Bending Fairies

By FemkeKlompmaker

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follows my OC femke the fairy of the voortrix, the flame that allows her to bend all 4 elements in her quest... More

Chapter 1: The New Girl in Town
Chapter 2: Femke is gonna stay!
Chapter 3: The Gala
Chapter 4: Pro-bending
Chapter 5: Fairy Training Begins
Chapter 6: The Peacekeeper
Chapter 7: When extremes meet
Chapter 9: Noatak's secret

Chapter 8: To talk or not to talk

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By FemkeKlompmaker

Chapter 8: To talk or not to talk

Femke's POV

We arrived at city hall in a flash, the driver going as fast as he was allowed to. We arrived at city hall with top speed, causing me to tumble into Lins lap as the car stopped abruptly.

"Sorry about that. That driver sure knows what 'stop' means." I joked as I brushed myself off and got out of the car, ignoring tarrlok sitting on the small stairs with a healer tending to him as I walked around city hall, which looked very messed up while Tarrlok told Tenzin what had happened.

'Feria, what do you think?' I thought as I looked at a rather big pit in the ground in which an Equalist's glove rested.

'It looks like an Equalist attack. But I'm not too convinced off Tarrlok's story. it sounds off, if you ask me." Feria's voice said in my head as I bent down and let my fingers glide over the outline's of the crater.

"You're right. Something isn't right. But what?" I mumbled as I looked at the crater. In a flash I saw Korra make the crater by landing here, looking at Tarrlok angrily.

"What is it, Femke?" Tarrlok asked from behind as I felt his hand on my shoulder which made it so I saw that flashback again of his younger self being tormented by Noatak and after that a strange blurry image of a brunette giving a baby looking like Tarrlok to a strange woman, who then smiled down at the baby lovingly.

"I was just wondering; how many Equalists were there? You and Korra couldn't fend them off. Yet we could fend off a dozen last time." I asked, shaking off the images in my head as I looked at Tarrlok sternly, wanting to see if I could get him to tell the truth since that image of Tarrlok and a very angry Korra coming towards him had hinted to me something else happened here.

"There was two dozen of them. They caught us by surprise. I tried to protect Korra. Tried to use my powers just like last time but it failed. They electrocuted me before I could try again." Tarrlok said as he looked at me calmly. It was clear he was lying, my seismic sense was strong enough to pick that up.

'I should tell Lin and the others but that would turn Tarrlok against me but if I don't we might never see Korra again.' i thought as I looked at my medallion sternly, closing my eyes and concentrating on my breathing as I called upon Feria for guidance.

'Follow your heart, Femke. You know you should tell them the truth. Lying isn't the Voortrix way. Nor is it going to help you earn the trust of the Avatar.' Feria's voice said in my head.

'But it might turn Tarrlok against me. How can I make sure they know he is lying without angering Tarrlok and turning him against the Voortrix?' I thought to Feria as Lin broke out Mako, Bolin and Asami.

"Maybe. But he has to understand what he is doing is wrong, Femke. You can't be a true Voortrix if you lie and cheat." Feria said, which made me sigh, knowing she was right. But it was hard for me to betray Tarrlok because he was the closest person I had right now.

'It is the right thing to do and as a Voortrix fairy you should always do what is right, no matter what the costs might be." Feria said as we got into a tunnel underneath the road that was part of an Equalist base where Mako took things so serious it looked to Asami as if he was obsessed with saving Korra, which caused her to ask Bolin if Mako was alright. He was but it also made Bolin say to Asami that Mako had kissed Korra once during the tournament which really upset Asami.

'And she is right to be so. Being worried is one thing, but lying about not having any feelings for her is a whole other thing and bad at that.' I thought as I stomped the ground, using my seismic sense to see if I could detect anything.

'Nothing. Figures. If Tarrlok is indeed lying.' I thought sighing as I watched Lin go into one tunnel to where her agents were while Mako grabbed an Equalist and mercilessly interrogated the man as he held a fire close to his face.

