my shoulder.

"You seem to be in some trouble mate." Suddenly we were across the arena, I turned around and Niall was grinning at me.

"Sorry mate, had a bitch of a time finding this place." I let my armor melt and I grinned.

"It's cool, you have great timing." I heard people in the audience screaming it fear as suddenly things started catching on fire, they all scrambled to get the hell out but I just laughed.


Zayn was standing at the top of the arena, laughing his ass off. He was wearing those really sexy sunglasses I got him and a black tank top to show off those amazing tatted arms of his. His skinny jeans clung to him and his new black boots he just got looked good as well. He flicked his hand, and The Lion's booth caught on fire. He suddenly jumped off the top and his arms caught on fire. He propelled himself right over to the two of us and landed right in front of me. He extinguished his arms, put his hand behind my head, and pulled me into a kiss.

"Sorry I took so long babe."

"It's ok, you got here just in time, like always." He grinned and kissed me again, I kissed him back eagerly.

"Remind me to blow you later." I mumbled, he just smirked.

"I won't forget."

"Gross, but um, guys, got bigger issues." Niall warned. We both turned, Titan was already charging us. Zayn just grinned at me.

"Watch this babe. Gonna show off for you." I fanned myself.

"Oh my, just for me?" He laughed and pointed his finger at Titan. Fire suddenly exploded from his finger, hotter and brighter than I had ever seen. The force must have been immense, because the second it hit Titan he flew back and rammed into the wall. Zayn calmly walked forward as fire flowed from him. Titan screamed in pain but Zayn didn't relent, he looked the picture of calm. I walked forward with him and held his hand, he didn't seem to mind. He suddenly stopped and blew his finger, I laughed while Niall rolled his eyes.

"Fookin show off."

"Ok 'St Louis Streaker'." Zayn smirked. He shrugged.

"Hey, I have a big dick, not my fault." Titan was covered in deep looking burns, his eyes were shut but his chest was moving up and down so at least he wasn't dead. He slowly shrunk back down until he was normal sized, his pants must be some sort of special material because they were still fitting him.

"Ok, one down..." Niall grabbed Zayn and teleported him up there, I flew myself up to Lion's booth myself. He hadn't moved, still sitting with his staff right in between his legs...but his legs were shaking, he couldn't hide the fear on his face.

"So, congrats, you got me." He said, his voice quivering. I let a sword form in my hand and pressed it against his neck, Zayn let his hand ball into a fist and catch fire and pointed it at him.

"So, before we take you to jail, just have 1 question." Zayn said. The Lion gave him a cautious look, his voice shook as he asked.


"We are looking for the woman you helped a week ago, the woman who came to you looking for someone..."

"Where's Bassett?" I asked, already feeling annoyed thinking about her.

"And I swear to god, if you lie, no one would blame us for cutting you down." I finished.


"Well, that was an experience." He mumbled, looking up from my lap with those puppy dog eyes of his. I nodded and stroked his hair absentmindedly. It was night time as we flew back to New York, our latest mission a complete and total success...well, almost. After we got all we could out of 'The Lion', we took him back to the proper authorities and they assured us he had racked up enough crimes that he wouldn't see the outside of a prison cell for a very long time (rest of his life actually). After St. Louis, Yaser had leaders of countries and there resources on high alert for anything related to Bassett...turns out not a lot of people knew anything about her. 3 months of nothing, before this job came up...and the rumor that she had been seen, looking for someone. When we learned that she had visited The Lion, well, in exchange for learning anything he had to know, we agreed to bring him in.

Unfortunately, he didn't know much.

She apparently came to him with another boy (who we assumed was that Ashton kid who knocked me out) and inquired about a boy with a gift who was apparently part of The Lion's crew, his name was Luke Hemmings. He had shown us a picture, he was 19 and fairly attractive, but he looked sad. Lion told us he adopted the boy into his group after he learned what he could do, but the boy was never happy with them. He only had one gift...but it was a hell of a gift. He could create illusions; make you see things that weren't really there. According to Lion there had been a few times he had driven people in his crew mad by showing them 'indescribable' things. Apparently after some discussion, threatening, and a lot of money, he parted with the boy, and the three of them hadn't been seen since.

Why she had wanted the boy, he had no idea, but she had been 'adamant' about taking him, saying 'she needed him for later'. Sadly, that's all he knew. I asked about Doniya but he had no clue who that was. Afterwards we had taken him to jail, and noticed that Titan was gone, he was missing from where we had left him and have no idea where he is now.

