Enter the A.R.B

By C_Iqumashi

699 16 1

Bombing? Drug Deals? Yakuzas? What seemed to be just a normal Alternative Rap Battle seemed to expand to some... More

Author's Note
Enter the A.R.B🎤🎤
I'm really an apprentice 🦉
A Lively Team🍬

Nice to Meet You Again☠

103 4 0
By C_Iqumashi

"Ne, the people over there, they're the members of Mad Trigger Crew, right?" A girl whispered to her friends, glancing over to three men.

"Ah, you're right! Aohitsugi Samatoki, Iruma Jyuto and Busujima Mason Rio!"

"You're kidding. Are they the real thing?"

"Indeed," Rio answered the girl's question. "We are the members of Mad Trigger Crew, representing Yokohama division."

"Kyaaa~!!" The three girls shrieked as Rio approached them.

'They are energetic,' Katsuo thought, sweat dropping.

"Rio, don't get involved," Samatoki said.

"But I was just answering their questions."

"Uwaah, they're the real thing! They're speaking!"

"So cool~" The girls whispered between themselves.

Samatoki, hearing them, clicked his tongue in annoyance, "We're not some rare exhibits."

"Since it's the semi-finals of the Alternative Rap Battle, it can't be helped if it's a little noisy," Jyuto said.

"Umm, please shake my hand," One girl bowed, extending her hand.

"Will you take a picture with me?" Another asked, holding out her phone.

'Brave..,' Katsuo thought. He wondered how they manage to even get the words out of their mouth. He can't even walk past them because of their scary aura, especially Samatoki.

"Annoying," Samatoki mumbled.

"We would like to inform the visitors, once again, that the rap battles will begin in about thirty minutes," an announcement was broadcasted. "We would like to request those who have finished the administration procedure to take their seats as soon as possible."

"Ah..., this might be the ones where you won't be able to enter if you're late," One of the girls said.

"That's bad!"

"Let's go already."

With that, the three girls left to their seats.

"Yareyare," Jyuto sighed. "Let's go to our waiting room before we get caught up in another troublesome situation."

"I have to get to shishou, too!" Katsuo exclaimed, coming out of the corner he was hiding, only to bump into a brick wall. Well, it was a person but it felt like a brick wall to him.

"I'm s-sor-," Katsuo went stiff as he met a pair of red eyes. His luck today was just rotten.

"Watch, where you're going, brat," Samatoki glared at the small boy who nodded out of fear.

"Ah, you were the brat that was talking to Ichiro, weren't you?" He continued. "Don't tell me you're a disciple of his."

"I don't think that's the case," Jyuto said before Katsuo could deny the claim.

"Well, whatever. If you're involved with him, you're just an eyesore. Get out of my sight."

"Ah..... uuummm... yes..," Were the only words left from Katsuo's lips. He really wanted to move, he really did. Anything would've been better than being under this scary man's eyes.

The only tiny problem was his body wasn't obeying his mind's commands. His legs had gone as stiff as stone the one moment his eyes met with Samatoki's.

'Is this how I die?' Katsuo couldn't help but think.

"Oi, do you hear me? I'm telling you to move!" Samatoki snapped making Katsuo flinch and cower away from the man, even if it was just a few centimeters.

Jyuto sighed at the yakuza's behavior, "Samatoki, look closely"

"Aa?" Now, Samatoki's glare is directed to Jyuto.

"That child is completely frozen from fear,"

"Huh, why!?"

'He isn't doing it on purpose?' Katsuo blinked in confusion.

"Do you think your way of speaking is soft? If it's a child, of course, they would freeze from fear," Jyuto sighed, once again.

"Then, what do you want me to do!? Are you saying you can do any better!?"

"Wait, I'll-," Rio stepped in between in two before locking eyes with Katsuo, "Hmm?"

"What's wrong, Rio?" Jyuto asked.

"I think we have met somewhere before," Rio answered before walking towards Katsuo and crouching down to the boy's level. "I'm sorry but can you show me your face a little more?"

Katsuo's whole body stiffened as Rio leaned into him to examine his face, only a few millimeters between each other.

'Too close, too close!' His brain screamed as his cheeks blushed red at the intimacy.

"As I thought, there's no mistake," Rio nodded to himself, satisfied as he pulled away with a smile. "It's been a while, Katsuo. Do you still remember me?"