"Don't bother, Mako. Korra is not here. I can't sense her presence here and I didn't manage to say this before because you were obsessed with saving her but I sensed Tarrok was lying when he told about the Equalist attack." I said as I looked from Tenzin to the remainder of Team Avatar sadly.

"What?" Tenzin said as he looked at me firmly. "Why didn't you say so before?" He asked as everyone now turned on me looking angry and I couldn't blame them. I should have spoken up sooner.

"Because I only now realized it to be true. Some people are hard to read or only made you think they're lying. Toph couldn't read Azula clearly once." I said insecurely.

"Not the point. You lied to us. Just when we started to think you were trying to help." Tenzin said with a accusing tone in his voice as he looked at me, disappointed, causing me to look from Tenzin to the others sadly as tears formed in the corners of my eyes.

"I didn't do it on purpose. You have to believe me." I said, before panicking as an alarm went off, causing everyone look up.

"Let's go, people!" Bolin said as we all got ready to run for it. I kept myself in the back the whole way and made sure everyone got out in one piece.

"We're all here." I said as I got on the tram we had used to come here, after which we made it move towards the exit. As we did so I saw Mako had turned around and noticed a tram catching up to us.

"Guys! We got company and I don't think they're here for a tea party!" I called to the others. Bolin nodded and placed a hand on Mako's shoulder as he stepped in front of him. He brought his hands out to the sides, clenched his fingers and brought them down, causing the wall behind us to collapse after which I heard a loud sound, signing to me the train had most likely crashed into the collapsed wall. In other situations I had felt sorry for those men but not now our bending depended on it.

"Never mind." I said as I smirked at Bolin, who smirked as he added;

"Try to chi-block that, fools!" Before he high fived me.

"That was awesome, Bolin!" I smirked while Lin looked even more determined while the rest of the cops hung on for dear life and when we reached the end of the tunnel I saw why; the Lieutenant, a massive group of chi blockers and a couple of Mechs were waiting in position for us. The Lieutenant's kali stick sparking with electricity.

"We got more company." Lin said as she looked back at the rest of us.

"I got an idea! But it is risky." I said as I walked next to Lin and placed a hand on her shoulder pointing at the roof with a smirk on my face. Lin followed my gaze then just nodded at me.

"That could work." She solemnly said before we bended the railing upwards so it became a launching platform, launching us in the air, over the Lieutenant and the Mechs and out on the streets again.

"That was the bumpiest ride I have ever had." Femke smiled as she flipped her hair out of her face and looked around.

"Is that a good thing?" Bolin asked as he and the others dusted themselves of before we started heading towards City Hall.

"I've seen worse. Like when my friends and I faced a nightmare creature we created by accident." I told Bolin with a smile on my face, remembering that time the Trix and I had experimented with ancient magic. It went wrong and if it hadn't been for Icy's quick thinking and leadership, Griffin would have found out for sure and we had surely been in deep trouble.

'Only for them to use it again a year later and get in trouble for it anyway.' I thought as i fondly remembered watching Miss Faragonda defeat the nightmare creature from my balcony, then punish the trix for the attempt on taking the Dragon Flame.

"A nightmare creature? Awesome!" Bolin said, but as he opened his mouth to ask more, Mako coughed and shook his head at his younger brother in a warning way. This caused Bolin to say 'sorry'.

'He is such a good natured person. He should be allowed to ask questions as long as it isn't about Tarrlok or what will happen to him if he refuses to let Korra go.' I thought, suddenly realizing that Tarrlok had put himself in a rather difficult position. He could be put in jail for attempting to kidnap Korra and if they did that, Tarrlok wouldn't be able to become a Voortrix. This isn't how you should behave. This is wrong.

"Tenzin?" I started with a small voice. "What will happen if Tarrlok has the Avatar caught and refuses to let her go?" I asked as we walked into city hall where the Page immediately sent out a call to all the other Counsilman to come over at once for an emergency meeting.

"Then we'll put him in jail and interrogate him about Korra's location." Mako said firmly.