"First we hear of her in months and all we know is she has a kid now who can make illusions." He said. I shrugged.

"It's fine. At least when we catch up to her again we won't be surprised, we will know now to watch out for illusions." I said.

"Yeah, real useful." He mumbled sarcastically. I smirked down at him. I was just in my underwear, he was naked. I kept stroking his buzzed hair. We were in the back of the plane, the little door was locked and it was our turn to have the bed area (we took turns each trip). He looked up curiously at me.

"So...remember when I said I owed you a blow?" I smirked at him, my cock already twitching at his words.


"Well, I'm ready to give you one if ya want..." I looked down his body; he was half hard and getting harder. He was giving me the most innocent of smiles; I ran my thumb over his lips.

"You've got a dirty mouth." He laughed.

"I try." I was half hard now; he seemed to notice and gave me a curious look.

"You're getting hard Z." I nodded.

"You did that babe." He twisted onto his side and pawed at my growing bulge. He found my tip and started mouthing it through the fabric. I got hard pretty quickly after that. He undid the little button on the front and my cock sprang out. He licked up and down the shaft and I thought about how I loved how fucking filthy he could be.

"You're filthy Liam." I grinned. He smirked at me.

"Just for you honestly." I nodded and rubbed his head as he suddenly took half of me in his mouth.

"Want me to guide you or...?"

"Guide me a little, I like when you're rough." He said, pulling off my cock and making this little popping sound.

"Alright." I said. He took me back in and I grabbed his head and forced him up and down on my cock.

"Just gotta ignore the gag reflex, like we practiced." I said. His mouth felt fucking amazing. He was going down about half way, keeping an even pace and watching him go up and down was mesmerizing. He was so fucking beautiful. I slowly pushed him down a little more with each bob, he was alright until we were about to reach the bottom and he pulled off and started coughing, spit dribbled down his mouth.

"Sorry love." I said, grabbing his hand and kissing the palm. He smiled weakly.

"It's fine..." He leaned back down and licked the tip; it sent a shiver through my body.

"Want me to keep going?"

"Only if you want to Leeyum." I said, smiling at him. A knock on the door, I just sighed.


"Hey mind if I come in Zayn? I...needed to talk to you." It was Harry.

"Yeah, sure one sec." I sighed and pulled Liam into a lazy kiss.

"Sorry love, gonna have to wait for now." He smiled.

"It's fine, I'll go steal some booze from Niall or something." I grinned.

"Good boy." He kissed me and stood to pull on his clothes. I smiled when he pulled my too big sweatpants on and had to tighten then to an extreme. I grabbed a spare set of sweats and gave his butt a little pat before walking over and opening the door.


"Oh, sorry, I was totally interrupting something." Harry said, giving me a smarmy grin and a little wink.

"Don't mind me, gonna go steal some booze from Niall...and ya, I was practicing my blowjob powers." I grinned. He smirked.

"You know I still owe you a blowjob Leeyum." I felt a little huff behind me and an arm wrapped around my stomach.

"You'll have to talk to my chahnay waali about that." Harry raised an eyebrow.

"Is that Urdu?"

"Yeah...Zayn's teaching me some."

"Means lover. He kind of messed up pronunciation but eh, work in progress." He chuckled against my neck. He kissed my neck and pulled me back up against his chest and I blushed.

"You two are so cute it's mildly infuriating." Harry commented.

"But, back to business. Zayn...?"

"Yeah yeah come on in, go get the whiskey, or the tequila if you want to make horrible mistakes." He said into my neck, patting me lightly on the butt (bloody loved when he did that, ever since I told him I liked it he pretty much did it all the time now).

"Whiskey me thinks." I giggled, walking past Harry. Harry walked into the room, the door was closed soon after. I looked around, Louis was passed out in his seat, Niall was sitting across from him and also passed out (he was stupidly drunk a half hour ago so I suppose I shouldn't be too surprised) and I could see Sophia's hand fiddling with stuff in the cockpit. I walked up and grabbed two glasses and one of Niall's half empty bottles of Irish Whisky, also deciding to grab another full bottle of Jack Daniels because why the hell not, Niall still had like 5 different bottles of various types of alcohol anyway. I filled one of the glasses with the Irish stuff and decided to go visit Sophia because I had to assume Harry and Zayn weren't done talking about...whatever it is they are talking about.