"Eh?" Katsuo blinked in confusion. Have they met before?

"Rio, is he your acquaintance?" Jyuto asked, mirroring Katsuo's confusion.

"Yes, we've met before."

"S-Sorry, I don't really remember," Katsuo told Rio. Most of his memories before being taken in by DJ Rokuro were a blur. The only thing he remembered was his own name but he stilled doubted it sometimes. It could be that they had met during that period. Then again, he really didn't have the best memory. He even had to study the contestants' names for today.

"Is that so?" Rio smiled. "It's okay if you don't remember. Don't strain yourself."

"I don't think you can easily forget a man like Rio though," Jyuto said.

"No, the situations were different back then. I happened to find him passed out with serious injuries at the harbour so I cared for him for about ten days. Katsuo was in a critical state and it wasn't a good memory either. It can't be helped if he forgets," (1)

"That.... Feels more like an unforgettable situation but that's not it?"

"How each person feels is different and I don't mind if he forgets. More importantly, I'm happy that you're doing well."

Katsuo didn't have any memories about the incident Rio had spoken of, not even a small flash.

"Ehh..., so he was that weak," Samatoki mumbled.

"Yes, he was. And I had to leave for duty before recovered fully. I was curious what happened to him,"

"Was it a military duty?" Jyuto asked Rio.

"I was on leave when I met him," Rio started to explain. "But due to circumstances, I had to get back on duty right away. Once you return to the military, you can't move freely. I was reluctant to leave him alone but I still couldn't take him with me. I wasn't able to find his family members either."

"I see. This child is a war orphan. I guess that's not war in this age."

Katsuo had known that he didn't have any of his family members even before he was taken in by DJ Rokuro. He had never bothered to search for them or hoped that they were alive. He already had a new family.

But still, it did hurt a little when Jyuto mentioned war orphan.

Rio continued, "I left him with a bit of money and let the people who handled the emergency rations do the rest. To think that we would meet here."

"I'm sorry that I couldn't remember but I'm really glad we could meet again," Katsuo returned Rio's smiled, "and thank you for taking care of me."

"If you think so, then this reunion is worth it and I was just doing what's right."

Jyuto smiled at the scene before furrowing his brows. If Rio took care of him, that would mean....

"You said you stayed together for ten days and he was severely injured," Jyuto repeated for confirmation.

"That's right," Rio nodded. "For the first few days, he was pretty weak and couldn't even speak. I thought that his life would be in danger if I don't recover his strength, so I hurried to the mountains and made him a special drink,"

"Guu..!!" Samatoki winced before looking at Katsuo with wide eyes, "are you for real!?"

"So this means that your life was saved by Rio's cooking," Jyuto said before chuckling softly. "You're quite the strange person."

"Y-Yeah, I guess there are people who don't mind that,"

"Well, it was a life or death situation, so there isn't much he could do. And the taste..," Jyuto paused, trying to find the right words, "isn't that bad."

Katsuo tilted his head, wondering what had made the two adults quiver in fear. Was Rio's cooking that bad? They were denying the juice that he had prepared before, too. Jyuto said the taste wasn't bad so why were they so afraid?

And since Rio's cooking was even able to make him live, there was no way it could be bad.

"I don't understand," Katsuo puffed his cheeks, unsatisfied that he couldn't get an answer.

"By the way, Rio taking care of a child and even reuniting at this place is quite the fate," Samatoki changed the subject.

"It truly is," Rio agreed. "If it's possible, can you tell me how you are doing now?"

"Of course!" Katsuo would happily share. He couldn't hold back bragging about his mentor, anyway but he has to make sure to talk about himself, too.


"I see, you were picked up by a DJ and taken care of," Rio shortened Katsuo's long explanation.

"Speaking of DJs, there's one today for the battle," Jyuto said. "Then, the mentor you were talking about is.....,"

"The DJ for today's matches." Samatoki finished the sentence.

"Shishou is someone I admire!!" Katsuo announced, eyes sparkling with excitement. Too bright, almost reminds Samatoki of a brat.

"Fu, is he that amazing?" Samatoki smirked.

"Not only is he skilled but he also must be a person that can serve as a role model for Katsuo," Rio said.