"And you really think he will then do as told and release her? No I think he won't listen unless someone talks sense into him. And I have the best shot at that." I said as i made up my mind. Tarrlok would certainly get fired from the Council now. Maybe now i could talk him into coming with me. Become a true fairy.

"And why should we do that? You're just going choose his side if we let you talk to him." Lin remarked firmly.

"Because he told me certain things about himself I promised not to reveal. I know him better than any of you." I said as tears formed in the corners of my eyes. I was on the edge of telling them everything I knew. That would mean disaster for him and me because he would never trust me again.

"You're falling for an old manipulation tactic." Lin said, crossing her arms.

"What kind of things?" Tenzin asked me.

"I can't tell. I made a promise never to reveal it. Let's just say he had a troubled childhood and that's why he does what he does." I said with a sad look, hoping this would make Tenzin at least consider letting me talk to him first instead of arresting him straight out.

"Because of course. Sad past? Everything's justified." Lin muttered. "Haven't heard that from a million criminals before"

"Alright. You can talk to him first. You have my trust." Tenzin sighed as he looked down.

"Don't say I didn't warn you when this blows up in your face. And if I see you taking his side and putting this city in danger with it, you will go right to jail alongside him." Lin said as she brought her face close to mine.

"Wouldn't dream of it." I said as I saw Tarrlok come in last, looking quite worried as he walked to us.

"Do you have news of Avatar Korra?" He asked as he looked from Lin and Tenzin to me.

" We do." Tenzin said coolly "You kidnapped her, Tarrlok." The older airbender said as he pointed his finger at tarrlok, who immediately took a step backwards.

"I am shocked you would accuse me of such an act. I already explained; Equalists attacked and took her" Tarrlok said as he looked at us, indignant.

"Tarrlok, we have been to a Equalist headquarters and she wasn't there. Come on. Tell the truth. Lying isn't the Voortrix way. Neither is kidnapping innocent people." I said as I took one step towards Tarrlok and placed a hand on his arm.

"Femke is right, stop lyin. There were no chi-blockers here last night. You planted the evidence, didn't you?" Tenzin said accusingly.

'Angering him will only make matters worse. I have to do something before he goes off and bloodbends us.' I thought as I looked at Tarrlok, who was looking angry at this accusation.

"That is a ridiculous accusation." He said as he looked at Tenzin angrily and took another step towards the older airbender.

"I have to use the bathroom!" I made up, before I ran off towards the toilets.

Normal POV

"That girl needs to get her priorities straight. I doubt if we're related." Lin sighed, before everyone turned their attention to the Councilman page, who called;

"It's true! he took her. I was here when Avatar Korra arrived last night but Councilman Tarrlok ordered me to leave. I was on my way out when I saw Tarrlok bring her down to the garage." He said with a shaky voice as he peeked from behind the pillar with a scared look in his eyes.

"That's nonsense! Everyone knows you're nothing but a squeaky-voiced liar." Tarrlok said as he pointed the Page, causing him to hide a little more.

"Why did you wait until now to fess up?" Lin asked looking at the Page angrily as she crossed her arms.

"I was terrified to tell because Tarrlok is a bloodbender! He bloodbent Avatar Korra!" The Page said after a moment of hesitation, causing everyone to gasp and look at tarrlok who took a step backwards in shock. His secret was out.

"Don't make this worse for yourself. Tell us where you have Korra." Tenzin said firmly as he got in a defensive stance as well as Lin. Tarrlok moved fast, dodging Lins cable and Tenzin's blast of air before he all took them in his bloodbending grip, making them twist and crack in painful ways before he knocked them unconscious.

Femke's POV

When I returned from the bathroom, I was shocked to find everyone unconscious and Tarrlok was missing. I ran to Lin and carefully shook her awake, hoping she was alright and Tarrlok hadn't gone as far as killing them.

"Lin, wake up!" I called as I firmly shook her until she groaned and stirred, ready to wake up. "Are you alright?" I asked worriedly as she got up, then dusted herself off.

