MLP FiM: The Hero of Equestri...

By TheNintegaGuy

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When (Y/N) and the Mane 6 finally unite with their true love for each other, they must now overcome more obst... More

Author Notes: Beginning of Arc 2, Recap, and. . . An Anime?
Chapter 1: (Y/N)'s Main Six Dates
Chapter 2: Princess Twilight Sparkle & Prince (Y/N) (L/N) - Part 1
Chapter 3: Princess Twilight Sparkle & Prince (Y/N) (L/N) - Part 2
Chapter 5: Daring Don't
Chapter 6: Power Ponies
Chapter 7: Bats!
Chapter 8: Rarity Takes Manehattan
Chapter 9: Rainbow Falls
Chapter 10: Three's A Crowd
Chapter 11: Pinkie Pride
Chapter 12: A Holy Knight
Chapter 13: Filli Vanilli
Special Chapter: MLP FiM The Hero of Equestria (Anime Edition)
Chapter 14: Twilight & (Y/N) Time
Chapter 15: It Ain't Easy Being Breezies
Chapter 16: Maud Pie
Chapter 17: Leap of Faith
Chapter 18: Testing Testing 1, 2, 3
Chapter 19: Trade Ya!
Chapter 20: Equestria Games
Chapter 21: Twilight & (Y/N)'s Kingdom - Part 1
Final Chapter: Twilight & (Y/N)'s Kingdom - Part 2

Chapter 4: Castle Mane-ia

10.9K 178 160
By TheNintegaGuy

It was now currently sunset out as (Y/N), Fluttershy, Rarity, and Angel who was on Fluttershy's back were currently walking through the Everfree Forest together as Rarity came to both of them for an important matter that she did not explain to them yet. Being in the Everfree Forest was not comfortable for Fluttershy as she was walking slowly right beside (Y/N) as Rarity trots ahead of both of them.

(Y/N): Rarity, remind me why we're here again? It's almost sunset. What could you possibly need from Fluttershy and I this late in the day?

Fluttershy: It is. . . star-spider season, after all. Though we're sure you have a very good to why you needed us.

Rarity: Simply the most important reason I've ever had in my entire life!

(Y/N): You're exaggerating. . .

Rarity: I am most certainly am not!

Fluttershy: Then what is it?

Rarity: I've heard rumors that the Castle of the Two Sisters is filled with the most gorgeous of ancient tapestries in all of pony history! It pains me to think of those magnificent creations rotting away in those old ruins, totally unappreciated.

Rarity then begins to cross a bridge, but her traveling companions hang back for a second in confusion.

(Y/N): Those things have probably got to be thousands of years old by now.

Rarity: All the more reason to why they would simply be so divine. You see, I need both of your help in "borrowing" one or two to bring back to the boutique where I can restore them. Maybe I'll even use the patterns as the inspiration for a new line!

Rarity cracks a huge grin from this while (Y/N) and Fluttershy just stare at Rarity with dry expressions unconvinced by why this would be so urgent.

(Y/N): *sarcastically* Borrowing. . . right.

Fluttershy: That does sound. . . very important.

Rarity: Yes, well, *clears throat* maybe not the most important thing in my entire life, but retro-ancient classical will be all the rage next season, so it's nothing to sneeze at.

As Angel hops by, one of his ears tickles Rarity's nose, causing her to expel a sudden sneeze as the two others pass her.

(Y/N): Heh. Gesundhoof.

The three then were able to make it right in front of the entrance to the Castle of Two Sisters and Fluttershy couldn't help, but feel fear from looking at the castle.

Fluttershy: Um, are you sure you need those tapestries?

Rarity: But, of course. Although, I must admit these ruins are a fright. Just look at all the dirt everywhere! Ugh. . .

(Y/N): The dirt compared to this ancient castle is probably going to be the least of your problems. Or maybe no problems at all. We've been here at the castle before when we got the Elements of Harmony, it can't be that frightening.

Rarity: Well dear, you make a fair point. This was also owned by Princess Celestia and Princess Luna so it shouldn't be troublesome to just grab a couple of those tapestries that I so greatly desire.

Angel bounds ahead and through a partly open set of double doors, leading to a panicked gasp from Fluttershy.

Fluttershy: *gasps* Angel!

(Y/N): Well, looks like our little bunny friend here already seems interested to explore the areas after we've been away from it for so long.

Fluttershy and (Y/N) gallop after the bunny while Rarity trots right behind as they all enter the Castle of The Two Sisters. After they are all well inside, a menacing shadow slowly extends into view, reaching up the steps that lead to the doors, (Y/N) couldn't help but feel a tingle as he looks back to see if anything was behind them and he shrugs his shoulders and walks off.

The three are finally in the main hall as Rarity was fawning over the design of the castle, Fluttershy was looking for Angel, and all (Y/N) could feel being inside of the castle was nostalgia.

Rarity: Goodness! It's practically an artistic treasure trove of ancient good taste!

(Y/N): Being in here for the third time. . . well counting the version of the castle that I saw in the past, it's really just a memory for our first adventure, but now that I think about it, we never really got to explore the castle.

Angel then hops back to where the three could see him and he taps his foot impatiently.

Fluttershy: Angel! Oh, you really shouldn't have run off like that. Ancient ruins are filled with all sorts of things that can hurt you! You could stub your toe, or, or trip on a loose stone. . . You have to be careful!

Angel pays no mind to this and neither does Rarity as they both just went pass her while (Y/N) walks up to Fluttershy.

(Y/N): Relax Fluttershy. I'll be right here to make sure that neither you, Rarity or Angel with get hurt from anything dangerous, okay?

(Y/N) pecks Fluttershy on the head and that did indeed calm her nerves a bit as she smiled and they followed Rarity and Angel to find more of the tapestries that she wanted.

