Black Water

By Hihiwhymy

2.8K 182 155

This story is not mine. It belongs to TheFAYZ on ao3. i am just reposting it on wattpad. "Alright, I'll go... More

/1/ "Sorry boss, couldn't resist."
/2/ "That's mostly just me though."
/3/ "I didn't see anything."
/5/ "Fuck you for smiling!"
/6/ "None of them were Liam."
/7/ "You two are gods among ants."
/8/ "Yeah he's dead, but I saved Liam so I don't care."
/9/ "Sorry mate, he said please."
/10/ "Because I'd do anything for him."
/11/ "So? Who wants to see a magic trick?"
/12/ "I can live with that" Epilogue

/4/ "Speak of the Devil"

198 17 8
By Hihiwhymy


"Do you see her!?" I yelled into the ear piece.

"No! Where are you Liam?"

"I think I know where she is! I can find her!" I keep flying, my ice armor carrying me over the city.

"Liam! You don't go alone!" Louis yelled at me. A glimpse, a shadow in a dark alleyway.

"I found her!" I yelled, diving down towards the alleyway.

"Washington Street, dark alleyway." I said, preparing to land.

"Liam don't..." The transmission cut off. I landed, snow was falling down on the street, and a single lamp post just outside the alleyway illuminated the snowy footprints.

"I saw you come in here." My distorted voice yelled. I walked forward, I could barely see.

"Did you?" a voice called back.

"I'm surprised you felt you needed to catch up to me so quick, I'm just an old woman..." Her voice was a little closer.

"Yeah, an old woman who likes to slit throats and cover people in butterfly tattoos." I chuckled.

"L-iam. Ge-t out..." Something was wrong with the communicator.

"Do your research; did any of you do any sort ofbackground check on the people I've...incapacitated? I only grew violent when they did."

"What does that mean?!" I snapped. Something came flying at me; it slammed right into my chest.

"Ahh, there it is." I looked down, a black butterfly was on my armored chest...and it was pulsating.

She stepped out of the shadows, her eyes met mine.

"Sorry love, but I can't be stopped yet, much too much to do." She snapped her fingers. The pulsating butterfly starting going faster and faster.

"Don't worry, this won't kill you, just knock you out." I looked up.

"LIAM GET OUT." Louis screamed into my ear. Pain in my chest, my ears rung as I was thrown backwards. I gasped for breath, my armor melted around me.

"Still awake! Must say I'm surprised." She said, standing over me.

"Oh, Ashton dear?" A boy suddenly appeared behind her.

"Knock him out and take him with us will you?" He nodded at her then hovered over me.

"Sorry bruh, this is gonna sting." Electricity zipped between his fingers. He pressed one against my temple, a stinging in my head, and then black.

1 hour earlier

"None of them have showed up." I mumbled to Zayn. He grinned at me and passed me a drink.

"Want a drink then?" The bar was fairly busy tonight, most were inside but a few brave souls were outside, soaking in the light snow that had just begun to fall. We were at the bar, Sophia was back in her hotel room watching the cameras, Niall was outside rousing people with a story (and being an absolute hit I might add), and Louis was sitting alone, on his third glass of wine and texting someone with an odd look on his face, like he was in pain or something.

"Louis alright?" I asked. Zayn looked over at him, then looked back and smiled at me.

"Oh he's fine, probably texting Harry. He usually makes that constipated face when he does." I laughed at that.

"He's a jerk, but I do feel a bit sorry for him." Zayn shook his head.

"He got involved with Harry; he should have expected to get hurt." I frowned.

"You don't like Harry do you?" He shook his head again.

"No no, don't get me wrong, I love Harry to death. He's just...his power is as much a curse as it can be a blessing is all."

"Hey boys." It was Sophia.

"Mrs. Bassett is heading your way." Mrs. Bassett was one of the 3 suspects, an older black woman who (surprisingly) had a military background. She was 55, had been single her whole life, no children, and no real reason to suspect she was a butterfly branding murderer.