"Never better, except for the fact a bloodbending madman escaped with Korra while you had your pee break and we probably still have to hear your excuses about how he's a good guy, really." Lin snapped at me as she walked to Tenzin.

"Wake up!" Lin snapped as she slapped Tenzin firmly on his cheek, causing him to wake up, soon he was followed by Mako, Bolin and Asami.

"Man. I had this awful dream that Korra was taken by this evil bloodbender. So weird." Bolin said as he rubbed over his head.

"Bolin, that really happened. He knocked us out." Asami replied firmly as Mako helped her on her feet.

"Are you serious?! Where is he? Is he here right now?" Bolin asked as he looked around, ready to take on Tarrlok if he was still here.

"Tarrlok is long gone. I'll alert the Entire Force" Saikhan said, before he walked off to do so.

"I'll go and try find him as well. I can sense his Voortrix power. I'll try and talk to him. Maybe if we're together he will listen to me." I said as I transformed into my Enchantix with a determined look on my face.

"No. You had your chance and you blew it. Now we will get him and treat him like the criminal he is." Lin said firmly as she looked at Femke sternly.

"Lin, you have to trust me. He is better than you think he is." I said firmly, clapping my hands before my mouth before I could flap out that he was not like his father Yakone because that would hint I knew about his bloodbending all along.

"Called it." Lin simply said. "Sad past? Some people will excuse everything you do."

"How come you're so sure?" Tenzin asked me as he gave me a firm look, causing me to hang my head in shame, as I didn't reply, waiting for them to realize what I meant.

"You knew all along that he was a bloodbender?!" Mako yelled as he realized what my silence meant. "You knew and didn't warn us!" Mako said enraged as he lit a fire in the palm of his hand.

"He made me promise not to tell anyone." I said as I looked at Mako firmly. "He is my friend, Mako for friends, you do those kind of things. Even if you know it's illegal." I said as I looked at him with teary eyes. "I had never expected him to go as far as to actually use his bloodbending. He told me he despised having the power but his power hungry dad forced him to do it." I said, knowing Korra would most likely have figured this out as well by now so it might not hurt to tell them.

"I can't believe it. You lied to us all along and thinks just because you're his friend, that makes what he does okay?!" Mako snapped as he looked at me angrily.

"Femke, you should have told us despite what he made you promise him." Tenzin said as he looked at me firmly. "People are getting hurt over this."

"I couldn't. I told him something as well. We promised never reveal each other's secrets." I defended.

"What was so important that you're risking someone else's life for it?" Lin said as she looked at me firmly.

"The moon holds many secrets. The full moon doesn't only gives bloodbenders and waterbenders their immense strength. It also hides another dark power." I said as I looked up at the roof.

"What could be more dangerous than bloodbending?" Mako asked as he eyed me suspiciously. not trusting me at all. I didn't blame him after all, they just found out I lied to them all along.

"There is a power even more dangerous than bloodbending. Under the full moon, some people can change their shape in that of a real life monster. A werewolf." I said as I made myself angry, managing to morph my hand into a white claw.

"Wow." Bolin said as his eyes widened in awe.

"We have little to no control over these powers. When the full moon comes up I change then go on a rampage. I might have killed someone." I said with a guilty look on my face, still feeling a guilty about the deaths I had caused.

"Did it happen in this realm as well?" Lin asked as she looked at me firmly, since there had been a full moon two times since I was here.

"No. Thanks to a Wolfsbane potion I have control over my powers now. But I lose it if I were to forget it." I said as I now changed my claw back in my hand. "This power is very dangerous. No one can know I'm a werewolf." I said.

"I entrusted my secret to Tarrlok to make him trust me with his secret. If I were to reveal his identity as a bloodbender, he could do the same to me." I explained. "Which could mean my Death."

"That's quite brave of you. Seeing how important your secret is." Bolin said, which earned him a foul look from his friends.

