Another Day Passes {BTSxReade...

By kam127

9.1K 466 292

"did you really fall in love with a fan?" "yes." OT7 BTSxReader More

1. Grown Up
2. Happy Birthday
3. Magic Shopped
5. Bedtime Story

4. Invitation

1.5K 83 54
By kam127

     "Okay, time for clean up, Yerum," Yoongi walks over to his son, who draws with the last kid left at 11:30.

     And Jungkook. Because Jungkook likes hanging out with the kids who draw.

     "But Daddy!" Yerum whines, and you have to giggle at his cuteness.

     He probably uses that to his advantage more than often.

     "Now, Mister, you know I can't say no to that face, but I am this time," Yoongi persists, Jungkook laughing in Yerum's face, as if he were an older brother.

     "You, too, Buddy," Yoongi hands a trash bag over to Jungkook. Yerum sticks his tongue out in Jungkook's face.

     "Alright, you two, that's enough," Namjoon comes over and smoothes Yerum's hair down.

     "What can I help with?" You ask, lightly touching Yoongi's shoulder.

     "Absolutely nothing. You've been an angel this whole time. So... thank you," he blushes, not that you notice.

     "Oh, c'mon, let me help with something?" You smile.

     He feels a tightness in his chest.

     "C'mon, Y/N, you can help me with this," Taehyung pulls you aside, leading you to a more secluded area.

     You beam at him, happy to help.

     He can't help but grin back.

     "So, who's that one little boy with Yerum? He's adorable!" You ask, picking up red solo cups.

     "Oh, that's Jinwon, Kaerin's son."

     "Kaerin? Who's that?" You question, apparently a little too loud.

     Taehyung steps closer to you, putting a finger up to your lips. "She's this chick that's been getting with Namjoon, Jungkook, and Jimin."

     You gasp. "Do they know?" You whisper against his finger, your words smushed.

     "Oh, yeah, they're polyamorous," he informs, grinning.

     "Oh! Good to know." You say, not thinking anything of it.

     "Really? You don't think it's weird?" Taehyung's eyes bug out.

     "No!" You say, picking a cup and throwing it in a trash bag. "Love is love! All seven of you could be dating the same girl and I would be happy for you. You deserve happiness."

     Taehyung doesn't speak after you say this, just lightly smiles to himself. Good to know, he thinks to himself.

     "Hey, Y/N, could you help me with this?" Jimin calls out to you, pulling you by the arm towards the area he's cleaning up.

     "Of course."

     A smile dances on his lips as he and you fold a folding table.

     "Is that all you needed?" You ask, the male nodding.

     "Who's this?" You hear a voice from behind you, followed by the loud chewing of gum. You turn and find a woman.

     "This is Y/N, Yerum's friend and our new one!" Jungkook comes up and slings an arm around you, introducing you to the female who stands in front of you.

     "You must be Kaerin! So nice to meet you!" You stick your hand out for her to shake. She takes it into hers and squeezes. A little too tight.

     "A pleasure," her nails dig into your hand, and before you can even complete the handshake, you're pulling away with a jerk, yelping.

     "Y/N? You okay?" Hoseok asks, coming over to see what happened.

     "She's fine," Kaerin answers for you. "Honey, you need a powder touch up, come with me."

     You let her drag you to a restroom.

     "But she's not wearing makeup?" Seokjin wonders out loud once you're both gone.

     She's smiling until you two turn a corner, then her face drops.

She back you into a wall, little space between your faces. She wears an ugly scowl now.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?"

"Um- I'm sorry?"

"You should be. Moving in on my territory? Laughable." She sticks a hand up by your head and slams it onto the wall.

"Wha- Have I done something to upset you?" You ask, genuinely confused.

"No! I'm not upset!" She whisper shouts in your face, clearly upset. "I just see a little whore trying to steal my place."

Your eyebrows immediately shoot up in shock. "I'm sorry, what?"

"You see my son in there? He's Yerum's best friend. I'm practically dating Namjoon, Jimin, and Jungkook. I'm shooting for all seven. Get on my level, bitch."