"Hey." I said, sitting down in the co-pilot seat.

"Oh, hey." She said, looking up and putting her phone away. I laughed.

"It ok to be texting while...flying?" She laughed.

"Auto – pilot does most of it to be honest, I just have to sit up here to land and make sure nothing fucks up." I took a swig and grimaced.

"Fucking Christ Niall." Sophia laughed.

"Yeah, Niall doesn't fuck around with his alcohol."

" who ya texting?" I immediately regretted asking that, not sure why I did in the first place to be honest.

"Oh, shit sorry, that was really rude..." She smiled sweetly.

"It's fine Liam, was just texting Eleanor is all." I nodded.

"Oh, how's she doing?" She shrugged.

"Fine, she's just a little bored is all." I nodded.

"I actually have wanted to ask you something about her, but I think I kinda already figured I knew the answer and was sort of afraid to ask." She gave me a curious look.

"You can ask me anything Liam, I have no problem filling you in on the crew, just don't ask me to divulge any dirty little secrets."

"Well, I wanted to ask how it was Eleanor was a part of Dirge, even though she doesn't have any powers...but then I remembered what you said about how her and Doniya...dated and sort of figured it had to do with that. I know Doniya can be...a touchy subject. I mean, I've even asked Zayn about her but he doesn't like talking about it..." Sophia nodded.

"Well, you already know about what happened. She left after she wanted to try to bring her mother back..." Images flashed of that awful day in the hospital when I was...confronted by the ghost of Trisha Malik (or banshee if you believe Harry's theory).

"Yeah, I know." I nodded, trying my best not to shiver at the memory.

"Well, before all of that...they were in love. The two of them were really quite adorable actually. Doniya absolutely doted on Eleanor. See Eleanor was actually hired as Mr. Malik's intern first, but one day the two met and...sparks. They fell hard and quick for each other...kind of like you and Zayn to be honest." She smiled to herself.

"I kind of wonder if it's just in the Malik gene pool to fall head over heels 'love at first sight' over someone. I mean, honestly I think Doniya fell harder for Eleanor, but that's not saying much. Those two were as bad as you and Zayn, no offence." She shrugged.

"But, I digress. The two were together for a while, Waliyha and Safaa loved her, Mr. Malik loved her, Zayn loved her, and Trisha loved how happy she made Doniya...though I'm sure Trisha knew Eleanor would come around, she knew pretty much everything as you can imagine..." She got a sad glint in her eye.

"When Doniya left, it broke a lot of hearts. It was mostly how she left that broke hearts, was so sudden, she didn't tell anyone, not even Eleanor. Everyone was already grieving over Trisha, not even a week later Doniya is suddenly gone as well...she might as well have died too. Eleanor took it the hardest, she had wanted to leave actually but Yaser begged her to stay, I think mostly because the girls didn't need to lose 3 loved ones like that ya know? And by that point she was considered a family friend, so she agreed to stay, she still had the room she had been sharing with Doniya but I saw how lonely she was, how the memories were hurting her being stuck in that room, so I convinced her to bunk with me, the rest is history." I nodded, suddenly feeling...awful for her.

"Explains a few things." I commented sadly.

"She's so quiet, and...she seemed nice when I first met her but I notice sometimes she has this sad little glint in her eye." Sophia nodded, not really saying anything else on it.

"Hold on." A thought suddenly occurred to me.

"When I first got to Dirge, when I was still in the hospital, I had noticed she was in the hospital with me." Sophia got an odd look in her eye, I didn't quite understand it.

"Oh, she gets like that sometimes...she developed depression after Doniya left. A lot of the time she has it under control but...sometimes she has bad bouts and suffers from times of extreme exhaustion. You just unfortunately happened to catch her on an off day."I nodded.

"Poor girl." She nodded as well.

"You know, when suffering from depression they say smoking weed can make it worse in some cases but it actually really helps her out. Harry's weed is pretty...dank." I frowned.

"That word is awful." She giggled.

"Yeah I know, I keep seeing it on the internet though so I guess it fits." She gave me a curious look.

"So, on a different's Zayn in the sack? I've always been really curious." I blushed and she laughed.