"Keeping it a secret that you're lethally dangerous once a month. How brave. Anyway, we should look for Tarrlok. We've only been out for a little while. Maybe we can still pick up Tarrlok's trail." Lin said as she crossed her arms.

"It could lead us to Korra. Let's go." Tenzin said, before they ran out.

"You follow his trail. I'll teleport there and see if I can get him to release Korra. I'll see you there." I said, before I concentrated on Tarrlok's magic pattern before I transported to the place Tarrlok was hiding, making him look up shocked as I appeared before him in my fairy form

Tarrlok's POV

"Femke?" I stammered as I saw her appear in the room out of nowhere.

"Don't be afraid. I just want to talk to you." Femke said calmly as she raised her hands in a defensive way.

"You told them." I said as Femke sat down next to me on the dusty floor of my father's old hideout in the hills.

"No. They only know now that I have known you were a bloodbender all along. They're pretty mad at me." Femke said as she looked down shamefully, which made me look at her. She didn't tell. This was good.

"Listen, I know what you did and I know that it's wrong but it isn't too late to stop acting like your father wanted you to be." Femke said as she placed a hand on my knee and looked at me sadly.

"It is. It's all over. Everything was for nothing. Now I will never be the city's leader. I will end up in jail." I said as I looked down with a sad look in my eyes, since that was all I had ever wanted to avoid happening but revealing my secret had been the only way I had been able to get out of things unharmed.

"You can still bring her back. Leave this plan behind. Explain why you did what you did. Tenzin is a reasonable person and so is Korra. They will listen and forgive if you stop this." Femke said as she looked at me with a pleading look, her eyes almost begging me to listen to reason and don't go down the path my father had.

'Which is something I definitely don't want. She is right; if I want to stay off the path of my father, I have to confess and hope for the best.' I thought as I looked at Femke, who was frowning as she looked at the box containing Korra, and in a flash i saw a similar looking face above mine, smiling she sang the lullaby I had heard femke sing before. Another flash and I saw her from a little closer. She looked exactly like Femke only with blue eyes.

'That's not what my mother looked like. Where do I know her from? And why is she looking so much like Femke?' I thought as I looked at Femke before my eye fell on something around her neck, beneath the necklace I had given her. Something that made my blood run cold.

"What Is that? Underneath the necklace I gave you?" I asked, which made Femke look up at me in shock, before she took the thing from her neck and handed it to me.

"It's my mother's. She gave it to me right before she left. I always wear it over my heart, remembering she will always be close, even if we're far apart." Femke said as she smiled down at the medallion, then touched it lightly with her fingertip.

"It looks like something I have seen in a dream. A woman looking a lot like you wore it around her neck as she handed some baby to another woman." I said, recalling the dream I have been getting ever since I was a few years old. This was the first time I mentioned it to anyone.

"What?" Femke asked as she gasped at me. "Thats impossible. Yet... it could be..." The brunette mumbled as she looked at the medallion.

"What?" I asked her, not understanding what she tried to say until I realized what she could be meaning.

"You mean we could be family?" I deducted as I looked at her, shocked, unable to comprehend what she just said.

"We do look a bit alike and maybe that's the reason I felt a connection to you. It wasn't Romantic love but I did feel like I knew you from somewhere." Femke said as she rubbed with her hand over her chin. "If we're family, that would make perfect sense." She said as she looked up at me smiling kindly, while I just looked at her. She had felt a strange connection between us as well. The same way I had felt. It hadn't been love for me either. More the faint feeling I knew her somehow from somewhere.

'I wonder why she hasn't spoken out that feeling to me. Why did she wait until now to say it?' I thought as I watched Femke from the corner of my eye, again seeing that woman in a flash as she looked me in the eyes.

"Why did you wait until now to say this? Why didn't you mention this earlier?" I asked as I looked at femke a little confused as she looked up at me.

"Because I thought it would be painful because in the same visions I also saw Noatak." Femke said, which made me look at her with a gasp at the mention of my brother.

"Maybe in the city we would have time to just, you know, find out if it is truth." I said calmly.

