The Prince's Love

De V_Jeontaetae

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"Freedom to love whoever you want, no one would interfere, not even the kingdom. Provided that your love shou... Mai multe

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De V_Jeontaetae


Taehyung was sad the whole day, but his mood was lifted when they passed by a flower field, he slowed down his horse, the prince looked back when he didn't saw Taehyung by his side.
The radiating smile on Taehyung's face spoke a lot about his mood at the moment. It looks like he was never sad before. Taehyung looks soo mesmerized by the field full of yellow flowers, his eyes are shining and face supports a brightest smile.
The prince finds himself lost in Taehyung, he forgets about everything, everyone and just gazed at him.
When the soldiers saw the prince slowing down they slowed as well and then they took a break right there near the field, ate some food. Rested for a while.

However, something exceptional happens to Taehyung-- the prince walks towards him and handed him a bunch of flowers he picked from the field. Taehyung looked at the prince with his surprized eyes, the prince nods and brings his free hand in front of his own face doing a hand gesture of smile, extending his lips alongwith his hand.
Taehyung hold the flowers close, smelling them, with a warm smile. And then rode off again. But those words of the prince are stuck in Taehyung's mind for the whole ride, bringing smile on his face again and again.

Keep smiling, it looks soo beautiful on you.

The sun was on the brink of setting when they found a clear ground near a lake, exiting the forest and decided to spend the night there. They can't risk travelling at night. They will reach the Lee kingdom by evening the next day.

Everyone brought their horses near the lake let them have some water and then tied them up.

They washed their own faces in the lake. Some even took a bath under the waterfall with crystal clear water falling in between two mountains.

The guards arranged a bonfire when it got dark and all of them settled around it eating, joking around. The prince is laughing hard at one of the jokes. All of them looked soo happy.
They are all the prince's trusted guards and they all practice together everyday, looks like they know each other soo well and goes along well.
Taehyung felt out of place, he don't know anyone just Jongin and Jungkook, though he has seen a few of them in the palace. But never talked to them.
This is the reason why he is right now setting beside Jongin eating his food, opposite to the prince infront of the bonfire who himself is eating happily with his guards.

After sometime Jongin orders everyone to unload their blankets and to sleep, take some rest for the night and that they will leave in the morning by the first light. They bows and does as told.
But Taehyung keeps sitting there, he saw one of the guard unloading the prince's blankets and sets them. The prince even asked him to stop but he didn't, Taehyung smiles at that. Almost everyone went to sleep, except two guards who will guard the area and Jongin and Jungkook they are also up, sitting opposite to each on the rocks, discussing something.
Jongin sees Taehyung still sitting near the bonfire, he shares a look with the prince and the prince just say that he will go and talk to him. Jongin nods.

Jungkook walks towards Taehyung. He was sitting, bending his knees in front of his chest, placing his chin on his folded hand over his knees looking at the dying bonfire. He had a soft glow of the dying fire on his face, making his features look sharper.
Jungkook keeps walking, looking at his soft features.
The prince clears his throat to get his attention. Taehyung looks at him and then sits in a correct position, straightening.

"Are you not going to sleep?" The Prince asks. Taehyung shakes his head and pouts.

"Why?" The Prince asks sitting beside him.
Taehyung keeps silent for some seconds, keeps looking at the fire and the prince waits for the answer, not averting his eyes from him.

"Don't- don't feel comfortable" he hesitantly replies and then tries to hide his face looking the opposite side. Jungkook wants to keep looking at him.
They stayed silent for some time, Taehyung keeps rubbing his hands, warming them.

The prince finally understands, Taehyung is scared and yes, uncomfortable and obvioulsy he is right to feel like that he don't even know anyone.
Though he looks sleepy and tired.
To think about it, he is just a normal boy, he is not used to all this travelling on horses and staying in a forest and that too with forty nine strong and built guards around him, ofcourse he would feel uncomfortable. He just knows the prince and Jongin. Jungkook even noticed him talking only to Jongin and him and no one else.

"You know its difficult for me too, to sleep, I can't sleep in my own bed and sleeping here would be impossible for me, I am just going to lay down to relax my back muscles-- why don't you just -- nevermind -- come here--"
The prince stood up and extends his hand in front of Taehyung.
Taehyung looks at him and then to his hand with his innocent doe eyes. He do not think much and places his hand in the prince's.
Jungkook's hand is cold but soft, while Taehyung's is warm.
The prince pulls him up and gestures Jongin to unload Taehyung's blankets. Jongin does as told with a knowing smile.
He then asks Jongin to make a bed between his and Jongin's. The guard prepares a bed for Taehyung.
Taehyung feels his eyes stinging with tears when the prince looks at him.