"Oh come on, please? I mean, everyone knows you two are shagging like, all the time. Poor Louis keeps making comments about how he can smell it, and Harry just seems to know when people have just done it. And you're always walking around with some sort of mark on you, and Zayn always looks damn proud of it whenever someone comments on it. AndI mean, he's so bloody attractive and so bloody fit..."

"I...he's pretty fantastic." I said, looking away. She giggled.

"Oh I bet he is! How big..." I turned a deeper shade of red and she grimaced.

"Oh, um, yeah too personal." She turned on me suddenly, a small smile on her face.

"Want to hear a funny story? Help distract you from the awful embarrassment I just brought you?" I nodded quickly and she laughed.

"Well, long time ago, this is before Doniya left mind you..." She tapped her lip.

"Oh where to start. Doniya, Eleanor, Zayn, and I were all going to go to this club downtown to celebrate Zayn's 20th birthday, this was just a couple months before Doniya left and Trisha died. Anyway, so the 4 of us get to the club right? We get in, and we decide we wanna get Zayn laid for his birthday." I frown and Sophia laughed.

"Doniya thought it was hilarious and never going to happen, I think she mostly just played along for Eleanor's benefit. Anyway, so we know Zayn swung for guys, so the whole night we are finding gay guys thanks to me, because not to sound snobbish but being super smart, it's really easy to learn how to pick up all the little tics that someone show's when they are interested in boys. Anyway, so I'm picking out hot gay guys left and right, we let Doniya have final say on who is quote 'worthy' of the sex symbol that is Zayn Malik. Now after deciding on guys, it was super fucking easy to convince them to go for Zayn because...well fuck Liam, one look and a little encouragement that he needed someone to warm his bed on his birthday and they were all over that shit. But you know something? 15 different guys, and he turned them all down. Danced with a couple, had a great time, but when it came to anything remotely sexual he shot them down. Jesus one was practically ready to blow him right then and there, and he turned them down, just like Doniya said he would..." She grinned to herself, a far off look in her eyes at the phantom memory.

"Finally, El and I just went up to him and demanded to know why he wanted to just sit there drinking alone and dancing with random strangers but unwilling, and these guys were super fucking willing, to go any farther. And you know what he said? As fucking cheesy as it sounds, you know what he said?" She smiled at me.

"None of them were Liam." I blushed at that, my heart did a little flip flop in my chest and I felt butterflies dance around in my stomach.

"El and I knew about all that stuff, how you and he were 'supposed' to be together forever and what not...but we never realized until that moment how absolutely dedicated he was to you, a boy he had never even met in person." She smiled.

"And again, as cheesy as it sounds...well, I'm glad he waited. You two really are perfect together." I was blushing crimson and looked away, she giggled.

"Oh don't be so embarrassed, you have an improbably attractive guy who looks at you like...just, damn. Never be embarrassed by that." She patted my leg.

"I hope it makes a bit more sense now I guess, I hope you can really see why he, early on, did the things he did. He's been waiting for what seemed like forever for him. To finally see you...he reacted piss poorly at times for sure, but in his own fucked up way I think he was attempting to show you how...into you he was, I guess." She shrugged and looked out the front of the plane.

"I've lost what I was trying to say but you get the point." I nodded, thoughtfully playing with the glasses in my hand.

"Thanks...thanks for telling me that." I said. She turned and smiled at me.

"You're welcome." I twisted my head, as the door opened and Harry stepped out, looking kind of distracted, I noticed him sit in one of the chairs and kind of stare at Louis's sleeping form a bit.

"Now what the hell are we going to do about those two." I asked thoughtfully. She turned and laughed.

"Ah, those two are going to get together no worries, just gonna take a little time. They'll get there eventually." Zayn was standing in the door's entryway, giving me a fond smile and suddenly the butterflies were back in my stomach.

"The sex symbol beckons." Sophia laughed. She patted my knee.

"Go on, I've got Harry to keep me company." I smiled and stood up.

"Oh, and haven't measured but it's like 8 and a halfish if I had to guess." She grinned.

"About as big as Harry's then, good to know." I gave her a curious look and she shrugged.

"What? Harry and I have done stuff before. Are you that surprised? He could shag the Queen if he really had a mind too." I giggled and walked off and offered Harry the bottle of Jack Daniels, he laughed and shook his head.

"Thanks, but I'm more of a smoker than a drinker." I shrugged and walked past the other two unconscious boys and right up to Zayn. I blushed, what Sophia told me still fresh in my head.

