Moonsun Oneshots

By Moonsunbae-nim

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Brain dumps if i have any ideas that i wanna throw in lmao so stay tuned if you're interested in whatever my... More

That's me.


626 30 4
By Moonsunbae-nim

Ugh... Im too old for this. The girl thought to herself as she was keeping an eye on this little girl jumping around her. How'd she get this deep into the forest too?? She found me faster than any of her ancestors. She chuckled to herself. "Look look!" The woman looked at what the child was showing to her. "I found a scorpion!" 

"You are really brave huh kid? Arent you scared to be away from your family?" She asked the child. The child looked down as she threw the scorpion away. 

"My family is scary.. They are teaching me abt the super naturals in this world. I ran here to prove them wrong! but i got lost instead... sorry for bothering miss.. What about you miss? What are you doing in this forest? Where are your family?" The child asked as the woman looked at her with a hint of disgust in her eyes. 

"Me?.. I dont have a family." The child looked sad down her feet. "This forest is my home." The child stayed speechless.

"Wheres your house??" She asked.

"This very forest." The woman answered. There was a long silence as the child now felt uneasy. "What super naturals does your family teach you?" The woman asked. 

"Oh about-" Before the kid could continue she was cut off by a man shouting. 

"BYUL!" The man screamed the child's name. "Stay away from her monster!!" He continued

"Monster??" Byul looked at the woman now looking at her father. "Dad what are you sayin-"

"Byul! come here now!"  The man took out his pistol and aimed it at the woman, Byul watched in fear as the women suddenly moved faster than a blink of an eye. Byulyi ran to her fathers arms as she saw the woman's face clearer. "Kim Yongsun. The last of the vampire royalty." Her father spoke out making Byulyi gasp in fear.

"Moon Daeji. The 4th generation of the family who couldnt catch me. Its almost been 400 hundred years. When will you ever kill me?" The woman smiled, making Byul catch a glimpse of her sharp fangs. "Anyways. I was just looking after your little cutie, making sure she didnt get hurt."

The man clicked his tongue in annoyance. "Dont come near my daughter."

"I didnt. She did." Yongsun said making the man annoyed even more. "Please do come back and try to kill me again Daeji, my encounter with your ancestors has been very fun."

"Dont be so cocky. My ancestors killed your family once. We will be able to kill you too." Yongsun smiled at him and looked over at Byulyi, whose face was shocked. She hummed in a cocky tone as a response, she turned around towards the forest.

"See you soon Daeji." And just like that she disappeared in thin air. Byulyi couldnt believe what she had seen. Super naturals did exist and she just spoke to one. 

After the conversation exchanged between her father and the woman, she thought that her father and her had long history. She happened to know her ancestors too. Her father said that her ancestors were the ones who killed Yongsun's family, making Byul sad, she wondered who really were the bad guys.. 

Her father walked away from the forest with a mad expression on his face. Byul felt bad and scared to talk to her father for disobeying his orders. "What were you doing with her?" Her father finally spoke. She looked down and fiddled with her hands. 

"She found me and stopped me from going any further in the forest... She was telling the truth dad, she was just looking out for me while we waited for you to get me." He dad looked at her unbelievingly, "Im not lying!"

"Thats just part of her schemes. She may be kind to you earlier but stay away from her. She is a dangerous creature. Her kind shouldnt be living amongst us in the human world." Her dad said. But Byulyi just couldnt understand why. 

"But she's not living amongst us humans.. She's secluded in that forest, she's alone there. She wont hurt anyone.." Byulyi said but her father looked at her with furrowed eyebrows making her scared. Her father didnt talk to her till they reached home.

As soon as they reached their house, her father began to teach her the ways of their family and what they are meant to do and its to destroy every bit of supernatural left on this earth. Supernaturals had no place in the world they lived in. He pushed all his family's beliefs on Byulyi, shaped her into the hunter she was born to be. 

A year had passed with her father teaching her all their family's doings and such. She believed him of their family's beliefs. But some part of her wanted to believe that the Vampire she had witnessed the year before was good in some point. She told herself that whenever her father is at his work she'd visit the vampire again. 

She waited for her fathers shift at work before she set out to the forest. Making sure she didnt get lost this time. She walked into the dark forest. It was daylight but the thick trees made it dark. Before she could enter the forest she was stopped by a voice. "Hey cutie~ Didnt think i'd see you again so soon." Byul looked up at a tree where the vampire sat.

"It's been a year" Byul said. She was now a 10 year old child, Yongsun smiled.

"And you're still as cute as ever." She replied. "Its been that long already? Feels like yesterday when you came here and showed me a scorpion." She chuckled, Byul looked at her ever so seriously. Yongsun sighed at her face, "Let me guess, your boring father taught you all abt your beliefs huh? sucks to be the next child of that toxic family." She jumped down in a blink of an eye, almost as if teleporting which made Byul flinch. "What are you doing here anyways?"

"To see you."

"Mhm~" Yongsun smiled.