"It can still be done. If we go back. If you're willing to face up to what you have done." Femke said as she looked at me sternly.

"You don't understand. They will arrest me the moment I arrive in the city." I said as I looked at her firmly, not wanting to go back and face jail.

"I understand you don't want to go to jail but it is the only way to see if we're family." Femke said, placing her hands on my arms as she looked at me with a begging look.

Normal POV

"I can't. I'm sorry." Tarrlok said after a moment of total silence as he turned away from Femke, who looked at him in shock, not getting why he was being so stubborn about taking responsibility for his actions.

"Tarrlok..." Femke whispered in shock, before she bowed her head. "I'm sorry. I thought you were my friend and you trusted me. I was wrong." She said as she turned away to hide that she was close to crying. "Have a good life. I hope you're proud of what you did." Femke said, before she walked to the stairs. Tarrlok looked after her as Femke put her foot on the first step of the stairs, unable to believe what she had just said. They had been friends all this time and he still was or that's how he saw it. Femke on the other hand seemed to have given up on it.

'Or she refuses to be friends with a criminal. Which I fully understand. It's just not fair that she blames me for distrust. I do trust her. I just don't want to go to jail.' Tarrlok thought as he looked after Femke as he felt rage well up inside himself.

"You're asking something of me that is impossible. A real friend would understand." Tarrlok hissed as he looked at Femke.

"A real friend would understand that what they're doing is wrong. Friendship means taking a risk for someone else. I would do the same for you." Femke said, before she turned around and started to leave.

"You wouldn't." Tarrlok huffed as he turned away from Femke. Deep down he knew that wasn't true. Femke had kept his secret until it had been too late. It had been Femke who had most likely gotten in big trouble for this and it was Femke who had come to him and tried to talk to him without immediately getting him arrested for taking Korra.

"How manipulative are you?! I wasn't the one that blew your secret! You did that yourself! And now Tenzin is mad at me because I knew about your secret all along! And lied to protect you!" Femke raged as she looked at Tarrlok whom backed away when she said this because her face turned into that of a wolf for a moment.

"Femke?" Tarrlok gasped in shock as he looked at her face shocked, not knowing what to say when Femke said that she had revealed her own darkest secret to make them understand why she had kept his secret with the result of everyone getting mad at her.

"Be reasonable. You're a smart man. You're not like your old man. I know they will understand if you explain to them what you told me and in time, you might be forgiven." Femke said as she looked at Tarrlok sadly.

"It won't be easy. Nor will they allow you to stay on the council. And you will be arrested for the things you already did but if you co-operate they will lessen your punishment." Femke said and with this she flapped her wings, a smirk on her face as it slowly turned back into the face of a human being.

"You really think they will go easy on the bloodbender who just ran from the authorities when they figured out his crime?" Tarrlok asked as he looked at Femke, her eyes still glowing golden as she looked at him.

"Yes. If you're honest with them, tell them the full truth, I know they will at least consider it. Come on." Femke said as she held out her hand towards Tarrlok from the third step, smiling at him as she did so.

'Go on, Tarrlok. Go with her. Be the real you. Free the Voortrix within yourself.' Tarrlok heard a voice in his head say in an encouraging way, which made him look back at the box holding Korra with a raised eyebrow, not getting were the voice had come from.

"This is not the Voortrix way. The Avatar is needed to protect this world. Listen to feria." The voice said, getting hard to hear at the end.

"Did you hear that?" Tarrlok asked Femke, not fully understanding what he had just heard.

"I didn't heard anything." Femke said as she looked around to see if she could spot the source of whatever Tarrlok had heard.

"I heard a voice. A male voice saying I should listen to you and that this is not the Voortrix way. Ending with 'listen to Feria." Tarrlok said as he looked at Femke.

"It could be your heard your past life; Tarro." Femke gasped as she looked at Tarrlok in realization what he heard. She had no idea how this was possible since she had only be able to communicate with Feria through her medallion.

