Path to War (The Chosen Twins...

CourtesyTrefflin द्वारा

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It's been ten years since Anakin and Aniya Skywalker have seen Padme Amidala, who is now the Senator they nee... अधिक

Chapter 1 - Ansion
Chapter 2 - Across the Plains
Chapter 3 - Plains of the Alwari
Chapter 4 - Padme
Chapter 5 - Danger in the Night
Chapter 6 - Through the Sky
Chapter 7 - Chasing the Assassin
Chapter 8 - Journey to Naboo
Chapter 9 - Arrival
Chapter 11 - Mystery on Kamino
Chapter 12 - Jango Fett
Chapter 13 - Leaving for Tatooine
Chapter 14 - Across the Desert
Chapter 15 - Discovery
Chapter 16 - Geonosis Factory
Chapter 17 - The Negotiations Were Short
Chapter 18 - Execution
Chapter 19 - The Midst of Battle
Chapter 20 - Aftermath of War

Chapter 10 - Admissions

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CourtesyTrefflin द्वारा

Anakin Skywalker

I fall in step next to Ruwee and Jaufre as we stroll through the garden in the backyard of Padme's house. "Sometimes I wish I'd traveled more, but I must say, I'm happy here," Ruwee remarks.

"Padme tells me you teach at the university?" I ask.

He nods. "Yes, and before that, I was a builder. I also worked for the Refugee Relief Movement when I was very young."

"I've been a security officer for a while now," Jaufre remarks, "I'm hoping that I can work more closely with Padme in the future. She could use more security."

"That I have to agree with," I remark.

Ruwee frowns, turning to me. "Now tell me, son, how serious is this thing? How much danger is my daughter really in?"

"There have been two attempts on her life," I inform.

"But she still says she's not in any danger," Jaufre sighs. "That's why I want to go with her." Just like I remembered from before.

"Chances are there will be more attempts," I continue seriously, "Aniya's and my masters are tracking down the assassins. I'm sure they'll find out who they are. This situation won't last long." Well, we hope. It seems like this is pretty common for her. Just because one force is taken care of, that doesn't mean there won't be more.

"I don't want anything to happen to her," Ruwee sighs, looking back at the house, concern evident in his eyes.

"I don't either," I murmur.

"And that's why I was honestly hoping she'd give up politics after her terms as queen," Jaufre sighs, "But of course she wouldn't. I guess it's her life's passion."

"That much is obvious," I agree. You only have to talk to her for five minutes to figure that out. I turn at the sound of the front door of the house opening to see Aniya walking down the steps towards us.

"When will you be leaving?" Ruwee asks.

"Preferably sooner than later," Aniya says as she falls in step with us. "If they start looking for her... they're probably going to come here first thing."

"It's not safe for her to stay here long," I add, "It'll just put the rest of you in danger also."

Ruwee sighs, obviously hoping that she could stay longer. "She's been away from home so much ever since she was fourteen."

"Don't worry," Jaufre offers brightly, "I'll be with her too and make sure nothing happens. And maybe after this Senatorial term is over, I can force her to actually have a life again."

"I don't think she's the type you can force to do anything," Aniya points out, looking faintly amused. That's for certain.

Ruwee looks up at the sun for a moment before turning to us, reluctance evident in his voice as he speaks, "It's getting late. You better get inside and pack for the trip."

Aniya Skywalker

It's later in the afternoon as Padme bustles about in her bedroom, packing things up for the trip. Anakin and I pace back and forth, impatiently waiting. Jaufre is in his room packing up for the trip as well. I can hardly believe he's really going to be coming with us also.

"Don't worry, this won't take long," Padme assures us.

"I just want to get there before dark," replies Anakin, glancing out the window.

"It won't be safe traveling after that," I point out, "There's no saying exactly how much that bounty hunter wants you dead, and it is possible he figured out we're here. Which means he could make another attempt in the middle of the night... even if that's unlikely." I don't know much about this planet, so it's going to make it a little harder to defend her if such a thing happens.

"It would take longer than a few hours to figure out I'm here," Padme assures us as she continues packing.

"I hope so," I mutter before taking the opportunity to get a good look around the room. There are several pictures on the walls and the furniture in the room looks like what you'd expect in a typical bedroom.

"You still live at home," remarks Anakin.

"I move around so much. I've never had a place of my own. Official residences have no warmth. I feel good here. I feel at home."

I definitely know what she means. "We've never really had a real home," I tell her. There are places I call home – like the Temple – but part of me knows it's not really my real home. I love the place, but there's so many things there I don't like. My home's not a place, its people, however crazy that may sound.

"Home was always where our Mom was," adds Anakin as he picks up a framed hologram.

I nod, "And now, it's wherever our masters are."