"I wanted to ask you if everything my father told me was real. Have you really killed many people?" Byul looked serious and scared at the same time. Yongsun didnt see anything, she looked at her with a brow raised. 

She shrugged. "I dunno. Your choice whether to believe him or not. If you're here to try and kill me, try again in your next life" She turned into the forest and walked. Byul followed her from behind. "What are you still doing here?" She groaned.

"Im not here to kill you. I came here unarmed." Byul said, "I just wanna learn more abt you.. I know you're not a bad person, at least i think you arent."

Yongsun looked at the child and sighed. "Alright. You wanna learn? You gotta agree to come with me deeper into the forest." Byulyi looked scared and unsure. "Uhh, i promise i wont hurt you and bring you back here safely, how bout it?"

Byulyi held out a pinky and Yongsun looked at it unsure of what to do, "Pinky promise?" Byul asked, making Yongsun even more confused at the child's motives. Byulyi held the vampire's hand and enveloped her pinky with her own "Like this, you say you pinky promise and that means you cant ever break your promise okay?"

"Ugh jeez, okay okay. Pinky promise." Yongsun said, a little done with the childishness in the situation. She cant blame the girl anyways, she is a child. Once you grow older, you'll just be like the rest. Hunter. She thought to herself as she held Byuls hand in hers as they walked further into the forest.

Yongsun moved aside the vines that were covering their path revealing beautiful natural lights. Byul looked at the trees in awe, it was very magical, almost like in a Disney movie. She was amazed by the creatures the forest had. Something she hasnt read about yet in the books her dad gave her. 

"Amazing right? This is where i live." Yongsun smiled at the girl holding her arm, unsure whether the place was safe. "Dont worry, they wont hurt you. Unless if you hurt them first" She reassured the girl. Byul let go of Yongsun's arm which made her annoyed for reasons she doesnt know either.

Byul had fun playing around the forest along with Yongsun. Yongsun couldnt believe she was actually having fun with the child of the family that killed hers. They ran around the forest along with the other creatures. Byul had thought why hunters would want to destroy such an amazing place like this. It made her sad that she was goin to become a hunter one day. 

"You best go along now" Yongsun said with a smile on her face. Byul groaned not wanting to go back yet. Yongsun chuckled. "Time goes fast in the forest, seems like an hour but its already night time. Your father must be worried."

Byul's eyes widen as she said that. "Okay then.. Can you help me get back?"

"Well i did promise. Of course i will." Yongsun replied. Byul held her hand again, though she need not to. Yongsun enjoyed her company, it was probably the most she smiled since her family died. 500 years ago.

As soon as they reached the end of the forest, Byul's father turned a corner as if he was running. He saw Byul holding Yongsun's hand as they smiled at eachother, laughing a little. 

"Byul!" Her father shouted. Catching Byul's attention and her smile immediately replaced with fear. Her father ran towards her snatched her hand off Yongsuns. The vampire groaned in annoyance. "What are you doing here?! What did she do to you???" He looked at the vampire ever so angrily.

"Dude, chill aight? She came here herself." Yongsun said. 

"Dad, she was just showing me this really magical place in the forest! I had so much fun!" Byul said. Her father still mad.

"She brainwashed you. Lets go home and dont ever come back here again Byul!" He said sternly making Byul sad. Byul waved at Yongsun last time and Yongsun waved back with a gentle smile on her face. Her father pulled her back to face front, away from the vampire. 

As soon as they got back home, her father slammed a book infront of her and repeated everything he said about the creatures and vampires. He said that they were merciless and dangerous and that they would kill humans if they had the chance. Byul wondered what he had meant, if Yongsun really was merciless, she wouldnt have let them go back home safely. Her father didnt bring weapons with him after all, Yongsun couldve killed them in a blink of an eye but she didnt. But Byul knew she wouldnt be able to talk back to her father and his beliefs.

A few years passed, though her father said never to go back to the forest, she often did, almost every week and everytime she usually gets scolded by her father. Yongsun loved her company and would welcome her everytime she had visited. Yongsun smiled as she saw the girl grow little by little into a young adult, celebrating her birthday in the forest sometimes. Yongsun usually waits everyday near the end of the forest hoping to see Byul running to her with a big smile on her face. 

Until she hadnt come to visit anymore. Yongsun waited on the edge of the forest, hoping to see her again but nothing. Almost a year passed with Yongsun still waiting, she grew worried for the girl. She tried to use one of her abilities which she hadnt used for centuries, which was hearing. She tried hearing from far parts of the country, she heard a scream. She immediately knew it was Byul. 

She ran faster than light to the place, it was daylight making it harder for her to move. She saw Byul on the floor with blood on her stomach, her skin burning as she stopped on her tracks. Yongsun came closer to her, tears forming in her eyes. "Yong..." Byul spoke out. "You shouldnt be here."

"What-" Before Yongsun could say anything, she was attacked by humans. She fought back with powers she hadnt used for a long time.

"It worked, she actually came out for the girl! Get her now!!" One of them shouted. Yongsun tried her best to evade their traps and attacks, the heat of the sun made her weak. But all she could think of was Byul laying on the floor with blood. 

