Nice to Meet You Again☠

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"Ne, the people over there, they're the members of Mad Trigger Crew, right?" A girl whispered to her friends, glancing over to three men.

"Ah, you're right! Aohitsugi Samatoki, Iruma Jyuto and Busujima Mason Rio!"

"You're kidding. Are they the real thing?"

"Indeed," Rio answered the girl's question. "We are the members of Mad Trigger Crew, representing Yokohama division."

"Kyaaa~!!" The three girls shrieked as Rio approached them.

'They are energetic,' Katsuo thought, sweat dropping.

"Rio, don't get involved," Samatoki said.

"But I was just answering their questions."

"Uwaah, they're the real thing! They're speaking!"

"So cool~" The girls whispered between themselves.

Samatoki, hearing them, clicked his tongue in annoyance, "We're not some rare exhibits."

"Since it's the semi-finals of the Alternative Rap Battle, it can't be helped if it's a little noisy," Jyuto said.

"Umm, please shake my hand," One girl bowed, extending her hand.

"Will you take a picture with me?" Another asked, holding out her phone.

'Brave..,' Katsuo thought. He wondered how they manage to even get the words out of their mouth. He can't even walk past them because of their scary aura, especially Samatoki.

"Annoying," Samatoki mumbled.

"We would like to inform the visitors, once again, that the rap battles will begin in about thirty minutes," an announcement was broadcasted. "We would like to request those who have finished the administration procedure to take their seats as soon as possible."

"Ah..., this might be the ones where you won't be able to enter if you're late," One of the girls said.

"That's bad!"

"Let's go already."

With that, the three girls left to their seats.

"Yareyare," Jyuto sighed. "Let's go to our waiting room before we get caught up in another troublesome situation."

"I have to get to shishou, too!" Katsuo exclaimed, coming out of the corner he was hiding, only to bump into a brick wall. Well, it was a person but it felt like a brick wall to him.

"I'm s-sor-," Katsuo went stiff as he met a pair of red eyes. His luck today was just rotten.

"Watch, where you're going, brat," Samatoki glared at the small boy who nodded out of fear.

"Ah, you were the brat that was talking to Ichiro, weren't you?" He continued. "Don't tell me you're a disciple of his."

"I don't think that's the case," Jyuto said before Katsuo could deny the claim.

"Well, whatever. If you're involved with him, you're just an eyesore. Get out of my sight."

"Ah..... uuummm... yes..," Were the only words left from Katsuo's lips. He really wanted to move, he really did. Anything would've been better than being under this scary man's eyes.

The only tiny problem was his body wasn't obeying his mind's commands. His legs had gone as stiff as stone the one moment his eyes met with Samatoki's.

'Is this how I die?' Katsuo couldn't help but think.

"Oi, do you hear me? I'm telling you to move!" Samatoki snapped making Katsuo flinch and cower away from the man, even if it was just a few centimeters.

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