Little did they know, that they weren't the only ones who were in the Castle of the Two Sisters as when they entered one of the corridors, Twilight is seen levitating a a flaming candelabrum with Spike following right behind her.

Spike: I don't think I'll need all these candles, Twilight. I was really only scared for a second.

Twilight Sparkle: Oh, these aren't for you, Spike. We're gonna be studying late into the night, and we're gonna need all the light we can get.

That pronouncement freezes him in his tracks and makes his eyes widen before he grows unenthusiastic from being in a dark castle.

Spike: *sarcastically* Oh, great.

As Spike trudges off after Twilight, they were also not the only ones either and as they left, Applejack and Rainbow Dash have entered into the main hall of the castle.

Applejack: Well, here we are!

Rainbow Dash: Uh, what's so daring about this place? This is where we got the Elements of Harmony.

Applejack trots up the stairs and points up to the Luna banner beside her.

Applejack: When I was just a filly, Granny Smith told me of an ancient legend. When Nightmare Moon was banished, not every last bit of her dark magic went with her. Granny used to say, when night falls on the castle, that magic takes the form of. . . the Pony of Shadows!

Rainbow didn't seemed the tiniest bit convinced by that story as she just stares.

Rainbow Dash: You mean, like a ghost?

Applejack: *spookily* Nopony knows!

Rainbow Dash just gives her a disgusted grunt at Applejack's little fairy tale.

Somewhere along the halls, Rarity has discovered a battered Luna tapestry hanging on a wall elsewhere in the castle. She gasps in surprise as Fluttershy and (Y/N) walk right behind her.

Rarity: This one is perfect!

(Y/N): It could work for a new line considering it's not completely ripped up compared to the other banners past the hall.

Rarity: Fluttershy, (Y/N), could you two be dears and lift the tapestry off of that hook for me?

Fluttershy then flies up to the horizontal brass rod of the tapestry and grabs it with her teeth and she strains mightily to lift it free of its support bracket.

(Y/N): Hold on, Fluttershy. Let me see if I can. . .

(Y/N) uses his magic to try and pull the rod apart, but it would barely budge of the wall.

(Y/N): Huh. I think it's stuck.

Rarity: Maybe try from below?

Both Fluttershy and (Y/N) shoot her a dirty look.

(Y/N): I doubt that's going to make a difference, but. . . Here goes nothing.

Both of the flyers then go behind the tapestry and it shifts and bulges with their efforts, but mixed in with the lot is a decidedly un-tapestry-like creaking noise. After a few moments, the entire section of wall suddenly rotates 180 degrees on a vertical pivot through its center, leaving only a blank stretch of masonry exposed for Rarity and Angel to gape at.

Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash and Applejack were busy walking through the halls themselves.

Rainbow Dash: I don't see what's so daring about an old legend. Plus, I don't believe in ghosts.

The Luna tapestry behind them starts to rustle as she finishes and Applejack looks at it slightly frightened.

Applejack: You might wanna rethink your position on that.

The cloth has begun to bulge and shift, emitting a series of terrified squeals and cries that send both mares shrieking for the nearest exit. However, a lightning flash and the sudden appearance of a long shadow stop their hooves and lungs cold. Realizing that they are now standing within the shadow's inky expanse, they cut loose with a pair of ear-splitting screams.

Applejack: You saw that, right?

Rainbow Dash: RUN!

They do so, crossing to exit the main hall at full speed, and not only that, (Y/N) got knocked out of the tapestry towards the ground. He looks ahead to see Rainbow Dash and Applejack screaming and running making him raise an eyebrow.

(Y/N): What are they doing here?

As that thought crossed his mind, (Y/N) turns around to see that the tapestry wall flips back to where it originally went as Fluttershy was still in it and it was too late for him to fly back to the other side as he flies up to the wall looking for a switch to turn it around, but there was no switch.

(Y/N): Dang it. I should've known that some booby traps, levers, buttons, and maybe switches activate some things in this castle.

He then looks back in the direction where Rainbow Dash and Applejack went.

(Y/N): Then again, what exactly got the two most courageous mares that I know so frightened? Whatever it is kind of seems interesting.

(Y/N) flies off after Applejack and Rainbow Dash and back on the other side, Fluttershy tumbles out from the bottom edge as the other two were watching her struggles to get free. One of her wings then got bent as Angel hops over to rub it and ease the pain.

Fluttershy: Ow. . . I think I hurt my wing.

Rarity: Oh, my dear, I am so sorry! That tapestry is far either stuck or far too heavy. We'll just have to find a smaller one. . . Wait, where's (Y/N)?

Fluttershy's gaze turned back to the wall of the Luna tapestry and she notices that it's not moving.

Fluttershy: H-He was just right beside the entire time helping me take it down.

Rarity: Hmm, well while you were struggling under that fabric, the entire wall spun around! You must have activated a secret door. If (Y/N)'s not coming from behind that door then I suppose that means that there isn't a switch on the other side to bring him back.

Fluttershy: Sh-Shouldn't we go look for him?

Rarity: Nonsense. He'll be out here in our faces in three. . . two. . . one. . .

The moment she said one, there was nothing but silence to fill the room as Fluttershy was starting to get scared without (Y/N) causing her shake a little while Rarity raised an eyebrow at (Y/N) not being right in front of them right away like they were expecting.

Rarity: *nervous laugh* Don't panic, I'm sure that (Y/N)'s having trouble with his magic so he should come over in just a second.

There was still only silence that filled the room once more making Fluttershy shudder in fear.

Fluttershy: Um, Rarity, I think (Y/N) may be lost somewhere.

Rarity: *sighs* Come now. We shall not only find the perfect tapestry that I need for my line, but also (Y/N) in the process as well.

Fluttershy: Oh, I sure hope that he's okay.

Rarity: Relax darling, if we activated one secret door then these ruins are chock full of them.

