Chapter 6: The Peacekeeper

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Chapter 6: The Peacekeeper

Femke's POV

A few days went by and I didn't hear anything from Tarrlok. I assumed it had to do with our disagreement so I went to his office the day before the big finale of Pro-Bending, hoping I would find him there and I did. Buried in his paperwork.

"How much paperwork can one man have?" I asked jokingly after I had knocked on the door and a voice had called 'come in'

"Enough. So I'm sorry, I can't go to the Finals with you tonight." Tarrlok said as he looked at me.

"That's not why I'm here. I wanted to apologize for yesterday. I shouldn't have assumed you wanted to come with me because of your powers. And I also shouldn't have pressured you into giving up your entire life." I said as I sat down near him.

"You came to apologize?" Tarrlok asked me as his secretary quickly left the room, in case it would come down to screaming and fighting.

"I was a harsh on you. I was just so excited to meet a fellow fairy from another dImension that i forgot this is where you grew up and have your home and job." I said.

"You kind of were. Maybe I could go see your world for a day when I'm free. I am curious." Tarrlok smiled.

"Who wouldn't be?" I smiled as I used my magic to show him some images of Magix, at which he looked smiling a little.

"Looks great. When I have a free day I will sure come to visit and is that Sato mobile flying?" Tarrlok asked as he looked at the floating car with an incredulous look on his face, since that wasn't something they had here.

"It's levitating with magic." I smiled as I showed him some more things about magic. We stayed like this until it was almost time for the Finals.

"You sure you don't want to come along?" I asked by the door as I put my jacket on.

"Yes. I'm already behind as it is. Go. I will see you afterwards." Tarrlok smiled at me, which made me smile back before I headed to the stadium. Smiling I went to the dressing room of the Fire Ferrets first, since there was still some time before the match started.

"Are you guys ready for the big match?" I asked smiling as I leaned against the doorpost.

"Yes. We might be the underdogs but we will give them a worthy fight." Mako said as he smiled at Asami, with whom he rubbed noses lovingly.

"Good luck everyone. I hope you win. Take the smirks of those bastard Wolf Bats." I said.

"We will. Thanks for your support, Femke." Korra smiled at me.

"But where have you been? I haven't seen you for some time." Korra said as she gave me a worried look.

"I was trying to get Tarrlok to come with me to Magix. It didn't work." I said, which made Korra sigh.

"Femke. That man can't be trusted. I told you to stay away from him." Korra said as she looked at me angrily.

"He is a lot but no one is completely good or completely evil. There is always good in someone. I told you that before as well. Besides, you would have been rid of him if he were to come with me to Magix." I said with a smile on my face.

"So that was what you were up to? Get him to leave with you so this world will be rid of him?" Korra asked smirking.

"And in the end save everyone." I smiled as I showed her my magic but just as she wanted to give a reply I heard a cheering crowd.

"We will discuss the rest later, Korra. First you have some Wolf Batt heads to knock the grin off." I smiled as I nodded to the arrived elevator, at which Korra and the others nodded and went on, smiling I waved them off wishing them good luck before I went to sit down in the arena as well and look at the match. At first they were doing great, and it even looked like they were going to win but in the end and thanks to some very strange decisions of the referee the Wolfbats won.

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