The silence that falls over us for a moment ends when Anakin asks, "Is this you?" The question immediately draws my attention to what he's holding. It shows a young dark-haired girl who is almost unmistakably Padme, probably around eight, surrounded by several dozen tiny green creatures, a lot smaller than her. They are all grinning from ear to ear, and she's holding one of them in her arms.

"That was when I went with the Relief Group to Shadda-Bi-Boran," she explains, "Their sun was imploding, and the planet was dying. I was helping to relocate the children. See that little one I'm holding? His name was N'a-kee-tula, which means sweetheart. He was so full of life. All those kids were. I did everything I could to save him, but he died... they all did. They were never able to adapt... to live off their native planet."

"That's horrible," I murmur sympathetically.

Anakin picks up another picture. In this one, Padme looks to be about ten. She has a very serious look on her face, dressed in official robes, and standing between two other legislators.

"My first day as an Apprentice Legislator," Padme informs us, "Notice the difference?" I nod. Two opposite sides of her, for sure. Both sides of which I've seen and am fond of. The friendly side we first met and the side of her we knew as the Queen of Naboo.

The sun is getting low in the sky by the time the four of us finally arrive at the lodge by the Lake Retreat. The scene here is even more beautiful than the rest of Naboo that I've seen so far. There's a garden surrounding the lodge, and beyond that a huge lake, shimmering golden in the sunlight. In the distance, high mountains rise, covered with trees judging from their dark green color. It's absolutely nothing like the landscapes I usually see. Now that I go on missions with Qui-Gon often, I've seen water quite a bit, but the sight still never ceases to amaze me.

I'm inside the lodge, unpacking our things alongside Jaufre. Anakin and Padme are still standing outside on the balcony, talking to each other. I don't know what they're talking about, but it honestly seemed like now would just be a good time to make a hasty exit. Besides, those two deserve some time alone.

"How often does Padme have an assassin after her anyway?" I comment, as we continue going through the bags.

"More often than not, it seems. At least twenty-five percent of the time," sighs Jaufre, concern and irritation flashing across his face, "Unless it's just me, but that's what it seems like."

"No wonder she seems so unconcerned."

"Yeah... But with the three of us here, hopefully she'll be safe." Silence falls for several long moments before he breaks it again. "What's it been like these past few months?"

"It's nice, I suppose, considering it's what we've always wanted, but it's hard. There's so much expected of us." I let out a quiet sigh. "Like the rule about attachments... which prevents my brother and I from letting anyone see our closeness. Which is impossible." Focus on the positive, Aniya. "How have things been with you?"

"Pretty good... with the exception of the assassination attempts on Padme. I helped her a lot in the refugee movement at the same time, but after she decided to become a legislator... I became what I am now. I have no interest in politics, just keeping my sister out of danger." He smiles slightly.

"I hate politics too," I laugh quietly. "Anakin does also. It's confusing and weird, and most of the time, it seems that the people in charge only worry about themselves."

"I've been considering switching my position so I can be closer with Padme," Jaufre admits. "Now I really think I should, considering this."

"And speaking of that, what are they both doing out there so long anyway?" I wonder, throwing a glance over my shoulder. I can't see them from here.

"Perhaps we should go check on them," he suggests, shrugging.

Suddenly, and as if in response, a surge of positive feeling through my bond with Anakin. And well – Err... err... Wait... maybe it wasn't such a good idea for us to stay in here and leave them outside alone. Whatever is going on out there?

I don't know why I'm suddenly really suspicious that something just happened, but I am. And now I don't think we should go out there. Better leave them alone for now. My suspicions will have to be confirmed or refuted... um, later. Honestly, I wouldn't mind it if they had a relationship, but it's not allowed. I'm worried that the Council would end up finding out, and I don't know or want to know what could happen then.

The most likely option is that he'd get kicked out of the Order, a possibility I don't even want to consider. If he left, I'd go too, which would mean having to leave everything we'd worked for. Not to mention that somehow, I have the feeling it may not be the best of ideas right now. There's too many things going on, and everything is far too tense. We can't just leave the Order while the galaxy spirals into chaos.

I'm worried to death about Mom, but more than her also. The first time I got this feeling about the future, I tried meditating on it. The only thing I could feel was a swirling cloud of darkness, like a giant storm heading towards the galaxy. What it means, I have no idea, but I do know that it scares me.

"Aniya?" Jaufre asks, snapping me back to present.

"Oh, sorry. I got distracted," I apologize hastily, "Let's just stay in here for now. I don't sense any danger so right now they're fine."

He steps closer, looking directly at me. "I've made up my mind." Something about the intensity of his gaze has my heart pounding.

"About what?"

"I'm staying with Padme. If we're both on Coruscant, we can spend time with each other."