Fluttershy: Really?

Rarity: Absolutely. We must use the utmost care as we-

There comes a click, followed by the pair's abrupt, screaming drop from sight. Apparently another booby trap was activated, but this time it was caused by Angel who looks at his foot pressed down on a trigger plate built into the carpet. When he removes his foot, the plate springs back into place and the hatch that Fluttershy and Rarity dropped through closes. Angel then hops nervously away pretending that he didn't see anything happen.

In a corridor somewhere else in the castle, Rainbow Dash and Applejack were running from the weird ghostly moan that they saw earlier from the tapestry that Fluttershy and (Y/N) were stuck in.

Rainbow Dash: *panting* Okay, so, maybe the legend is true!

Applejack then gives her a smug look.

Applejack: Well, that's why I brought you here! I guess only the most daring pony of all could stay in this castle all night without being scared off.

Rainbow's eyes widen from that as she skids to a stop near a portrait gallery in the hall and Applejack double back to her as they both put on fierce look at one another.

Rainbow Dash: Scared? I'm not scared!

Applejack: Well, m-me neither!

(Y/N): Scared of what?

Hearing his voice, both of the girls jumped and screamed in fright which made (Y/N) flinch before he tries to calm them down.

(Y/N): Whoa! Relax! It's only me girls! No need to be so frightened.

Applejack was on the ground ducking for cover while Rainbow Dash was trying to hide under the carpet and when they both realized that it was (Y/N), the girls looked at each other before quickly standing up straight on all four hooves playing it cool.

Applejack: Uh. . . I-I wasn't frightened. Yeah, I knew all along that you'd be in here with us sugarcube.

Rainbow Dash: Me too. . . Wait. What are you doing here anyway?

(Y/N): I could ask you two the same thing. You know it's really late in the night now, right?

Applejack: Rainbow Dash and I are seeing who can be the Most Daring Pony. We're currently in a tiebreaker, but this'll be the challenge that finishes it.

(Y/N): So. . . it's another one of your little competitions with each other?

Applejack: Heh. Right on cue.

Rainbow Dash: Applejack thinks there's some ghost called the Pony of Shadows that lives here. But I'm saying that's not possible. This castle is in no way haunted by anything like ghosts.

Applejack: Ya say that, yet you were runnin' with yer tail between your hind legs.

(Y/N): . . .Uh, I thought you were doing the same thing as well Applejack.

Applejack: Uh. . . N-Nah! I wasn't scared. . . I-I was just chasin' Rainbow Dash here so I wouldn't lose her.

(Y/N): *chuckles* It's kind of adorable how both of you try to act so brave in a place where there really is nothing to fear at all.

Rainbow and Applejack blush and pout from (Y/N) teasing them.

Rainbow Dash: W-Well, I don't believe in any kind of ghosts whatsoever. . . do you (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Nope. That's stuff is for green plumbers with vacuum cleaners to worry about. If only this were more of a mansion though. I guarantee it though, this castle may have been deserted for so long, but I highly doubt that it's cursed from evil magic.

Applejack: Don't go assumin' anything yet, hun. I told Rainbow Dash that legend and she shook like a leaf.

Rainbow glares at Applejack.

Rainbow Dash: Did not!

Applejack: Did so!

Rainbow Dash: Okay then, let's prove it! Whoever stays in the castle the longest is the Most Daring Pony.

Applejack: Deal!

Both of them clack hooves together to seal the agreement while (Y/N) stared with a raised eyebrow.

(Y/N): Girls, come on. Even if this place is haunted, do you really need to stay up in here all night just for some lousy competition?

Rainbow Dash & Applejack: OF COURSE!

(Y/N): Geez, okay. Carry it on then through the halls for your Most Daring Pony competition.

Rainbow Dash: *flies up* Heh, trust me babe. You'll be seeing this gal stand her ground as she's already going to be the most daring pony.

Applejack: . . .Yet, yer not even on the ground, so I'm guessin' that I'm gonna win while yer just chicken.

Rainbow then lands back down on the ground again to glare at Applejack.

Rainbow Dash: Um, no! But it's gonna take a lot more than some shadowy ghost pony to get me to leave.

Applejack: Me too! Humph!

Once Applejack has galloped off after her rival, (Y/N) just trots after them with a bored look. What he doesn't notice though is that the portrait that was behind him had it's light blue eyes move and it look towards (Y/N). (Y/N) felt another chill crawl down his spine as he looks back, but by the time he did, the portrait's eyes were back in it's original position.

(Y/N): *sighs* This is going to be a long night. . .

In the room of a library, Twilight and Spike were sitting across from each other on a table reading books as Twilight was trying to research the Chest of Harmony on how and where the keys of the chest can be found.

Twilight Sparkle: Find anything, Spike?

Spike: Uh, nope. Nothing yet.

A book then makes its way toward him seemingly under its own power, partly visible behind the table edge with its spine up. Once it gets close enough, it tumbles away and Angel hops up onto the table discarding the book he was carrying it on his head.

Spike lets off a startled cry and topples backward in his chair, but instead of falling over though, it only tilts slightly due to a metal rod attached to one leg that runs through a hole in the floor. Hidden machinery then begins to grind in response to this trigger.

Twilight Sparkle: Angel? What are you doing here?

The candles that they had in the middle of the table all go out in a sudden gust of wind, caused by the bookshelves behind it sliding away to either side. When the three step a bit closer to the revealed open space, just enough illumination enters to expose a bookcase and a few throw pillows. Twilight pulls in a long gasp at the sight.

Twilight Sparkle: Whoa!

Twilight then notices a closed book that was on a stand and rushes up to it with her eyes glued to the title.

Twilight Sparkle: "The Journal of the Two Sisters." *gasps* Maybe this is the book Princess Celestia was talking about!