Tarrlok's POV

"My past life?" I asked.

"Yes, we; the original Voortrix all have a past life and we can communicate with them through our medallions." Femke explained, which made me raise an eyebrow at her since I had heard my past life's voice but I didn't have any medallion.

"But I don't wear a medallion. How come I could hear him?" I asked.

"Because he is still your past life. You're still connected in some way." Femke answered as she put her own necklace in sight and smiled, touching it. "The necklace only makes the connection stronger. Like an antenna." She said with a smile on her face.

"How did you get it?" I asked, remembering Femke had told me once that Voorfield was destroyed.

"Because my late fianceė Daniel and I have been there once." Femke said. "We were forbidden to go there but Daniel took me. He wanted me to see his home world. Hear his story. His legacy." Femke said as she looked down.

"Who is Daniel? And how can Voorfield be his home village? You said the planet was destroyed over three thousand years ago. Was he a spirit?" I asked since she hadn't mentioned him to me before.

"The late Daniel Sato. He is not connected to Hiroshi and Asami Sato for as far as I know. He was the Voortrix guide, my best friend and Toph's father. Her real father." Femke said as she looked down sadly.

"Wait? Toph? Chief of Police Toph? The one that invented metalbending? Is she your daughter?" I asked. She might as well be talking about another Toph. I knew there would most likely be more kids with the name Tarrlok on the North Pole as well.

"That's her. I gave her up for adoption because I was very weak after a severe labor. I thought i was dying." Femke said as she looked down sadly. "And I didn't know it was Daniel who was the father until later on since it happened on a one night stand." Femke admitted with one eye closed, seemingly still ashamed of it.

"I see." I commented as we both sat down again.

"I felt horrible about it. No one knew until I met the father of my children; Daniel. It was love at first sight." Femke sighed dreamily as she looked up at the roof.

"We promised each other we would find our children and raise them together. A promise Daniel kept until his dying moments." Femke said, looking down tearfully. "He was killed by one of Darkar's minions along with our youngest son; Dylan."

"How did it happen?" I asked.

"Daniel sacrificed himself to save our son. And our son died not much later from his injuries." Femke said, her voice breaking as she said the last part. Feeling her pain, I wrapped a arm around her. I knew how it felt when you lost someone you loved.

'IF he died. Remember Femke's words. He might still be alive." Shot through my head.

"As a mother, it must have felt awful that you weren't able to protect him." I said as I looked at her sadly.

"It was, especially since it had been me Darkar wanted. I should have died, not my son. He had nothing to do with this." Femke said, her voice sounding both angry and sad at once.

"You shouldn't blame yourself. If you had died I had never met you and I would never have found out that I am a fairy, which would be a shame." I admitted with a small smile on my face.

"I wish he had been able to be here. Or at least meet his sister. She would have loved him." Femke said as she looked up at me with tears in her eyes.

"Life is unfair. I should know, with the type of father I had." I said as I gave Femke a stern look. Sure her life had been tough but my life had been a pure hell. She at least knew her parents loved her. My father never loved me.

"Let's not make this in some sort of competition, please. It can get better now. If we're family, I'm there to help whenever you need me." Femke smiled as she placed a arm around my shoulder, which made me smile back at her as she got up and offered me a hand.

"Alright, but if Tenzin tries to arrest me I won't hesitate to bloodbend him again." I said.

"Please don't. Just because I'm there for you doesn't mean you shouldn't answer to your crimes. Or do such horrid things again." Femke said as she shivered. "I don't want you to turn into Hama."

"Hama?" I asked, getting to my feet.

"Hama." Femke nodded as she wrapped a arm around me before we headed up the stairs.

"Was it really as bad as they made it sound? I asked, since my father had told me the story of the Bloodbender Hama so many times and he had always made it seem like Katara was a coward, only using bloodbending to defend Aang and Sokka whom Hama used to attack her."

"I still get the shivers if I think about what she did, moving us like we were mere puppets." Femke said, which made me wrap my coat around her as we arrived at the main floor where I was shocked to see Amon and the Lieutenant along with some Chi blockers standing in our way.