"I hope it is comfortable now?"
Taehyung nods and blinks away his tears.
The prince leaves his hand.

"Good night then?"

"Thank you Young prince" he bows but Jungkook shakes his head, silently asking him not to thank him, and walks to his own bed.
He mumbles a thanks to Jongin who gives him a sweet smile.
He then lays down between them.
And now he really feels comfortable and safe. He sees the prince laying on his hand making it as a pillow and looking up in the sky. And now that he is feeling secured finally, he observes the sky, there are no stars, it is filled with dense clouds and the moon is playing hide and seek with them. Nevertheless, it looks peaceful. The forest looks calm too. It is a cold night though, Taehyung shrinks himself and covers himself till neck with the blanket. His eyes again averts to the prince who is still looking at the sky.

Why didn't God made everyone like the prince-- kind and caring. The world could have been a best place. I wish nothing but happiness for him. He deserves best and only best things in his life.

Taehyung smiles and don't know when he fall asleep with that smile still on his face.

Taehyung woke up with the neighing of horses and voices around him. The sun would rise in some minutes, the sky is clean and covered with orange and pink shades. Taehyung looks around him, almost all of them woke up and are loading their things on the horses. He saw beside him the prince's bed and blanket is still there but not him. He gets up and folds his blankets and then the prince's and then Jongin's and picks them up.

He smiles when he hears the greeting.
"Well, good morning there!" the prince says, Taehyung turns around. The prince looks fresh and all set to go. And beside him Jongin looks the same. While he himself looks like a mess with his bed hair. He sets his hair nervously and greets back mumbling a shy 'good morning young prince.'

"Slept well?"


"Go freshen up, we will leave in some minutes" Taehyung nods and follows Jongin when he gestures him.

Soon they get back on their way towards the Lee kingdom.


It was around sunset when they reached there. They got accompanied by two guards of Lees, who lead the way.
The market looks awfully noisy. Decorations were there though, royal flags, beautiful lanterns hangings on the side of way. The odd thing was people were watching them with a shocked expression when the guards announced Jeon Prince's arrival.
There was no carriage, the prince dressed up the same as that of his guards, it really was a shock for them, no royal ever in the history arrived in another kingdom like that. Nonetheless, they looked more powerful, aura oozing with pride and strength an this raw entry is impressing everyone. Then finally, the logic dawns upon people and they started cheering 'Welcomes' to the charming prince.

People started murmuring among themselves.

He is daunting.

Such a strong, young, and charming prince.

He is not scared of anyone, salute to his courage.

Princes' should learn from him.

Jeon prince is setting another example.

The prince did made a dramatic entry.
The prince and his guards just passed smiles on their way. Taehyung waved at the kids and bows at elderly, they returned the smiles.

Finally, they entered the palace. There stood the Lee family.
They were already informed of how the Jeon prince has arrived.
The 'to be crown prince' stood there with his smirk watching Prince Jungkook enter. Almost all the invited royals from different kingdoms were present, watching the prince enter with all his glory just fifty guards following him.
Some of them watched with their jaws drop.
Princess Jiwon was literally drooling.

The prince stops in front of the royals, a guard taking his horse away. He bows to them.

"Greeting dear majesty!"
Lee king pats his shoulder.

"Your father really raised a gem" he compliments but obviously it was not genuine. He knows. It is just to show off.
Jungkook passes a smile, not a sarcastic one. He is here to make things right, right?

Then he turns to Prince Lee.
"I am impressed Prince Jungkook!" he says and that smirk is plastered on his face.

"I am glad that you are, prince Jae Joong" Jungkook smiles at him too.

He would not have bothered greeting princess Jiwon, but he has to. If it was pangjin, he wouldn't even have looked at her way.

"Greetings princess!" And there she melts, blush coats her cheeks.
She bows her delicate neck soo elegantly.

"Greetings to you prince Jungkook" she says and feels how tempting Jungkook's name sounds coming from her.
While Jungkook wants to throw up, the moment she uttered his name. Anyways he smiles.

He greets the other royals and they looked impressed. Everyone who looks up at Jeons' praised him, few of them passed sarcastic smiles, thinking how dumb the prince is, came on a horse with such less number of guards, would have been attacked could have been dead. Thinking he idiotically risked his life. And with just one server. How pathetic.