"Still no sign of the other 2 suspects though, I'll keep you updated." She said. Zayn waved over the bartender and ordered 2 glasses of some fancy red wine. After she went off to grab it, I turned on Zayn.

"So...I want a little more info on the killer."

"Alright." He said, waiting patiently for my questions.

"So how long exactly have the attacks been going on for?"

"3 months." Zayn replied.

"Just one victim at a time?"

"No, the time frame isn't a pattern. The first 4 at the first bar all happened within a week, the 4 at the second bar happened in a span of 2 weeks, its only this bar when the abductions turned violent, 2 were taken 4 days ago, 1 was taken 2 days ago, its being kept out of the papers for now so people don't panic..."

"Did any of the still alive victims say anything? Remember anything?"

"Not really, apparently they were all extremely drunk at the time of abduction."

"Anything relating any of the victims?" He frowned.

"Not really, all of the ones left alive were doctors, a couple scientists, and a pharmacist, all of the dead ones I don't know." I nodded.

"Kind of odd, wonder if they knew they were doctors and scientists."

"When we catch them we can ask." Zayn chuckled as our glasses were dropped in front of us.

"Thank you love." The bartender blushed and walked away. I laughed.

"She likes you." He gave me an odd look.

"So?" I shrugged.

"Just...mentioning it." He frowned at me.

"What, you want me to ask her out, get her to come back to the room?" I stared.

"What? No, I just..."

"Maybe I will." He chuckled, eyeing her up.

"She's certainly cute." I felt heat rise in my cheeks, anger filled my chest. Whoa, what the hell was this feeling?

"It would be easy enough, I mean the face I'm wearing right now with the face watch certainly isn't bad looking, could probably..."

"No!" I hissed at him, a bit louder than I meant to be. A couple a few seats from us gave us a curious stare but looked away. He gave me a curious grin.

"What's wrong?"

"I..." I downed my drink and stood.

"I'm using the bathroom." I walked away, trying to ignore the gnawing feeling in my stomach.


He got jealous...he got jealous. Just the thought of me hooking up with someone got him that fizzled. He had looked so cute, but he had also seemed confused. Maybe he didn't realize he was jealous? Ah well, this was a good sign, I think I had mostly earned his forgiveness. By the time we were getting ready and done with our little training session, he was laughing at my jokes, smiling more, and just generally seemed more comfortable around me. Can't fight destiny I guess.

"Excuse me sir, do you mind if I sit here?" I was pulled out of my thoughts and turned around; it took all I had to not show how shocked I was to see the suspect, Mrs. Bassett, standing in front of me. The military background didn't surprise me; she was quite muscular for someone who was 55. She looked different from her picture; she now had slicked back black hair with a single streak of white down the left side. She was wearing a large stylish black wool coat and tight fitting black leather pants. To finish off the outfit were a pair of high heeled boots that went halfway up towards her knees. I had to give it to her, for 55 she oozed sex, the picture we had of her didn't do her justice in the slightest.

"Not at all." I said, gesturing.

"Thank you love." She sat down and sighed, her black hoop earrings jingled and she took off her coat, leaving her in a maroon red blouse that showed off her arms and her (admittedly) admirable cleavage.

"So, you're Yaser's son." My body went rigid, I thought for a second maybe I had misheard her, but she continued to stare right at me, no doubt in her eyes.

"'re 'The Black Butterfly' I assume?"

"Such a stupid name, honestly I don't see why it has to be about race." I frowned.

"I...I'm pretty sure it's because of your power, not your skin color." She laughed.

"Oh, probably. Just a little joke to ease the tension." She waved the bartender over.

"Your finest white wine please. I'll leave that decision up to you." The bartender smiled and nodded.

"Of course Mrs. Bassett." Bassett smiled sweetly.

"Oh, you remember me, that's sweet of you." The girl smiled and nodded then left.

"So, you know my father?" I asked. She shook her head.