She flies back onto one pillow, floating it along, and opens it while Angel hops on her back. Spike then hears a distant wail slightly which makes him unnerved as he bites his lower lip.

At a long staircase that spirals its way down the inside wall of a very high tower, Applejack is descending down the steps on hoof, while Rainbow and (Y/N) go on wing-power.

Rainbow Dash: I sure hope you're not afraid of the dark, Applejack!

Applejack: I can't say that I am! But even if I was, I'd be at least fifty percent less scared of it than you, Rainbow Dash.

(Y/N): I don't think you can use statistics to measure how scared someone can be.

Rainbow Dash: She doesn't even need to since I'm not scared at all.

Applejack then hustles down after them.

Applejack: Me neither!

Seeing her challenger gain ground so quickly prompts Rainbow Dash to dive downward. Applejack stops short upon reaching the bottom. Once all of them reach the ground, they all look ahead perplexed at what they're seeing next.

Rainbow Dash: W-What's the matter? It's just a dark hallway full of. . . disembodied pony legs.

Which it is; the legs are pointing upward at an angle, the hooves bent downward, and each has a bracket attached to hold an extinguished torch. Rainbow Dash and Applejack both wrap their hooves around (Y/N)'s neck shaking in fear from entering.

(Y/N): . . .I swear if those things actually move on their own, I'll actually freak out.

Applejack: W-Well, we've got you to protect us. S-So, after you.

(Y/N): Mind letting me go, then?

Both of the girls did so as (Y/N) walks through looking around at the legs with concern while Rainbow Dash and Applejack stayed behind. Applejack mashes her hat while Rainbow covers her face with her wings as the two are starting to get creeped out by the entire castle.

Meanwhile, in a dark hole that was pitch black, Rarity's eyes open up as she looks around herself.

Rarity: I'm starting to wonder if maybe this castle doesn't want my expertise!

She kindles a light at the tip of her horn to illuminate the area, but where her and Fluttershy was is a small stone chamber perhaps twice as deep as they are tall. The only remarkable feature inside of the trap is a hole bored through one wall.

Fluttershy: Oh dear. Angel? Rarity, have you seen him?

Rarity: I'm not sure he made the trip down with us, dear.

Fluttershy: Oh, goodness! We have to find him. An ancient castle is no place for a bunny. He could get hit by falling debris, or the floor could give out under him! Oh! He could be trapped in a dark place with no way out!

Rarity: *sarcastically* I can only imagine how that might feel.

Rarity then notices the hole in the wall and she get's an idea in her head as she peers at it.

Back outside, Rainbow Dash and Applejack were off (Y/N) proceeding cautiously around the area. Rainbow was ahead of both of them as a thump was then felt on her and she smiles knowingly.

Rainbow Dash: Heh. (Y/N), I appreciate some concern, but your girlfriend is totally cool handling everything in this castle.

(Y/N): Uh. . . Rainbow, I'm over here.

Rainbow Dash looks to see that (Y/N) was on the opposite side of where she was while Applejack waves to get Rainbow's attention and illustrate her innocence as well. Rainbow then finally takes notice of the hoof now stretched across her shoulders. It is white with the faintest tinge of gray, and it extends from a hole in the wall.

Rainbow yells in fear and surprise, throwing off the interloping limb, and Applejack gives full voice to her own panic before both of them clear out. (Y/N) however recognizes that color and he walks over to the hoof and inspects it making him raise an eyebrow.

(Y/N): Isn't that. . .

Back in the trap, Rarity recoils with a cry and shivers mightily.

Fluttershy: Rarity! What is it?

Rarity: I felt something. . . alive!

The yellow scaredy pony gasps happily, surprising Rarity no end.

Fluttershy: *gasps* Angel!

She darts over and reaches toward the hole to extend her hoof out only to poke (Y/N)'s face.

(Y/N): That's me, actually!

Fluttershy: *gasps* (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Yeah, it's me. I thought I lost you two, but luckily your safe.

Rarity: Oh, we are just as grateful that you are fine as well darling. Now, if you don't mind, can you be a dear and try to get us out of this enclosed chamber?

(Y/N) flies up and inspects on of the pony legs on the wall putting a hoof to his chin before he pulls it down like a lever and this sets the entire section of wall spinning. When it stops, two very puzzled ponies find themselves deposited in the hall. (Y/N) smiles as he lands back on the ground.

(Y/N): That should do it.

Rarity then hugs (Y/N) and pecks him on the cheek.

Rarity: Thank you so much for that, darling.

(Y/N): Not a problem. So, did you two find anymore tapestries that you're looking for.

Rarity shakes her head before getting a rather bitter look.

Rarity: No, we haven't. And tapestries or no, I have had just about enough of secret passages, mysterious presences, and unappreciative castles!

(Y/N): I told you it was a bad idea to come at night. Come on, let's just leave and we can get the tapestries that you want in the morning.

Both of them walk ahead before Fluttershy stops them in their tracks.

Fluttershy: Wait! We can't leave now! Angel is missing!

(Y/N): Oh shoot! Well, that'll be our first priority before getting out of here. He's quite elusive though, so it won't be easy to find him.

Fluttershy: I hope we find him though! He could be trapped under a crumbling statue, or stuck high in a tower without food or-

(Y/N) makes Fluttershy stop panicking with a brief kiss on the lips.

(Y/N): We'll find him, Flutters. I'm sure of it. And he maybe somewhere looking for us too. Don't worry, okay?

Fluttershy: Yes, thank you (Y/N).

Meanwhile, Angel who was still hanging out with Twilight and Spike in the secret room of the castle was sitting comfortably on a pillow and chomping down a carrot with a gold goblet in easy reach. Twilight was still reading some information about the castle though with great interest.

Twilight Sparkle: Spike, you've got to hear this. "I love to duck behind the paintings, and though the Hall of Hooves still gives her a bit of a fright, the trap door slide is Luna's favorite."