"It was a long journey Prince Jungkook, the halls are set and your room as well, you and your soldiers should take some rest, will meet you at the dinner" the king says, Jungkook bows politely.

"Thank you dear majesty"
The king nods and gestures a guard to lead him to his room.

Jungkook follows the guard who leads him towards his room. Taehyung was behind him the whole time. He saw everyone, and not to brag about his own kingdom-- to be honest, the guards of Lee kingdom are no where near the Jeon guards in looks, they looked ugly and dirty, Taehyung wanted to laugh at his own thought. He saw all royals but one thing is a pure fact that --- even though all the royals stood in their fancy, expensive robes, all dolled up, still prince Jungkook outdid them all in his normal soldier's attire. He looks dangerously handsome.
Taehyung looks at the prince, how perfectly and respectfully he greeted them, even though he don't like them at all.

And only he knows how he controlled his laugh when princess Jiwon tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear and blinked her eyes tried to seduce the prince but the prince didn't even paid any attention.

The guard shows Jungkook his room and gestures him to enter. He walks further but stops when--

"Hey! You can't enter here, go-go away and search for the servant quarters ask them to give you a bed or something" the guard says to Taehyung.
The prince's fist tightens. He turns around.
Taehyung looked scared.

He didn't just talked to Taehyung like that?

"Excuse me, this is not the way you should talk to him!" The prince says calmly, but that deep authoritative voice shows nothing but a building up anger.
The guard sweats when he meets the prince's furious gaze.

"I- I am s-sorry Y-Young prince, s-spare me" he stutters badly, he prays for his life. Because this is Lee Kingdom and he just upset a guest who is a Royal, now he have to pay for it by his life.
He gets on his knees rubbing his hands.

"S-spare me, spare me young prince"

"Get up!"
He does in a blink.

"Apologize!" prince roars deeply.

"I am- I am sorry young prince"
Jungkook sighs frustrating.
"Not to me, apologize to him!"
The guard meets the prince's eyes but looks away immediately, never in his life he apologized to a server.
Nevertheless, he turns around not to upset the royal.

"I am sorry" he mumbles to Taehyung.
Taehyung stood there saying nothing, he himself was furious but was scared more when the guard talked to him like that. If only he were in Pangjin, Taehyung would have smacked his disgusting face.

"You shouldn't talk to my people like that , you hear me?"
The guard nods instantly, he looks like he may piss his pants.
"Now leave!" the guard left the scene at the instant.

"Come on" Jungkook's voice softens when he talks to Taehyung.
Taehyung follows him. Though, he is lost in his own thoughts. The prince stood up for him just now, when he thought he have to face that rude guard and he looked scary as well.

But eventually he have to go around and search for the servant quarters, he can't stay with the prince all the time. He have to freshen up so does the prince. In the night he have to find a bed for himself.
It would have been better if the prince could have brought one or two extra servers, at least Taehyung would have had someone with him. He have to face the Lee kingdom's staff anyway. God knows how would they behave and what would happen to him.

Jungkook snaps a finger in front of his face. And Taehyung came out of his thoughts.

"Where are you lost? I have called you three times"

"I-I am j-just--"
Jungkook waits for the answer.
Taehyung is nervous and looks anxious.

"I am just thinking to-to go around and find the- the quarters, you-you should freshen up, I would too and--"

"You are not going anywhere!" the prince says with a finality sitting on the big couch near the window.
Taehyung is confused.

And just then Jongin enters with two guards behind him carrying the prince's bags.

"Hyung, bring Taehyung's bags here and asks them to set a bed in here"
Jongin nods understanding.
The guards places the bags and follows Jongin outside.

"Y-young prince?"
Taehyung is shocked.

"I can't risk leaving you alone anywhere in this kingdom Taehyung, we have a hall reserved for our soldiers so they are fine there and you won't be comfortable with them and I can't let you stay alone at the quarters, I don't trust anyone here with our people"

Taehyung feels a fluttering feeling in his stomach, he can't pin point what it is. How many time and how much more he would praise the Prince, it would never be enough.
Taehyung can't form any words, he wanted to say a lot. The prince is soo caring, he is taking care of him from the moment they left Pangjin. Taehyung felt safe for the whole journey just because he was beside Jungkook.
He was soo worried about what he will do when they will reach the Lee kingdom, but again the prince took away that concern as well.

"Be at easy Taehyung, I will wait outside if you, if you feel uncomfort---"

"No!, No Young prince, I-I am comfortable, and thank you soo much, I-I don't know what to say you are- you are soo caring and, soo- soo kind and I --"
Jungkook chuckles, Taehyung's eyes shine when he sees his smile.