"I know of him, from what I've been told, well...if I ever see him I'll probably kill him." She said, smiling sweetly at him. I gave her a curious smile.

"And who exactly have you been talking too?" She smiled.

"All in due time love, much too early to be giving away all my little secrets." The bartender brought over the white wine and Bassett took a sip, grinning.

"Oh that is just divine. Another for my friend here, you must try this, it's to die for! On me of course." The girl nodded and left again.

"So what's to stop me from setting you on fire and dragging you to prison?"

"Oh no! Not prison!" She giggled, giving me her best faux fear face. Prisoners with gifts went to their own prison, a prison that suppressed there powers and made them useless.

"No, but if you take me now, you'll never get your questions answered. Like, why did I kill some of the people, and not others? Or why, my dear Zayn Malik, I even showed up here tonight, knowing perfectly well you, Louis Tomlinson, Sophia Cowell, and Niall Horan would be here tonight?" She smiled at me, looking the picture of calm. I frowned; she didn't mention Liam, why? Unless...she didn't know about him.

"So, someone's been feeding you information about Dirge I take it?" She nodded.

"Very astute of you Zayn, now before we begin, I want to propose something to you. Now don't interrupt until I've finish talking alright?" I nodded.

"Fair enough."

"Zayn, what's going on? What are you two talking about?" Sophia rang in my ear. Shit, couldn't say anything with her right there.

"Oh...Louis, listen in on Zayn, I think...he's talking to the Butterfly. Liam, Niall, be ready in case she decides to run."

"So, Zayn, tonight things can go one of two ways." The bartender walked over and handed me my wine. Bassett thanked her and the girl wandered off to someone waving her down.

"The first way is the good way, and believe me I would prefer this option. You and I have a nice chat over wine, I'll answer some of your questions, you answer some of mine, and then I leave tonight. Trust me, I've been here for 3 months and I'm sick of it." She took a sip and smiled, I looked over her shoulder for a second and saw Liam walking around and sitting by Louis, a worried look on his face. Louis looked passive, whispering things under his breath, presumably telling the others everything being said.

"The second way is...a bit more violent, and sadly more people will die. My marks are more than just tattoos, and the people I've marked will die if I wish it. Now, I'd rather not have to do that, and if you let me go I can make the marks disappear before I go. All it takes..." she snapped her fingers.

" a little snap of my finger and this can go either way, so please, let's talk."

"Zayn, we can't let anyone die...just play along, and when the opportunity rises the 3 of you can take her." Sophia said. I nodded.

"I think I'll take the first option." She smiled, her teeth a brilliant white.

"Good, now how about I start eh?" She leaned in, her eyes glittered.

"So, where are you keeping the son? Mr. Liam Payne." I smiled.

"And why do you want to know that?"

"I'm just curious as to what happened to him, after that whole mess of trouble in New York." She grinned, taking a sip of her wine. I took a small swig and smiled back.

"He's safe, he's in New York."

"I'm surprised; I figured you in particular would want to keep him close, what with your destiny together." I stared at her.

"How do you know about that?" She grinned and wagged her finger.

"Ah ah ah, I was just being nice before and answered but you already asked your question, it's my turn again." I frowned but nodded.


"How's Harry?" She asked. I frowned.

"Wait what?"

"I said, How's Harry?"

"He's...fine, as far as I know." I said. She nodded.

"Alright, your turn."

"Zayn I know she's...extremely well informed, but we need to get the important questions out of the way first, ask about the murders."

"How...why did you start killing people?" She smiled.

"Because, they started trying to kill me." I frowned.

"But what about..."

"How are your sisters?" She asked. My frown deepened.

"They're fine, both going back to school in a week or two I don't remember when." She nodded.

"Why did you attack the scientists, doctors, and the pharmacist?" She frowned.

"Sadly I can't tell you about that." I glared at her.

"Can't even play by your own rules?" She smiled.

"I should have warned you some things I couldn't answer...listen, to make it up to you, go ahead and ask 2 questions."