"Since you're a DJ apprentice, you must have some skills, too," Samatoki inspected Katsuo from head to toe before scoffing. "It doesn't seem like it."

Katsuo felt his heart shatter a million pieces at the sentence. He was used to his mentor's insult but if it was from a stranger, he couldn't handle it well. He was still a disciple. He still could try harder but was it that he never had the talents to begin with? He practiced every day but it never felt like he had progressed. And that shitty excuse of a mentor never guided him.

"He said he was only a disciple, didn't he?" Jyuto reminded Samatoki with a glare, feeling the boy's distress. "Is it your first rap battle?"

Katsuo broke out of his inner monologue to answer Jyuto, "Yes, it's my first time. I followed shishou here to learn from him."

Not to carry the old man's luggage, not at all.

"I see," Rio said.

"Well, if it's studying, isn't this just perfect?" Samatoki said. "I don't think there are rap battles as big as this."

"Well, it is sponsored by Chuoku. Even a child could watch it without being worried," Jyuto said.

"Then, you should watch it closely," Rio turned to Katsuo. "Taking this as an experience, you might become skilled enough to perform here one day."

"Yes!" Katsuo replied, enthusiastically. He definitely would stand on the same level with his mentor, one day.

"You talk so easy. Will it work out that easily?" Samatoki asked.

"It's said that Chuoku only invited the most skilled of DJs to the battle stage. Only a handful of people are recognized," Jyuto answered.

Then, Katsuo just had to try hard to be one of those people.

"It's okay to study about DJ but," Samatoki leaned into Katsuo's face. "but today's main is us. Don't forget that."

"Yes," Katsuo squeaked as Samatoki moved back.

"Certainly, we would be the people fighting. Moreover, the teams that are participating are all musicians(2)," Jyuto turned to Katsuo with a smile. "Just watching the MC's performances will be good study material, no?"

"Yes!" Katsuo nodded.

"That's right. Since you're watching, as acquaintances, I will show you a fight not be ashamed," Rio told Katsuo.

"Well, just watching our fight is enough," Samatoki said, putting a cigarette between his lips. "The rest are just extras."

'There're only two matches though,' Katsuo thought.

"By the way, do you have a lighter?" Samatoki asked Jyuto. "I forgot mine."

"What a coincidence," Jyuto said after going through his pockets. "It seems I forgot mine as well."

"Tsk, unreliable. Rio....., doesn't smoke."

"Sorry, I thought flint was unnecessary so I left it today," Rio said.

"I think it was right to leave it," Jyuto said.

"The matches are about to start and I can't get into the game without it," Samatoki sighed.

Katsuo went through his mentor's bags, trying to find a match. There should be a match from Port Habour in one of the pockets. He had seen Rokuro carry it around. Both drinking and smoking, this old man was going to die sooner than he should.

"A-Ano," Katsuo called out, holding out the match. "I found this in the bags."

"Ah, you're lending us a match? Thank you," Jyuto said, taking the match before giving it to Samatoki.

"Well, isn't this handy?" Samatoki grinned but it disappeared as his eyes landed on the match, "This match..,"

"Port Habour, it says," Jyuto read the logo.

"Why do you have Port Habour's match?"

Katsuo took a step back, frightened by Samatoki's sudden glare.

"Port Habour....isn't that a bar in the back alley?" Rio asked.

"If I remember correctly, it's a bar that Samatoki frequents," Jyuto said.

"But I've never seen a kid like this at the bar," Samatoki said. "And the matches are only given to regulars. Who did you get it from?"

"I-It came from shi-shishou's bag so," Katsuo's voice came out small while his eyes glued to the floor. He rubbed his hands together, trying to calm down. He couldn't hold a conversation if he was being a nervous wreck, after all.

"Stop shaking, what did I do!?" Samatoki snapped, irritated. That only made Katsuo shake more in his spot.

"I've been saying this, Samatoki," Jyuto sighed. "If you talk like that to a child, they'll get scared. A yakuza terrifying a child, such an unsightly scene."

"A-And I also help out in the kitchen," Katsuo said, after organizing his thoughts.

"Ah, I see. If you work in the back of the store, it's natural that Samatoki hasn't seen you," Jyuto said.

"And if it's a staff, it's not weird to have a match," Rio added.