Spike walks over to her to look at the book with slight unease.

Spike: "Hall of Hooves"?

Twilight Sparkle: "Soon the Organ to the Outside will be finished. I can hardly wait."

Spike: What's the "Organ to the Outside"?

Twilight Sparkle: I have no idea!

At the very bottom of the entire castle beneath the rest of the Mane 7, there was a figure covered by a dark cloak right in front of the said pipe organ that Twilight described. It raises it's hooves as it strikes a melancholy minor melody on the keys of the organ.

Once the noise was heard right outside, skids to a stop and Rainbow Dash hurtles overhead, skimming the crown of her hat so that Applejack pitches forward onto her face.

Applejack: You hear that?

Rainbow Dash: You mean, the creepy sound of a haunted pipe organ?

Applejack: Uh. . . maybe?

Rainbow Dash: *worriedly* I don't know what you're talking about! Wait! Where'd (Y/N) go?

Applejack looks behind her to see that the said pony was gone making her eyes widen and it made her even more frightened than she was.

Applejack: I thought he was just right behind me.

Rainbow Dash: Y-You don't think that while we were running. . . t-the Pony of Shadows got him, do you?

Applejack: N-No. . . Of course not. He's a toughie. There ain't no way some ghost can take down my sugarcube.

That confidence then slowly turns into worry.

Applejack: O-Or. . . can it?

A new, foreboding chord from the organ prompts the two to clutch desperately at each other and bail out with fear.

At the library room, Spike heard the organ too as he looks uneasily out at the cold candelabrum on the table he and Twilight had been using while clutching on a pillow.

Spike: Uh, Twilight? Did you hear something?

Twilight Sparkle: Oh, Spike. Quit being such a scaredy-dragon. This castle is thousands of years old, and half of it was destroyed by Nightmare Moon. Of course it makes strange sounds. It's practically falling apart!

A fragment of the ceiling lands at Spike's feet, throwing a fresh scare into him and across the way, Angel giggles from the comfort of his pillow.

Spike: Oh. . . kay.

Back with Rarity, Fluttershy, and (Y/N) they were searching for the missing bunny as they were all walking through another corridor that was near the main hall of the castle.

Fluttershy: *calling out* Angel! Angel!

(Y/N): Angel, if you can hear us then follow the sounds of our voices!

Rarity: I'm sure we'll find him.

Rarity then quickly backpedals as her attention drawn by something else. Meanwhile, Fluttershy is frantically looking under one rock in a tumbled pile.

Fluttershy: Angel?

(Y/N): Fluttershy, I doubt that he would be hiding under there. He's probably just around some corner hear in the castle. As a matter of fact, we're close to where the main hall was so it shouldn't be hard to find out where he went.

Fluttershy: Can you sense his energy, (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Sorry Fluttershy, I can only sense energy from creatures that have magic inside of them. It's easy to decipher ponies and I guess dragons as well, but I doubt that I could sense a tiny bunny hopping through a castle.

Fluttershy was disappointed by that before Rarity let's out a quavering cry prompting the other two to quickly gallop where she was.

(Y/N): Rarity, what's wrong?

Fluttershy: Did you find Angel? Is he okay?

Rarity: *gasps* They are perfect!

Apparently, it was actually more tapestries that Rarity was interested in as she found two that were symbolized for Celestia and Luna.

Rarity: No castle in its right mind could possibly object to my restoring such exquisite works of art.

(Y/N) facehooves for Rarity being overdramatic.

(Y/N): *sarcastically* Wow. . . And here I thought you found Angel before we did. Nonetheless, the banners are definitely old, but I guess they are adequate for getting cleaned up.

Fluttershy: We should still be looking for Angel. Oh, I hope he doesn't think I've given up on him.

(Y/N): He's childish, but he's somewhat of a smart bunny. I have a sixth sense that's telling me that he knows we're looking for him.

As Fluttershy and (Y/N) turn away from the thrones to continue the search, Rarity hurries up the steps to stand on Luna's throne.

Rarity: Don't worry, once I take this off of these rigid walls I'll be right behind you two.

(Y/N): Take your time.

At another level of the castle, Rainbow Dash and Applejack poke their heads into view and they are at the end of a hallway lined with pony suits of full plate armor.

Applejack: Do you think there's a single room in this castle that isn't filled with terrifying things?

Rainbow Dash flaps over to one of said things, nudges it, and recoils sharply as it rattles back and forth.

Rainbow Dash: Whoa!

Applejack shoots her a smug look at her being scared.

Rainbow Dash: *nervous laugh* It's just old pony armor. What's the big deal?

Applejack: Yeah! It's not like it's gonna come to life or anything. Right?

Applejack's courage wavers greatly as she proceeds onward through the hall with Rainbow behind her. The cloaked figure who was at the organ, presses one of the keys as a note sounds and the display platform on which Applejack is standing whirls toward the wall.

Applejack: Huh?!

When the sound stops, Applejack is out of view and a suit of armor has been deposited in her place. The quick change sets Rainbow's nerves very far on edge, and she lets go with a good loud yell.

A couple of other keys are pressed, generating a dissonant chord. Now Luna's throne whirls to throw Rarity backwards out of view with a yelp. Fluttershy and (Y/N) look behind them and the former cries out upon realizing her friend's absence while the latter's eyes widen in shock that she just vanished.

The next jangling tones set a floor panel whirling in front of the contented Angel to deposit a fresh bowl of carrots, and the fun continues with the next succession of tones. Applejack is dumped onto a very small and very high exterior ledge, forward momentum nearly carrying her past its lip. The sight of a dragon statue a few feet away, and the crack of lightning that picks out every menacing feature, prompt a horrified yell from the workhorse.