"One power or 2?" She smiled.


"Why are you in St. Louis?"

"I'm here for information, I had already gotten what I needed a while ago, but sadly my means of leaving have been...delayed." She took a sip of wine before continuing.

"My turn..."She grinned suddenly, swishing the drink around in her glass.

"What's 'Black Water'?" I felt my body go ridged, how the fuck...did she know about that?!


"Black Water, what is it?"

"I...I don't know." She frowned.

"Darn, worth a shot I suppose."

"Zayn, I know you want to ask but you need to keep..."

"How do you know about that?!" I hissed, ignoring Sophia's voice in my head. She smiled.

"Doniya told me." I heard Sophia gasp in my ear; I noticed the shocked expressions on Louis and Liam's faces.

"S-she...what?" I said, unable to keep the shock off my face.

"Doniya, she told me all about it. Your mother mentioned it didn't she? Before she died? Doniya knew, told me about it, told me a lot of things...she's why I'm here you know." She put a finger over her mouth.

"Oh, whoops, shouldn't have said that. Ah well." Her phone suddenly started ringing; she laughed and pulled it out.

"Speak of the devil." She pulled out her phone.

"Oh hello darling...yes...yes...oh don't say too much love, Louis is nearby eavesdropping...oh he's just across the bar. Alright...yes. See you soon." She hung up and smiled at me.

"Now my dear, I'm afraid I must be leaving you." She poked my nose.

"Now remember our agreement. You really don't want those poor people dead I hope." She pulled on her coat and waved over the bartender. The girl came over and she handed her a hundred dollar bill.

"Keep the change love, I'm afraid I have a ride to catch out of town." The girl nodded, looking disappointed.

"It was nice to meet you Miss." She walked away and Bassett smiled at me.

"Nice to meet you Zayn, I doubt this will be the last time we meet." She stood but I quickly grabbed her arm.

"I'm not done with you yet. Where the hell is Doniya? What have you done to her?" Bassett grinned.

"Oh my dear...I'm afraid you and I are done for now. You know, you really shouldn't have drunk that wine." My eyes widened, I felt my body turn to lead.


"Those people weren't drunk love, I drugged them. You know, please don't blame the barkeep, she didn't even realize she was helping me." She gently pried my hand off and smiled at me.

"So long Malik." She patted my cheek, and I felt black overtake me.


My eyes widened as Zayn collapsed forward onto the bar.

"Shit!" Louis hissed.

"DO NOT LET HER ESCAPE." Sophia yelled in our ears. She strolled towards the exit, I watched Louis stand and get right in her way.

"Ah, Louis dear. Nice to meet you. Doniya said you were a hot head, now is that true?" He snarled at her and she smiled.

"Oh come now, none of that." He charged her, she flicked her hand and a butterfly flew from her hand, slamming into his chest and throwing him across the room and through the glass door, someone screamed and people started running away from them.

"Now, stay down love." She kept walking; Niall was suddenly in front of her.

"Look lady, I'd really rather not have to hit a girl." Bassett laughed.

"You poor little boy, can't even recognize a woman when he sees one." Another butterfly flew from her hand, he disappeared behind her and his fist flew.

And then giant black wings erupted from her back

No, I'm not joking, giant black butterfly wings. The force threw Niall across the room and slamming into one of the TV's sitting in the corner of the room.

"Oh my, I should have mentioned perhaps my second power." She giggled, continuing her stroll towards the exit. I held out my hand and the door froze shut, a pillar of ice right in front of the door. She stopped, for once the calm was gone and she looked...shocked, surprised.

"What..." She turned and looked at me; he eyes glittered as one emotion became dominant on her face...


"Liam...Payne? Is that you?" I took off the face watch, she laughed.

"Oh my! It IS you! Well I must admit this is a surprise! I never would have expected you of all people here..."

"Liam, be VERY careful, she can do way more with those butterflies than I expected. Just keep her busy until Louis or..."

"Oh, whats wrong? Is little Sophia whispering things in your ear?" She took a step towards me, her wings fluttered behind her.

"Come now Liam, we had made a deal, and now everyone's going back on you want those people to die?"

"Shut up, you can't kill anyone if I freeze you to death." She laughed.

"But you won't, will you? Because you want to know what I know..." She took another step towards me, I stood my ground.

"Oh...are those power tattoos?" She asked. She suddenly moved so she was in front of me, she snatched my arm and stared at the arrows on my arm.

"Oh I love these..." She held out her hand and I gasped as they suddenly started burning like fire.

"Oh...does it hurt?" I screamed, I snatched my arm away and it stopped. She smiled at me.

"It burns from prolonged power usage right? Well..." She stepped towards me again, I stepped away.

"What If I could make it so it never hurt you again..." She smiled.

"I could do that you know. Black tattoos are my domain, and you have 4 of them on your arm..." I snarled at her.

"Liar, you aren't leaving and if you try to hurt me again I'll destroy you." She laughed at that.

"Big words from such a small boy..." She held out her hand and 4 black shapes shot past me. I twisted, 4 black butterflies covered the glass wall behind us.

"I'm afraid this is goodbye then, so long little boy." She snapped her fingers, the glass suddenly shattered, people screamed and she dove past me and flew out into the open air.

"HEY!" I screamed, running out to the edge of the building.

"Liam leave her, there isn't anything we can do..." I pressed my finger to my ear, pressing the tiny button so she could hear me.

"No, I can catch her." I said.

"No Liam, you need to make sure people are..." I concentrated, my body glowed blue as the snow melted around me, turning to water and covering my body, my armor covered me. I floated up into the air, my eyes set on Bassett as I flew over the side of the building and the chase began.


"Is it ready?" a voice, a boy, that boy who knocked me out.

"It will be soon, she said give her about 10 minutes." Bassett's voice, my eyes fluttered open.

"Oh! Look whose up." I looked all around; we were in what looked like some kind of warehouse or something. Large crates and boxes were everywhere, it was too dark to really be able to see, the only light was coming from the twin flash lights of Bassett and the other boy, Ashton she had called him.

"What..." I groaned, my head was killing me.

"Sorry about that bruh, its gonna hurt for a little." I stared at him.

"Oh, sorry. Names Ashton Irwin, can just call me Ash if ya like." I struggled, they had me tied up to a chair, rope unfortunately couldn't be frozen and broken as easily, especially rope so thick.

"Sorry about tying you up, had to be sure you didn't try to attack us before our ride got here." I frowned.

"You're getting picked up in a warehouse?" She smiled.

"It'll make more sense in a few minutes." She stretched and kneeled in front of me.

"So, you're Liam Payne..." Her smile turned sad.

"Sad to hear about your parents, your mother is gone right?" I nodded and she sighed.

"Ah well, can't be helped I suppose." She stood and stretched.

"I was friends with them you know." I stared at her, no, she couldn't be serious.

"Liar." I said. She laughed.

"Whatever you want to think kiddo, I remember sitting in your house, having a nice cup of tea with your mother and father and talking about how they were expecting a little boy." She ran a finger over my chin.

"Have your fathers chin, and your mothers..."

"Eyes." I said. She smiled.

"It's been a long time Liam. You probably don't remember me; I've only met you once, when you were just a little babe crying on your mothers shoulder...they had high hopes for you." Tears fell down my face.

"Gonna tell me what a failure I've become? All those hopes and now I've betrayed them..." She laughed.

"Oh no love, those hopes were quite founded, they would be incredibly proud of took on 2 of the most powerful gifts ever in the span of a few months and haven't lost complete control of yourself. Hell, you seem to have your father's gift pretty well mastered, though I figured you would. Your mothers gift however..." She frowned at me.

"Good luck with that one love, your mother was terrified of her gift you know. She knew what it could do, if she ever lost control...but she always figured you would be able to handle it." I felt my body freeze up.

