A Lively Team🍬

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"Ah, I found some onee-san!" Ramuda exclaimed, walking towards a group of girls.

"The battles are about to start but there are a lot of people who aren't at their seats," Dice said, walking behind Ramuda.

"Hey, the person there," A girl whispered to her friend, pointing at the group walking towards them.

"Why don't we try calling them out?"

"Ne, ne, all of the ladies here are our fans, right!?" Ramuda asked the group of girls.

"There's no way that's true," Dice said.

"But the other teams have already left to their waiting rooms," Gentaro said.

"That means the ladies here are our fans, no doubt!" Ramuda cheered.

"Of course!" One of the girls said.

"Ramuda-chan, look over here!"

"Thank you for coming to cheer us on!" Ramuda told the girls. "I'll show you my cool side today, so look forward to it!"

"Yumeno-sensei, please give me your autograph," One of the girls stepped forward, holding out a book to Gentaro.

"An autograph? Do you mean that you want me to write my name?"

"Yes! I even brought the book today."

"Writing your name on someone's belonging...., it's like handing over your soul. If I were to do something like that, my body will become nothing but a shell, only a vessel without a soul would be left behind."

"Huh, what are you saying?" Dice questioned, eyeing Gentaro suspiciously.

"It's just a little lip-service."

"By lip-service, you just mean your usual silly jokes!"

"Ne, ne, Dice, why don't you try out the casinos at Chuoku?" One girl approached Dice. "I'm sure you'll make much more money than other division's casinos!"

"Really!? Let me hear all the details!"

'Fling Posse is so popular,' Katsuo thought, looking from the sidelines. 'They're so energetic, too. The battles are going to start but they don't seem nervous at all. But....,'

The fact that he couldn't get pass through the large crowd does irritate him a little bit. Did there that to be so many girls?

"It's getting excited around here, for some reason," Ramuda chuckled. "I should perform a special song!"

"Oi, oi, isn't that too much?" Dice tried to stop Ramuda.

"Don't you think it's useless to stop him?" Gentaro said. "Ramuda has already activated his mic."

"If you saw it, then you should've stopped him!"

"Don't be absurd. It's impossible for a normal human being to stop someone as swift as Ramuda."

"So, there're things you can't do if you're a normal human."

"Good grief," Gentaro sighed before activating his mic, followed by Dice. They should thank their fans, too, shouldn't they?


'It's a nice rhythm,' Katsuo thought, moving along to the rhythm. 'It makes me want to dance.'

"Ah, you there, you seem to be getting to it!"

Katsuo looked around his surrounding, trying to find the person Dice was talking to but there was no one around. That would mean.....

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2021 ⏰

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