Elsewhere, Rarity is pitched bodily through a small hatch and tumbles across a patch of floor that was outside. Her coat, mane, and tail are now scuffed and matted with leaves and twigs, and she cries out upon realizing that the end of Luna's banner has come off in her hooves. The cry soon turns into a drilling shriek of abject terror.

All who was unaffected by the supernatural causes of the castle was Twilight who was just still on a pillow reading the book in peace and ignoring the strange sounds that were coming through the castle while Spike just pokes his head nervously around every corner making sure there was no ghosts or monsters in the castle.

With Rarity outside, she is shaking and spitting away the plant debris covering her and she stares at the castle angrily.

Rarity: Now, you look here, castle! You are very old and very scary! But your wall art is in an atrocious state! And there is nothing you can do to keep me from my sacred task of restoration!

She gallops back toward the castle, levitating the cloth scrap and diving through a window frame near the hatch through which she got put out of the joint.

Inside the armor hall, Rainbow looks around herself, nerves singing soprano noticing the disappeared Applejack.

Rainbow Dash: Uh. . . Applejack? If you went back to Ponyville, that means I win, right? And (Y/N), now would be a good time to show up. . . n-not that I'm scared or anything, but I would at least like some company from my boyfriend.

A backwards step brings her rump in contact with another full plate of armor, which overbalances and crashes down squarely on top of her. Up Rainbow comes with a scream and she bails out an instant later as fast as those blue feathers can move air.

Meanwhile, in the throne room, Fluttershy and (Y/N) advance towards the throne.

Fluttershy: Rarity! I know hiding isn't really your sense of humor, but please let this be a joke!

(Y/N) pats Fluttershy's head to reassure her.

(Y/N): Relax, she probably got caught in another booby trap or something. Let me see if I can try and reverse the weird mechanism.

(Y/N) walks up to Luna's throne and touches Luna's throne to see if there was anything around that activated Rarity's disappearance. As he inspects it though, the organ plays a long note before (Y/N) hears a creak coming from the steps that he was on making him raise an eyebrow as he looks down at it.

(Y/N): What the. . .

The organ then quickly plays a thundering chord as it shakes the entire room and suddenly (Y/N) is sprung up far into the air making him let out a long yell. Fluttershy then flies into the air, crying out and hyperventilating, and exits at full speed not wanting to take anymore scary surprises.

Back at the armor hall, one platform whirls to deposit a yelling Applejack in place of the suit it had held. She shakes the fuzzies out of her head, glares back at the now-hidden wall passage that brought her back, and takes stock of the armor that Rainbow Dash knocked over. Next to its empty platform is a lightless doorway.

Applejack: Rainbow? Hello? I guess if I don't find you, I win by default, right? (Y/N), I could really use comfort right about now. . . I-If you're still here that is. You wouldn't let some ghost catch ya right?

Applejack walks through the passageway trying to look for her friends in the haunted area.

Rarity then tumbles back where the main hall was hard on her face with the purloined bit of tapestry fluttering to the ground behind her. She sits up to display the supremely fed-up expression that has rooted itself on her face. The leaves and twigs are now so badly tangled into Rarity's mane that she can barely scrape any of them loose.

Rarity: Of all the castles in Equestria, this is by far the most ungrateful!

A bit of stone then drops on her noggin as an insult to injury, and she glowers up toward wherever it came from. Lightning then strikes again prompting fear into the fashionista as she backs up cautiously.

At the opposite side of where she was, Fluttershy was doing the same as she had the living daylights frightened out of her.

Fluttershy: *whispers* Angel! Rarity! (Y/N)! Oh. . . I hope you three are together.

In the armor hall, one suit is pushed forward from the wall, platform and all, and Applejack risks a glance out around it. She has moved it from behind, taking advantage of the passage she found and she eases back in. A good look at one of the fearsome steel faces prompts her to cry out and leap backward through the doorway at the far end of the hall for a slow reverse exit.

Rainbow Dash apparently had enough of the castle too as she was flying outside as she exits her area through a tower's upper window.

Rainbow Dash: Haunted statues, creepy armor. . . Come on, castle! Is that all you got?

The clouds choose this moment to unleash a lightning bolt that hits a little too close for comfort and she slowly eases herself down toward ground level.

Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rarity each one backing up with panic-stricken eyes darting in all directions then to the point at which they and Rainbow Dash all run into each other in the main hall. A four-part scream of bone-chilling terror pulverizes the silence as everypony went into full blown panic mode.

Rainbow Dash bounces madly about like a pinball, yelling all the while. Fluttershy and Applejack are charging around in a high-decibel frenzy. Rainbow's next ricochet then sends her glancing off the support rod of the first tapestry Rarity tried to commandeer. The whole thing comes loose and slithers toward the floor just as the white unicorn slides to a stop with a cry and finds herself in its shadow.

Rarity: I was only trying to restore ancient art!

Her last words are mixed up with a sob and the sound of her voice becoming muffled by the tapestry that now covers her. She was then also joining the others in running around in full panic. As she gallops around aimlessly, she stirs up a couple of leaves that land on a nearby boulder, pointed ends up. A flash of lightning throws the assembly's shadow onto the nearest wall so that it vaguely resembles Angel.

Fluttershy who was whimpering near a doorway and the next bolt brings the shadow through loud and clear as she stands up with a happy gasp.

Fluttershy: *gasps* Angel?

Applejack's hollering mad dash then caroms her off a couple of columns, one of which cracks and collapses just in time for Fluttershy to see the dust boiling up on the spot where she thought Angel was. She instantly had her full of tears at thinking that Angel just got crushed.

Fluttershy: ANGEEEEEL!!!

Twilight, who has not shifted a particle from her crash pad in the hidden library room, looks up from her reading, having heard the muffled sounds of the ruckus or fracas even from there. Meanwhile, the very much intact Angel who was laying next to her had three bowls of eaten carrots right in front of him.