"She...she knew I was getting her power? They...they planned on me taking them?" She nodded, her eyes deathly serious.

"Oh, of course love, they always planned on you to take their power. They knew of your destiny love." I stared at her.

"You know, people keep fucking saying that. They keep saying Zayn and I have a 'destiny' together, what the fuck does that even mean? What destiny?!" She looked surprised.

"No one's told you about your destiny? What you have to do? What you're destined to do?" She shook her head in anger.

"Seriously, does no one tell anyone anything over there?!"

"JUST TELL ME!" I snapped at her, ice shards flew around my head. Ashton took a step forward, electricity sparked from his hands but Bassett raised her hand and he stopped.

"Liam love, do you know who Trisha Malik is?" I nodded at her.

"Yes, Zayn's mother." She shook her head.

"Well, she could see the future, she saw peoples..."

"I already know what she could do." I said. She nodded.

"Well, right after you were born, she saw the future, your future.'re a funny boy Liam Payne." She stood up and stretched.

"To put it simply, she saw two futures. Whichever one happens, when the time comes, will be completely and totally up to you. She gave no details, saying she couldn't reveal any of that. Only that you will make a choice. One choice saves the world, the other choice destroys it." My blood froze in my veins, goose bumps ran up my arm. She gave me a sad smile.

"She did say one other thing, see you and Zayn will be sharing this had the dreams right?" The images of Zayn, his eyes black and destroying everything filled my head.

"Yes." I said. She nodded.

"I was told about the dreams, Doniya told me about what Zayn saw..." She kneeled in front of me and smiled.

"Black eyes, crying black tears..."She gave me a sad smile.

"Liam're going to destroy the world." My body shook.

"What...did Zayn see?" She smiled.

"He saw you, standing on the edge of a roof, watching the world freeze and die below you." I kept shaking, tears fell down my face.

"Then you turned around..." Suddenly light exploded behind her, a large square appeared, the inside was black, and the border was glowing brilliant neon green.

"Rides here, let's go!" Ashton said, jumping into the blackness.

"Well love, that's my portal I have to catch..." She patted my cheek.

"I'll be seeing you again real soon ok?" She started walking away.

"WAIT!" I screamed.

"I turned around...and then what?!" I already knew the answer, it was a mirror image of my own dream, but I had to hear it, I needed to hear it. She laughed and kept walking.

"Then you turned around, and your eyes were as black as night and you threw Zayn off the roof. You...had a demon in you." I screamed and orbs of light appeared around me. The ropes snapped off as the light burnt through it for me and I ran at her. She turned around and snapped her fingers. Suddenly my tattoos burnt like fire, I screamed again and collapsed as my arm throbbed like fire.

"Oh that just won't do love." She grabbed my arm and held her hand over the tattoos.

"This is going to hurt so bad you'll probably pass out, but no worries love, I had Ashton send a message to Sophia so they'll find you..." The pain in my arm doubled, I screamed even harder and tried to move away but I was immobilized by pain.

"No worries love, after this they'll never burn again, I need you to not have anything holding you back...because I know you had a dream about Zayn, and it could very well be him who you have to stop and not the other way around..." I screamed as the pain tripled, I had never been in so much pain in my life. Imagine the worst pain you've ever felt, times one hundred, all located in your arm. My throat hurt from screaming, tears flowed from my eyes.

Then the pain was gone

Just like that, like it had never been there in the first place. She let go of my arm and I held it against me, sobbing.

"I'm so sorry love, don't worry, you'll thank me one day." She patted my cheek.

"So handsome, you're mother and father would be proud." She stood and turned towards the portal.

"Dark days are coming Liam, not all of them will be bad...but they are coming, I promise you that." She turned her head.

"Regarder vos Amis." She laughed.

"Sorry, my French isn't very good." She stepped through the portal and suddenly it was gone, and I was left alone, sobbing quietly as I held my arm.