"And shishou is also a regular," Katsuo continued. "The owner there has been nice to me, too, so I've been helping out at the bar."

Samatoki clicked his annoyance, "Then, you should've said so sooner."

"Stop, stop, stop!" Jyuto threw a glare at Samatoki. "Why are you blaming the child?"

"Huh? What are you lecturing me for!?"

"Calm down, Samatoki," Rio got in between the two. "Jyuto was just giving an advice, thinking for both you and Katsuo."

"There's no reason for him to think for me," Samatoki said.

"Yareyare," Jyuto sighed, looking apologetically at Katsuo. "This means that Samatoki isn't going to change. If that's the case. I think it's best for Katsuo to get used to him. This is just who Samatoki is."

"That's right. He has a foul mouth but he isn't a bad man. I assure you that he won't harm you, Katsuo," Rio said.

"I-It's fine! Samatoki-san is not even that scary!" Katsuo tried to act strong.

"You're shaking as you speak," Jyuto pointed out, sweatdropping.

"Even without your assurance, who will go harm a kid?" Samatoki said. "He's the one who got scared for no reason."

"As we said, Samatoki won't do anything to harm you so rest assured," Jyuto said before changing the topic. "And if your mentor is the bar's regular, could it be that Samatoki knows him?"

"I wonder. If it's a DJ who frequents the bar..,"

"Oi, brat!"

Katsuo felt every hair on his body stand at the voice directed to him. He was going to get scold without a doubt. And it would be in front of Mad Trigger Crew, too! This was so lame. Why couldn't he just wait luxuriously in his waiting room?

"That voice is..," Samatoki mumbled under his breath.

"So, you were wandering around this place, Such a useless brat," Rokuro started to scold Katsuo who was pouting. "The battles are going to start soon and you're still wandering around with my stuff."

"I just got a little side-tracked," Katsuo mumbled under his breath.

"Ossan!" Samatoki called out the DJ, wearing a wide grin.

"Un? Ooh, if it isn't Samatoki," Rokuro greeted back. "We haven't met for some time. You seem to be doing well."

"You don't look like you've kicked the bucket yourself, Ossan!"

"Such a nasty mouth as usual. Just don't kick the bucket at the battle today,"

"Heh, you wish."

'Is it that they get along because they're the same kind?' Katsuo thought, looking at the two adults.

"Excuse me," Jyuto cut in the conversation, "you're DJ Rokuro, right? You're the DJ for today's battle."

"That's right," Rokuro answered.

"What? So the DJ is you, ossan? So is it true the kid's your apprentice?" Samatoki asked.

"He's not my apprentice or anything. Never in my life have I ever taught someone about being a DJ. The brat just calls himself that."

Katsuo felt thousands of arrows pierced through his heart at the harsh rejection. He always knew it. He always knew it but it still hurt whenever the old man said it.

"So mean," He mumbled under his breath, frowning.

"Ha, if you feel down with just that, you should go ahead and stop calling yourself my apprentice."

Kastuo crossed his arms and looked away while pouting. He wasn't angry. He was definitely not angry. He wasn't a tad bit sad either.

'Is he shaking from anger or because he's sad?' Jyuto thought, looking at Katsuo.

"I don't need an apprentice. You're just a free lodging luggage carrier. You're a hundred years too early to aim to be a DJ." Rokuro continued. "Those who call themselves mentors are just arrogant assholes. I don't want to be one of them. And, if you call yourself my apprentice, at least, learn one of my techniques in battle. How many times do I have to say that a half-ass bastard who just stands still waits for everything to be taught isn't suited to become a DJ?"

Katsuo only pouted harder if that was possible, very much like a child who had gotten scold by a parent in every lecture section. He knew that, he knew that so Rokuro didn't need to repeat it every single time. And he was trying his best to learn, too. Maybe his progress would be faster if someone actually decided to teach him!

"I see. So, that's how is it," Jyuto said.

"Aa, I think I understand the relationship between them now," Samatoki said. "So, is this your match, ossan?"

"Aa, that's right," Rokuro confirmed. "The manager there is an old friend of mine, so she gave me to advertise the bar. I guess the kid was trying to be nice. He said he wanted to help out the shop."

"I see, that's why they were working." Rio said.