"It's okay Taehyung, I don't want anyone insulting you or hurting you and people of this kingdom know nothing but that only, It's my responsibility to protect you at all cost" he says on a serious note, though his voice softens in the end.
It's not like Taehyung can't protect himself, he is very capable of doing that. The bruise on Jungkook's hand speaks a lot about it. He knows basic defence tactics.
But the prince knows that for the sake of Jeon Kingdom's reputation Taehyung won't argue or talk back to anyone.
And Jungkook takes it upon himself to protect him and his soldiers. And besides he still feels guilty about bringing Taehyung in this hell of a kingdom, when he could have been with his brother.

And Taehyung knows Jungkook is aware about it all and he would do anything to stand up for his people in a hearbeat.

Taehyung passes a shy smile, and the prince find it difficult to avert hisis gaze from Taehyung's face.

"My back hurts, I will just lay down. In the meantime you should freshen up, as soon as hyung brings you bags?" Jungkook says gesturing towards the washroom.
Taehyung nods and just then there's a knock on the door and Jongin enters with Taehyung's bags and two guards holding a bed. Jongin instructs them to place it, they does and leaves.

Jongin walks towards where Jungkook is sitting.

"It is fine so far, hope it goes like this" Jongin says walking towards Jungkook.

"Yeah hyung, I hope so too"

"Prince Park just arrived, I met him, he said he will see you at the dinner"
Jungkook smiles. Finally one likable person.

"I thought he will not come?"

"Yeah, he said when he heard that, it's you who is coming instead of our majesty then only he decided to come"
Jungkook chuckles at that shaking his head.
He looks happy hearing about Prince Park, must be someone Jungkook likes. Taehyung thinks.

"Anyways, Taehyung?" Jongin says turning towards Taehyung.

"Yes Hyung"

"Do not go around alone, if you want to go anywhere take me with you, okay?" Taehyung frowns but nods nonetheless.

"Eunwoo and me would be outside" Jongin turns to Jungkook and informs. Jungkook nods.
Here he would need guards outside his room, it is not their palace, they have to be cautious.

Jongin then leaves.

wouldn't people talk about, why a server is staying with the prince in his own room?
Taehyung is curious. He saw other servers searching for the quarters on his way here.
So, he asks.

"Young Prince, what-what if anyone questions you for letting me stay in your room?"

Jungkook smirks, gets up and walks towards Taehyung. He loosens his hair tie and runs his hand in his hair.
"You don't have to worry about that"
He says and stands way into Taehyung's proximity and brings his hand in Taehyung's hair and settles his hair a little.

Taehyung's breath hitches when he looks into the prince's eyes. That gaze hold some hidden meaning behind it. Taehyung don't know what it is neither do the prince, he unconsciously brings his hand near Taehyung's face and carresses his cheek with the back of his hand.
Taehyung feels like sleeping, the touch is so gentle, he closes his eyes.
Jungkook's eyes falls on Taehyung's lips and then something inside Jungkook stops him and he comes out of his bubble.
He retreats his hand slowly and Taehyung opens his eyes meeting his eyes once again.

"Don't worry about anything, just stay by my side, we will soon return, okay? And then you will see your brother" Jungkook whispers softly.
Taehyung nods, smiles thinking about meeting his brother.

Jungkook knows he would have done the same even if it is not Taehyung.
But he have no idea why his heart is going extra soft whenever something concerning Taehyung happens. Maybe because Taehyung is scared, or any other reason. Jungkook stops himself from thinking too deeply about it, it is nothing right? He is by nature empathetic or soft, right? He satisfies himself with whatever reasons come up in his mind.

Or Taehyung is really doing something to him?
But now it seems that he is scared because of the new shift in his heart. The prince is scared, he do not want to divulge in to whatever his heart is signalling and at the same time he wants to.

Jungkook is confused about the new growing affection towards Taehyung or may be not. And if he is sure then he knows and can give name to this new shift -- feelings -- for Taehyung. But he stops himself because it is too soon to have feelings for someone. So, he settles at only one explanation that he is just sympathetic and maybe because Taehyung is pretty, beautiful, innocent, soft, warmhearted -- so it is obvious that he would be attracted towards him.
Taehyung's heart flutters but he is blaming the soo kind nature of the prince, not even once thinking about it to be something else-- like feelings? He never experienced them like this and he don't know this is how it is suppose to feel.



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