Zayn found me some time later; I don't know how much time had passed. He questioned me but I couldn't speak, not yet, not after everything that had happened, that had been said...

Her words echoed in my head, she knew my parents; she knew I had a destiny, a destroy or save the world. I...I might destroy the world; I might become the demon that terrified me as a child.

"Liam..." I had been sitting in the hotel bed for who knows how long, Sophia and the others kept asking questions but Zayn told them to shut the hell up and to leave me alone, I would talk when I wanted. Then he had simply lain next to me while I quietly cradled my arm, it felt like we were there forever.

"Liam...can you at least tell me what happened to Bassett?"

"A...portal opened up, she stepped through it." I said. He frowned.

"A portal?" I nodded.

"Any clue where..."

"No, the inside was" He sighed.

"Not your fault love, she could do way more than we expected..." He groaned and rubbed his eyes.

"We weren't prepared, she knew I had a chance at stopping her, is why she drugged me and knocked me out before the fight even started..." he looked at me sadly.

"Told my father everything so far, he wanted me to tell you he apologizes profusely and hopes your ok. And he's contacted the mayor and he's taking care of the people and the mess up at the bar. Even though we didn't catch her he still thanks us for getting rid of her..."

"You heard her, she only stayed for us, and she was leaving anyway..." I said, shaking my head.

"All of this was for nothing..."

" not for nothing." He said, his eyes suddenly steely and serious.

"My sister is still out there, I don't know if she's a prisoner, or if she's helping Bassett...but I know she's out there, and I'm going to find her." I nodded.

"I know you will..." I stared at him, my body shook.

"Why didn't you tell me about my destiny?" He frowned.


"My...destiny, about the choice. I'm supposed to...make a...choice." He looked confused.

"You mean about you and me? How we're supposed together?" I frowned; did he not know what I was talking about?

"I...yeah, I mean, never mind. I'm sorry she said some...weird stuff, I think she was messing with my head is all." He nodded.

"Wouldn't be surprised." I'd keep that to myself, including the stuff about my parents and how she knew them, and me. I started telling him an abridged version of what happened. I told him about Ashton and the portal, but I shortened it a bit and all she did was talk about the dreams, attack my tattoo, say something to me in French, and then left. He frowned at the last part though.

"That's an odd thing to say, I wonder...ah well, we can ask Sophia later, she speaks 7 different languages and French is one of them." I laughed a little, because of course she does.

"Hey, I got to go tell the others about all this just get some sleep eh?" He reached out and stroked my cheek; I tensed a little but didn't try to stop him.

"Get some sleep Liam." He stood up and walked out of the room, my eyes started watering...of course, it all made sense now.

I had started developing feelings for him

Earlier, when he was talking about inviting the bartender to the room, I had felt jealous, I can see that now. He was just so damn charming, caring; he made it clear all he wanted was to be with me. He was attractive, funny, loved a lot off the same things I did, he was a great teacher, could be a bit hot headed sometimes (no pun intended), and...he truly, honestly, cared about me.

Did I care about him? Yes, I couldn't deny that.

Did I love him? That's another question I couldn't answer yet.

I felt angry tears fall down my cheeks, it didn't matter what my feelings were though, because her words were rattling around in my head like someone threw a bouncy ball in a tiny enclosed room. The dreams banged around in my head, what he saw, what I had seen for months...

One of us was going to have to kill the other one, I know that now.

That's what it meant, that's my destiny, our...our destiny. One of us was destined to destroy the world...and the other was meant to save it.

And how could I love someone I was going to have to kill?



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What happens when Louis' abusive boyfriend gets him pregnant? Will he raise the baby? And what about Harry, will he be a good thing in Louis' life? W...
1.3M 58.1K 104
Maddison Sloan starts her residency at Seattle Grace Hospital and runs into old faces and new friends. "Ugh, men are idiots." OC x OC
21.8K 1K 38
Louis was the best at what he did, and with Zayn by his side, they were the best in the business. When someone stepped out of line, Louis was called...