"But picking up a kid and even taking care of him, it doesn't seem like you, Rokuro," Samatoki said.

"Here, call me DJ Rokuro," Rokuro corrected. "We're not drinking together."

"Haha, for me, I'm more used to the drinking buddy, ossan than the skilled DJ, so it can't be helped."

"Well, it would be creepy if I suddenly get respected by you. So, did the brat give you any trouble?"

"No," Jyuto answered. "Rather, we called out to him. He felt familiar."

"I once took care of Katsuo," Rio explained. "I was delighted that we were able to meet again after a long time. I'm relieved to know that he was taken care of by a man like you. I may not have a close relationship with them but I'm grateful you saved Katsuo."

"I'm sure it was mentioned when I picked him up. That a kind soldier looked after him. So, it was you?" Rokuro smiled at Rio. "Then, I'm the one who's grateful for taking care of the brat," He placed his hand over Katsuo's head. "You even fed him, right?"

"Yes, with my own cooking. If you'd like, you should come by together for a meal."

"I'll look forward to it. You invited me yourself, so there's no reason not to accept."

"Thank you very much for the invitation," Katsuo bowed as thanks.

"Na, Jyuto..," Samatoki whispered.

"What is it?"

"That..., is it okay not to stop it?"

"It's not something that we can interfere,"

"Aaa, that's true. Then, let's ignore it." Samatoki cleared his throat before speaking in a louder voice. "Ossan, I can approve the taste of Rio's cooking."

Rokuro raised a brow in suspicion, "It seems like you're saying something else. What are you hiding?"

"I'm not hiding anything, right, Jyuto?"

"Eh?" Jyuto's eyes widened in surprise. "A..eh...yes."

'I'm getting a little worried,' Katsuo thought. This was the third time that Samatoki and Jyuto acted terrify of Rio's cooking. There had to be a reason why!

"Well, we can meet up at Port Habour anytime," Rokuro said. "If there's time I got beef with you, I'll just settle it there."

"You've got some nerve threatening a yakuza," Samatoki said. "Speaking of which, when can we meet again at Port Habour? I have to return what I borrowed."

"I always show my face at the shop every day. Then again, I'm usually drunk, so my memory can't be trusted, haha!"

'Don't laugh about it!' Katsuo screamed, mentally.

"Isn't it too soon to get senile? Well, I'll come by sometime," Samatoki said.

"Aaa, you do that."

"So, shall we get going? So, where's the waiting room?"

"I brought the map," Jyuto said.

"Rokuro, Katsuo, we're going the same way so let's go together," Samatoki invited the duo.


"So, where is that waiting room?" Samatoki asked.

"Samatoki, don't ask for help like that," Rokuro scolded.


"The two of you really get along well!" Katsuo couldn't help but comment.

"Are your eyes blind?" Samatoki turned to Katsuo.

"Ha, saying things like that, you're still a brat, huh?" Rokuro said.

"Eh, I'm just saying the truth," Katsuo said.

"More importantly, Samatoki, please don't do anything stupid before the battle," Jyuto said. "And the person you're talking to is the DJ overseeing the battles."

"Ossan, are you that great?" Samatoki asked.

"It doesn't matter either way," Rokuro replied. "Aren't we in a hurry? Oi, brat, lead the way."

"Eh, why me!?"

"Don't complain, just do it."

Katsuo mumbled his complaints but obeyed Rokuro anyway.


They weren't going to get to the waiting room at this rate. That was the Mad Trigger Crew's thoughts when they saw Katsuo walking as slow as a tortoise.

"I'm thankful that you're leading us but," Samatoki started the conversation, "isn't he going too slow? We aren't making any progress!"

'It's because of these bags,' Katsuo thought the answer.

"Isn't it because of the heavy luggage?" Jyuto pointed out. "They seem to be holding him back."

"Sorry that we didn't notice," Rio apologized. "Would you let me carry the bags? They look too heavy for you."

"Don't even think about it," Rokuro cut in before Katsuo could deny the help. "I'm doing this to train this guy. It may be tiring him now but his physical strength never improves, so I have to make him carry the luggage."

"Let us do it...," Samatoki said. "It's starting to get annoying. Oi, Katsuo, give me the luggage."

"Eh!?" Katsuo exclaimed in surprise as Samatoki aggressively took the bags he was carrying.

