Chapter 2: Femke is gonna stay!

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Chapter 2: Femke is gonna stay!

Tarrlok's POV

I looked at Femke with a open mouth. She just had told me that the only reason I could have seen this... Floxy could have been that I'm a Fairy as well. If my father had known that, he would have laughed at me in my face, apparently the Avatar had a friend who was a fairy as well but beyond that, they were the things of myth and legend. I had heard people say that the Fairy that Avatar Aang travelled with was named Femke as well. Maybe this Femke is the daughter of that other Femke? Or maybe there was something else going on.

"We will find out if you're a fairy, if you're willing to come with me to Magix."

She offered with a kind smile. She really believed I was a fairy? Me? Some untalented Waterbender? I didn't see myself as a fairy. A talented councilman, yes but A fairy? No, that was something I had never thought about. I was never strong, and this would just go wrong again. Just like the first time I tried to waterbend.

Tarrlok! you better shape up or you will be out here in the cold all night until you get it right.

I still heard the voice of my father echo through my head. But I wasn't going to let it bother me any more. I'm much better than he was. I would be the savior and the leader of this City.

"Femke. I can't be a fairy. I don't even think they exist."

I said. I knew it must sound stubborn and I didn't want to come over that way, I didn't wanted to sound like a weakling, but it was the truth. Weakness was something I never showed anyone sinds my childhood. And that childhood was one of the biggest secrets I had. If anyone would find out about my past, I would be kicked out of the council. If the council ever finds out who my father was, my career would be over.

"I'm sure you can unlock your powers in time, I can feel you're a very strong Fairy. It would be a waste if you didn't tried to use your powers for good." She said as she put a hand on mine. I felt something stir inside me because of it My father had never touched me unless it was to hurt me. My mother had touched me like this, but that had been before we found out we were waterbenders. After that it became less before it stopped completely. I still have no idea why she suddenly stopped loving us the way she always did. She might have felt that we were more restrained in our actions. Maybe she even suspected that something is not quite right with father. I don't know.

"Tarrlok?Are you okay?"

Femke asked me with a worried look on her face. I must have been so lost in memories I didn't hear her. I shook my head to make them go away and focused on what she just told me.

"You asked me to come with you to this place called Magix. But I can't just leave. I'm an adult. I have a job. A rather important one." I said with a smile on my face.

"Well, I was planning to stay here for a while, so you won't have to leave this place. I can teach you the tricks of the trade right here." She said with a little wink. I gave here a bright smile. This might be the beginning of something beautiful.

Femke's POV

"I'm glad you're happy I can stay but please don't tell anyone else about my powers, okay? They might be shocked to see a Fairy, and who knows what they will do to me when they find out who I truly am." I said with a bright smile on my face. I had learned to control more than one element as well, because I am not only the Fairy of thunder. I also have a very powerful flame inside me. The flame of the Voortrix which contained the four elements. I was the only fairy left that could control all four and combine them to get a very powerful blast that can knock out a entire fleet of enemies if I wanted to. But not so long ago the headmistress of Alfea; Miss Faragonda, had asked me to drop by in her office for a little talk. This turned out to be a very interesting talk, for my sake and that of the fairies.

Bending Fairies जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें