MLP FiM: The Hero of Equestri...

By TheNintegaGuy

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When (Y/N) and the Mane 6 finally unite with their true love for each other, they must now overcome more obst... More

Author Notes: Beginning of Arc 2, Recap, and. . . An Anime?
Chapter 1: (Y/N)'s Main Six Dates
Chapter 2: Princess Twilight Sparkle & Prince (Y/N) (L/N) - Part 1
Chapter 3: Princess Twilight Sparkle & Prince (Y/N) (L/N) - Part 2
Chapter 4: Castle Mane-ia
Chapter 5: Daring Don't
Chapter 6: Power Ponies
Chapter 7: Bats!
Chapter 8: Rarity Takes Manehattan
Chapter 9: Rainbow Falls
Chapter 10: Three's A Crowd
Chapter 11: Pinkie Pride
Chapter 12: A Holy Knight
Chapter 13: Filli Vanilli
Special Chapter: MLP FiM The Hero of Equestria (Anime Edition)
Chapter 14: Twilight & (Y/N) Time
Chapter 16: Maud Pie
Chapter 17: Leap of Faith
Chapter 18: Testing Testing 1, 2, 3
Chapter 19: Trade Ya!
Chapter 20: Equestria Games
Chapter 21: Twilight & (Y/N)'s Kingdom - Part 1
Final Chapter: Twilight & (Y/N)'s Kingdom - Part 2

Chapter 15: It Ain't Easy Being Breezies

6.8K 111 93
By TheNintegaGuy

Today was going to be something special as Fluttershy has called on all of the Mane 7 to the outskirts of Ponyville as she wanted to tell them about the Breezies, which were the tiny creatures that she went to go see on her trip back during the time Princess Cadance visited (Y/N) and Twilight. 

Fluttershy: Okay, everypony. As you know, the adorable fairy creatures known as Breezies are about to come through Ponyville.

Pinkie then swings down, hanging from a tree branch by her tail.

Pinkie Pie: Yes! Ooh, it's so exciting! Ah! I can't wait for Rainbow Dash to make the breeze for them so I can see how cute they are up close!

Rainbow Dash: I've never done it before, not that I won't be totally awesome at it, because I totally will!

Fluttershy: And that breeze is very important, but so is cheering on those teeny-tiny little things, so they have the confidence to ride that breeze to their native land. Did I mention how tiny they are? 

She then leans over a blade of grass as a ladybug crawls toward its tip.

Fluttershy: So tiny!

(Y/N): This will be quite a sight for all of us. Rare and tiny creatures that are activated by wind magic? I'm already looking forward to it. Also Flutters, didn't you say something something about cheering for the Breezies?

Fluttershy: Yes! I was thinking we could do a special Breezie cheer!

Her tranquil little smile lasts for the split second it takes Pinkie to leap toward her.

Pinkie Pie: I LOVE cheers!!!

Fluttershy: But these cheers should be quiet cheers. We don't want to startle them. They need to be able to concentrate.

(Y/N): Makes sense. Considering that you described them as tiny creatures, loud acoustics would definitely be trouble for the Breezies. In that case, we'll just have create a more soft atmosphere when we cheer for the Breezies.

Rarity: What exactly do you mean, dear?

(Y/N): Simple, imitate Fluttershy's hushed tone. She knows how to create peaceful sounds that only gives off of the vibe of a natural, calm forest.

Fluttershy smiles from that as she pecks (Y/N) on the cheek.

Fluttershy: Thank you, (Y/N). So, why don't we try it like what he described?

(Y/N): Yeah, remember. A natural, calm forest cheer.

Fluttershy: Let's practice. "You can do it, Breezies."


This response comes with enough oomph to blow (Y/N) and Fluttershy's mane sideways.

Fluttershy: Oh, my.

(Y/N): That. . . was more of a bunch of wild animals trying to call out to the other parts of the wild.

Applejack: Heh, sorry, sugarcube. I had no idea how hard it was to do a cheer quietly.

(Y/N): It shouldn't be that hard. It's not you're trying to do the Royal Canterlot voice. If Fluttershy can make a cute little voice then I'm sure you girls can too. So try it again.

Mane 5: *more quietly* YOU CAN DO IT, BREEZIES!

Fluttershy and (Y/N) look at each other with uneasy faces.

Fluttershy: Perhaps just a little bit quieter.

Mane 5: You can do it, Breezies!

Fluttershy: Just a little quieter.

(Y/N): Like in a whispery voice.

Mane 5: *whispers* You can do it, Breezies!

Fluttershy then shoots up into the air excited.

Fluttershy: Perfect!

She then catches herself putting on that giant cheer as she lowers herself back to the ground.

Fluttershy: Oh, um, I mean. . . yay.

She puts on a slightly embarrassed smile at her own outburst as (Y/N) just gives a small chuckle before pecking Fluttershy on the cheek.

A little bit later, all of Ponyville was now preparing for the Breezies' arrival as there was a three-stallion mariachi band is playing near the town hall, Pegasi were creating a mild breeze in the sky, and equines of all ages bustle back and forth on the ground thrilled to see the Breezies.

Rainbow Dash is seen checking the breeze as she puts a front hoof in her mouth to wet it, then holds it up to gauge the wind speed. A critical look around and she addresses herself upwards to the other Pegasi.

Rainbow Dash: That's too strong! We gotta slow this breeze down or we're gonna blow those Breezies apart!

The two assistants grimace slightly and slow their wings as ordered. In front of the town hall, Fluttershy and (Y/N) were talking with Mr. and Mrs. Cake.

Mr. Cake: What I don't understand is why they need the Pegasi to make a breeze for them.

(Y/N): That's because Breezies get their magic from the wind. I don't know as much as Fluttershy does here, but I do know that hence the name "Breeze" -ies. They absorb the breeze from a decently sized wind current and once they get that magic, they'll be able to go back home.

Fluttershy: The magic from the breeze protects the pollen that they carry, so it doesn't get destroyed.

Mr. Cake: So, no breeze means no magic means the pollen goes bad?

(Y/N): Pretty much.

Fluttershy: They only have two days to get that pollen back before the portal to their home closes. That's why it's ever-so-important that we help them make their way through Ponyville safely.

(Y/N): One wrong mishap and they'll be trapped here, lost on their journey home.

Mrs. Cake: We certainly wouldn't want to scare them and divert them from their path!

Fluttershy: Now you understand.

Mr. Cake: Hm, you two certainly know a lot about them.

(Y/N): Well, actually Mr. Cake, Fluttershy here is the animal or species expert. She actually went to go visit the tiny creatures just recently this month.

Fluttershy: I went to see them gathering their pollen in Western Equestria.

Their calm conversation is then broken up by an intense magenta glow that begins to emanate from a point behind them. When both Fluttershy and (Y/N) they have to shield their eyes as they then see that it was Rarity as she was a purple cloak that sparkles almost brightly enough to require sunglasses for safe viewing.

Pinkie then suddenly appears beside (Y/N) and Fluttershy wearing sunglasses as she summoned two out of nowhere and placed them on the two before they walk up to Rarity and tell her about her harmful dress to the eyes.

(Y/N): Rarity, really?

Rarity: What? Oh, is there too much purple on this? There is isn't it? I knew it! But Twilight refused to admit it.

Twilight Sparkle: What?! I-

(Y/N): Rarity, the purple is not the problem here. Can you take the sequins off of that dress? You're hurting the eyes of everypony around.

Rarity: Oh, darling, please! One can never have too many sequins!

She punctuates these words with a light giggle as Fluttershy moves over to her.

Fluttershy: You can if they reflect the sun, and the light catches a group of Breezies right in their eyes, and blinds them long enough to get them off their course so they never get home!

Rarity get's a terrified grimace as (Y/N) gives her a smug smirk.

(Y/N): Do you see our point?

Rarity: On second thought, you're right darling. I suppose there is the rare instance where one can have too many sequins. I'll just take off my jacket.

Rarity then magically unties the knotted cords on her jacket and the garment is cast off to reveal a ruffled outfit underneath, which instantly begins to glow blinding white over every square inch of its fabric. The glare is even stronger and harsher than that from the cloak, and Fluttershy and others have to shield their eyes all over again.

Rarity: I suppose this won't do either?

Fluttershy shakes her head and (Y/N) facehooves before he activates his magic and teleports the awfully radiant dress somewhere out of the Breezies' vision and Rarity just gives him a rather bored look.

(Y/N): There. Problem solved. The Breezies are going to arrive any minute now, so let's try and not make anything louder or make anything more excessive than a peep or awfully bright sequins, alright Rarity?

Rarity: Fine, but when we have something else that doesn't involve delicate creatures like the Breezies, then I'm wearing it, no questions asked.

(Y/N): *sighs* Deal.

Back up above, Rainbow Dash was looking around before she shades her eyes, gazing intently toward the horizon, and catches sight of a darkish airborne smudge coming in past the mountains. Seeing that she knew what that was, Rainbow smiles brightly before flying down to Twilight and she leans in to whisper in her ear. The violet mare breaks out in a huge grin and settles her notes onto the lectern. 

Twilight Sparkle: *whispers* Everypony, it's time. Please welcome. . . the Breezies!

She gestures to the air as above all of the ponies in the crowd, there were a swarm of tiny winged creatures making its way past them. The Breezies are roughly pony-like in body shape, but with insect-like antennae, translucent wings, their slender legs are greatly elongated and they have prominent eyelashes.

The crowd watches, enraptured, as the Breezies make their way through the placid airspace.

Applejack: They're as cute as Apple Bloom on the day she was born.

Rarity: And would you look at those adorable little packs they carry their pollen in?

(Y/N) and Fluttershy were watching the Breezies fly past peacefully as (Y/N) notices Fluttershy being the most interested in seeing the tiny creatures migrate in the air. (Y/N) leans over to whisper to Fluttershy.

(Y/N): *whispers* You weren't kidding. They sure are adorable to look at. I guess that makes two things that I personally find adorable to look at when the other is right beside me.

Fluttershy blushes with a smile from that as (Y/N) wraps a foreleg around her so they can both get a better look together. As the swarm was still flying ahead, one grumpy looking Breezie shouts ahead authoritatively as if leading the entire pack. Meanwhile, Pinkie was just trying not to lose it with all of the cuteness she is seeing.

Pinkie Pie: So. . . cute! Can't. . . take. . . it!

She claps a hoof over her mouth as her cheeks bulge out, fighting to contain a burst of jubilation. Spike scrambles here and there in search of a decent view through the ponies' heads and finally get a clear line of sight, but just as he stars to really enjoy the show, a mare steps to block him out. The little dragon snarls to himself and hurries over to Pinkie, who has lowered her hoof but still looks as if she might pop at any moment.

Spike: *quietly* Pinkie Pie, can I hop on you so I can see the Breezies?

Pinkie Pie: *quietly* May explode!

She goes back to holding her breath as Spike backs warily away. A few more steps bring him to a tree, which he runs into with his back and then climbs so he can stand on a branch. The Breezies are gliding just over his head. Watching intently, Spike runs out to the end and bounces happily in place.

However, as he does one of the cluster of leaves were on the end of the branch he was hopping on drop away and get caught up in the Pegasus-driven breeze, and sends Spike into a freak-out.

Spike: Oh, no!

The errant bit of foliage drifts among the crowd, and one of the Breezies eyes widen once he spots it coming up toward the swarm. Its looping trajectory stirs up enough of a wake to send the rearmost portion out of control and tiny voices yell in fear as the creatures are buffeted this way and that, cut off from the others. The crowd could only gasp in shock at this sudden sight.

Rainbow Dash: Slow down the breeze for the other group to catch up!

Cloud Chaser: They're too far back! We can't connect the breeze to both sets of Breezies!

Rainbow Dash: What if we speed it up?

Flitter: Then the first group'll be going too fast, and they'll get separated from each other!

The boss winces at the no-win situation and the rear guard of the Breezie swarm is having no luck getting itself back on a level course. Fluttershy's eyes were constricting in terror at seeing all of these creatures being thrown off course and (Y/N) was nearly just as worried as he looks around to try and find a way to help the Breezies. Before he get's an idea in his head as he turns to Fluttershy.

(Y/N): They're small like a feather, right? If we just go up there and block the wind paths with our manes and bodies then they'll for sure be okay.

Fluttershy: Oh, great idea (Y/N). But let's hurry!

Fluttershy points upwards to the spiraling, screaming Breezies as they careen in all directions. One of the Breezies however has managed to right himself and get into a stationary hover, and he yells a couple of orders to the others. Some of these Breezies struggle to keep their hold, but the wind force yanks them apart after a moment. Fluttershy gasps while (Y/N) smirks with determination.

(Y/N): No problem.

(Y/N) flies off up into the air and wanting to help out the Breezies as well, Fluttershy follows after him. Spike could only watch in horror as (Y/N) flies up to block the wind breeze which causes a tiny Breezie to land in the middle of his chest. Fluttershy does the same thing as she catches another one and the two look at each other and nod this plan is working.

The tiny blue Breezie who was giving orders yells out once more as Fluttershy's animal speaking abilities kick in.

Blue Breezie: Mekenar stuf!

Fluttershy: He's right! You must all gather as close as you possibly can!

They do so, finding holds all over her and (Y/N)'s bodies. (Y/N) then spots somewhere small enough for letting the Breezies safely land. 

(Y/N): There! That patch of stone should be a better place for them to rest.

They both then swoop down to the cheers of the crowd. Once Fluttershy and (Y/N) land near a relatively flat rock outcropping, the Breezies gather atop it and voice their own gratitude towards the pair while one of the Breezies look up at them with a raised eyebrow. This Breezie was named Seabreeze as he had a brilliant cerulean coat, moderate rose eyes, a light cerise mane and tail, a turquoisish white antennae, and a very dark gray jacket.

Seabreeze: Mugudi saikendus?

(Y/N) raised an eyebrow at his language while Fluttershy could completely understand him.

Fluttershy: Oh, I understand the language of all kinds of creatures!

Seabreeze: *snarkily* You must be so proud.

(Y/N): You can speak our language?

Seabreeze: I can. This lot can only understand you two. Clearly, they're not the brightest bunch around.

(Y/N): That's a little harsh.

Seabreeze: It wouldn't be a problem if these idiots would just focus on knowing what's more important during this migration.

Followed by a tumult of angry shouts from said bunch. Fluttershy smiles gently and (Y/N) stares down confused at the rescued Breezies, only to be interrupted by the sudden arrival of an excited Pinkie who hugs (Y/N).

Pinkie Pie: That was AMAZING!

Rainbow Dash: I'm sorry we couldn't get a breeze going that would get them back to the others.

Fluttershy: Oh, it's not your fault.

(Y/N) then wraps a hoof around Fluttershy.

(Y/N): I was personally going to take care of it on my own, but I'm very glad you swooped in to help Fluttershy. That was very bold of you.

(Y/N) pecks Fluttershy on the cheek as she let's a small amount of blush come on her face.

Rarity: I feel like I should design you a special hero's gown for if you go with (Y/N) on more occasions like these! Heh. . . Or a sash. At least a sash.

Spike then runs up to the Mane 7 looking very panicked.

Spike: Okay, okay, okay! I know what you're all thinking! Why don't you just say it?!

He then throws himself across (Y/N)'s hooves sobbing.

Spike: *sobbing* I'm sorry! This is all my fault! I'm so, so sorry!

(Y/N) and Fluttershy look at each other with raised eyebrows before they just smile at Spike.

(Y/N): Spike, it's all okay. It was just an accident. Nopony knew it was going to happen, so you don't need to cry your eyes out.

The waterworks dry up, and he straightens up to give him a squeaky little grin before hugging him out of delight.

Spike: Okay. . . Thank you!

The Breezies gathered on the rock start mouthing off at the dragon who got them marooned as he backs up away from both them and the Mane 7.

Spike: Uh. . . I'm. . . just. . . gonna stay over here.

Rainbow Dash: So, do you guys want us to get the breeze going again so these little guys can get a move on?

(Y/N): Sounds good. I mean seeing that no Breezie is critically damaged from the accident, I'd say we're good to go.

Suddenly, a Breezie lands right in front of (Y/N)'s nose and it started to put on a pouty face at him and he just smiles at it.

(Y/N): Aw, you don't need to do all of that. I mean even though we did save you, I'm sure once we get situated, you and your friends can fly back home safely.

Soon enough, (Y/N) felt more Breezies gathering around his mane as he looks at all of them and they were all chattering fearfully about the dangers of the sky and not only that, but Fluttershy had a few on hers as well as she walks right beside (Y/N).

Fluttershy: It seems that after that leaf startled all of them, they're probably still a little bit nervous about going in the air again. We should probably let them rest after what they went through.

(Y/N) felt a little baffled from Fluttershy's suggestion before he takes another look at the Breezie on his nose and it gives him a pouty face again with it's pupils dilated and he just couldn't resist it as he just smiles at it.

(Y/N): (I think I might die of cuteness from these things. . .) 

(Y/N) then looks over to Fluttershy with an approving smile as he nods.

(Y/N): Okay, you all can stay and rest for a little bit before you have to hit the road. In fact, my girlfriend here has a nice little cottage where you all can feel well relaxed.

The Breezies except for Seabreeze all cheer from this and the rest of the mares look at each other before they shrug their shoulders.

Rainbow Dash: Alright then, just give me the message when you two are ready.

Seabreeze, who has not left the rock and is quite worried about this turn of events.

At Flutteshy's cottage, all of the rescued Breezies were there as several have commandeered a nearby birdhouse for themselves. One, peeking out from the entrance hole, shoves another off the perch mounted below it. On the floor, Fluttershy's rabbit Angel turns grumpily away from his basket, which a few others are using for a lounge chair. Fluttershy and (Y/N) then walk through, taking note of the tiny visitors at all heights. Fluttershy then notices a shivering Breezie up on a shelf.

Fluttershy: Oh, my, Twirly, you look like you need a blanket.

A handy box of tissues provides the solution when she nips one away in her teeth and drapes it over Twirly, who expresses thanks.

Twirly: Sanken.

Fluttershy: Oh, no problem.

(Y/N) then notices another Breezie on the bottom of the floor with an empty thimble. 

Breezie: Malenki?

(Y/N) then turns to Fluttershy asking her to translate for him.

Fluttershy: She said that she's still thirsty, (Y/N).

(Y/N): Oh, well in that case, I'll give you another drop of water.

Fluttershy reaches other to pick up an eyedropper with her mouth which (Y/N) levitates out and he dispenses one drop that is enough to fill the thimble to the rim. The Breezie grins from ear to ear and starts to slurp it down, and (Y/N) puts the dropper away.

(Y/N): There you go, drink up.

Fluttershy: Now, who else needed a hoof-knitted sweater?

This is quickly plucked away on her hoof by a hovering Breezie. The whole bunch cheers vigorously before the door is heard to be open and both Applejack and Twilight enter.

Applejack: Hey there! Can we come in?

Fluttershy: Oh, of course.

Applejack enters, but as she takes a couple of steps Fluttershy whisks over to stop her.

Fluttershy: But watch your step!

All four glance down toward the floor as Applejack almost stepped on a terrified, shivering Breezie.

Applejack: Oop, sorry about that, little one.

Twilight Sparkle: We just wanted to see if both of you thought the Breezies were ready to give it another try.

(Y/N): They seem calm now, even though it's only been one hour after they were stopped.

Fluttershy: Has it been an hour already? Oh, my goodness! Time flies when you're making sure little creatures don't feel that you're abandoning them to the cruel world.

(Y/N) walks up to Fluttershy confused from that.

(Y/N): Um, Flutters, they're not going to a cruel world. They're going home. And now that we've nurtured them, I'd said they should be good to go.

One small face after another trains big, slightly scared eyes toward the benefactor.

Fluttershy: Oh, you're right (Y/N). 

The Breezies then come shouting and beseeching and instantly causing them concern.

Fluttershy: On second thought, I don't think they're quite ready.

(Y/N): (Hmm, these Breezies are awfully clingy. . . Don't they want to go home?)

(Y/N)'s thought is interrupted when both him and Fluttershy hear Seabreeze over at a couch talking in Breezie language annoyed. 

Seabreeze: Supa laipas data kurpa! Mise neku ersken laika maur! Siripat sulat!

(Y/N) raises an eyebrow while Fluttershy was left bewildered at what he just said.

Applejack: Uh. . . what did he say?

Fluttershy: *blushes* I'd. . . rather not say.

(Y/N): Well, I can tell some Breezie is rather peeved at something. Why don't you give us a few minutes while we speak with him?

Applejack: Okay, well, I'm sure the two of you know what you're doin'. No one knows rare magical creatures like you do Fluttershy and (Y/N) I'm sure ya can talk sense into any creature ya encounter.

Twilight nods in agreement as the two leave the cottage.

Twilight Sparkle: We'll just wait for your word.

Fluttershy: Thank you. We'll be in touch very soon.

As Fluttershy closes the door, (Y/N) turns over to Seabreeze and trots over to him.

(Y/N): You wanted to tell us something, Seabreeze?

Seabreeze: Yes! Us Breezies need to go now, or we will never get home! I wish we did not need that stupid breeze to activate our magic, or I would just force you all to fly home right now! Why do we have to need magic to keep our pollen safe?

(Y/N): Don't you think you're being a little too assertive? 

Fluttershy: He's right. We know that you have to go home eventually, but-

Seabreeze: Why are you two giving in to these wimps?! If they had not been so scared in the first place, this never would have happened!

(Y/N): Wimps?! You all were thrown off course because of a leaf, which may I remind you is like the size of our hooves. As a matter of fact, you should be thanking Fluttershy and I that we were able to help you and the others.

Seabreeze: Oh, please! They have no idea what they're doing out there!

(Y/N): How would you know?! You were ahead of them and you weren't caught in the catastrophe!

Fluttershy get's a little nervous as she sees that (Y/N) and Seabreeze were having an argument with each other.

Seabreeze: Those goofs would've been perfectly fine if they weren't "saved" in the first place! We needed to hurry up and head home after collecting our pollen and the same goes for now!

(Y/N): I would agree with you, but I don't think yelling at them and calling them names is going to make things any better for your limited patience!

Before anymore banter could continue Fluttershy got in between the two.

Fluttershy: Seabreeze! (Y/N)! There's no need to fight.

Seabreeze: But the big pony is correct, we need as much time as we can get because they are so incompetent!

(Y/N): I never said that! YOU did!

Fluttershy: Why don't you two just apologize to each other so we don't have this leading to saying things we'll regret later?

(Y/N) looks at Fluttershy who does her signature trick to try and convince (Y/N) to do anything and did her puppy dog eyes trick to him which made him blush before he sighs.

(Y/N): *sighs* Seabreeze, I'm sorry I guess I got. . .

(Y/N) then notices Seabreeze turning his back to him with crossing forelegs making (Y/N) glare at him.

(Y/N): *groans* Fine! Be that way!

Fluttershy: Oh, dear. . . Um, why don't we talk with some Breezies that. . . aren't as bitter?

The same Breezie that was fond of (Y/N) then lands on his nose and talks to him in Breezie language.

Breezie: Hyare fer nomerni.

(Y/N): Um, Fluttershy? Can you translate what this one is saying?

Fluttershy: *giggles* I think he said that he's hungry.

The Breezie nods as it points to it's mouth opened.

(Y/N): Oh, well in that case Flutters and I will fix you all up a couple of snacks to fill your tummies, alright?

Eager chatters of assent from the crowd of Breezies behind them making Fluttershy and (Y/N) smile.

Later on, all of the snacks were provided as a cookie is on the floor, being energetically gnawed at by four of them, and another is seen chomping down on a grape bite by bite. Another one was eating a cupcake and others were lounging on the rug amid half-eaten bits of food.

On the couch, Fluttershy was snuggled up right next to (Y/N) allowing the Breezies to rest on both of them too as half of them were resting on (Y/N)'s head while the other half was on Fluttershy's back. One lets go with a burp and says something that clearly means. . .

Breezie: Mi fargen.

Fluttershy: You're excused.

(Y/N): I'd say those tiny meals filled you all up.

Fluttershy and (Y/N) nod at one another as Fluttershy carefully scoops the Breezies off of her back while (Y/N) levitates them all to the ground right in front of them.

Fluttershy: Well, my Breezies, I think we can all agree that now that you've eaten and you have a little energy going in your breezy bodies, you're strong enough to face the breeze!

(Y/N): We were both more than happy to have you all here and you should feel special that you were able to get to know Fluttershy and I as ponies who were able to temporarily take care of you, but now without any more trouble, it's time for all to go back home.

Fluttershy: That's right. You all should feel grateful. Nopony will deny that-

Seabreeze: There is nothing special about these losers!

Seabreeze says this as he pushes through to the front of the crowd to address Fluttershy and (Y/N).

Seabreeze: They cannot handle a simple breeze home! If they could just stick with the program and listen to me, we would be safe! At home!

(Y/N): At yet you still ridicule them that this is their fault?! They were able to handle the breeze just fine only a tiny object threw them off! Our friends couldn't do anything about that for the moment which is why we stepped in! I would appreciate it if you would be thankful for rescuing them!

Seabreeze: Rescuing them? The only thing that I would describe as "rescuing" would be to have us all fly home NOW! This is urgent!

(Y/N): We know that! If you would let us finish, we were about to let you all fly home!

Seabreeze: Please! These idiots cannot listen and you are spoiling them! I just want to go home!

He lets his whole body sag dejectedly in midair and when he next raises his face, his eyes are filling with tears which makes (Y/N)'s eyes widen.

Seabreeze: Home, where every Breezie is like us!

He flies slowly past Fluttershy and (Y/N), his spirits down at the ends of his overly long legs, and looks out the peephole of the closed front door with a heavy sigh. (Y/N) then walks up to him with a sympathetic look.

(Y/N): Seabreeze, I know you're frustrated about the flight going wrong. . . and I know that you want to get back home, but. . . you shouldn't take your anger out on your companions.

Seabreeze: How would you know? You wouldn't know what it's like to leave home knowing that you may be in danger of never returning!

(Y/N): *sighs* As a matter of fact. . . I do.

Seabreeze's eyes widened from this as he turned to (Y/N).

(Y/N): Believe me, I had to leave my home for my entire childhood due to a traumatizing incident that I wasn't able to remember until I came back here. I wasn't exactly homesick, but. . . rather curious on what made me so different. Trust me, it wasn't easy to force myself to return here as I had to lose something very important to me. . . but I didn't blame it on anybody and neither should you.

Seabreeze: It's hard to not be frustrated when all of them are being so carefree. They should know that we can't spend any more time here.

(Y/N): I know and that's exactly what we're going to say, right Fluttershy?

Fluttershy didn't respond at all making (Y/N) confused as he turns to her.

(Y/N): Flutters?

Fluttershy blushes with a nervous smile as she also let's out a laugh that didn't really say that there was any good news.

(Y/N): What's wrong?

Fluttershy: Um, (Y/N)? It just occurred to me that some of these Breezies have colds?

(Y/N): Colds?

(Y/N) was confused by this while Seabreeze knew that was definitely not true at all. (Y/N) walks up to the Breezies to see proof of them having a cold as he looks at one of them and they let out a loud sneeze. 

Breezie: Merte marshken farde.

Its pathetic-sounding comment to her is perhaps undercut by the glare and nudge it gives to Twirly, who winks knowingly and lets go with a nice loud cough.

Twirly: Merki marshken plumatu.

Fluttershy: See?

(Y/N) just gives Fluttershy a look of "really" as he was definitely not buying any of this and that Seabreeze was right that him and Fluttershy are spoiling them to the point that they just want more.

(Y/N): Uh-huh. . . Excuse us, little ones, but can you give my precious girlfriend and I a little bit of time alone together for a second?

The Breezies all give approving nods of this as (Y/N) wraps a foreleg around Fluttershy to bring her over to the corner of the cottage where they can't hear them.

(Y/N): Fluttershy, I've been having a great time with the Breezies like you have but. . . don't you think that you're. . . being a little too nice.

Fluttershy: Too nice? What's wrong with being too nice, (Y/N)? Those poor little creatures just need somepony to take care of their colds.

(Y/N): Yeah. . . Colds that started just now and didn't really show any signs for the last hour or so. They were obviously faking.

Fluttershy looks over at the Breezies with a worried look and back over to (Y/N).

Fluttershy: I'll be honest. . . I know they were faking too, but I really didn't want to hurt their feelings.

(Y/N): Trust me, I don't want to either, but Fluttershy know this. . . Being kind for someone else is great, but even kindness can have it's flaws where you need to draw the line to where you need to be assertive with more than a simple no.

Fluttershy: So you're saying that we should tell them that they should go out there even with colds?

(Y/N): Are you telling me that you want us to play along with them?

Both of them realized something at the same time as they both know that they're in quite the pickle with not wanting to hurt their new friends feelings, but they also know that they have to go home as well. (Y/N) looks back over at the Breezies who were still waiting on their response before Fluttershy get's in front of his face.

Fluttershy: Oh, please (Y/N)? This will be the last request before they go, I promise.

(Y/N) gives Fluttershy a rather skeptical look as he cocks an eyebrow and Fluttershy gives him a rather cute smile with a squee before (Y/N) sighs.

(Y/N): *sighs* Last one and that's it.

Fluttershy was glad to hear that as she hugs (Y/N) and pecks him on the lips.

Fluttershy: Thank you, (Y/N).

They both go back over to the group of Breezies who were happy that the two have finished their little conversation.

(Y/N): So you all really have colds?

They give him and Fluttershy a chorus of coughs and sneezes.

Fluttershy: Oh, dear. We can't let you go out there sick! What kind of a friend would we be if we made you go now?

Fluttershy lifts some of them up on her hoof to nuzzle them and (Y/N) turns around to let some rest on his tail as all of the Breezies let out excited chatter from this. Seabreeze who was just not happy from this turn of events. He unleashes a stream of untranslatable obscenities as he retreats into a birdhouse.

Seabreeze: D'oh! Irde turten manes pudenhel! Nievo ut! Parde tarmen!

Another hour later, and now Rainbow Dash and her two Pegasi helps Flitter and Cloud Chaser come over to check on the two. Rainbow lands right in front of the cottage as she knocks on the door. It opens slightly to reveal a sliver of Fluttershy's worried countenance and the sounds of a lively party emanate from behind her.

Rainbow Dash: Hey, Fluttershy, just wondering if the Breezies are ready to go yet. Clock's kinda ticking for them to make it back before the door closes on their home.

Fluttershy: Oh, yes. I mean, not quite. Um, maybe just a few more minutes?

She closes the door abruptly which causes Rainbow and the other two Pegasi to be confused.

Rainbow Dash: Uh, alright. Huh, I guess she and (Y/N) are pretty busy with them.

Flitter: We wait too much longer, we'll have to create such a strong breeze, it may be more than they can handle.

They all then fly off to leave Fluttershy and (Y/N) to it.

Rainbow Dash: We just have to trust Fluttershy and (Y/N). They must know what they're doing.

Back inside of the cottage, Fluttershy turns around to see a rather annoyed (Y/N) right in front of her which makes her jump slightly before she smiles rather nervously.

(Y/N): *sternly* When you said that would the last request were you referring to the colds. . . 

(Y/N) then sidesteps over to reveal what he meant by that as now the entire cottage was like a Pinkie Pie level party as The Breezies were having a blast, holding them proceed to gulp down two thimbles full of grape juice, others are dancing, twirling, and using a strip of cloth draped onto the fireplace hearth as a slide.

Fluttershy was right beside (Y/N) as her eyes pop wide open from seeing this before (Y/N) glares at her.

(Y/N): . . .Or were you referring to this giant party that said they could have?

Fluttershy looks at (Y/N) and let's out a nervous giggle while blushing as she sees that she may have fibbed to him a bit.

(Y/N): Fluttershy. . . I hate to be pushy towards you. . . but stop this party. . . NOW!

Fluttershy moans in disappointment from that, but apparently she didn't need to say anything as Seabreeze zips over to yanks a saxophone away from a Breezie, and he throws it down to smash on the floor.

Breezies: Aww!

(Y/N): (Oh. . . I guess that another way to poop a party.)

Seabreeze: Why are you spending your time on this?! I will never get home!

Fluttershy was about to say something before (Y/N) looks at her with a rather serious glare and she sighs sadly as she knows that she must do the right thing and agree with him.

Fluttershy: Breezies, I must say, Seabreeze has a point.

(Y/N): You guys shouldn't be procrastinating like this. As much as I don't want to ruin your fun, I think it's time that we all got Rainbow Dash and her friends so we can transport you home.

Fluttershy then steps cautiously across the room on the end of this and the partiers grab the end of her tail and pull to arrest her motion, calling up beseechingly.

Fluttershy: Ooh. . . You're all awfully anxious. . . Oh, I don't want you to feel abandoned-

(Y/N): Fluttershy!!

Fluttershy: *sighs* . . .(Y/N) is right everyone. I know that we don't want to look like we weren't the most kind hosts here for you, but he's been speaking with Seabreeze about your actions.

(Y/N): And we have to say that. . .

(Y/N) then notices that Seabreeze wasn't there making him look around in confusion.

(Y/N): Wait, where is Seabreeze?

Seeing that he suddenly vanished, Fluttershy's first thought is to check the bottom of one hoof just in case she has stepped on him before addressing to the rest.

Fluttershy: Has anypony seen Seabreeze?

A general shrug is all she gets. Fluttershy and (Y/N) look around the cottage some more before they both spot that the peephole on the front door has been opened up as if it were a ship's porthole. (Y/N) teleports over while Fluttershy gallops up to the hole and they both look outside to see the lone traveler is riding a breeze toward Sweet Apple Acres. 

Fluttershy let's out a gasp while (Y/N) was just plain worried about Seabreeze's sudden leave.

(Y/N): I know I'm not some elf boy who's ventured out in a kingdom with a sword, bow, and shield, but shouldn't he know that it's dangerous to go alone?! 

Fluttershy: You're right, there's no way he could possibly make out there on his own! We should go after him!

(Y/N): Way ahead of you, Flutters.

Back outside, Seabreeze's flight has turned into a corkscrewing trajectory that has only a semblance of control to it, and his yelps of fear underscore just how far in he is over his head. Rose and Doctor Hooves trot cheerfully past and pay him not a particle of attention. Sea gets himself more or less upright with a few more grumbles, but a series of falling acorns very nearly takes him out and sends him veering wildly away.

He is now on a direct course towards a beehive as he squeezes his eyes shut and throws both forelegs up to shield his face before slamming into the side and the impact leaves him stuck in the wall with only his rear half hanging out. He was knocked out a bit scuffed for a second, but his antennae reveal that he was illuminating the interior of the hive and that many, many of the wall cells are occupied by rather puzzled bees. Seabreeze starts in surprise as quite a few more buzz into view to give him a dirty look. 

He then struggles to pull loose as his grunts and cries muffled by the hive wall, and he then drops to a lower branch back outside after a few moments. As he totters dizzily backward toward the end, the bees come pouring out through the fresh hole and straight toward him. Seabreeze tiptoes back, only to get a nasty surprise when he finds himself at the end of the branch. He drops down onto his belly, wrapping all four limbs around the wood.

All of the buzzing bees are now bearing down on him as the stingers come out, looking as big as swords to the little guy, but a voice cuts in before they can start diving to attack him.

Fluttershy: Excuse me, bees?

They look toward the sound, as does Seabreeze to reveal that Fluttershy and (Y/N) have arrived in the nick of time.

(Y/N): Sorry for the inconvenience, but our little Breezie friend here was trying to find his way home and he kind of accidentally crashed into your hive, so can you forgive him?

The oil-black eyes on the bees train themselves back on Seabreeze and the brows come down in fresh anger, but again Fluttershy's words stop them short. She has donned a round black cap that covers only the top of her head and has two protruding antennae, and a yellow and black striped piece with a stinger is on her haunch and rump.

Fluttershy: I'm working on a bee-type dance and was hoping you could help me? Does this bring to mind any images for you? Perhaps a bee?

Not only that, but (Y/N) has even donned on some nerdy glass with a fake arrow over his head.

(Y/N): Or truth "bee" told, there are plenty of jokes that I "hive" in mind, if you want to hear more then I suggest you "bee" on your best "beehive-iour."

The swarm's glare tells them that they are not having any of this. The stingers are brought into position, but this time the big guns came out as Fluttershy and (Y/N) have had enough of the bees threatening Seabreeze.

Fluttershy: Excuse me! We have done NOTHING but be kind, but I guess that is NOT working! You bees know better than to hurt a helpless Breezie!

(Y/N) smirks at Fluttershy's assertiveness.

(Y/N): (Attagirl, Fluttershy.)

He then takes his glare back at the bees.

(Y/N): If you bees don't back off NOW, then I'll have NO choice, but to make sure that you feel something sharper than those stingers of yours!

(Y/N) makes his eyes glow (F/C) at the end of this as the bees were definitely scared from all of that. They instantly turn around and fly back into the hive through the hole Seabreeze broke. They even close it up with the piece he knocked loose. Seabreeze then turns to both Fluttershy and (Y/N) relieved that they came after him.

Seabreeze: Menkyulen. Thank you! Thank you so much! Thank you for coming after me!

(Y/N): Don't mention it. We weren't gonna leave you out here to become Breezie-jelly. 

Fluttershy: You could've gotten seriously hurt out there. Ponyville is much too dangerous for you. One tiny acorn is a threat!

Seabreeze: Yeah, I know! That is one reason why I have been trying to get us to go from the beginning! Your companion here has been trying to tell you what I've been saying as well!

(Y/N): And Fluttershy, I know you don't want to hurt any other creature's feelings, but you should know that this is for their own good. Now that I think about it, we probably don't have much time left. 

Fluttershy: Oh, I'm sorry I didn't listen to you (Y/N). 

(Y/N): It's alright, you were just trying to help.

Fluttershy: Oh, with my display of kindness getting in the way, we may run out of time.

Seabreeze: That is exactly what I have been telling all of them! But they do not listen to me! Nobreezie ever listens to me!

(Y/N): *sighs* Seabreeze, remember what I said earlier? It's hard for them to compromise when you're just shouting and spitting out insults at them.

Seabreeze: But what about those bees? You were not nice to them, and that was the only way they listened!

Fluttershy: Yes, but they had to go, and they wouldn't listen to us any other way.

Fluttershy eyes widened from when she said this as she turns to (Y/N) who smirks at her with his arms crossed. He nods telling her that what he's been telling her as well. 

Something then clicks inside of Fluttershy's head and sudden the shimmer of rainbow light plays across one of Seabreeze's wings, answered by a brief matching flare from Fluttershy's irises. Fluttershy has discovered the true meaning of her Element of Harmony.

(Y/N): (In Fluttershy's Mind) Being kind for someone else is great, but even kindness can have it's flaws where you need to draw the line to where you need to be assertive with more than a simple no.

After that thought crosses her mind, Fluttershy shuts her eyes making the rainbow light disappear and she looks over to (Y/N) with a serious look.

Fluttershy: We need to go, now!

(Y/N): Well said.

(Y/N) then looks over to Seabreeze and flies down to him.

(Y/N): Hop on my mane, Seabreeze. We're about to take you guys home!

Seabreeze smiles from this as he jumps up to grab (Y/N)'s mane and both him and Fluttershy nod as they hurry back to the cottage to tell the other Breezies the news.

The two are now flying straight and true over the meadows, with Seabreeze hanging onto (Y/N)'s mane. The turbulent swirling air stirred up by their passage has him holding on for dear life and the wind peels his lips back from his teeth. Taking notice of Seabreeze's distress, Fluttershy taps (Y/N) and points at Seabreeze who notices this as he screeches to a midair halt and resumes his flight at a more sedate pace.

Back at the cottage, Fluttershy and (Y/N) were back there to address the Breezies about their dire situation about returning home and this time there were going to be no buts about this at all as it was time to tell them the truth about why they must leave.

Fluttershy: My dear Breezies, we had to rescue Seabreeze from serious harm, and now we know more than ever that you must leave before it's too late!

(Y/N): Just dealing with a couple of falling acorns or a swarm of bees is too much for him to handle on his own! And if you all don't go now there's going to be more serious trouble!

The boss regards his kind sternly by shaking his head in a disapproving manner. They all instead just hurry over, grabbing Fluttershy and (Y/N) hooves and begging mightily. Fluttershy and (Y/N) look at each other with agreeing glares before back down to the Breezies.

Fluttershy: I can't help you any more!

(Y/N): In fact, being here is only going to make things worse for you!

The same Breezie that liked (Y/N) tried to butter him up by doing the cute puppy dog eyes trick, but (Y/N) wasn't having any of it as he levitates the Breezie off of him.

(Y/N): It's not going to work anymore, little guy. There is NO other way you all are going to convince us that you need to stay here!

Fluttershy: The truth of the matter is that we must be firm! You must go, now!

They back off as Fluttershy crosses to the door to grabs its handle and open it while pointing to the exit along with (Y/N).

When one last plaintive stare fails to change their minds, the whole bunch of tiny houseguests lifts off and slowly exits the cottage. Seabreeze, bringing up the rear, stops briefly to give the couple one final nod of thanks and then follows them out.

Tears then fill Fluttershy's blue-green eyes and spill down her yellow cheeks as she closes the door, sniffling and sobbing quietly, and sits on her haunches. (Y/N) just gives her a sympathetic smile as he sits down to her level and pulls her into a hug which she instantly returns.

(Y/N): I know it was hard for you to do something like that. . . but you did the right thing Fluttershy as you knew what was best for them. . . I'm proud of you for realizing that.

(Y/N) wipes some of the tears out of Fluttershy's eyes before he pulls her in for a kiss surprising her before she instantly returns it and she let's out a cute squeak as they hold that kiss for a little bit until they had to end it. Fluttershy then nuzzles his nose as well causes (Y/N) to chuckle a bit. He then stands up and offers to help Fluttershy up as well which she accepts.

(Y/N): Now come on, let's get those Breezies home.

Fluttershy nods as the two exit the cottage to go see how the progress was going with forming the breeze to get the Breezies home.

Outside of Fluttershy's cottage, Rainbow Dash and the other Pegasi were trying to create an accurate breeze for all of the Breezies to fly across, but there was no luck at all. A few leaves on a nearby branch rattle back and forth on their stems.

Rainbow Dash: It's too strong!

Flitter: I can't do it any lighter!

Cloud Chaser: Neither can I!

Rainbow Dash: Fly back! I'm gonna try and see if I can slow it down.

By adjusting the position of her body and her flapping rate, she is able to get the leaves to stop altogether. However, this result does not satisfy her either.

Rainbow Dash: Now it's too light! Oh, this will never get them home!

Back down to the rest of the Mane 7, they were just as baffled as they don't know how their going to get the Breezies back home.

Fluttershy: Oh, my. Maybe it's because there are too few of them. When they started their journey, there was more of them to face the breeze together.

(Y/N): We need another solution then. You've got any ideas about Breezies yourself Twi?

Twilight Sparkle: Actually, I've been studying an old spell book from the Castle of the Two Sisters. There's a spell that I think could help us! This is probably gonna feel a little funny at first, but you're gonna have to trust me.

Dipping her head, she channels magic into her horn as Fluttershy and (Y/N) move toward the others. Rainbow lands next to Applejack, and Pinkie bounds across to sit on her haunches.

Pinkie Pie: I LOVE new ideas that make me feel funny at first!

(Y/N) rolls his eyes with a smirk from that.

(Y/N): You always love new things that make you feel funny.

Twilight Sparkle: Focus, please.

The energy in Twilight's horn builds up into a magenta and white discharge that washes over the clearing.

Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash, who both gasp find themselves floating off the turf in its grip and now Twilight fires a beam from her horn and strikes Fluttershy squarely in the chest. Identical beams hit the other five, now also floating, and a seventh one lances into the knot of Breezies behind her. This last is cut off after a moment, leaving bands of magical energy swirling around them, and one more burst in the beams pouring into her friends causes the screen to flash white.

(Y/N) gives out a surprised stare at what was slowly happening to him. He looks up at his ears and they instantly form into (M/C) antennae's, his head shape ended up even smaller than usual, and all of his hooves shrunk down into tiny long legs, he grew eyelashes, and his wings were now translucent as well. . .

(Y/N) was now a Breezie as his voice was even more high pitched as well. 

Breezie (Y/N): Wow! So this is what it's like to not only shrink in size, but become a Breezie as well.

He then looks to the side and his eyes widened when he sees that all of the other mares have been turned to Breezies as well still having their same colors and mane styles.

Breezie (Y/N): (Wow! And I thought I looked cute myself, but they look even cuter!)

Mane 6 Breezies: (Aww, look how cute (Y/N) is!)

Shaking that thought away, Fluttershy then speaks as her words take on the same helium-pitched tone as the swarm, and in addition, her foreign statement is delivered in the Breezies' funky accent.

Breezie Fluttershy: Maifo flai batendud!

The rest of the mares were confused while (Y/N) just chuckles.

Breezie (Y/N): *chuckles nervously* In English, Fluttershy.

Breezie Fluttershy: Oh, sorry. I mean, let's go!

Up above, Flitter and her partner, hovering and working their wings slowly help out the Mane 7 guide all of the lost Breezies back home to where they belong. At the head of the formation are Fluttershy's five friends, led by Fluttershy, (Y/N), and Seabreeze.

The journey was long as they all had to pass the forest into a snowy winter landscape, and even in a barren desert. One fatigued, flagging yellow Breezie was losing his energy as he almost fell down out of his pack. A mushroom-capped one nearby lunges to catch his friend when he begins to tumble out of line. Fluttershy, (Y/N) and Seabreeze look worriedly toward them, and was about to yell orders before (Y/N) speaks up.

Breezie (Y/N): Hamen yad hudiby. . . *clears throat* I mean, Seabreeze remember that you don't need to yell at them. All it can take is some words of encouragement and they'll be able to bounce back and continue.

Seabreeze looks at (Y/N) and smiles at him before he flies over to help out the Breezies that need help. One offers words to try and help, but the response indicates that they have done no good. Seabreeze approaches, putting real contrition into his voice.

Seabreeze: You can do this! I am sorry for how I treated you before! It was not right that I called you names! I did not even really believe those things I said! I was worried we would never get back to our home, and I lashed out. . . 

He glances ahead to Fluttershy and (Y/N), who gives him a "you're doing great" grin, and they smile at the faltering pair.

Seabreeze: I know you can do this! I believe in you! Hold on to me, let us join the group!

He maneuvers in between them as each Breezie links a foreleg with his.

Their six wings begin to propel them ahead as they approach a natural tunnel in one wall of a cliff over which a waterfall is pouring. Once they have entered it, Seabreeze, back up at the vanguard position with (Y/N) and Fluttershy, points toward the exit. Its edge shimmers slightly in the shaft of light shining in from beyond, and it is very slowly contracting. As the two emerge, right behind them are the other five pony-Breezies, who stop short and gasp in delight.

Behind some tiny shrubs is a miniature settlement, the perfect scale for the Breezies flitting about to live in comfortably.

Breezie Rainbow Dash: Holy mini-sized paradise!

Breezie Rarity: This is simply beautiful! So much inspiration. Where's my sketchpad when I need it?

Breezie Pinkie Pie: So. . . stinkin'. . . cute!

There follows a round of joyful reunions, and Seabreeze eagerly darts forward to one who holds a sleeping baby as her eyes glimmer with tears. The child wakes up from its nap, and Seabreeze gently takes it to cradle in his forelegs and his mate soon joins the embrace. Watching from the ground, Fluttershy and (Y/N) were watching the whole reunion as tears formed in both of their eyes.

(Y/N): (Wow. . . He never told us that he was a dad.)

Applejack then flies up to the two.

Breezie Applejack: Y'all alright?

Breezie Fluttershy: I'm just so very happy they got to be reunited with their family!

Breezie (Y/N): Me too! I. . . I hope I share the same feeling with them one day.

Rarity then eyes the shimmering gateway intently for a moment before turning to Twilight, Pinkie, and Rainbow.

Breezie Rarity: We'd better get going before the entrance- well, exit for us, closes.

Applejack leaves Fluttershy and (Y/N)'s side to join the others as the two rise to face Seabreeze and the others.

Breezie Fluttershy: Goodbye, Breezies. I must go now.

Breezie (Y/N): It was nice to meet you Seabreeze. I hope we can see each other sometime again.

Seabreeze: I'm sure we will. Thank you for helping us. But before you two go. . .

Seabreeze sticks a small flower in Fluttershy's pink mane making her tear up a little.

Seabreeze: To remember us by.

Breezie Fluttershy: Thank you! I'll miss you. I'll miss all of you!

Fluttershy and Seabreeze share an embrace while him and (Y/N) share a hoofshake as the couple gave them one last wave before they head on back home themselves and as they did, Fluttershy thought of something to write in her journal.

Fluttershy: (My experiences with the Breezies have helped me to see that kindness can take many forms, and sometimes being too kind can actually keep a friend from doing what they need to do. Pushing them away may seem cruel, but it's sometimes the kindest thing you can do.)

All but Fluttershy and (Y/N) enter the portal, now shrinking faster as they hang back for a second longer. Seabreeze gives them one final wink as Fluttershy smiles and (Y/N) gives a salute with a smirk before the two finally leave with their friends.

Back outside of the Breezies home, all of them were now back in the real Equestria world as their trip as come to an end now that they have helped the Breezies.

Breezie Rainbow Dash: Whoa! That was a close one!

Applejack and Rarity agree before Twilight speaks up.

Breezie Twilight Sparkle: Okay, gather round.

A lowered horn from Twilight and a magenta and white flash of magic, fills the screen as the Mane 7 instantly turn back into their original forms. Rainbow then get's up in Twilight face.

Rainbow Dash: So, uh, I've always kinda wondered what it would be like to be a griffon.

A funny look came from Twilight, then a cocked-eyebrow smile.

Twilight Sparkle: Not a chance.

She walks off as the daredevil's spirits deflate. Rainbow Dash barely misses a beat before smiling hopefully again and addressing herself after Twilight as the rest follow behind except for Fluttershy and (Y/N).

Rainbow Dash: You sure? What about a dragon? No? It doesn't have to shoot fire!

(Y/N) walks a little bit before he turns back to Fluttershy.

(Y/N): You coming, Flutters?

Fluttershy: Mm-hmm. Don't worry about me.

Fluttershy kept staring at the flower Seabreeze gave her and (Y/N) just smiles at her before he flies off after the mares. As Fluttershy was staring at the flower, what she doesn't exactly see is that the familiar rainbow shimmer works its way from one side to the other as it did for the four, meaning that Fluttershy has unlocked her key of Kindness.

Chapter 15 End.

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