"So...what did you boys talk about?" I asked as he pulled me inside and closed the door behind me. He pressed me up against the door and kissed my jaw, his hands traveled under my shirt and over my body.

"Gonna drop the bottles and glasses if you don't quit." I said in a tight whisper, he had started pinching at my nipples, he knew how I loved getting those pinched.

"Oh well." He said, nipping at the fading mark on my next over my birthmark.

"Gonna have to mark you up again." He said, licking at the spot.

"Ever gonna answer me?" I grinned. He pulled off and took the bottles from my hand and smiled.

"Louis problems, just wanted my advice on something."

"What, they have angry sex or something?" He chuckled.

"Hit the nail on the head there babe." I shook my head.

"Those two are ridiculous."

"Yeah, Louis walked in on Harry just getting out of the shower or something, one thing led to another and...yup, you get the gist. But now Louis won't talk to Harry and Harry just wanted my advice on what to do."

"What you tell him?" He poured he and I glasses of Irish whisky and smiled.

"Told him to force Louis to talk to him when we got back. Corner him in the elevator or something."

"That wise?"

"Eh, he asked for my advice and I gave it. I'm sure Sophia will give him much better advice." He downed his drink and I downed mine.

"So...Sophia told me a story about you." The butterflies and that feeling in my chest returned, I blushed deeply at him. He tugged up on my shirt and I took it off for him, he pressed his bare chest against mine and rested his hands on my hips.

"Yeah? What she tell you love."

"Your 20th birthday celebration." To my surprise he grimaced.

"Oh, told you about all those guys they tried to set me up with right? I mean yeah I danced with a few of them but I swear..." I pressed a finger against his lips and smiled.

"None of them were Liam. Right?" He blushed, I blushed as well.

"It...when she told me that, I got this fluttery feeling in my stomach. You...really cared for me then didn't you? You didn't even know me but..." He smiled softly and said.

"I still do, even more so now to be honest, now that I got you." I kissed him and he kissed me back, his mouth tasted like alcohol and him.

"Love you Li." He said, running his thumb over my cheek, his other hand in my pants gently rubbing my bare hip.

"Love you too." I said, leaning into his touches. I pushed at his pants I had borrowed and he took the hint and shimmied me out of them, leaving me nude under his gaze.

"So fucking beautiful." He groaned against my jaw, his scruffy short beard rubbing me raw but I loved it, loved the feeling too much to ask him to stop (or shave).

Maybe this was why Eleanor took it so badly when Doniya left. Maybe she had been in my shoes, so fucking loved...if Zayn suddenly left me tomorrow, I don't know how I'd react either, maybe I'd become depressed. I mean, from what Sophia said the two of them were completely in love with each other...

But Zayn would never leave me like that...but then...

Why would Doniya?

"Doniya absolutely doted on Eleanor."

"I kind of wonder if it's just in the Malik gene pool to fall head over heels 'love at first sight' over someone. I mean, honestly I think Doniya fell harder for Eleanor, but that's not saying much. Those two were as bad as you and Zayn, no offence."

A conversation from months earlier popped into my head, something only Sophia, Louis, Niall, Zayn, and I knew about. The 5 of us talked in private after the mission in St. Louis. Sophia and Zayn had both come to the conclusion that we had a spy in Dirge who fed Bassett information. And we also knew Bassett was somehow involved with Doniya, either as a prisoner or an ally. We never told anyone outside of the group, simply because if it got out, the spy might get scared and run off, and said spy would probably, most certainly, know where Bassett was calling home...

What if Doniya was working with Bassett...and what if she did tell someone she was leaving?

The someone who she loved as much as Zayn loved me?

I let out a startled gasp, my eyes wide and Zayn stopped kissing my neck.

"What? Liam? What's wrong?" He only really used my name anymore if he was either seriously concerned about me or he was being very serious about something.

"I...kind of think I may know who the spy is." I said, my eyes bore into his. He gave me a questioning stare but one look at how serious I was and he knew not to question me.

"Who?" I gave him a heavy look.

"Zayn...I think Doniya is working with Bassett...and who did Doniya love more than anyone?" He gave me a skeptical glare.

"You don' don't seriously think Eleanor? Babe that's mental." I stared at him in surprise.

"What? How is that mental? Zayn it makes perfect sense. Doniya leaves right? Doniya leaves, but doesn't tell anyone, not even the girl Sophia literally just told me she was as in love with as you are with me. If the roles were switched, if we were in there position..." He suddenly adopted an angry glare on his face.

"Don't even fucking suggest that. I would never just fucking abandon you like that."

"Exactly! And you really think Doniya would just abandon the girl she was madly in love with like that? Not even tell her where she was going? Hells not even take her with her?! It doesn't make sense Zayn...I think she left her here on purpose, because she needed someone on the inside, someone everyone loves and trusts..." He shook his head.

"This is all if Doniya is even working for Bassett. And Li...I think it's really impressive that you could come up with something like that...but you didn't see Eleanor after Doniya left. No one is that good of an actress, she was broken Liam...I mean god Liam she got depression it was so bad. It's certainly a thought, but I'm telling you there is just no way." I shook my head.

"It's the only one that makes sense Zayn; no one else would have any reason to spy for Doniya." He shook his head.

"Look, for you babe I'll...I'll keep an eye on her, but I'm telling you I just don't think she would do it. And what reason do they have to spy on us? Petty revenge because dad cremated mom and wouldn't let Doniya..." He got silent, I touched his cheek.

"I'm...sorry, don't mean to bring up bad memories." He shook his head.

"It's fine...look let's not talk about this anymore eh? Or at least wait till we're home...just come here." He kissed me and I didn't fight him, but the theory was still sitting in the back of my mind...Zayn said he would keep an eye on her but I doubted it. Everyone seemed to have just way too much love for her toeven suspect her.

But I wasn't exactly close to her yet...I'd find out if my theory was true one way or another.


I heard him talking through the door, saying he suspected Eleanor and he gave his reasoning. It was sound reasoning, some details were a little off, but he had seemed to figure it out for the most part. I looked around the cabin, Niall was still passed out drunk, and Harry and Sophia were chatting in the cockpit...about me. I felt my hands tingle a little, remembering how good Harry tasted in my mouth. God I fucking loved him, it was hard being around him though, after a while...smells get too sweet, tastes get too hard, and it was hard to control myself around him...fucking hell I got so horny if I was near him too long. I was working on it though, slowly but surely I was working on day love, one day...

But I had a certain girl to call first

I stood up, putting on my usual angry look and walking right up to the cockpit.

"Oy, I don't give a shit if you talk about me but at least close the door so I don't have to listen." Sophia looked embarrassed but Harry didn't, he just gave me those easy eyes that sent my chest into spirals and a fever in my bones that made me ache to touch every fucking part of him.

"Sorry Louis, thought you were still asleep." Sophia said. Harry didn't say anything, he just kept...staring at me with this look I had forced myself to call the Harry look because I honestly didn't have a word for it.

"What?" I snapped at him. He smiled fondly, like I had just told him he was the most beautiful creature in the world...and fuck me he was, who was I kidding?


"Good." I slammed the door shut, already feeling guilty about being angry towards him...I don't know why I acted like that. I had to chalk it up to my already out of whack hormones, or maybe I just got so angry at him because he was so fucking beautiful but I couldn't be around him for too long without feeling like I was going insane? And maybe I resented him for that...

But again, I had a girl to call first

I checked Niall again, he was snoring softly, the drunken bastard...loved him, but he was a bloody drunk. I pulled out my phone, sitting down in one of the seats and quietly scrolling through the contacts until I found one under the name 'Malik'. If anyone ever happened to see it (not that I let anyone touch my phone anyway), I would just claim it was Safaa or Waliyha. I called. The phone rang once, twice, thrice, then finally it stopped, silence met me on the other end.

"Liam knows. Not exactly the right details but he knows about Eleanor. Tried to tell Zayn but Zayn doesn't believe him."

"Good." Bassett chuckled on the other end.

"Want me to do anything?"

"Warn Eleanor when you get the chance, but for now just keep doing what you're doing. Really grateful for all of this I hope you know."

"Well just remember, she promised me..." Images, flashes in my head, blood, losing control, my heart beating in my head...

"She promised me I could talk to my mom again." I whispered. Bassett didn't say anything for a minute, but soon her pity filled voice responded.

"She says she will, and her sympathies for bringing up those bad memories."

"Yeah." I said. Silence for just a beat.

"Remember Louis darling, this is all for the best."

"Yeah, I'll call you back when I get something else."