"Amon!" I said as my eyes widened in shock while Femke got behind me.

"It is time for you two to be Equalized" Amon said with a solemn voice as his Equalists got their bolas while the Lieutenant waved with his Kali sticks.

"You can't do that." Femke said as she got in front of me, looking at Amon.

"And why can't I?" Amon asked as he took a step towards me.

"If you do that, we won't be able to defeat lord Darkar and save the world." Femke blurted out.

"Many benders tried such lies before." Amon said with a ice cold voice that somehow reminded me of Yakone. "You're not going to escape your fate." He finished as the Lieutenant got in front of him.

"You fools." I said as I got into a bending stance and raised my arms upwards. The Chi blockers moved towards us and they attempted to swing their bolas but I bloodbent them. "You've never faced bending like me." I smirked as I watched the Chi blockers crumple on the floor. All of them, except Amon.

"Huh?" I said as I tried again and again, but whatever I did, Amon kept walking, shrugging off my bloodbending like it was nothing.

"How is he doing that?" Femke gasped behind me as she moved her arms as well, I saw the chi blockers struggled and groaned, but Amon was still unaffected.

"You know how to bloodbend?" I asked Femke as we backed away from Amon towards the stairs.

"I figured it out. But Amon seems to be a spirit of some sort. He is immune to bloodbending." Femke said, panicking.

"What are you? " i whispered fearfully as Femke and I reached the top of the stairs.

"I am the solution." Amon said as he kept walking towards us. I knew what was to come now. I got in front of Femke.

"Femke, run." I told her firmly, determined to make her escape.

"No. I won't leave you behind." Femke protested.

"Femke, the fate of many worlds depends on you. If you lose your bending all is lost. Go!" I said as I looked at her before she turned and ran down the stairs, disappearing from sight.

'Its for the best.' i thought as I tried to fight Amon on my own but he was faster and grabbed my arm, firmly twisting it behind my back as he brought me down on my knees before he raised his thumb.

'It all ends here. My legacy of bloodbending is finally at an end.' I thought as I looked at the spot Femke had disappeared to, hearing a loud 'bang' sound before Amon took my bending.

Femke's POV

"Femke, the fate of many worlds depends on you. If you lose your bending all is lost. Go!" Tarrlok said as he looked at me sternly, which made my eyes widen in shock, before I nodded and ran down, going to Korra's prison as fast as I could. I had to be quick. Tarrlok wouldn't be able to fend off Amon for long and then he would come for Korra and me.

"Korra, this is Femke. Amon is upstairs. He has Tarrlok and he is coming for you. You have to escape." I said as I focused on my metalbending and ripped the side of the box open, revealing Korra, who looked like she was in a pretty bad shape, but despite that she looked at me suspiciously.

"Why should I trust you? Your dear 'Friend' did this to me." She started, but stopped as we both heard a scream coming from upstairs.

"You can be angry at me once we get out of here." I said as I blasted a hole in a wall and bent the snow out off the way so Korra had an escape route, then I got in front of her as Amon and the Equalists came down.

"Go, Korra!" i called after her before I fired some water at Amon who dodged it with ease as he got closer and closer towards me.

Anticipating what he was about to do, I leapt over him and kicked him hard in his back, making him tumble, but he steadied himself with ease and before I could make another move I was electrocuted and with the images of a panting Tarrlok looking up at his brother Noatak i passed out.


And with that I end the chapter. I hope you all enjoyed it! Sorry it took me so long but it was very hard for me to combine the original script with the remainder of the story. I hope you all like the result.


I figured Femke would want to try and talk to Tarrlok before they would arrest him. See if she could talk some sense into him because she knew there was still good in him.

I didn't wanted Femke to tell Tarrlok's entire story because that would ruin the scene from 'skeletons in the closet' were Tarrlok tells Mako and Korra his story.

Well, that was all for now! I hope you all enjoyed it!

Please leave a review!

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