"Now, run, run and lead the way."

Katsuo looked at Rokuro not sure if he should follow the instructions or not.

"I see, you're changing the method," Jyuto commented.

"Hey, I'm telling you to run!" Samatoki commanded, once again. If you don't run, I'm going to throw whatever inside."

"You, Samatoki, that's my bag!" Rokuro said.

"I-I get it!" Katsuo said before breaking into a sprint.

"Umu, that was a good run," Rio commented.

Jyuto's eyes widened in sudden realization, "But doesn't that mean we also have to run?"

"That's right! Let's go," Samatoki followed Katsuo, with a wide grin.

"Doing whatever you want," Jyuto complained before running after them.


"I'm never doing that again," Katsuo told himself, taking deep breaths as he sat beside the waiting room door. It was a wonder how he hadn't fainted at the spot.

"Is this it?" Samatoki asked. Why did he look like he hadn't even broken a sweat!?

"It says DJ Rokuro," Jyuto said, panting. It must have been harsh running in that suit.

"So, it's ossan's room. Well, it doesn't matter, I'm tired so I want to rest a little."

Katsuo stood up and followed Samatoki and Jyuto inside the waiting room. The moment he stepped inside, he collapsed on one of the chairs. He didn't have the energy to be polite, not now. He could only hope that his stamina would improve naturally as he grew older.

"It looks like a nice room to relax," Jyuto said, looking around the room.

"Even so, we're not going to stay here long," Samatoki said.

"There was an announcement that the battles were going to start in thirty minutes. It's been a while since that announcement," Rio said.

"Eh, and during the battles, we would either be on the stage or in the audience. We are watching the second match, right?" Jyuto turned to Samatoki.

"So, we can go back to our waiting rooms, too. Is there an idiot that will miss the match of who you're facing in the finals?"

"As a soldier, I believe that's the right choice. It's important to know the enemy," Rio said.

'They're all so confident,' Katsuo thought, listening to their conversation.

"Seriously, doing whatever you want," Rokuro sighed, entering the waiting room? "Are you really MCs participating in the battle?"

"Oh, ossan, you're late," Samatoki greeted.

"Welcome back," Katsuo greeted as well.

"Hmm? Seeing that you walked in here after us, DJ Rokuro, did you know where the waiting room was?" Jyuto asked.

"Obviously, I was waiting for the brat to bring the luggage."

"Then, if I came with DJ Rokuro, I didn't need to run!" Jyuto narrowed his eyes, annoyed. Was it that Jyuto hated working out? Katsuo thought he would be pretty athletic since he was a cop. Was he wrong?

"By the way, Samatoki, I heard Mad Trigger Crew is a pretty good team," Rokuro said.

"Who is it, saying useless things? We aren't a pretty good team, we're the best!"

'Shishou isn't picking a fight, is he?' Katsuo thought as he mentally prepared himself to stop Rokuro if the latter went too far. Mentally because his body was still recovering from the run.

"If that's rumour is true, it's a little pathetic," Jyuto said. "It means that our abilities haven't reached the public."

"But even that rumour can change," Rio said. "That Mad Trigger Crew is not a pretty good team but the best team."

"Even if you try to find someone with the same abilities as us, there's none. I'll prove that in this Alternative Rap Battle." Samatoki said.

'They're really, really confident. So cool!' Katsuo thought. If it were him, he would be shaking right now. Just the thought of going up on stage scares him.

"Even if it's disbanded now, a former member of the legendary team, The Dirty Dawg, and two members that he picked but the opponent team is also the same," Rokuro said to Samatoki.

"What did you say?"

"Don't let your guard down and get beaten. Buster Bros isn't a weak team." Rokuro continued on. "The teams facing off in the first match of the Alternative Rap Battle are Mad Trigger Crew and Buster Bros. The guys from Ikebukuro may be kids compared but they've won up to here. If you let your guard down carelessly, you might get your ass beaten."

"Huh, are you saying that I'm going to lose to that bastard, Ichiro?" Samatoki said, voice dangerous low before he snapped. "If you're picking a fight with me, I'LL KILL YOU!!!"

"Stop, stop, stop!" Jyuto got in between Samatoki and Rokuro. "Don't even think about using your mic here. Rio, restrain him."