"Alright, I'll text you the next burner phone number. Goodbye darling, and remember... it's for the best." The line went dead and I sighed and put my phone away. The cockpit opened and I was drawn out of my memories by the sweet smelling boy I was so in love with it fucking hurt. He gave me an odd grin before walking over to Niall and shaking him.

"Hey, Niall." His eyes opened, half lidded and looking bloody out of it.


"Sophia was wanting some company, wanna go sit next to her up front?" He grinned sleepily.

"I knew she wante meh." He slurred in that thick Irish accent of his, even harder to understand with him still being hammered. Harry helped him up and he went into the cock pit and Harry closed the door.

"Yeah, let the drunken Irishman in the cockpit, no possible way that could go wrong." I said, eyeing him up. His top few buttons were undone like usual; I could see his dark nipples and the birds on his chest. He sat down next to me and pushed his hair back, I wanted to run my fingers through them, they probably felt like god, he was so fucking intoxicating.

"Ah he's probably just gonna pass out again anyway. And hey, Sophia said I got her horny so who knows, maybe Niall will get lucky."

"She isn't a whore Harry. She isn't just gonna sleep with the nearest guy." I said, annoyed. He smiled.

"Why are you so angry Lou?" It was the same question, every time, and I always gave the same answer.

"You know why." He nodded, his eyes just a little wide, innocent, yet could become so fucking filthy on a dime.

"So, you got me alone, what do ya want?" He shrugged.

"Dunno, just wanted I guess." I said nothing for a minute before I realized he wanted me to respond.

"Well, talk then." I said. He frowned.

"About...the sex before the mission." Memories flashed in my head, I had topped him this last time. I had only showed up because I wanted to borrow one of his movies, maybe snag a little weed as well, and suddenly there he was, naked except for a towel. I was just gonna leave, I had just enough self control for that...but then the dirty fuck cheated. He dropped the towel, I saw his semi, and it was over. The last bit of self control I had evaporated. I closed the door behind me and I fucked him up against a wall. After I came in him, the lust turned to anger and I yelled and screamed at him for doing that, making me lose control again. He got mad and then the argument turned in this time, he ended up fucking me and we both ended up with cum in us and I left feeling confused and defeated.

"What about played on my self control and got me to fuck you, then we argued, you fucked me, and that was it. Angry, stupid, sex." He frowned.

"I...ok yeah, I did trick you a bit." I had to say I was a little surprised, wasn't like him to admit he was wrong.

"A bit." I scoffed. He sighed.

"I...I have an excuse though." I turned, oh this should be good.

"Yeah?" He looked embarrassed, nervous...I frowned again, this most certainly wasn't like him. He was someone who had always had this air of confidence, seeing him look...nervous, that was new.

"I..." He stopped, started playing with a strand of his hair.

"Out with it Haz, fuck." I said, already regretting calling him his pet name without thinking about it.

"I missed you, is all..." I glared at him.

"Yeah, sure..." I grimaced, his scent was bloody strong, he smelt...fuck me, he smelt fucking incredible. He suddenly got that sly smile on his face.

"Yeah, didn't think you'd buy something like that."

"Then why even bother?"

"The slim chance it would work." He giggled. He loved teasing me, fucking with me a bit...he knew his effect was strong on me, he loved how hot I got for him. But I knew I had some power over him...he couldn't hide those screams of pure joy when I fucked him, got him so worked up I could make him cum with just a few slams of my cock into that sweet little bundle of nerves in his body. I could already feel my cock fattening up, remember this last time we fucked. He felt so fucking good, so fucking tight it just...fuck, it had been too long, and glad I got to cum in him silent way of warding off others from him.

He noticed how hard I was getting, he looked into my eyes and probably saw how horny I was getting...fuck it was too late to go back now, no control over this...I wanted him, bad. He unbuttoned his shirt the rest of the way, letting me see his hard stomach, the elastic of his underwear...and the growing outline in his pants.

"Lou..." I growled, my powers sort of kicking in...felt animalistic, only thing on my mind was breeding this fucking god among men. Me, only me. I undid his belt, unbuttoned his pants and he was breathing heavily.

"Lou, don't have to do this if you don't want too." He whimpered. I chuckled darkly.

"I don't get options when it comes to you." I yanked his pants and white boxer briefs down to his ankles and took him in my mouth.

To quote a famous cowboy on a broken mountain...

I wish I knew how to quit him


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