I find myself moving a bit closer, unable to break his gaze. The feelings well up inside me. feelings I know I should not have. Jaufre's my best friend, always will be, and that's what I've always tried to tell myself. But deep down, I know it's not true. Sure, we might not spend much time with each other, but we know each other in a way we don't quite know anyone else. "I suppose it would be nice to spend more time with my best friend," I say finally, half-breathless.

"Just best friend?" he asks, closing the distance between us and kissing me. For half a second, I can't move, then I lean closer, kissing him back desperately.

"Hm, getting excited now, are we?" His teasing voice enters my mind.

Leave it to Anakin to break up the moment. I pull back, even though I really don't want to.

"Like you're one to talk," I shoot back telepathically. Why'd he have to ruin my moment when I didn't ruin his? Brothers.

I'm not even sure how to react now. It's... it's what I know I want, but what I know I can't have. Or maybe I can, but I'm not supposed to. Then again, when do Skywalkers ever care what they're supposed to do? The Council gives us a lot of scrutiny. If they find out about a potential relationship... they could easily use it as an excuse to throw us out. I shudder at the thought. But at the same time, now that Jaufre is fully back in my life, I can't deny them.


"I know." He's afraid he's gone a bit too far. "I..." It's so hard to say this. Why does it have to be so hard? "I love you. But... I don't..."

"It's okay. If you need time, there's time."

And for that, I am grateful. He knows me well enough to know what it is I need. "Thank you." I take a deep breath, mind whirling a million miles a minute. I don't know that to do, and it's not like I can ask anyone, either. This is the one decision I'll have to make on my own. I know the same is true for Anakin, and that's hardly comforting. I can guarantee that if one of us follows the route we're not supposed to have, the other will too. That's just the way we are. And I really want to give Anakin what he wants, but I just don't know. It's not something I can decide in a moment.

Jaufre shifts beside me, and I'm almost expecting him to say something, but he doesn't. I glance away, silence between us suddenly seeming unbearably awkward. I'm really not expecting it when he suddenly grabs my lightsaber, an evil grin forming on his face, and takes off out of the room.

"Jaufre!" I shout, running after. "Give that back!"

Anakin Skywalker

Jaufre re-appears out of the doorway he'd gone into a while ago, cackling madly with a very angry Aniya on his heels.

"What is going on here?" I demand, raising an eyebrow.

"Jaufre!" yells Aniya chasing after him as he sprints off across the yard. It's then that I notice the glinting metal object in his hand. Her lightsaber. What the...?

Padme looks between both of them in confusion.

"He just ran off with my lightsaber," huffs Aniya, finally stopping next to Padme and me to catch her breath.

"I've always wanted to hold one for real," protests Jaufre, pausing a distance away from the house, staring down at the weapon in his hand.

"You could ask you know," Padme points out, chuckling.

"And then I'd have to listen to an hour long lecture on how not to impale myself or damage the furniture."

Jaufre activates the lightsaber, swinging it about experimentally. "Are you done ooh-ing and ahh-ing at it yet?" I quip.

"Not yet," he insists, continuing to move it.

Aniya stares at him grumpily, arms crossed. "More like 'are you done playing?'"

"Could we spar?" Jaufre asks suddenly.

"Sure," Aniya answers brightening up, "To watch you embarrassingly lose in five seconds."

He gives her a mock glare. "Don't count on it. I've been taking classes on sword combat for a long time."

"Swords have a very different weight distribution than a lightsaber," I point out.

"Yes, but these can't be that hard to use," he insists, spinning the blade around for emphasis.

"Be careful!" warns Padme.

"I'm not clumsy!" he argues.

"Well, sparring is fine with me," I agree.

"I'd love to watch your spectacular failure," Aniya grins cynically.

"Don't count on it," Jaufre retaliates, looking back to me, "Ready, Anakin?"

"Your move," I shoot back, crossing the lawn to stand in front of him, activating my own lightsaber. He hesitates a moment longer before lunging forwards and our blades clash.

He honestly does better than I expected. At first, he's able to keep with parrying my blows, though I'll admit I certainly not trying my best. He backs up a few steps across the yard as our blades continue to clash, hardly ever getting a chance to take a swing of his own at me. Finally I decide to disarm him, and in a few quick move, the blade is sent flying from his grasp.

"That was awesome!" Jaufre exclaims, reaching for the fallen lightsaber. Aniya raises a hand, calling it back to her with the Force before he has the chance. "I'd like to try that again some time."

"Since you're so enthused with them, maybe you should try getting one on the black market," Aniya proposes sarcastically.

"And if you two would come to the rescue when I get arrested for it, sure!"

"No, you aren't," his sister replies flatly. "Blasters are good enough. Now, maybe we should go inside? It's getting late."

"Sure," I respond, looking up at the sky. Yes, it is getting late. It's probably time to eat.

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