"Roger," Rio placed both his arms under Samatoki's arms and raised the latter of the ground.(2) Of course, Samatoki being Samatoki tried to escape from Rio's grip.

"Shishou, why are you picking a fight?" Katsuo scolded his mentor, coming up to Rokuro's side. Rokuro stood on his ground, not affected by the yakuza's behavior

"What are you doing, you shitty dumbass!!" Samatoki cursed still struggling from Rio.

"You're the shitty dumbass here, Samatoki!" Jyuto said. "How many times do I have to say it? Take a good look at where you are!"

"Like I care about that!"

"Samatoki, calm down. I understand your feelings but spare those feelings until the rap battles.

Samatoki clicked his tongue, releasing himself from Rio.

Katsuo looked over the room, wondering if it was the right time to ask the question. If he didn't ask now, there might be no next time.

"Um, Wh-What's The Dirty Dawg?" Katsuo asked, breaking the tense silence.

"Yareyare," Rokuro sighed. "You say you want to be a DJ and you don't even know the Dirty Dawg?"

"It's disbanded now but it was a team said to be legendary," Rio explained. "The members were Buster Bros' Yamada Ichiro, Fling Posse's Amemura Ramuda, Matenrou's Jinguji Jakurai, and Samatoki."

"T-Then, is there a reason why Samatoki-san hates Ichiro-san?" Katsuo asked, again. Seeing how Samatoki acted at the mention of the rapper must mean he hated him.

"Who knows," Jyuto answered. "Since the person himself doesn't say a thing about it. But there's no reason to beat the can and invite the snake (3). Just the mention of Yamada Ichiro makes Samatoki go berserk. It's like a danger to our lives."

"Ahh... that left a bad feeling in my chest," Samatoki said, sitting on the bed. "If that bastard dares to appear before me, I'll stop his breathing in the battle."

Katsuo took a step back and hid behind Rokuro. Even if the threat wasn't directed to him, it still shook him to the bones.

"It's nice to be sharp but I'm just saying things from a neutral standing point," Rokuro told Samatoki. "However, I know Ichiro well. He has a burning passion and great abilities for rap battles. And he just gets stronger and stronger each time I see him. As a DJ, he's a fun player to work with. If I'm being honest, it gets me excited thinking how I have to deal with him this time."

"Shishou, don't add fuel to the fire," were the words lost down in Katsuo's throat.

"Shut up, shitty old man," Samatoki said. "He gets stronger each time you see him? Of course, he was even less than an ant to begin with. Even if an ant can miraculously become a monkey, it can't beat a human. I'll show you in today's battle, the difference in strength between me and Ichiro."

'That was really some merciless insults,' Katsuo thought listening to Samatoki. Ichiro had his blessings even he didn't know the rapper.

"Well, it doesn't matter to me which side wins," Rokuro said. "I just hope you'll show me an entertaining match."

"Ha, whatever! But I'll say this, I'm not fighting for your entertainment. If you came to play, get lost," Samatoki glared at the DJ.

"Are you getting that fired up? Don't regret saying that I'm just playing around after the battle, okay?"

"You sure are confident, ossan. Fine, show me, the great DJ's praised skills."

As if to end the staring contest between Rokuro and Samatoki, an alarm rung.

"This is.., the opening ceremony is going to start," Jyuto said.

"Yeah," Riou nodded.

"It's finally starting," Rokuro said.

"An announcement to all our guests, the opening ceremony of the Alternative Rap Battle will be happening soon. As the event is underway, the gates will be temporarily closed. The guests are asked to take their seats as soon as possible"

'Calm down, my heart,' Katsuo thought, placing a hand over his fast-beating heart after the announcement. If he was getting this excited, he wondered how the MCs were feeling.

"It's okay if I don't attend it but should you three get going?" Rokuro said to Mad Trigger Crew. "The day when the members of Mad Trigger Crew attend a ceremony together with arms linked, I even getting jealous of the girls."

"Why aren't you coming, ossan?" Samatoki asked.

"The DJ's job only starts when the battles begin. The opening ceremony is your stage."

"Tsk, how annoying."

"DJ Rokuro is right. It's annoying but if we don't get going, we might get disqualified," Jyuto said.

"I would like to avoid such a situation." Rio said.