"Byulyi!!!" She shouted. Byul coughed out blood. Yongsun couldnt take watching her get hurt like this, she wasnt immortal like she was. She needed to keep her safe and protect her from getting hurt. She was tired of watching people get born and die, when she gets to live. She fought back against the other hunters. 

Yongsun knew this was her fault. Of course the humans would know if a girl keeps visiting her. Making Byul vulnerable and bait-worthy. Yongsun got angry and her eyes turned red as she grew her fangs longer. She wanted to do anything to keep Byul safe. Even if it were to kill. She didnt give them any mercy and sucked out the blood from the hunters one by one. They fell on the floor in less than a minute. 

Ugh. I always hated how men tasted. Disgusting creatures. Yongsun thought to herself. She hasnt drank any blood for a really long time because she knew she'd become a savage vampire if she did. She drank too much making her face have blood stains from the hunters. 

She had the urge to suck out Byul as she smelt her blood coming out of her stomach. Maybe just... a little taste... She shook her head, No! i cant..  She thought to herself as her eyes still red. "Byul." Her voice sounding like a growl. Her mind was going crazy from the smell of her blood. 

"Yong... You cant take it..." Byul looked at her eyes. "Go ahead..." She said as she moved her hand away from her bleeding wound. 

"No." Yongsun said, slapping herself. "Lets get you back home.. Wheres your father?... Are you alone?"

Byul didnt answer for a bit. "My father died trying to protect me from those men. When they got to know about me and you, they kept me with them for months.." Byul moved herself a bit to take her jacket off, which made the scent of her blood stronger, making Yongsun's eyes shine brighter red. Byul put her jacket over Yongsun's head as her arms were burning from the sun. 

Yongsun picked her up. And ran to the forest, they reached after 5 seconds. The shade allowed Yongsun to breathe and control herself better. She looked at Byul who was losing alot of blood. The girl was losing consciousness, Yongsun tapped her face. "Byul stay with me, you cant die, please you cant die yet."

"I cant survive like this... You cant get me into a hospital either.. You'll get killed.." Yongsun cried as her voice broke in the end. Byul cried and smiled gently at the girl. "You havent changed one bit since 13 years ago.. Im sorry you have to see me die.. Im not immortal like you.. I'd spend forever with you if i had the chance.." Byul held Yongsun's face with her bloody hands the tears off the vampire's eyes.

Yongsun's eyes widen at what she had said. "Theres a way i can make you immortal.. But it'll take alot from you please be awake.." Yongsun said as she moved the clothes off Byul's neck.

"Wait... Are you going to bite me?" Byul smiled, making her look forward to living immortal with the woman she loves. Yongsun nodded at her question. 

"But please stay with me, This'll hurt a bit.." Yongsun opened her mouth and bit the girl on the neck. Inserting her fangs as deep as she could making Byul let out a scream at the pain. Byul held her head closer, not wanting Yongsun to leave her. Yongsun finally finished. "Byul? Are you okay?"

Byul had her eyes closed but she was breathing. "Yeah.." She said. Byul pulled Yongsun's face close to hers as she kissed her. Yongsun's eyes widened as she tasted Byul's blood from her mouth. Her eyes turned red, wanting more of that amazing taste. 

"Why did you-"

"I saw you much you were aching to taste my blood." Byul smiled. "Maybe not from my stomach but my mouth is okay with you?-" Yongsun kissed her, tasting the blood, wanting more. Byul smiled in between of their kisses as she felt Yongsun's tongue explore her mouth in search for more blood. 

Yongsun pulled away and licked the place of her neck where she bit as blood came out of it. She controlled her urge to suck it out. Byul coughed out a bit of blood, making Yongsun smile as it means the bite is working. She kissed her again, licking the inside of her mouth, she could never grow tired of her blood. Byul moaned in between her aggressive kisses. 

The girl pushed her off a bit. "I cant breathe Yong." Byul chuckled. 

"Sorry, i havent had sexual interaction like this before.. And your blood tastes so good.. I cant get enough.." Yongsun said smiling in embarrassment. 

"Thats okay, im yours now.." Byul said, she pulled Yongsun on her lap, holding her closer to her body as she kisses her again. They kissed for a while till Byul's wound healed. Yongsun could feel her fangs grow as they kissed, making her smile. "w-whats going on?" Byul asked as she could feel the urge to drink blood. 

"Thats normal." Yongsun said as she removed her clothes, revealing her neck. Byul looked at her skin with her eyes turning red. "Drink." Byul bit Yongsun and drank her blood enough to satisfy her. Yongsun held her head close as she smiled. Byul pulled away as she was calmer now. 

They smiled at each other knowing they now belong to eachother and eachother only. 

"I love you. I always have ever since i was a kid." Byul said.

"I dont know if i should say that back- im almost a thousand years older than you. I feel like a pedophile." She chuckled at her own joke. "I love you too Byul." She said seriously. It was okay, Byul was alot older now. 

They smiled at eachother before standing up from their position and headed deeper into the forest hand in hand. 

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