Twilight Sparkle: What in the world is that?!

Spike was huddled under a piece of furniture and biting his claws still scared himself.

Spike: Oh, you know. Probably just more strange sounds of this old castle falling apart!

Twilight just smiles as she walks calmly past him.

Twilight Sparkle: No one likes sarcasm, Spike.

A quiet yell was then heard prompting Twilight to look around for it.

Twilight Sparkle: Wait, do you hear that?

The yell gradually got louder as it was a certain stallion's voice and he crashes flat on the ground in front of the library surprising Twilight. (Y/N)'s (E/C) eyes were swirling around crazily marking that he was dizzy from the crash and he even had image ponies of Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy circling over his head instead of stars.

Twilight Sparkle: (Y/N)?

(Y/N): *woozily* Uh, no thanks Pinkie I don't need any more cupcakes.

He then shakes his head to regain his composure before he looks to the side over to notice Twilight.

(Y/N): Twilight? You're here too?

Twilight Sparkle: Wait, what do you mean "me too?"

Spike peeks his head out and so does Angel at noticing that (Y/N) is here as well.

(Y/N): I came here with Fluttershy and Rarity. Rarity wanted to redesign of the tapestries around the castle, so she had Fluttershy and I tag along to what she said. . . "borrow" it.

Twilight Sparkle: How did you get separated from them though?

(Y/N): Some weird booby trap activated and popped me up into the air while Rarity got trapped herself in another one. This castle really is. . . ancient. Anyways Twi, what are you here for?

Twilight Sparkle: Remember the chest that we discovered from the Tree of Harmony? I'm trying to find some information here in the Castle of Two Sisters to see if there was any information that we can use to unlock it. Though. . . I guess I got a little distracted and read some information about the castle as well.

Spike: Yeah. . . things like scary pipe organs or the Hall of Hooves.

Angel who was a little happy to see (Y/N) hops over to him and jumps on his head.

(Y/N): There you are Angel. Boy is Fluttershy going to be very relieved to know that you're okay.

Twilight Sparkle: Where are the others?

The loud screams are then heard again as everyone turns towards the direction that it came from making (Y/N) give a confident smile.

(Y/N): I think I know. Follow me.

The four advance onto the main hall walkway, where they are greeted by the screams of the other four explorers down a level below them.

Spike: What got into them?

(Y/N): Oh, yeah. I did see Rainbow and Applejack here awhile back too. They were competing to see who could be the Most Daring Pony. . . but it's looks like that title belongs to neither of them.

Twilight Sparkle: Why are they all just running around and screaming?

(Y/N): I'm guessing all of the traps that triggered throughout our journey in this old castle. It's weird though, how did some of them activate without a pressure plate or a switch?

Twilight Sparkle: You mean some of the traps worked on their own? That is kind of weird. I think some of them were activated by a pipe organ.

(Y/N): Wait, neither of you were playing with the organ were you?

Twilight Sparkle: Nope. I was in the library the entire time researching.

Spike: So was I. I couldn't step outside without getting the shivers.

Twilight Sparkle: And Angel's been with us for a good period as well too.

(Y/N) scratches his mane with his hoof confused from that as if nobody here was playing the organ then who was? That thought races through his mind, but Twilight speaks to interrupt it.

Twilight Sparkle: We'll talk about it in a minute. Right now, let's stop our friends from overreacting with nothing to fear.

Twilight then plants herself on the landing of the main hall stairs and activates her horn.

Twilight Sparkle: Alright, everypony, STOP!

She lets go with a spell freezing the rest of her friends in place and stunning them into silence. Each speaker is left with the ability to move only her eyes and mouth.

Applejack: Twilight?

Fluttershy: Must. . . save. . . Ange-!

Who proceeds to give her a smile telling Fluttershy that he was okay and he even bends one of his ears to flip her a salute. Fluttershy blushes embarrasingly.

Fluttershy: . . .Oh.

Rainbow Dash: Fluttershy? What are you doing here?

Rarity: She's with me. . .

(Y/N): Good. You all finally calmed down.

Applejack: Oh, thank Celestia. (Y/N)'s here too.

Rarity: He's with me as well. . .

Rainbow Dash: What? I thought he came to help us keep track with our competition.

(Y/N): I never said that or even agreed to that!

Spike, (Y/N), and Angel come down the stairs to Twilight, who lets her spell dissipate. Fluttershy relaxes from her effort to shift the rubble, Rainbow Dash nearly drops out of the air but rights herself. The tapestry is whisked away from Rarity, and Applejack crosses to her and Twilight as Fluttershy joyfully reunites with her pet.

Rarity: *gasps* Thank you!

Twilight Sparkle: I thought you all had your own things to do from what I heard from (Y/N). What have you all been doing? Scaring each other and screaming?

Applejack: Well, that depends.

Twilight Sparkle: On what?

Rainbow Dash: On whether or not you're the Pony of Shadows.

Spike shivers in fear from that.

Spike: What's. . . the Pony of Shadows?

(Y/N): Oh, calm down. There are no ghosts, there are no monsters, and there is nopony here but us.

Just as he says that, a fugue from the distant organ sends five of the ponies hugging (Y/N) tightly and both members of other species gather into a huddle. All shiver with fright save Twilight and (Y/N), who both display skeptical looks.

Spike: Then who's playing. . . that?

(Y/N): We're about to find out.

Twilight nods as she walks ahead and (Y/N) walks after her carrying the other five mares along with him who were staying close to him as possible.

Everypony advances through the halls looking all around to where the organ noise is coming from and it eventually leads them to a room. Twilight peeks inside and so do the rest as they all look to see a hooded figure in the organ's chamber making them all gasp in surprise.

Twilight Sparkle: *whispers* The Pony of Shadows!