"If you get it, hurry up and get lost," Rokuro said. "Aaa, Samatoki."

"What is it?"

"As I said, if you show me a good show, I'll treat you to a cup of booze."

"Wait, shishou, don't involve-"

"Is it okay to hold on to that promise?" Samatoki asked, smirking.

"That would be nice. Please let me join you, too." Jyuto said.

"Then, I want to be apart, too," Rio joined in as well.

Katsuo sighed in defeat. He was going to stop Rokuro from holding a drinking party in worry that the old man would die before his limit. He was already getting drunk every day. How was his liver still functioning!?

But if the three members of Mad Trigger Crew were this enthusiastic about it, it would be wrong for him to stop them. Besides, maybe he would get a chance to meet them again through this.

"Only at Port Habour, okay?" Rokuro told them. "Seriously, jumping at every opportunity you get."

"Then, I'll be looking forward to gathering at Port Habour, DJ Rokuro," Rio said.

"T-That's right! I'll be cheering you on!" Katsuo said, before the three left.

"Huh? I don't need support or anything from you," Samatoki responded.

"Oi, don't get worked up against a child," Jyuto scolded, seeing the defeated look of the boy. "At least, be grateful for his support."

"As Jyuto said, and since we get to know each other like this, let's accept Katsuo's feelings," Rio said.

Samatoki clicked his tongue, annoyed, "I get it."

Katsuo smiled, happy that the three accepted his support. At least, he can give part of his luck to them, now.

"And to see your battles up close, you're pretty lucky," Rio said, ruffling the boy's bangs. "You'll be able to witness the greatest match with your own eyes, it'll be a good source for the future."

"I won't let you lose sight of it!" Jyuto declared.

"Well, look forward to it. With my hand, I'll change this fucking world. The victory at the Alternative Rap Battle is the first step." Samatoki said.

"Samatoki, if we don't go, it'll be really troublesome."

"Let's hurry," Rio said.

"Later, ossan, don't forget about your promise. I'm looking forward to it," Samatoki said.

"Take care on your way," Katsuo said as the three left the waiting room.

"Changing the world through rap battles," Rokuro muttered under his breath. "It's such a naïve thought."



"So, what do you think about Mad Trigger Crew?" Rokuro asked Katsuo.

"What do I think of them?"

"You must have your thoughts on them. I just want to listen to that."

"Well, first, I thought they were really scary but they're actually really nice guys. I kinda feel bad for thinking bad about them. I thought Rio-san would be super scary because he's a soldier but he's the nicest of them all! And Jyuto-san reminds me of a mum."

Rokuro waited for Katsuo to continue but the latter was focusing on his phone, probably signaling the end of the conversation.

"What about Samatoki?" Rokuro asked.

"Sa-Samatoki-san," Katsuo flinched at the mention of the yakuza. He still couldn't get the glare he was given out of his mind. Whenever Samatoki is mentioned, he probably was going to see those scary red eyes first.

But just because they had a rough start didn't mean Samatoki was a bad guy, probably. He would warm up to the yakuza soon enough, he hoped.

"Is he scary?" Rokuro asked again. The answer he received was an aggressive nod.


(1)I hoped I explained this part well about the MC and Rio's past relationship

(2)I struggled so hard with this part. I need to research English words more. Also, mommy Jyuto and daddy Rio, restraining their son, Samatoki, haha. I swear it sounded better in my head

(3) English proverbs~ I need to research them, too.


Me: I need to translate Fling Posse A.R.B chapter. Wait, why am I translating it?........Fu-

So, that was what happened. Imagine, being a writer and forgetting your own book, hahaha. Anyway, it's delivered now, so that's what matter most. I'm really sorry to those that had waited for an update. The Fling Posse chapter is under construction so don't worry. I plan to upload it before the month ends, no promises, though.

Also, Samatoki is really scary here. He's so mean to MC~. At least, he gets nicer unlike a certain youngest rapper. Sabuchan was so mean on Anni greeting~

If the Fling Posse and Matenrou aren't over 5800 words, I'm going to believe the ARB loves MTC. 

I hope nothing is lost in my translation and if there were mistakes, please do point it out.

Thank you very much for reading and I hope you enjoyed it. It would be nice if you could stay for more. Till next time, Bai Bai

I have to make the cover art, too~

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