Your eyes widen. "Um, okay, I have no idea what's going on here, but you can have them, though I must say, you're very selfish and even using your own son and Yerum? That's below the belt. But I'm here for Yerum."

She slides away from you. "Whatever you say, home wrecker."

You look at her like she's crazy. Because she is.

"Don't give me that look. Just step off, girl, and go somewhere you're wanted."

"Um... okay?"

"And two more things. One, they pity you. That's why they've kept you around. I heard you earlier. You're just a fan. I was one once, but hey, look at me. I'm dating three members."

You stay silent.

"And two, if you tell them about any of this conversation, I will hurt each and every last one of them to no return. Including Yerum."

You gasp. You don't know how they would survive if anyone truly broke them.

You don't know how you would survive seeing any of them broken.

"Toodles!" She flutters her fingers in goodbye.

"What the fuck was that?" You ask yourself, sliding down the wall.

You sit in the ground, evaluating what just happened.

Okay... so she's a crazy bitch.

Running your fingers through your hair, you pull at it, stressed out.

You hear tiny footsteps approaching, so you quickly get off the ground, dusting yourself off.

Play it cool, Y/N.

"Y/N! There you are!" Yerum cheers, dragging you along with him back to the more populated part of the house. "Here she is!"

"Oh, I thought you were right behind me, Y/N? Sorry, did you get lost? Yoongi's house is so big, right Yoons?" Kaerin tries to make a cute face.

Yoongi cringes. "Yep."

"Anyways, Y/N, we have something for you..." Seokjin comes walking out of the kitchen, his hands held behind his back.

"Happy birthday to you," they begin to sing. Everyone except Kaerin.

Seokjin takes his hands from behind his back. In them is a pretty pink cupcake, topped off with your first name scrawled on it with icing.

"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday, dear Y/N," they sing unanimously, "happy birthday to you!"

"Happy birthday, Y/N!" Yerum squeezes your leg. You pat his hair in admiration.

"Thanks, you guys," you smile with such genuineness, it warms your own heart.

"No problem!" Seokjin says, ruffling your hair.

     "Hey, how old are you turning anyways?" Hoseok asks, coming up close to you.

     You flush red as he sticks a finger on top of your cupcake, taking the little bit of frosting on his fingertip and wipes it on your nose.

You chuckle, your heart beating in your throat.

"I just turned 30."

"So you're a baby?" Kaerin asks, wrapping herself in Jungkook's arms.

"Um... kind of? I'm a lot younger than most of my friends, but they said that I'm a lot more fun than most of the friends their age, so I'll take it as a compliment!" You pull at your hair. You hate it when you jabber on.

"Aw, little baby!" Namjoon comes up and wraps you in his arms, rocking you side to side.

"Ahem," Kaerin glares at the man.

"Sorry, Kae," he apologizes, letting you go.

"Anyways," Yoongi rolls his eyes at Kaerin. He's never liked her, could always see through her.

"Aw, Yoon, don't be like that, you know I love you," Kaerin grins at him.

"Yeah. Y/N! D-Do you think you could come over for dinner tomorrow? I mean, only if you want, it's completely up to you, and I mean, it's not too big of a deal, just dinner here at my house," Yoongi jumbles, his hands knotting together as he nervously speaks.

Without even thinking, you say, "I'd love to."

"Looks like we're having dinner at Yoongi's tomorrow!" Hoseok rejoices, throwing his hands up in the air and dancing a little.

"I was extending an invite to Y/N, not you guys," Yoongi corrects, but it's too late.

"Too late, already reworked my schedule!" Jungkook announces.

"Jungkook. You don't work. You don't have anything to do. What do you mean you had to rework your schedule?" Yoongi grumbles, glaring at Jungkook.

"Well now I have something to do!"

"If he's in then we're all in." Taehyung negotiates, Yoongi groaning.

"Perfect!" You cheer, oblivious. "The more the merrier.

"Great." Yoongi mutters.

oof kinda excited for you...


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