Rainbow Dash: *whispers* S-So, who's going in?

All eyes were on (Y/N) as it takes a second for him to notice that he was unanimously nominated. Applejack pushes him forward inside making him glare back at her before he turns to the hooded figure and slowly inches closely towards them to get close enough to try and reveal themselves.

Once he got close enough, (Y/N) throws a determined look as he grabs the cloak with his magic.

(Y/N): Show me your true self!

One good yank from the cloth and he sees that the pony who was commandeering the organ was none other than. . .

Pinkie Pie: Hey, you guys! Did you know I can totally play the organ? Because I didn't!

Mane 6: PINKIE?!?!

Pinkie Pie: Check it out!

She plays a quick charge fanfare and goes into a light calliope-style melody. Rainbow Dash flies up to glare at her from close range.

Rainbow Dash: YOU'RE the Pony the Shadows?

Pinkie Pie: The pony of what?

(Y/N): See? What'd I tell ya?

Applejack: I thought you went to ring the school bell all week!

Pinkie Pie: Oh, yeah! I only had to ring it for, like, five minutes! They said that was good enough! Eh, can't imagine why. . .

Twilight and (Y/N) deadpan at her as they can actually imagine why they think Pinkie would be short term for the job.

Pinkie Pie: So then, I decided to throw a "Finish ringing the school bell" party! But I didn't have any bluebells, and you can't throw a "Finish ringing the school bell" party without bluebells, so I went to Everfree Forest to pick some, but it started to get so chilly. I had to wrap myself up in the tarp I was gonna use to gather flowers, and then I saw Fluttershy, (Y/N), and Rarity. But they went into the castle before I could invite them to my party. Luckily, I followed them inside so I could help you all with your party!

Rarity: What party is that?

Pinkie Pie: Uh, the "Everypony come to the scary old castle and hide from each other while I play the organ" party?

One pink hoof hits a random key on the end of this, followed by the clicking of a mechanism and then a small, spring-loaded floor panel launches Spike up and backwards. (Y/N) catches him before he could hit the ground and brings him back over to where they were.

Pinkie Pie: Duh!

She hops down from the organ, leaving five very puzzled friends in her wake.

(Y/N): That explains why all of the traps went off. . . And why I was launched up into the air like that. Also can I say it please?

Mane 5: NO!

(Y/N): Why not? This is perfect opportunity for it. Especially since Pinkie was the one behind all of this.

Rainbow Dash: You say it SO many times though.

(Y/N): And yet you all are just left with baffled expressions until I say it. Come on, please?

Applejack sighs and gives a smirk at (Y/N).

Applejack: Go ahead, hun. Get it over with.

(Y/N): That's Pinkie folks!

The rest of the mares sigh, but give some quiet giggles from that.

The Mane 7, Spike, and Angel were all now hanging out in the hidden library room that Twilight found as Pinkie hops around, Rainbow Dash and Applejack were conversing, Fluttershy nuzzles joyfully with Angel, and Twilight reads the Princesses' journal on the couch with (Y/N) while Spike dives into a book of his own. Rarity, meanwhile, has obtained a tapestry at last and is using a levitated needle and thread to sew up a rip in the formerly opulent fabric.

Rarity: I swear, this is going right back where I found it just as soon as I've returned it to its former glory.

Fluttershy then proceeds to scold Angel.

Fluttershy: Now don't go running off again! Oh, I can't believe I was so frightened. Guess I let my imagination get the best of me.

Applejack: I think we all did.

Pinkie Pie: I always let my imagination run away from me! Then it comes back. . . with cake!

(Y/N): *chuckles* Not surprising anypony.

Twilight Sparkle: Well, it's good to know that whenever your imagination is getting away from you, a good friend can help you rein it in. And even though I didn't find anything out about the mysterious chest, I'm glad I was here to help all of you.

(Y/N): Me too. I knew from the very start that there was nothing for us to fear in this place and besides, I would never let some haunted castle keep you girls abducted.

Rainbow Dash: Heh, thanks (Y/N). But why weren't you scared. . . or Twilight?

(Y/N): Well to tell the truth, I was scared, but I didn't really need to scream about it. You all were just overreacting with what this castle holds thinking that it was possessed by spirits or something. Plus, Twilight told me a little bit about the place as well, so there was no reason to be afraid much at all.

Twilight Sparkle: And reading Celestia's diary made it hard to be afraid, because I knew what it was like when she and Luna lived here. Knowing something about the past made it easier to deal with my problems in the present, even the scary ones.

Everypony makes assorted noises of agreement with that.

Twilight Sparkle: I've just thought of a great idea! Why don't we keep a journal, just like the royal pony sisters?

Fluttershy: All of us?

Twilight Sparkle: Sure! That way we can learn from each other! And maybe some day, other ponies will read it and learn something, too!

(Y/N): Huh. You know when I was a young teen back in my world, I did something kind of similar with how my days go. I would record them in a journal. It's a really great idea, Twi! Let's do it!

Twilight Sparkle: *giggles* Thanks, sweetie.

She then pecks (Y/N) on the cheek.

Applejack: I know what my first entry will be! "Dear Diary, I'm glad Granny Smith's legend wasn't true."

Rainbow Dash: Me too.

Pinkie Pie: Me three! Because that means you two are still tied for Most Daring Pony!

That update is all it takes for the two contenders to give each other the old hairy eyeball and (Y/N) facehooves at two becoming competitive even now. Spike voices a contemptuous chuckle, having put his book away.

Spike: Heh, Shadow Ponies. . . How ridiculous is that?

Just as he said that, outside of the room a hooded figure walks past all of them and was barely noticeable. (Y/N) looks behind him, but when he does there was nopony there to even see. He just smirks and shrugs his shoulders to tell himself not to worry about every little thing that he thinks suspicious.

Chapter 4 End.

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